Term Paper English Linguistics
Term Paper English Linguistics
Term Paper English Linguistics
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Due to the sentence based approach of the Communicative language teaching techniques, the
student’s acquisition skills are slower and their knowledge of grammar may be flawed. However, he
also identifies the significant disadvantage of this method, in that it focuses on the ability to
communicate and does not lay adequate stress on grammar, vocabulary and the form of the target
language, as a result of which the ultimate result that is achieved may not be a positive one. Schmitt
and Schmitt have also assessed the relative efficacy of these various strategies that students utilize in
order to learn English as a second language. Care is taken to ensure that there is a sufficient degree
of exposure to the target language through the acquisition of listening, speaking, reading and writing
skills. However there are certain general trends that have been identified in this essay which could be
effective to the teacher in enhancing the development of vocabulary, while other methods have been
found to be ineffective in practice. He also recommends that students be encouraged to discuss
words and their meanings and to maintain written journals, since this procedure proves extremely
helpful in aiding students to discuss, appreciate and understand the cultural contexts within which
specific vocabulary is used. However learning that involves a cognitive aspect, such as learning
words by association or in context is likely to impart a higher degree of learning. The changing
environments are aimed at ensuring the child undertakes a continuous learning process. All product
names, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. The journal is
keen to help make connections between fields, theories, research methods, and scholarly discourses,
and welcomes contributions which critically reflect on current practices in applied linguistic research.
However, it is only recently that more emphasis is being placed upon measuring how well the words
have been learnt, which is a more challenging exercise where designing tests are concerned. The
main object studied in pragmatics is the speaker’s intension. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. I suggest that there is one area of pragmatic failure ('pra. Part of the reason for
this has been ascribed to the cultural factors that condition learning and the traditional practices of
learning by rote. Adopting a purely traditional approach does not successfully train students in
communicating in that language while the communicative approach results in a slower and shallower
grasp of a language and is not beneficial to the student in the long run. Therefore, it may be
concluded that what is important for the Teacher of English as a Second Language to know is that
there is no one method that may be applauded as being the best one in every situation. Our customer
service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 4.50 2 reviews Download Save for
later ?0.00 4.50 2 reviews Download Save for later Last updated 9 May 2018 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest Sian Gibson 4.50 21 reviews Not the right resource. In case, I have to submit to another
journal it is really. He highlights the fact that merely knowing a word does not offer the guarantee
that the student will be able to use it fluently and appropriately. However, the importance of
vocabulary mastery in effective learning of a second language is being recognized, together with the
challenges that are presented in effectively teaching vocabulary, although existing research in
language learning largely relies upon mastery of words as an assessment tool. Therefore a better
method is to divide words into those that are more frequently used and therefore learnt easier vis a
vis those words which are less frequently used, and a relevant number of choices of words are used
in testing students in each category of word. Seal15 has divided vocabulary teaching into the
“planned” and “unplanned categories. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel
It's good to leave some feedback. This essay examines the development of the importance of
vocabulary teaching and the methods that have been found to be successful in achieving competency
in English, which are to be recommended for use by future teachers. These authors have also
identified the shift in learning styles that has taken place in the learning of English as a second
language. In this paper I argue that pragmatic failure is an area of cross-cultural communication
breakdown which has received very little attention from language teachers. In today's ever changing
world one must excel using all possible resources to beat the competition ahead and one of the most
Three Rivers TESOL Conference Proposal By 25 September 25 September Teachers' training in the
field of Information Technology as a TESOL tool for the ESL ClassroomsAbstractLearning and
Teaching English as a Second Language is the objective of TESOL and the ESL classrooms.
However, one aspect that must be taken into consideration is that the element of fatigue will affect
the student’s performance if the test is too long.
However, why use a template when you can write your entire manuscript on SciSpace, auto format it
as per Applied Linguistics's guidelines and download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats.
The journal is keen to help make connections between fields, theories, research methods, and
scholarly discourses, and welcomes contributions which critically reflect on current practi. The most
important factor that will affect learning is individual student capacity, which a teacher must bear in
mind while teaching English as a second language. He outlines a set of principles that teachers can
rely upon when designing a vocabulary test. Adopting a purely traditional approach does not
successfully train students in communicating in that language while the communicative approach
results in a slower and shallower grasp of a language and is not beneficial to the student in the long
run. There are deep cultural reasons that underlie this preference and therefore, teachers of the
English language to Asian and oriental students would be able to achieve a greater degree of success
in their classes, by using some of these methods the students are more familiar and comfortable with.
