Tema 1
Tema 1
Tema 1
La comunicación en la clase de
lengua extranjera: comunicación
verbal y no verbal. Estrategias
extra-lingüísticas: reacciones no
verbales a mensajes en diferentes
elaborado por
Language is the main means by which people communicate. There have been many
different definitions of what a language is throughout history but language can broadly be
defined as a ruled system of signs that are combined to transmit a message. According to
Hocket, some of the main features of a human language are the following
Arbitrariness: we can say that there is not a link between the linguistic signs and the
reality to which they refer to. For example, there is no intrinsic link between the word “book” and
the object it represents.
Feedback: speakers (and writers) can reflect upon everything they say. Feedback is a
basic to maintaining a conversation, for instance.
Productivity: humans can understand and produce sentences which they have never
heard or said before. Human language is esentially creative.
Structure dependence: the language elements are related to each other and language
operations depend on an internal understanding of its system and structure.
Debatable as it is, voice quality may have both a psychological and a cultural
component as it refers to “the permanent background vocal invariable for an individual’s
speech” (Crystal, 1969). It may be the personal identity sign of a speaker of a language by
which he /she is recognized from the rest. The pitch, the voice quality, the way everyone speaks
also plays a role in verbal interactions as we all answer differently to sounds and tunes.
Intonation and stress are the main prosodic features operative in English. They do not
exactly serve to identify the word-forms of which the utterance is composed and yet they are
essential in the decoding of a message. Stress and intonation convey attitudes, mood and
feelings of the speakers which are meaningful and significant in the interpretation of messages.
Closely related to intonation is modulation. That is the variation of tone or pitch in one’s voice
by superimposing a particular attitudinal message, which may be indicative of the speaker’s
involvement in what he/she is saying or his/her desire to impress or convince the hearer, for
Although this section is focussed mainly on oral language, we would like to account for
punctuation, which is considered a paralinguistic feature of the written code of the language.
Punctuation means the marking of boundaries whithin a text; it is also a way to segment the
utterance into manageable information units for the reader, a resource to emphasize particular
expressions or a tool to express the writer’s feelings.
The importance of attending to these prosodic features of the language within the EFL
classroom relies not only in the fact that they all of them form part of the messages themselves,
and, therefore, of communication, but they are also language specific and have to be acquired
equally to the other elements of the target language.
There are two major types of verbal communication within classroom interaction:
student-to-student and teacher-to-student. Student-to-student interaction is based on peer
relationships, which allows the maximum degree of communication. On the other hand, teacher-
to-student relationship is based on superior knowledge and authority. The teacher is a language
expert; however, the teacher’s superiority does not prohibit effective interaction provided that
there is the will to communicate naturally with the student.
Interactions among students at the early steps of foreign language acquisition are still
domained by their incipient knowledge of the target language system and its resources. In
addition, the age of the students is a key factor to be accounted for, as their knowledge about
the world around is limited. Therefore, the language and the topics around any interaction
among students must be carefully planned and correspond to the learners’ background
knowledge and experiencies. However, teachers should also provide pupils opportunities to use
the language among themselves as much as possible: greetings, congratulations, thanking
formulas or simple requests may be easily internalized by students and used in class almost
from the very beginning. Although yet innapropriate or inaccurate, student-to-student interaction
promotes language acquisition.
Since dialogue represents the most common form of oral communication, it may be
fairly used in comunicative activities within the classroom. Activities based on dialogues may
take different forms, such as dialogues with visual aids or directed dialogues. Within the first
stages of foreign language acquisition, dialogues should always be based on a model, as the
learners’ production competence is still quite limited. Poetry and drama activities are also rich
vehicles for encouraging students play and learn language in a personal way. So do
information-gathering activites, like interviews or guessing games.
Teacher should also promote student-to-student interaction using the written code once
they have mastered a bit on it. Collective writing or note-leaving are two of the tecniques we can
use in the EFL classroom.
− Classroom language is mainly dominated by the teacher, who selects the topics and
decides how they will be discussed. The teacher often controls the turn-taking, the
beginnings and endings of the conversations, too.
− Teachers use special frames, regurlarly and very often, to pass from one verbal
transaction to another. The favourite frame used by teachers is “now”. These frames
form a closed set (well, okay, right, look, now, all right) and they are followed by a
pause. The frames indicate different meanings. For example, “well” can mean okay,
agreement, or a request. They give learners clues to the structure of the discourse and
refer to the different aspects of teaching −content, organization and discipline.
− Non verbal elements like hand gestures or glances are complementary features in
classroom discourse.
Surely, the most extended type of verbal interaction among teacher and students
includes questions for many different purposes: eliciting, language practice or rising awarenes,
for example. There is also quite a lot of giving directions on part of the teacher mainly to
organize activities, to show how to do a task or to keep discipline in classrooms.
