Questionnaire Validation

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Clinical Epidemiology

Questionnaire development: 2. Validity

and reliability
Linda Del Greco, EdD
Wikke Walop, PhD
Richard H. McCarthy, MD, CM

In order to have confidence in the results of a of three attributes. In order for the questionnaire to
study, one must be assured that the question- have content validity all three attributes must be
naire consistently measures what it purports to questioned sufficiently. A tally of the number of
measure when properly administered. In short, the questions addressing each attribute will immedi-
questionnaire must be both valid and reliable. In ately indicate any imbalance. If an imbalance exists
this article we will define validity and reliability the results may be biased, particularly when the
and provide some examples of how to think about questionnaire yields a single score, as in measure-
these issues and how to take some first steps in ments of functional health status.
verifying them.
The importance of validity and reliability can-
not be emphasized too strongly. For example, the Face validity
thermometer must indicate the correct temperature
to be valid and must repeatedly give the same Face validity is not really validity but refers to
reading to be reliable. If the thermometer were the appearance of the questionnaire: Does it look
reliable but not valid it would give consistently "professional" or carelessly and poorly construct-
inaccurate readings; if it were valid but not reliable ed? Professional-looking questionnaires are more
it would indicate different temperatures at each likely to elicit serious responses. Therefore, face
use, the correct temperature being occasionally validity is an important consideration for both the
indicated. In both of these situations the thermom- pretest and the final product.
eter could not be relied on to contribute to sound
clinical judgements.
Criterion validity
Validity Criterion validity indicates the effectiveness of
a questionnaire in measuring what it purports to
Content validity measure. The responses on the questionnaire being
developed are checked against an external criteri-
In part 1 of this series we discussed what areas on, or gold standard, which is a direct and in-
need to be addressed in the formulation of a dependent measure of what the new questionnaire
questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is drafted is designed to measure.1-3 For example, the number
one must determine whether the domain has been of radical mastectomies reported by surgeons can
adequately covered (content validity).1-3 For exam- be validated by reviewing hospital records. Dis-
ple, suppose it was decided that appetite consisted criminative questionnaires cannot usually be vali-
dated by such means because of the absence of an
From the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill
external criterion.
University, the Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Department
of Medicine, Montreal General Hospital, and Cornell University
Medical Center, Westchester Division, New York Hospital, Construct validity
White Plains, NY
Construct validity refers to the extent to which
Second of a five-part series. Part 1 appeared in the Mar. 15, the new questionnaire conforms to existing ideas
1987, issue of CMAJ.
or hypotheses concerning the concepts (constructs)
Reprint requests to: Dr. Linda Del Greco, New York Hospital, that are being measured.1-3 Construct validity pre-
21 Bloomingdale Rd., White Plains, NY 10605, USA sents the greatest challenge in questionnaire dev-
CMAJ, VOL. 136, APRIL 1, 1987 699
elopment. For example, one could theorize that subject answers similar questions in a similar
appetite is logically related to weight retention or manner. One method is to administer two equiva-
gain. Therefore, one could administer the question- lent forms of a questionnaire at the same time to a
naire to people who have difficulty in gaining or subject. This method is rarely used because of the
losing weight. If the questionnaire exhibits con- difficulty in formulating or finding two equivalent
struct validity there should be a marked difference questionnaires.
in how these two groups respond. A more feasible method for testing the consis-
Another example is age. One could hypothe- tency of homogeneous (single-attribute) question-
size that appetite changes with age, healthy ado- naires is the split-half method: the even- and
lescents having larger appetites than senior citi- odd-numbered questions are separated and are
zens. If the hypothesis is correct, the questionnaire considered to be two equivalent questionnaires.
exhibits construct validity if it discriminates be- The internal consistency of a homogeneous ques-
tween these two groups. tionnaire can also be examined after a single
Another method of establishing construct va- administration by applying an appropriate statisti-
lidity is to ask other questions that measure a cal procedure.
variable related to appetite. For example, one could The split-half method cannot be used with
hypothesize that a good appetite is a sign of good heterogeneous questionnaires because division of
health. There is construct validity if a strong the questionnaire will not yield "equivalent"
correlation exists between the results of the new forms. In this situation one may repeat questions
questionnaire and those of an established measure throughout the questionnaire; only the original
of health status: a healthy person will sere well question is kept in the final form.
and an ill person poorly on both. Finally, one can look at the logical patterns of
Creativity and logic are required to establish answers. For example, one question might ask:
construct validity. The more ways one can test the "Would you say you are never tired, sometimes
construct validity of a new measure, the more tired or always tired?" The next question could
confidence one can have in the performance of the ask: "Do you sometimes feel tired in the after-
measure. noon? Yes, No or Not applicable?" Subjects an-
swering "never tired" to the first question should
answer "No" to the second.
Reliability As a result of testing validity and reliability,
questions are rewritten, eliminated or added. This
Reliability, or reproducibility, indicates wheth- process is repeated until the questionnaire meets
er the questionnaire performs consistently. There the standards set by the researcher. Special care
are three ways of examining reliability. The first is must be taken when eliminating and adding ques-
to examine the questionnaire's test-retest reliabili- tions to ensure that the content validity is not
ty: the ability of the questionnaire to yield similar jeopardized.
results when administered to the same person on To conduct a study in an area where people
two separate occasions. The more reliable the speak foreign languages may require a translation
questionnaire the higher the correlation between of the questionnaire. If a translation is not neces-
the results. The interval between the administra- sary the researcher can proceed directly to the
tions is important. If it is too short the results may development of the code book. Given the impor-
be confounded because the subject responds from tance of language, translation will be dealt with in
memory; if it is too long the attribute being the next issue.
examined may have changed, and the low correla-
tion may indicate this change rather than poor
reliability. References
A second method is to examine interobserver
reliability. The same subject is evaluated by two 1. Anastasi A: Psychological Testing, 4th ed, Macmillan, New
interviewers, using the same questionnaire. The York, 1976: 134-140
results will correlate well if the questionnaire has 2. Last JM, Abramson JH, Greenland S et al (eds): A Dictionary
good interobserver reliability. of Epidemiology, Oxford U Pr, New York, 1983: 107
The third method examines the consistency 3. Kirshner B, Guyatt G: A methodological framework for
within the questionnaire: the degree to which a assessing health indices. J Chronic Dis 1985: 38: 27-36

Without health
Without health life is no life; it is unlivable .... Without health, life spells but languor
and an image of death.
- Franpois Rabelais (1494?-1553)

700 CMAJ, VOL. 136, APRIL 1, 1987

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