Model of Teaching English
Model of Teaching English
Model of Teaching English
English has already been a recognized language at almost every country in
the world. This make English has many terms, such as lingua franca, world
English, English as international language and many more. Due to the popularity
of English language, it also makes English has different section of main skills,
those skills consist of speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Those four are the
most main-basic skills that every person has to know in order to master English
language. Through ages, teaching language especially English has been passed
many inventions and development that transforms the traditional English teaching
into the digital modernized English teaching using the computer environment.
Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, especially with the
continuing update of computer and network information technology, the domestic
model of English teaching and method has witnessed a tremendous change (Zhao
& Zhao, 2019). This research was conducted with literature review on related
studies using 20 articles from various journals. The findings in this article came
from various article. Model of teaching can be various based on the needs of
students and teachers. In this research, researcher is investigating flipped
classroom, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (MALL), autonomous learning, digital storytelling, modern
English drama, television’s cartoon shows and Duolingo app.
English has already been a recognized has to know in order to master English
language at almost every country in the world. language.
This make English has many terms, such as Through ages, teaching language
lingua franca, world English, English as especially English has been passed many
international language and many more. Due to inventions and development that transforms
the popularity of English language, it also the traditional English teaching into the digital
makes English has different section of main modernized English teaching using the
skills, those skills consist of speaking, computer environment. Today, with the rapid
listening, writing, and reading. Those four are development of science and technology,
the most main-basic skills that every person especially with the continuing update of
computer and network information
Muhammad Hafizh Agharid: Model of Teaching
technology, the domestic model of English 0 zero. On this segment, researcher will expose
teaching and method has witnessed a the findings that researcher have been heed
tremendous change (Zhao & Zhao, 2019). comprehensively on a prior research on
Those statement above explains that models of teaching English and how it will
during the dynamic flowing of years, teaching bring an effect of the students’ ability in
model has been changed dramatically that mastering English.
brings traditional way of teaching into modern In the beginning of the finding,
teaching model with the usage of technology. researcher found this article of flipped
Now, this model may be different kind of classroom. To be specific, this research talks
model based on what researcher have found about the integration of flipped classroom
during the investigation. model. But, before we go to the integration
This study will focus on English model section., it will be better if we know first about
teaching how it impact on English skills. This the flipped classroom. Flipped classroom
article will be using a literature review technology approach is a teaching
methodology. 20 article from various journal methodology that leads to an increase in
have been studied in this article. learners’ participation, motivation, critical
The gaps in this research I found may thinking, communication skills, and interest in
be vary because of the heterogeneity of studying foreign languages (Kawinkoonlasate,
articles that researcher found during the pre- 2019). In Thai, flipped classroom brings an
writing phase. effective integration of flipped classroom
technology model into English language skills
METHOD including grammar, and it enhances the
The method used by researcher in this autonomous learning on the students. In these
article is literature review or it also can be said research, researcher only use asynchronous
as narrative review. learning that only use YouTube, Dropbox, and
This method only brings a review of Google Classroom. I suggest to develop a
study on academic resources, like journals, research using Duolingo app in order to make
proceeding, books, articles, papers, thesis and this learning be synchronous.
many more as long as the resources are related The next research is talking about the
to the research conducted. application of flipped classroom in college
This method is regularly applied to English teaching in China. In the flipped
conduct a research paper and other scientific classroom teaching mode, college English
writing in order to find or to develop the teachers should first concentrate on the
existing inventions. difficult points of the teaching materials into
This article is using 20 articles from 15-20 minutes of micro-video. The teacher
various journals found in Google Scholars, does not appear in the video. There are only
Taylor & Francis, Eric Journal, SCIRP, Sci- clear explanations for the knowledge points. It
Hub and many more to conduct this article. avoids the students being distracted by the
The time range of the resource for this teachers' different information in the dress and
journal was made limited from 2015-2020 in other classes when watching the video.
order to oversee the latest and newest existing Teachers can integrate animation, storytelling,
knowledge brought by prior research. interesting questions and other elements into
the production of micro-video, so that students
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION get rid of the tedious textbook learning, is no
As mentioned in the introduction part, longer limited by dull textbook content, but
model of teaching has been developed from also stimulate students to learn college English
interest. (Song, 2015). This research also said and use the education resources anywhere and
that this model can effectively know the role anytime (Dong, 2016). By, the statements
of teacher and students, creating a new type of before, we can hypothesize that flipped
teaching, improving the information classroom needs teacher just to be a facilitator
technology literacy, and improving students’ to guide the students, and the students must
self-learning ability. I found the gaps in this enhance their own self-learning, to do that
research that this research didn’t mention any students are require to be active, and also
of English mastery. I suggest to develop more internet plays role as the platform to provide
research to know if this model of teaching can the flipped classroom access. But, in this
bring any effect on English mastery capability. research I found the gap that this research
The third research is about applied in classroom where it is not fully
implementing flipped classroom in Chinese online, well I suggest to develop a research to
college English teaching, as for college know if this kind of model can be applied in
English teachers, this teaching mode has got full online way.
