Chapter 3
Chapter 3
In this chapter, the researcher discuss about the methods and techniques,
population and sample, research instrument, data gathering and procedures, data
In this study, the researchers will descriptive type of research. This type of
does not answer questions about how, when and why the characteristics of the
respondents occurred but it is more on “what is” or “what was” (Bickman and Rog,
2003) stated.
This research will be all about describing people who take part in the study.
As per Kowalczyk (2015), descriptive studies are usually the best methods to use in
collecting information, facts, and data that will explain the relationship of your
variables. The researcher also believes that it is the best way to study the problem in
A stratified random sampling procedure was used for selecting the participants
in this study. This technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal representation of
The researchers will conduct this study at Alasas Elementary School and San
Isidro Elementary School. The respondents of the study will be the 40 teachers of
Alasas and San Isidro Elementary School, 200 Capampangan pupils and 200 non-
additional information.
The target population for this research defined to include not only the non-
Capampangan pupils but also the Capampangan pupils to have the comparison to the
academic achievements of the pupils by getting their average at the end of the school
For some studies, the population may be small enough to warrant the inclusion of
all of them in the study. But a study may entail a large population which cannot all be
studied. That portion of the population that is studied is called a sample of the
population (Nworgu 1991:69). A sample in this study is, therefore, a smaller group 3 -
elements making up this sample are those that are actually studied.
The subjects of the study will be the twenty percent (20%) of the Kindergarten to
Grade Three Capampangan pupils from both Alasas and San Isidro Elementary
School, one hundred percent (100%) of the Kindergarten to Grade Three non-
Capampangan pupils from both Alasas and San Isidro Elementary School, one
hundred percent (100%) of the Kindergarten to Grade Three teachers from both
Alasas and San Isidro Elementary and selected parents at Alasas and San Isidro
Elementary School for the school year 2018-2019. The teachers’ respondents will be
selected through universal sampling design while the elementary pupils and parents’
Research Instrument
The major instruments that will be used in gathering the data are the questionnaire-
checklist and structured interview. The researcher will have two sets of questionnaires
whose respondents are the pupils and teachers. Two sets of structured interview will
The questionnaire for the pupils will be made to determine the students’ level of
Researching related local and foreign literature and browsing related article on
websites are helpful to the researcher in analyzing the contents and parts of the
questionnaire. Significant ideas and information will be gathered and unified to make
the study more effective. Gathered and collected information will be tabulated,
The researchers will ask the permission from the principal of Alasas and San Isidro
Elementary School through a letter to conduct the data gathering of data from the
prospect respondents. Upon the approval of request, the researchers also asked
permission from the teachers of these two schools for their assistance to administer
questionnaires to assure the 100% cooperation and retrieval of data from the
The sets of questionnaire will be given to the teachers of Alasas and San Isidro
Elementary School. We will also interview some parents of the pupils for more
content and instructions of the questionnaires will be done by the researchers to make
sure that the respondents fully understand each item. The respondents will also be
The data that will be collected from the field will be analyzed. Statistically
weighted mean will be used in answering the research questions. In analyzing and
interpreting the gathered data, descriptive statistical techniques will be used such as