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This chapter presents the introduction of the research study including

the Background of the Study, conceptual framework, statement of the
problem or the objectives, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope
and delimitation, and definition of terms.


Every student has a different goal to achieve in the future. A career is the
variety of experiences that a student will undertake throughout their life.
The choice of career and which college to enter is one of the major
decisions of students which align to business and related to their
courses. As Grade 12 students, this is the stage where major decisions
and deep concerns affect the courses of our lives.

Each student in senior high school can choose among 5 strand tracks:
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS), General Academic Strand
(GAS), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM),
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), and Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood (TVL). In choosing the HUMSS track, the possible
courses in college are psychology, philosophy, political science,
communications, LIACOM, literature, languages (English and Filipino).
SHS graduates of GAS strand can enroll in the following undergraduate
courses: Bachelor of Arts in Digital Camera, Bachelor of Science in
Interior Design, and Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, et cetera.
STEM strands can enroll in the following college courses: aerospace
engineering, astronomy, biochemistry, biology, chemical engineering, and
computer science. In ABM strand, the possible courses in college are
accountancy, management accounting, banking and finance, business
administration, marketing entrepreneurship, and hotel management.
Lastly, we have the TVL are agri-fishery arts, home economics,
information and communications technology and industrial arts.
Career planning is important for a number of reasons. Having a career
development plan in place reduces the risk of making impulsive
decisions and helps recognize when you’re ready to look for new
opportunities and develop new skills. Choosing a career path is a huge
part of a young man or woman’s life. The career path students choose
will affect how they will live the rest of their life. Students’ career choice
will determine on how they perceives their environmental, personality
and community. Career choice is affected by multiple factors include
personality ,interest, self-concept, identity, globalization, socialization,
role model, social support and available resources such as information
and finance (Kerka 2000).Career choice is a significant issue in the
developmental live of youths because it is reported to be associate with
positive as well as harmful psychological, physical and socio-economic
inequalities that persist well beyond the youthful age into an individual’s
adult life (Robertson, 2014; Bublic and Ivanisevic, 2016).The term
“youth” is described by the United Nations Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a more fluid category than a fixed
age group and it refers to young people within the period of transitioning
from the dependence of childhood to adulthood independence and
awareness of their interdependence as members of a community
(UNISCO, 2017).
Career selection is one of the main important choices a student will have
to take in his life. This choice of decision will have impact on them
throughout their lives. Career plays a very fundamental and significant
role in the life of the individual because it determines the pattern of his
or her income, affects the individual‟s personality and concept of life.
Therefore, career is a life time pursuit for success. It is the sequence of
major positions occupied by a person throughout his life time. The term
career is broadly defined as all like roles people play including students,
parents, employees, retirees and employers, in securing a livelihood. Her
thus indicates that career is the totality of experience through which one
learns about and prepares to engage in work as part of his way of living.
In a career is the totality of work one does in his life time to earn a living.
It‟s therefore a positive thing for one to think as far as possible in
achieving this fit. Hence making a career choice is essential for everyone.
In choosing a career sultability to the interest of the students is given
importance students must know on what degree to pursue in college one
that interest them and must also fit their abilities so that it will not be
hard for them to choose the right career path the kind of career a person
has an affect his or her life in a great number of ways the career also
affects the way other people act toward you by making a wise career
decision can help one's self build the life they want senior high school
students my not be able to identify their own deficiency as far as their
choices are concerned because of the interrelationship of these factors
such as age gender the socio economic status of the family.
Career choice is something very hard to make especially as one‟s
livelihood depends on it. Career choice has become a complex task
among students in the face of ever changing technology and the
information sector. Career according to Cambridge Advance learner ‟s
Dictionary refers to Job or series of job that you do during your working
life. Thus choosing a career simply means choosing a life job.However, all
careers have their subject requirements, personality characteristics and
personal abilities. All these are supposed to be fully assessed before an
individual can be verified to be qualified into a specific career. Today, one
does not only need to make due career planning but also exhaustive
career research before making a career choice so as adjust with the
evolving socio economic conditions.