rid of the traditional classroom teaching mode, The next research is mainly talking
to take full use of the classroom time and about advantages and limitations of lipped
resources as well as improve the classroom classroom. The advantages of this classroom is
teaching efficiency; as for the students, they to enhance students’ autonomous learning
can improve their interest in learning and their ability, on contrast, flipped classroom reverses
autonomous learning abilities (Dong, 2016). the traditional teaching process, which
This research also mentioned the historical transfers the original classroom knowledge to
root of flipped classroom which originally pre-class autonomous learning, and extra-
formed in America in 2000 and can be known curricular exercises and consolidation of
as ‘inverted classroom’. It refers to the knowledge to the class (Du, 2018). The next
reallocation by teachers of the practices within advantage is to make full use of the resources
or outside the classroom in actual teaching brought by modern information technology
task, and lays the teaching emphasis on and promote the informationization of college
motivating students’ autonomous learning English teaching, in this way, information
interest and exploring ability (Dong, 2016). technology has become the medium of
Don also mentioned that flipped classroom communication between teachers and students
also have a requirement in order to implement (Du, 2018). The next advantage is to promote
this model of teaching such as teacher acts as a the construction of suitable teaching mode for
guide, Different from traditional teaching college English. Now the limitations of flipped
methods, teacher is a “supporting role” in the classroom are limitation on class scale,
“flipped classroom”, that is to say, teacher is inadequate autonomous learning ability of
the guide of classroom teaching content students. This research also mentioned
(Dong, 2016). The next requirement is strategies of applying flipped classroom in
students are the main body of teaching, this college English teaching such as constructing
means that students are require to be active in flipped classroom mode in line with English
order to reinforce their own ability in discipline. In this way, teachers can get
autonomous learning. The next requirement is feedback from students quickly, and decide
to give full play to the supporting role of whether they can proceed to the next step.
internet positively, the realization of “flipped Meanwhile, it is easier for students to
classroom” is mainly based on the understand the difficulties, because there is
characteristics of “highly shared” Internet teacher’s voice, gesture and expression for
resources, so the teachers and students can edit face-to-face explanation. In addition, in view
Muhammad Hafizh Agharid: Model of Teaching
of the large number of students, teachers can 0 speaking fluency (Pishkar et al., 2017). In this
divide students into groups according to their research, I found some gaps that I can tell that
characteristics to complete their learning tasks this research was done in face-to-face way
(Du, 2018). The next strategies are to improve although the development of this model has
teachers’ information literacy. Teachers been using modern English as a new model of
should also design the teaching content in teaching speaking, I suggest to develop a
advance, select appropriate teaching methods, research to integrate this model into the digital
and arrange all the teaching links well. one.
Therefore, teachers must be familiar with all The next research is talking about the
kinds of operating software, especially usage of computer on English teaching model.
courseware production and video editing (Du, This research previously has been told in the
2018). The next strategies are effective use of introduction section that nowadays, the rapid
teaching platform and various communication movement of technology is on a significant
tools. Teachers can establish relevant groups rate, it’s so fast you can now teach and learn
by means of communication tools, so as to English in computer using the internet. But the
upload relevant pre-class learning materials gap I found in this research is that this
for students to study autonomously (Du, research only use computer to teach and learn
2018). By those things that prior research has English which in my opinion it’s a bit too
been utters, that there are limitations and difficult to operate a computer remembering
strategies in order to effectively conduct a that the complexity of software used in
flipped model classroom. In this research I computers. I suggest to conduct a development
found a gap that this research is only using a research to know if English teaching model
social media to do it. I suggest a research to can be synthetized in handheld gadgets
conduct a flipped classroom through Google (smartphones).
Classroom. On this next research, let’s discuss
This fifth research is slightly different something different but still on the same
from what we have been discuss about. On topics. This research introduces speaking
this research we will discuss about the modern activities to foster oral performance in public
English drama to enhance fluency and school, this research was conducted to
accuracy of students’ speaking. Some reasons investigate students’ oral performance
for using the texts of the modern English (speaking) with the help of cartoon show. We
dramas could be their relevance to the observed during the pedagogical intervention
curriculum, the chance to increase awareness that using an animated TV show as part of the
of paralinguistic features, linguistic English class was an effective way to obtain
accessibility, intrinsic interest, practicability in the attention of students. As the majority of
terms of lesson time, student numbers and students displayed an active level of
space, and the possibility of using dramatic engagement whilst watching the Adventure
activities in the future, thereby providing Time episodes, as well as the subsequent
continuity (Pishkar et al., 2017). This research classroom activities related to the show
has approved that using modern English (Carolina & Astrid, 2018, p.70). This research
drama is helping students to improving displays that by showing cartoon can help
students’ fluency and accuracy in English students to be more motivated and encourage
speaking. The texts of modern English dramas them to be confident in speaking. Although
can encourage students to actively participate this research is a success, but I found gap that
in teaching learning English process and they this research still not using the online way, I
can motivate students to increase their
suggest the Duolingo app so students can also gamification so students can more interacted
interact with the media. in the game.
