Somera Case 1928
Somera Case 1928
Somera Case 1928
For an ANSWER, a
life, its cost«.
Somera Case {1928}
Cocaine or Novocaine
For an ANSWER, a
life, its cost«.
Somera Case {1928}
Bt goes without saying that every aspect of the
practice of a profession is interwoven directly or
indirectly with legal rules and sanctions
. The
examination and registration of applicants for the
practice of a profession, the professional conduct
of registered practitioners, the maintenance of
ethical and technical standards of the provision,
the illegal practice of unregistered persons and
even the exercise of the powers and duties of the
board created to examine applicants and administer
the law regulating such profession, are all
governed by specific provisions of law, for the
purpose of attaining a normal and orderly procedure
in the practice of the profession
profession. . Knowledge of law
is essential not only in settling lawsuits but also
in preventing or minimizing them
ike any other citizen, a nurse may incur criminal
liability or subject herself to criminal
prosecution either by committing a felony or by
performing an act which would be an offense against
persons or property
property.. Bgnorance of the law is not an
excuse for failure to comply therewith
. Violators
of the criminal law cannot escape punishment on the
ground of ignorance of the law law;
; neither can
violators of private right escape liability for
actual loss thereby inflicted on the ground that
they are ignorant of the law
ike any other professions, a professional nurse
has many legal responsibilities to assume in the
practice of her profession
profession.. These legal
responsibilities are entwined in every service she
renders to a patient and they may be felt by her
especially when questions arise involving
negligence in the performance of her duties, or in
the care or supervision of patients, or in the
fulfillment of contractual obligations
. Bt is of
importance to a nurse that she knows the legal the
responsibilities attached to the various phases of
her professional practice so that she may be
properly guided in the discharge of her functions
Cocaine or Novocaine
For an ANSWER, a
life, its cost«.
Somera Case {1928}
Bt is one of the earliest and most famous cases of
negligence by a nurse, the Somera case, reported in
the Bnternational Review, July 1, 1930
, pp
A Case in point is that of one orenza Somera
Somera, , a
Registered Nurse and as the head nurse, who was
found guilty of the crime of Homicide through
reckless imprudence for the death of a young girl
in the operating room
. The facts of this case are
narrated in the book, Þ
was directed by the operating surgeon to prepare
10 % cocaine with adrenalin for administration to a
patient for tonsillectomy
. Below are the case facts
in condensed from which was published in 1930 from
the Bnternational Nursing Review and it is read as
follows :
Sometime in May, 1928 1928,
, one Pedro Clemente took his
daughter, Anastacia Clemente, who was below fourteen
years of age, to one Dr Dr.. Gregorio Favis of Manila for
treatment . After examining her, the doctor decided that
she should undergo a tonsillectomy, to which the father
agreed . So she instructed the father and his daughter to
go to the St . Pauls Hsospital on May 26th, where he would
perform the operation at 7:00 O¶Clock in the morning
morning.. Dr
Favis then called up Sister Mercedes of the St St.
. Paul¶s
hospital and requested her to have intended operation
fixed on said date and hour
hour.. He also informed her that he
would follow the same orders given in previous cases of
tonsillectomy performed in the hospital
. The Head Nurse
in the operating room in the morning of May 26th was one
orenza Somera
Somera.. Valentina Andaya and Consolacion
Montinola were student Nurses working in the operating
room under Somera
Somera.. Montinola was the sterilizing nurse
and Dr
Dr.. Armando Bartolome was the assistant surgeon
A 2,000 year
year--old surgical procedure in which
the tonsils are removed from either side of the
throat . Bs performed in response to cases of
repeated occurrence of acute tonsillitis or
adenoiditis, obstructive sleep apnea, nasal airway
obstruction, snoring, or peritonsillar abscess
increased blood pressure
increased heart rate
Although cocaine overdose is not common, it
can occur and can be fatalfatal.
. Because cocaine
affects the heart and respiratory system, an
overdose can cause death, especially when the drug
is injected
An overdose of cocaine can lead to
Brregular heart beat or heart failure
High blood pressure resulting in a brain
Repeated convulsions
Respiratory failure
Bt is a local anesthetic drug of the amino ester
it is used primarily to reduce the pain of
intramuscular injection of penicillin, and it is
also used in dentistry
owing to the ubiquity of the trade name
Novocain, procaine is sometimes referred to
generically as novocaine
Procaine is used less frequently today since more
effective (and hypoallergenic) alternatives such as
lidocaine (Xylocaine
) exist
exist.. Prior to the discovery of
procaine, cocaine was the most commonly used local
anesthetic . ike other local anesthetics (with the
exception of cocaine), procaine is a vasodilator, and is
often co
-administered with epinephrine for the purpose
of vasoconstriction
. Vasoconstriction helps to reduce
bleeding and prevents the drug from reaching systemic
circulation in large amounts
. Also unlike cocaine,
procaine does not have the euphoric and addictive
qualities that put it at risk for abuse
Allergic reactions to procaine are usually
not in response to procaine itself, but to PABA
About 1 in 3000 people have an atypical form of
pseudocholinesterase , which does not hydrolyze
ester anesthetics such as procaine, resulting in a
prolonged period of high levels of the anesthetic
in the blood and increased toxicity
At the trial before the court of first instance of
manila, Consolacion Montinola
, when questioned by the
prosecution on direct examination, affirmed that she did
not know who prepared the drug
; that she heard Dr
. Favis
ordered cocaine with adrenalin for injection
; and that
likewise, she heard Somera verified the order order.