For instance, in the language awareness approach, the teacher leads the students to pay close
attention to the features of the language that they are trying to learn (Tomlinson 2003). We are not
providing the answers together with questions because we would like. A synthesis of studies with
implications for strategy training.” System, 17(2). In a study conducted by Norris11 of writing skills
in English using Chinese doctoral students, methods of feedback however did not prove to be
completely successful in terms of improvements in writing skills. See other similar resources ?0.00
4.00 1 review Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Thank you for sharing,
really helpful:-) Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel
kbrown12 6 years ago report 4 Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply
Cancel Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. I argue that it is
essential to avoid prescriptivism in this very sensitive area of language in use. However, despite the
success factor depending so much on individual learner ability, Schmitt and Schmitt have pointed
out that Craik’s Levels of Processing Model22 is a useful tool that may be employed by teachers of
English as a second language. So in this way, the major purpose of pragmatics is engaged with
addressor's intended words to communicate with the addressee. Therefore a combined approach that
also includes mastery of an extensive vocabulary is an essential part of successfully learning a second
language. In case, I have to submit to another journal it is really. It promotes scholarly and scientific
discussion of issues that unite or divide scholars in applied linguistics. After signing up, you would
need to import your existing references from Word or Bib file to SciSpace. Once a new word was
learnt, students utilized several strategies to establish the word in their memory. Some researchers
have also been successfully use a movie based approach with written feedback in order to enhance
grasp of words and their meanings while other teachers have used flash cards and roots of words
with a lower relative degree of success. While initial teaching approaches were more formal and
focused on learning grammar and the structure of the language, later developments included a
communicative competence approach. In studying pragmatics, a common problem is in speaking or
communicating, the existence of pragmatics has not been known about its true meaning and purpose.
The best lesson in the online module provide its learners with a principled set of instructional tools
for teaching English to learners of english as a second language. Communication that is informative
has a deep function of speaking activities. Therefore, it may be concluded that what is important for
the Teacher of English as a Second Language to know is that there is no one method that may be
applauded as being the best one in every situation. You need to assess all these factors before you
make your final call. On the basis of the above, it may be concluded that the importance of
vocabulary learning in mastery of English is being recognized. As opposed to such communicative
competence methods, traditional means of teaching language do focus on formal grammar and
vocabulary exercises, thereby providing a better grasp of the target language. It's very easy. If you
need help, our support team is always ready to assist you.
Therefore, on this basis, a continuum of learning levels can be developed as follows. Therefore, it
may be concluded that what is important for the Teacher of English as a Second Language to know
is that there is no one method that may be applauded as being the best one in every situation.
However, recent trends appear to suggest that a combination of both these techniques is likely to
work best for the benefit of students. Then SciSpace would allow you to download your references
in Applied Linguistics Endnote style according to Elsevier guidelines. All product names,
trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. These authors have
examined all research on vocabulary learning strategies and have compiled a list of 36 strategies,
which also include successful methods used by students and teachers. Cronbach26 has advocated a
vocabulary test wherein multiple true or false tests are used and they all ask test questions about the
same word. It is not only important to consider the means and methods which can best assure that
students are able to effectively grasp language skills, it is also necessary to test the skills and to
ensure that students have successfully comprehended the meanings of words within the context in
which they appear. In order to anticipate and prepare effectively for the eventuality of unplanned
vocabulary teaching, Seal recommends that the teacher utilize the technique of the three C’s, or
Convey, Check and Consolidate. The first aspect would be to convey the meaning of the word to the
students through the use of teaching aids, such as explanations, flash cards, other visual aids or
presenting the words in the context in which they are used. Research questions Based on the
interactive whiteboard technology, this research study intends to investigate teachers' use and their
own evaluation of the interactive whiteboard in second language classroom. Taking into
consideration Nation’s25 eight point requirement that must be satisfied before a student’s proficiency
in the word tested can be established, it is clear that the tests must be designed in such a way as to
also test the student’s associative knowledge of the word and all the ramifications that go along with
it. In a study conducted by Norris11 of writing skills in English using Chinese doctoral students,
methods of feedback however did not prove to be completely successful in terms of improvements