On the next research, let’s back into On this next article research, will talk
flipped classroom. Now this research will about digital storytelling (DST) under the
discuss about the adjustment and effects on flipped classroom model. For educational
vocabulary teaching under the flipped purposes, the DST process provides a climate in
classroom model. On this research, the which learners construct their own learning while
researcher compared the traditional classroom creating their own digital stories on a topic.
teaching and flipped classroom teaching. In Language learners can write their own stories in
the foreign language they are trying to learn, find/
the traditional classroom, the teacher used
create images representing important points of the
traditional English vocabulary teaching stories, and use software to combine their story
method, and gave detailed analysis of the images with their stories. This indicates that the
meaning and usages of the words and phrases, DST process requires language learners to use
which lasted for about 2 teaching hours. The both writing and speaking skills, in addition to
classroom was teacher-centered, and the technology use skills (Tokmak et al., 2019). This
cultivation of students’ communication research was established using Edmodo as a
competence was ignored. The teaching of platform to conduct the digital storytelling side. By
vocabulary without any interactive activities recording video and store it to the Edmodo, made
made students increasingly bored. Vocabulary this learning turns to asynchronous learning which
teaching in the flipped classroom includes two both students and teachers won’t be able to interact
directly. That’s the gap that I found, I suggest to
phases: pre-class learning of the basic
make a development using synchronous model and
knowledge on the words and phrases, and in- utilized with video conference app.
class activities which improves both the On the next research will discuss about
internalization of the knowledge and the real- strategies to cultivating autonomous learning
time communicative abilities (Zhang et al., ability. Autonomous learning ability is not a
2016). In this research I also found the stages mysterious thing. It means a shift of attitudes
in vocabulary teaching under flipped of students from being passive into being
classroom model. First, before class, teacher active. Motivating the students to want to
need to prepared video lectures for about 15 learn is considered as a good start for the
minutes and sent them to students. In class, lifelong learning life (Peng, 2019). In this
teacher will start 5 minutes on question from research, the gaps that I found is there is no
the video sent to the students, after that the such subject or skills in cultivating English
teacher conduct a mini game for 20 minutes learning. I suggest to conduct a research
and then discuss the mistakes. After class, development to know if it is effective on
students are required to finish an exercise. So English mastery learning.
based on that stages, you will see a direct On this next research, will more focus
comparison between traditional class and on digital storytelling again. This research
flipped classroom. The differences shines on focuses on Computer Assisted Language
the duration and technique, on the traditional Learning (CALL). This study was established
teaching, teacher just give a lecture for about 2 in Turkey and using a web-based platform
hours that makes students bored fast, but with called PIXTON to support the needs of the
flipped classroom, students are more active research. The findings of this study can be
and eager to study. This gap of the study I understood as the students would like to use
found is the game that conducted by the digital storytelling as well as technological
teacher is just a simple game, I suggest a tools in the future (Okumuş, 2020). This
research gap is only focusing on writing skills,
Muhammad Hafizh Agharid: Model of Teaching
I suggest a development research in order to 0 keeps them motivated (Nushi & Eqbali, 2017).
know the interrelation of writing-speaking Duolingo provide a gamifying course from
skills in blended learning the audiovisual way. translation, matching, pairing, listening, and
The next research, will discuss about speaking activities which is very suitable to
Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) improve self-learning ability for students. This
using Duolingo App. Duolingo makes claims research is only focus on app review which I
about its effectiveness, based in part on suggest to make a research for investigating on
Vesselinov and Grego’s (2012) finding that how well effective is Duolingo app if applied
for first language (L1) English speakers with to English teaching.
some previous knowledge of Spanish, an Next research that I found, we will
average of 34 hours of Duolingo usage discuss flipped classroom again and now this
covered the same material as a first college research will focus on pedagogical benefits
semester of Spanish. (Loewen et al., (2019). and EFL learners’ perceptions. The flipped
The gaps that I found in this research is that classroom is an instructional strategy that
this research focus only on Turkish language, I encourages students to undertake prior
suggest a research of Duolingo app effectivity preparation for lessons, in particular through
in EFL students. the use of online materials provided by their
On this next research we still focus on teachers (Alghasab, 2020). Based on the
Mobile Assisted Language Learning. On this findings from the research this flipped
research, the researcher that tends to classroom model of teaching increased
investigate this, using Duolingo as the majorly of students’ motivation, creating
instrument of the study. An experience in better learning environment, creating
Duolingo includes different delivery techniques flexibility of time, and improving writing
which include: translating from the source and skills. Actually I have some difficulty to find
target language of the user, pairing of words in this gap, but I suggest to conduct a research on
the two languages, choosing the correct how well flipped classroom can manage
translated phrase by a multiple-choice exercise, interrelation of writing and speaking skills.