Many students don't have much time to spending carrer planning during
their degree course. They may too busy to earn money to pay their way
through university , or perhaps they are a mature student with a young
family that they need to support. According to the study in UK carrers ,
they may too busy to regularly visit the Careers service. There are
different factors go in choosing carrer , before they can choose the right
career , they must learn about their selves , their values , interests , soft
skills , and aptitudes , in combinations with their personality types ,
make some occupations a good fit them and others completely
inappropriate. Used self assessment tools , often called career test , to
gather information about their traits and , subquently generate a list of
occupations that are a good fit based on them. Some people choose to
work with a career counselor or other carrer development professionals
who can help them navigate this process.

According to Ramirez and Dizon (2014) , graduating students from shs

may not have solid decision on where to go to college and what degree
program they may possibly take. They are planning to enter college
without clear idea of what career to pursue for their future. According to
Pafili and Mynolakis (2011) , the decision on good career choice and
schools sometimes depend on how the way students perceive the world
and their future. Some of them may not have enough knowledge and
consciousness about how they should process information from personal
, social , economic , political , spiritual , and environmental aspects of
putting into context and realization of having a successful profession.
According to Boyer (1987) , " In taking a course , one of the life's major
decisions is being made. A lot of time , money , and effort will be
involved. The shape and excellence of the student's life may rest on the
result. " According to F. Yates , Veinotte , and Patalano (2003) , define a
decision as " ... a commitment to a course of action that is intended to
produce a satisfying state of affairs. " Having career goals helps provide
direction and focuses your attention to attainable outcomes of the
educational process.

The complexity of career decision-making increases as age increases

(Gati and Saka, 2001).younger children are more likely to offer answers
about their ideal career which may represent their envisioned utopia and
phenomenal perceptions about what they want to do when they grow up
(Howard and Walsh, 2011). As children get older, they are more likely to
describe their career choice as a dynamic interplay of their
developmental stages and the prevailing environmental circumstances
(Howard and Walsh, 2011). Proper handling of career decisions affirms
individual identity and fosters wellbeing, job satisfaction, and stability
(Kunnen, 2013).
Many theoretical models have been proposed to explain the process of
career development, and in the SCCT, career development behaviors are
affected by three social cognitive processes: self-efficacy beliefs, outcome
expectations, and career goals and intentions, which interplay with
ethnicity, culture, gender, socio-economic status, social support, and any
perceived barriers to shape a person’s educational and career trajectories
(Lent et al., 2000; Blanco, 2011 ). This emphasizes the complex interplay
between the personal aspirations of youths in their career choices and
decision-making and the external influences which act upon them.
Carpenter and Foster (1977) postulated that the earlier experiences and
influences which individuals are exposed to form the bedrock of how they
conceive their career aspirations (Carpenter and Poster, 1977). These
authors assertion lends support to the tenets of SCCT and they have
developed a three-dimensional framework to classify the factors that
influence career choice. Carpenter and Foster proposed that all career-
influencing factors derive from either intrinsic, extrinsic, or interpersonal
dimensions. They referred to the intrinsic dimensions as a set of
interests related to a profession and its role in society. Extrinsic refers to
the desire for social recognition and security meanwhile the interpersonal
dimension is connected to the influence of others such as family, friends,
and teachers (Carpenter and Foster, 1977).Further exploration by other
researchers reveal that youth who are motivated by intrinsic factors are
driven by their interests in certain professions, and employments that
are personally satisfying (Gokuladas, 2010; Kunnen, 2013).therefore,
intrinsic Factors relate to decisions emanating from self, and the actions
that follow are stimulated by interest, enjoyment, curiosity or pleasure
and they include personality traits, job satisfaction ,advancement in
career, and learning experiences (Ryan and Deci, 2000; Kunnen, 2013;
Nyamwange, 2016). Extrinsic factors revolve around external regulations
and the associated with certain occupations (Shoffner et al., 2015).
Prestigious occupations, availability of jobs and well-paying employments
have also been reported to motivate youth career decision-making (Ryan
and Deci, 2000). Consequently, extrinsically motivated youth may choose
their career based on the fringe benefits associated with a particular
profession such as financial remuneration, job security, job accessibility,
and satisfaction (Ryan and Deci, 2000; Edwards and Quinter, 2011;
Bakar et al., 2014 ). Interpersonal factors encompass the activities of
agents of socialization in one’s life and these include the influence of
family members, teachers, educators, peers, and societal responsibilities
(Gokulads, 2010; Bossman, 2014; Wu et al., 2015). Beynon et al.
reported that Chinese-Canadian students focus in selecting a career was
to bring honor to the family (Beynon et al., 1998). Students who are
influenced by interpersonal factors highly value the opinions of family
members and significant others; they therefore consult with and depend
on these people and are willing to compromise their personal interest
(Guan et al., 2015).
DECISION - MAKING PROGRAM that aims to know on what are the
factors in choosing a career, there are a lot of factors that the students
must consider in able to choose the right career for them. This study will
help to statistically determine which factors have the greatest impact on
behavioral intent, to suggest ways to develop and integrate the most
affecting factors in career counseling programs and lastly it is to
approximate the effect of these factors on the state of career decisions in
present day by examining which factors correlate with which SHS tracks.