in writing skills. Based upon these strategies, they have identified some commonly occurring
categories that occur as a part of the schema of these learning strategies. However, it is only recently
that more emphasis is being placed upon measuring how well the words have been learnt, which is a
more challenging exercise where designing tests are concerned. Other methods are rated highly, such
as learning words in context or learning the use of words through interactive sessions with the
teacher in realistic situations that a student could conceivably come across in their lives. The teaching
of vocabulary has not been given a great deal of importance earlier while teaching English other than
incidentally. Forum pieces are typically responses to a published article, a shorter research note or
report, or a commentary on research issues or professional practices. However, despite the success
factor depending so much on individual learner ability, Schmitt and Schmitt have pointed out that
Craik’s Levels of Processing Model22 is a useful tool that may be employed by teachers of English
as a second language. Therefore, the field of Pragmatics helps to deal with speaker's intended
meaning. A part of the program also included the preparation of transcripts in order to aid and
enhance the acquisition of vocabulary skills in the language, especially in the use of idioms and other
similar tools. In addition, this research, apart from arming us with the information on the origin,
scope and subject matter of Pragmatics, had gone a step further to tell us how Pragmatics, in
conjunction with Semantics, which is the study of the meaning of linguistic expression, and
Discourse Analysis, which is the study of the ways in which language is used in texts and contexts,
deal with the study of meaning in language at different levels, as separate disciplines of English and
Linguistics. However learning that involves a cognitive aspect, such as learning words by association
or in context is likely to impart a higher degree of learning. In achieving this status of established
vocabulary, students analyzed roots and suffixes of words in order to make intelligent guesses about
the meaning of words. Communication that is informative has a deep function of speaking activities.
According to Katchen, this not only helps to liven up the class and make it interesting for students at
the bizarre meanings they come up with, but it also helps to loosen the strong reliance that some
foreign students place upon dictionaries in order to derive the meaning of words, since dictionaries
may sometimes face serious limitations in providing the exact meaning of words in the context within
which they may appear. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Zimmerman17 recommends that students be encouraged to develop the ability to generate
their own vocabulary, since they will gradually evolve from a period of structured learning of
vocabulary to an unstructured one where they will acquire new words and consolidate them on an
independent basis in accordance with their own needs. Applied linguistics is viewed not only as the
relation between theory and practice, but also as the study of language and language-related
problems in specific situations in which people use and learn languages. However, new words need
not necessarily be presented in a bilingual form with their meanings provided in the native language.
Alternatively, the meaning of the word was understood in the context within which it occurred,
either as a part of a picture, a passage or included within speech, which also included guessing the
meaning of the word from other words graded according to a similar meaning. (for example, happy,
happier, happiest). The focus and emphasis on grammar and vocabulary to allow a student to gain a
good grasp of the target language is in line with Noam Chomsky’s theories on language which stress
the role of intelligence in the acquisition of language. Among the successful strategies were included
verbal and written repetition of words, speaking out the word loud and using it often, preparing notes
about the meaning of the word, examining the sound of the word and idioms used with the word, as
well as its synonyms and antonyms. However strategies that ranked low on the teacher list included
the use of cognates, imaging the word, examining its suffixes and prefixes, using keyword
approaches or imaging the meaning of the word. These authors have also identified the shift in
learning styles that has taken place in the learning of English as a second language. On the basis of
the answers to these questions, the teacher can then set the parameters of the test. However learning
that involves a cognitive aspect, such as learning words by association or in context is likely to
impart a higher degree of learning. Two of the new technologies identified by Egbert are. In order to
anticipate and prepare effectively for the eventuality of unplanned vocabulary teaching, Seal
recommends that the teacher utilize the technique of the three C’s, or Convey, Check and
Consolidate. The model that is presented in this essay and represents effective learning in terms of
whether it is shallow or deep clearly specifies that methods such as repetition and learning by rote
tend to come under the category of superficial learning since they may be easily forgotten by
students. I argue that it is essential to avoid prescriptivism in this very sensitive area of language in
use. He points out how the basic principle that has been the underlying foundation of teaching
English as a second language is getting the students to achieve communicative competence in the
language through classroom interactions that reflect real life situations. Pragmatics, which is a branch