On the one hand, the functions of non-verbal signs vary from culture to
culture, although there are some universal nonverbals such as smiles, laughter and sour
expressions. There are also differences according to gender and age. On the other hand,
nonverbal communication tends to be relatively ambiguous and open to interpretation, but it is
an essential part of the language behaviour. As Abercrombie puts it:
“We speak with our vocal organs, but we converse with our entire bodies...
Paralinguistic phenomena... occur alongside spoken language, interact with
it, and produce together with it a total system of communication... The study
of paralinguistic behaviour is part of the study of conversation: the
conversational use of spoken language cannot be properly understood
unless paralinguistic elements are taken into account” (1968; p. 55).
As Darn points out, the effective use of nonverbal cues assists in a wide
range of classroom practices by adding an extra dimension to the language:
• Confidence building.
• Reducing fear of silence.
• Clear instructions.
• Efficient classroom management.
• Classroom atmosphere.
• Improving listening skills.
• Improving performance in pair and group activities.
• Self and peer correction.
• Avoiding misunderstandings.
• Improving intercultural competences.
The following paragraphs will show how non-verbal strategies are used by
learners to send and react to messages which will also help them in the development of their
communicative competence. According to Ellis, communication strategies are
“psycholinguistic plans which exist as part of the language user’s communicative competence.
They are potentially conscious and serve as substitutes for production plans which the learner is
unable to implement.” (Ellis, 1985; p.185). Many of the communication strategies are verbal, but
some of them include the use of extra-linguistic devices. These communication tools used by
speakers in order to cope with difficulties in communicating in the foreign language are problem-
oriented, and look for a short-term answer. Most of the non-verbal strategies used by primary
school EFL learners will be compesating strategies and they will be used when participating as
speakers and as hearers, too.
From the earliest stages of FLA, learners may use non-verbal devices to
express messages and show their understanding of messages:
− By pointing to objects and drawings (“Which one is red?”, “Can you see
the flowers?”).
− By drawing (“The alien has a very big head and three eyes”).
Finally, there are communicative activities which are based on the use of
non-verbal devices and tecniques in the EFL setting and which are part of the classroom
− Tecniques from the Total Physical Response method or from the Silent
Way are also quite used in many EFL lessons, such as the use of
cuisenaire rods, colours and charts.
target cultural aspects are a part of the communicative competence in a language, and the
transferability or not of those culture-bound features need to be raised and taught.
• Both listeners and speakers use non-verbal resources to communicate their purpose
many of which are unconscious or cultural-bound. Either linguistic or non-linguistic, we
use signs to express and interpret meanings.
• In the context of EFL classrooms, non-verbal communication is one of the first ways of
expressing and understanding messages, as it is also in native speakers children.
• Voice quality may be the personal identity sign of a speaker of a language by which
he /she is recognized from the rest.
• Intonation and stress are the main prosodic features operative in English. Stress
and intonation convey attitudes, mood and feelings of the speakers which are
meaningful and significant in the interpretation of messages.
The importance of attending to these prosodic features of the language within the EFL
classroom relies not only in the fact that they all of them form part of the messages themselves,
and, therefore, of communication, but they are also language specific and have to be acquired
equally to the other elements of the target language.
− There is a chance for everyone to use the language and feel involved; learners
feel more secure and help each other, sharing ideas and knowledge.
− The age of the students is a key factor to be accounted for, as their knowledge
about the world around is limited.
− The language and the topics around any interaction among students must be
carefully planned and correspond to the learners’ background knowledge and
− Teachers should also provide pupils opportunities to use the language among
themselves as much as possible.
− Dialogue represents the most common form of oral communication; Poetry and
drama activities are also rich vehicles for encouraging students play and learn
language. So do information-gathering activites, like interviews or guessing
− Teachers use special frames, regurlarly and very often, to pass from one verbal
transaction to another. These frames form a closed set (well, okay, right, look,
now, all right) and they indicate different meanings. They give learners clues to the
structure of the discourse and refer to the different aspects of teaching −content,
organization and discipline.
− Non verbal elements like hand gestures or glances are complementary features
in classroom discourse.
Types of verbal interaction among teacher and students include questions for many
different purposes: eliciting, language practice or rising awarenes, for example. There is also
quite a lot of giving directions on part of the teacher mainly to organize activities, to show how
to do a task or to keep discipline in classrooms.
• Non-verbal signs are a characteristic of oral language. These signs differ from culture
(and language) to culture, and there are not always transferable from the L1 to the L2.
In addition, they are often unconscious and ambiguous.
• Functions:
− Reinforces the oral message.
− Manages social relationships.
− Helps present the self.
− Conveys mood and feelings.
− Provides feedback.
• Main areas:
− Kinesics: facial expressions, gestures and movements.
− Proxemics: positioning, orientation, and space and physical contact.
− Paralinguistics: tone and feedback sound.
c) Tecniques:
− Pantomimes.
(The pictures below show how non-verbal signs convey different meanings according to
• http://iteslj.org/
• www.eslteachersboard.com