The study utilized the input-process-output-paradigm.

1. Profile of the INPUT PROCESS

respondents in terms


a. Age

b. Gender; and

c. Socio-Economic


2. What are the career Quantitative Career Path of

path chosen by the
students of Mangaldan -Survey General Academic
National High School after
the graduation? Questionnaire Strand Students

3. What are the factors -Statistical of Mangaldan

considered by the
students that affecting Treatment National High
their career choice? Due to
this factors, are they still
going to pursue on taking
that career?

4. Is there a significant
relationship on the career
choice chosen by the
students and their
demographic profile?

The conceptual framework of the study wherein the input consist of

the following: Age, Gender, Socio-Economic Status: Specific career path

chosen by students after graduation, factors considered by the student

in choosing their career path; and significant relationship on the career

path chosen by the students and their demographic profile.

While on the middle, the process being used is through questionnaire,

descriptive survey and statistical treatment such as percentage, mean

and tallied.

The output is the career path of GAS students of Mangaldan National

High School.


This study aims to determine the factors affecting the career choice

among the students of Mangaldan National High School.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age;

b. Gender;
c. Socio-Economic Status?

2. What are the career path chosen by the students of Mangaldan

National High School after the graduation?

3. What are the factors considered by the students that affecting their
career choice? Due to this factors, are they still going to pursue on
taking that career?

4. Is there a significant relationship on the career choice chosen by the

students and their demographic profile?


There is no significant relationship on the career choice by the

students and their demographic profile.


This study will discover the factors affecting the career choice of the

students and what are the chosen career of the students of Mangaldan

National High School which will be significant to:

Mangaldan National High School. This study will help the school to

have a good image, in that way a lot of students will be encourage to

study in the school of Mangaldan National High School

TEACHERS in this study, the teacher will play a big role to the students,

they will help their students to develop their skills.

STUDENTS. This study will help the students to make their decision on

what career they should pursue after the graduation.

PARENTS. The study will help the parents to be aware what are the

factors that affecting the career choice of their children, in that way they

can help their children to pursue the course or career they want. If the

children will feel supported and love they will be more excited and

motivated to do their best in the career they chose.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. This study will help the future researcher in a

way that this study would serve as their stepping stone in conducting

their study in line with this topic of ours.

VI SCOPE AND DELIMITATION. this study aim to explore and

understand the factors that affect the career choice among the students

of Mangaldan NHS for career decision making program. The purpose of

this study is to determine the factors that affects the career choice

among the students of Mangaldan NHS, and will develop a career

decision making program that is generic to all. This study will perform

inside the Mangaldan NHS and the respondents will consist of 10 Grade

12 students belong to General Academic Strand enrolled in S.Y. 2022-

2023. The profiles or information of the student will be keep private as a

way of privacy protection.


Stepping stone- something that helps in progress or advancement a

stepping-stone to success.

Career- An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s

life and with opportunities for progress.

Decision making- The action of making a decision on taking a course in


GAS- General Academic Strand

STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

HUMSS-Humanities and Social Sciences


ABM-Accountancy Business and Management

Perceives – the aspiration of the students about the type of work and

career to be achieved

Impulsive – the urge to spontaneously make decisions or act

Subquently – decision are those which are made after the initial decision

of the claim
Aptitudes- own talent or a natural ability of a student





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