of linguistics concerned with the use of language in social context, did not just appear in the study of
language like a 'ghost' but has a historical origin, a scope that it covers, and a subject matter. Other
studies on language teaching including vocabulary. In achieving this status of established
vocabulary, students analyzed roots and suffixes of words in order to make intelligent guesses about
the meaning of words. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The teaching of vocabulary has not been given a
great deal of importance earlier while teaching English other than incidentally. However, why use a
template when you can write your entire manuscript on SciSpace, auto format it as per Applied
Linguistics's guidelines and download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats. We hope these
question papers will help the students appearing. I suggest that there is one area of pragmatic failure
('pra. We are not providing the answers together with questions because we would like. Testing
vocabulary poses a challenge in designing an effective method to determine levels of student
comprehension of the contextual meanings of words. You'll see how helpful they are and how
inexpensive they are compared to other options, Especially for Applied Linguistics. If however,
students from a particular school who have learnt a particular range of vocabulary are being tested,
then the words that are selected for testing may be those that have been taught as a part of their
course. However, one aspect that must be taken into consideration is that the element of fatigue will
affect the student’s performance if the test is too long. Therefore the challenge to the teacher lies in
devising a test that incorporates some formats such as formats, or matching the items and filling in
the blanks, which allow for a larger proportion of items to be completed within a shorter period. In
the beginning, it will be difficult to fathom the method or syllabus to be used for teaching the
language. We hope these question papers will help the students appearing. He offers the view that the
method of teaching English that requires communicative competence can be considerably enhanced
through the addition of vocabulary teaching. Can you create it for me like Applied Linguistics. There
are deep cultural reasons that underlie this preference and therefore, teachers of the English language
to Asian and oriental students would be able to achieve a greater degree of success in their classes,
by using some of these methods the students are more familiar and comfortable with.
He offers the view that the method of teaching English that requires communicative competence can
be considerably enhanced through the addition of vocabulary teaching. The last stage of the process
is the consolidation stage where the teacher must build upon the understanding that the student has
gained of the word and ask them to relate it in some personal aspect or some proper context to build
upon that understanding and consolidate it for future use. Schmitt and Schmitt18 have discussed
various strategies that may be utilized in vocabulary learning, including an analysis and a
classification of the possible strategies that are feasible and useful in specific reference to English
language learners in Japan. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. According to Schmitt, the aspect of a person’s
vocabulary size must also be taken into consideration and the dictionary is generally used for this
purpose, by selecting words form every tenth page or so and then multiplying by the number of word
sin the dictionary to arrive at the vocabulary size. They are bigger than PDAs and do not have a
keyboard, rather they use a stylus, with the user tapping on icons in order to open them rather than
using a mouse. The learning process was aided by frequent use of the word in daily speech, or by
creating a system of associations in the mind through gradable scales or by connecting with particular
objects for example sit and chair, in order to cognitively process the word and correlate it into the
internal mental framework of the student. Corroborating the views of Xiaoping13, Katchen also
recommends that extra attention is given to the acquisition of new vocabulary. The best designed
tests will be those that will prove to be easy for the student who has a good grasp of the words while
other students will find it extremely difficult. On this basis therefore, Xiaoping has advocated and
tested the “communicative-cognition” method in the acquisition of language skills, with the teacher
functioning as a facilitator, helping students to learn and acquire a greater commands over words in
the target language. Citation weighting depends on the categories and prestige of the citing journal.
In the beginning, it will be difficult to fathom the method or syllabus to be used for teaching the
language. He also recommends that students be encouraged to discuss words and their meanings and
to maintain written journals, since this procedure proves extremely helpful in aiding students to
discuss, appreciate and understand the cultural contexts within which specific vocabulary is used. In
addition, this research, apart from arming us with the information on the origin, scope and subject
matter of Pragmatics, had gone a step further to tell us how Pragmatics, in conjunction with
Semantics, which is the study of the meaning of linguistic expression, and Discourse Analysis, which
is the study of the ways in which language is used in texts and contexts, deal with the study of
meaning in language at different levels, as separate disciplines of English and Linguistics. I suggest
that there is one area of pragmatic failure ('pragmalinguistic failure') which is fairly easy to overcome.