practicing with flashcards in the two languages Moving to the next research focusing
and translating unknown words by clicking or on EFL enhancing using flipped classroom
tapping on them (Botero et al., 2018). Using model using LINE app. Based on the finding
MALL methods on improving self-directed that I found students that roll in this class was
learning can be a solution remembering MALL highly motivated to learn with this class,
can be accessed anytime. But I found a gap in
although multiple online platforms might have
this research, this research only investigates
provided the functionality required for flipped
Spanish language. I suggest to make a research
learning, the students focused in their
to cultivate English skills.
comments on using the LINE app. “I prefer to
On this next research, we will discuss
use LINE for the class”, said one student. “My
about the app review on Duolingo. Now, the
motivation was at a higher level than usual.”
two earlier articles had been discussed about
(Hshieh et al., 2017). Aside from the
usage of Duolingo, and in this segment we
motivation, time was also discussed in this
will focus on the app review. Duolingo
article in many cases, the students accepted
reassures learners that they can achieve their
the additional time and workload because they
learning goals and relieves their fear of doing
felt that it was worthwhile (Hsieh et al., 2017).
something so demanding as learning a
It also eases students’ nervous feeling when
language. Even with 5 to 10 minutes of daily
learning. Honestly, I will say this has a little
practice, Duolingo helps learners feel they
gap, which is this research is using LINE App
have accomplished something, a feeling that
when there is another completely facilitate competence. “FC would be an interesting
learning platform. I suggest to make studies strategy to fix the gap in my competence. We
like this but using Google Classroom. experienced positive interaction with teachers
The next research is about and partners when conducting debates,
implementation of station rotation and flipped discussions, describing posters, tell stories,
classroom model. Now I found this interesting compare and contrast speech.” (Alkhoudary &
because this researcher which came from Alkhoudary, 2019). Teachers also had a
Indonesia is conduction one research with two positive impact and mentioned that this
teaching models which is station rotation and flipped classroom is an important strategy. “…
flipped classroom focusing on writing skills. flipping classroom is an important strategy to
The station rotation model of integration reverse classroom activities with assignments.
covers three stages or cycles of activities or The problem with that system is that some
what so called station rotation (Mahalli et al., students are uncommitted to achieve what they
2019). This station rotation has three cycle have to study before coming to the
which are small group instruction, classroom". (Alkhoudary & Alkhoudary,
independent work or collaborative activities, 2019). This research was utilized under the
and online learning. Meanwhile in the flipped asynchronous ways, I suggest a development
classroom is only consist of two stages which to enhance students’ speaking ability under
is lecturing sharing online assignment and synchronous teacing system.
face-to-face meeting in the classroom. The The final article or the 20th article that I
benefits of the implementation of these models found is discussing about the development of
of blended learning are they can facilitate the flipped classroom lessons for EFL speaking.
flexibility, in whcih the students can learn The flipped classroom is an emerging
anytime, anywhere and make students learn pedagogical model characterized by moving
individually on their own pace of learning explicit instructions to online lectures and
(Mahalli et al., 2019). This gap that I found using class time for practical activities in
that it is only discuss in writing ability, I which students apply their learned knowledge
suggest to make a research about speaking into practice (Suwanthep & Li, 2018). This
skills too. research rolls with two class, the experimental
The next research is about the group class and control group class. Both of
worthiness of flipped classroom on EFL them is using face-to-face teach and learn
students’ grammar. The results indicated that system. The differences between experimental
flipped learning had a positive impact on group and control group is experimental group
improving students’ knowledge and usage of is using flipped classroom model and control
grammar (Al-Naabi, 2020). Based on the group is using traditional model, both were
statements above, students are able to improve investigated to know the differences. From the
their usage of grammar under this flipped investigation, the control group took longer
classroom model. The gaps that I found is time to complete the class meanwhile the
there’s no software or app to support the flipped classroom is finished quickly. The
research. I suggest a development research only gap I found is that this research is still
that using Grammarly software to improve using face-to-face way, I suggest a research to
students’ grammar. know if flipped classroom can be applied in
The next research is the effectiveness full online way.
of flipped classroom on EFL students’ CONCLUSION
speaking. Based on the article, I found that As we seen from the results and
students are able to fix their gap in speaking discussion above, there is several ways that
Muhammad Hafizh Agharid: Model of Teaching
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