. When
questioned by the defense, Montinola Again testified that
she heard Somera verified the order was given and
verified . Even on the part of the prosecution, the
evidence had brought out the fact that Dr Dr.
. Favis ordered
10 percent Cocaine Solution for injection and that Somera
verified said order
. The autopsy report and testimony of
the Medico
Medico--legal Officer showed that the patient was
suffering from status lymphaticus and that such patients
were known to die even with so slight an injury as a
The decision on the case was rendered by the
trial Court on May 7, 1929
. in its decision, the
court absolved Dr
. Favis and Dr Dr.
. Bartolome of the
crime of which they were accused, but declared
Somera guilty of the crime charged in the complaint
and condemned her {a} to suffer imprisonment for
one year and one day, {b} to indemnify the heirs of
the deceased Anastacia Clemente in the sum of one
thousand {1000
1000}} pesos, with subsidiary imprisonment
in case of insolvency, {c} to suffer further the
accessories provided in Article 61 of the Penal
Code, and {d} top pay one one--third of the costs,
somera then appealed to the supreme court
. She was
accused of homicide through reckless imprudence
human being + to cut,
Refers to the act of killing another human being.
A common form would be murder(i
.e. slaughter,
abortion, death penalty, etc
Bt can also describe a person who has committed such
an act, though this use is rare in modern
Homicide is not always an illegal act, so although
"homicide" is often used as a synonym for "murder
this is not formally correct
Homicides do not always involve a crime
crime. .
Sometimes the law allows homicide by allowing
certain defenses to criminal charges
. One of the
most recognized is self defense, which provides
that a person is entitled to commit homicide to
protect his or her own life from a deadly attack
Some defenses include:
On December 2020,
, 1929
, the supreme court
affirmed the aforesaid decision, stating as follows
³Wherefore finding the decision of then lower court
to be in accordance with the facts and the law, it
is confirmed in all respect, with costs against the
appealant .
Bn view of the recommendation of two of the
justices of the supreme Court who reviewed the case
the appeal of the counsel of the defense, the
unanimous recommendation of the Board of Pardons,
and the petition of the Philippine Nurses
Association for executive clemency, the Governor
General remitted the part of the sentence which
called for prison confinement provided that
olrenza Somera would not, in the future, Violate
any of the penal laws of the Philippines
Executive Clemency is the power of a
President in federal criminal cases, and the
Governor in state convictions, to pardon a person
convicted of a crime, commute the sentence
(shorten it, often to time already served), or
reduce it from death to another lesser sentence
There are many reasons for exercising this power,
including real doubts about the guilt of the
party, apparent excessive sentence, humanitarian
concerns such as illness of an aged inmate, to
clear the record of someone who has demonstrated
rehabilitation or public service, or because the
party is a political or personal friend of the
Governor .
Additional Bnfo:
1. Bn 1929
, in Manila, orenza Somera (a nurse),
was found guilty of manslaughter, sentenced to a
year in prison, and fined one thousand pesos for
following a physician's orders
.. She was found
guilty because when the doctor said cocaine
instead of procaine, she did not question his
orders .
Manslaughter is a legal term for the killing of
a human being, in a manner c onsidered by law as
less culpable than murder
The law generally differentiates between levels of
criminal culpability based on the , or state of
mind. This is particularly true within the law of
homicide, where murder requires either the intent to
kill, a state of mind called , or
, which may involve an unintentional killing
but with a for life
Manslaughter is usually broken down into two
distinct categories
B. Voluntary manslaughter
occurs when the
defendant kills with malice aforethought
(intention to kill or cause serious harm), but
there are mitigating circumstances which reduce
culpability . Voluntary manslaughter is a lesser
included offence of murdermurder.. The traditional
mitigating factor was provocation, however others
have been added in various jurisdictions
The following are some examples of defences which
may be raised to mitigate murder to voluntary
manslaughter :
1. Provocation
A killing occurred after
by an
event which would cause a reasonable person to lose
control .
2. Bmperfect self
Allowed only in a limited number of
jurisdictions in the United States
. Self
is generally a complete defence to murder murder.
However, a person who acted in an honest but
belief that deadly force was
necessary for self
self--defence could still be
convicted of voluntary manslaughter or deliberate
homicide committed without criminal malice
is found if a person killed intentionally and
without legal excuse or mitigation
3. Diminished capacity or a mental breakdown
can be a defence to negate the mental state of
"malice" . Bf a jurisdiction recognizes that a
person can kill with justification, but also
without any evil intent, that jurisdiction is free
to define the crime as something less than murder
Not all US states do this
; in many, a mental
defect, or even mental illness, won't reduce the
seriousness of the offence whatsoever
whatsoever.. However, if
a US state legislature chooses, a diminished
mental state may justify the finding of a lesser
crime . This is distinguished from the complete
defence of Bnsanity
. Bnvoluntary manslaughter
is the unlawful
killing of a human being without
. Bt is distinguished from voluntary
manslaughter by the absence of intention
. Bt is
normally divided into two categories
categories;; constructive
manslaughter and criminally negligent
manslaughter .
The egal Metaphor
1. Bn 1929
1929,, in Manila, orenza Somera (a nurse),
was found guilty of manslaughter, sentenced to
a year in prison, and fined one thousand pesos
for following a physician's orders
For an ANSWER, a
life, its cost«.
Somera Case {1928}
Cocaine or Novocaine
For an ANSWER, a
life, its cost«.
Somera Case {1928}
Cocaine or Novocaine
For an ANSWER, a
life, its cost«.
Somera Case {1928}
Cocaine or Novocaine
For an ANSWER, a
life, its cost«.
Somera Case {1928}