We are not providing the answers together with questions because we would like. You can download
the paper by clicking the button above. Then SciSpace would allow you to download your references
in Applied Linguistics Endnote style according to Elsevier guidelines. The strategies that have been
used by students and teacher sin the mastery of vocabulary and the effective means for testing
student competency in these areas are also subjects that are covered in this essay. The model that is
presented in this essay and represents effective learning in terms of whether it is shallow or deep
clearly specifies that methods such as repetition and learning by rote tend to come under the category
of superficial learning since they may be easily forgotten by students. However, why use a template
when you can write your entire manuscript on SciSpace, auto format it as per Applied Linguistics's
guidelines and download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats. Schmitt and Schmitt have also
assessed the relative efficacy of these various strategies that students utilize in order to learn English
as a second language. See other similar resources ?0.00 4.00 1 review Download Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. Norris has suggested that the level of meta-linguistic awareness
plays a significant role in the relative ease of acquisition of a foreign language. NET Exam Solved
Question Papers, Free download scanned copy of NET sample question papers, UGC Net exam.
Thus each section is evaluated according to its degree of frequency of use and accuracy of responses,
thereby providing a better picture of the learner’s ability. Various strategies have been used by
students and teachers in attaining a successful grasp on vocabulary. See other similar resources ?0.00
4.50 2 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. A synthesis of studies
with implications for strategy training.” System, 17(2). The first aspect would be to convey the
meaning of the word to the students through the use of teaching aids, such as explanations, flash
cards, other visual aids or presenting the words in the context in which they are used.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Thus each section is evaluated according to its
degree of frequency of use and accuracy of responses, thereby providing a better picture of the
learner’s ability. As opposed to such communicative competence methods, traditional means of
teaching language do focus on formal grammar and vocabulary exercises, thereby providing a better
grasp of the target language. On the basis of the above, it may be concluded that the importance of
vocabulary learning in mastery of English is being recognized. Vocabulary was taught only in
connection with the functional aspects of the language and this was not a specialized area of
instruction in the teaching of English as a second language. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The teacher should clarify the meanings
of words and the subtle distinctions between different words in the target language. According to
Katchen, this not only helps to liven up the class and make it interesting for students at the bizarre
meanings they come up with, but it also helps to loosen the strong reliance that some foreign
students place upon dictionaries in order to derive the meaning of words, since dictionaries may
sometimes face serious limitations in providing the exact meaning of words in the context within
which they may appear. Schmitt and Schmitt18 have discussed various strategies that may be utilized
in vocabulary learning, including an analysis and a classification of the possible strategies that are
feasible and useful in specific reference to English language learners in Japan. He strongly
recommends the use of the feedback method because it helps the students with their memory powers
and in recalling words and vocabulary that they have learnt through the facility of remembering it
again. Therefore the recommended test methods are a combination of various kinds of testing tools
such as matching words, filling out blanks, etc as opposed to the traditional bilingual presentation of
words, so that the students comprehension can also be tested through their ability to make the
necessary associations in understanding the meaning of words. Alternatively, the meaning of the
word was understood in the context within which it occurred, either as a part of a picture, a passage
or included within speech, which also included guessing the meaning of the word from other words
graded according to a similar meaning. (for example, happy, happier, happiest). Other studies on
language teaching including vocabulary. In studying pragmatics, a common problem is in speaking or
communicating, the existence of pragmatics has not been known about its true meaning and purpose.
The focus and emphasis on grammar and vocabulary to allow a student to gain a good grasp of the
target language is in line with Noam Chomsky’s theories on language which stress the role of
intelligence in the acquisition of language. Real language acquisition may come slowly (Krashen
1981) for many people, especially among adults, it is imperative that the student and the teacher get
along well. The presentations above have also identified that testing procedures need to be as
exhaustive as possible, yet be designed in such a way that they can be completed within a designated
time period. We hope these question papers will help the students appearing. However, the
importance of vocabulary mastery in effective learning of a second language is being recognized,
together with the challenges that are presented in effectively teaching vocabulary, although existing
research in language learning largely relies upon mastery of words as an assessment tool. We are not
providing the answers together with questions because we would like. In the beginning, it will be
difficult to fathom the method or syllabus to be used for teaching the language. While initial
vocabulary skills are best taught to students through direct means such as repetition, Coady7 has
pointed out that several frequently used, simple words can be learnt by students through incidental
reading. There are deep cultural reasons that underlie this preference and therefore, teachers of the
English language to Asian and oriental students would be able to achieve a greater degree of success
in their classes, by using some of these methods the students are more familiar and comfortable with.
He offers the view that the method of teaching English that requires communicative competence can
be considerably enhanced through the addition of vocabulary teaching. Therefore a combined
approach that also includes mastery of an extensive vocabulary is an essential part of successfully
learning a second language. Can you create it for me like Applied Linguistics. But Instead please
check the answer keys from our Answer Key section: UGC NET Answer Keys of Linguistics Paper
III January 2017. In some cases, teaching vocabulary through superficial techniques such as
repetition etc may be useful while in others, better and longer lasting results may be obtained
through using other means such as figuring out the meanings of words in the context they appear or
exercising the student’s mental faculties in making associations between words and their
ramifications. He outlines a set of principles that teachers can rely upon when designing a vocabulary
test. They have pointed that students who are able to successfully learn foreign languages do not
restrict themselves to one particular approach but are able to incorporate multiple strategies into their
learning process19.
The impact factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. But Instead
please check the answer keys from our Answer Key section: UGC NET Answer Keys of Linguistics
Paper II January 2017. The changing environments are aimed at ensuring the child undertakes a
continuous learning process. On the basis of the answers to these questions, the teacher can then set
the parameters of the test. The focus and emphasis on grammar and vocabulary to allow a student to
gain a good grasp of the target language is in line with Noam Chomsky’s theories on language which
stress the role of intelligence in the acquisition of language. If however, students from a particular
school who have learnt a particular range of vocabulary are being tested, then the words that are
selected for testing may be those that have been taught as a part of their course. Due to the sentence
based approach of the Communicative language teaching techniques, the student’s acquisition skills
are slower and their knowledge of grammar may be flawed. We hope these question papers will help
the students appearing. According to Katchen, this not only helps to liven up the class and make it
interesting for students at the bizarre meanings they come up with, but it also helps to loosen the
strong reliance that some foreign students place upon dictionaries in order to derive the meaning of
words, since dictionaries may sometimes face serious limitations in providing the exact meaning of
words in the context within which they may appear. In studying pragmatics, a common problem is in
speaking or communicating, the existence of pragmatics has not been known about its true meaning
and purpose. Therefore the recommended test methods are a combination of various kinds of testing
tools such as matching words, filling out blanks, etc as opposed to the traditional bilingual
presentation of words, so that the students comprehension can also be tested through their ability to
make the necessary associations in understanding the meaning of words. He points out how the basic
principle that has been the underlying foundation of teaching English as a second language is getting
the students to achieve communicative competence in the language through classroom interactions
that reflect real life situations. UNISMUH Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that examines the
meaning of lingual units externally and has meaning according to context. The best designed tests
will be those that will prove to be easy for the student who has a good grasp of the words while
other students will find it extremely difficult. Therefore a combined approach that also includes
mastery of an extensive vocabulary is an essential part of successfully learning a second language. In
this paper I argue that pragmatic failure is an area of cross-cultural communication breakdown which
has received very little attention from language teachers. In order to anticipate and prepare
effectively for the eventuality of unplanned vocabulary teaching, Seal recommends that the teacher
utilize the technique of the three C’s, or Convey, Check and Consolidate. This essay examines the
development of the importance of vocabulary teaching and the methods that have been found to be
successful in achieving competency in English, which are to be recommended for use by future
teachers. A synthesis of studies with implications for strategy training.” System, 17(2). Thus each
section is evaluated according to its degree of frequency of use and accuracy of responses, thereby
providing a better picture of the learner’s ability. The journal welcomes both reports of original
research and conceptual articles. Alternatively, the meaning of the word was understood in the
context within which it occurred, either as a part of a picture, a passage or included within speech,
which also included guessing the meaning of the word from other words graded according to a
similar meaning. (for example, happy, happier, happiest). In achieving this status of established
vocabulary, students analyzed roots and suffixes of words in order to make intelligent guesses about
the meaning of words. The Journal’s Forum section is intended to enhance debate between authors
and the. It promotes scholarly and scientific discussion of issues that unite or divide scholars in
applied linguistics. However, the importance of vocabulary mastery in effective learning of a second
language is being recognized, together with the challenges that are presented in effectively teaching
vocabulary, although existing research in language learning largely relies upon mastery of words as
an assessment tool. Therefore a better method is to divide words into those that are more frequently
used and therefore learnt easier vis a vis those words which are less frequently used, and a relevant
number of choices of words are used in testing students in each category of word. However learning
that involves a cognitive aspect, such as learning words by association or in context is likely to
impart a higher degree of learning. Some researchers have also been successfully use a movie based
approach with written feedback in order to enhance grasp of words and their meanings while other
teachers have used flash cards and roots of words with a lower relative degree of success.