Chapter 3 Angeline
Chapter 3 Angeline
Chapter 3 Angeline
Research Design
As it focuses on gathering comprehensive information on the elements impacting SMEs
on customer satisfaction, research is a quantitative study. Numerous different types of numerical
data are gathered for quantitative study. The descriptive research design will be utilized in this
study since it is appropriate for studying phenomena and can present categorical variables. The
mean, mode, median, average, and standard deviation are descriptive statistics; the incidence can
be determined if the sublevel corresponds to the point estimate. If the variable is categorical, the
goodness of fit test is utilized for the verification sublevel, where there is a hypothesis test . It
would reflect both variables (dependent and independent) from the research hypothesis that
would guide how our respondents would give aspects to this research.
Sampling Method
This study's population will consist of 40 individuals. The population will be represented
by a sample of randomly selected male and female participants of San Andres Bukid, Manila.
Random sampling was used to establish the sample size. Simple random sampling is used to
make statistical inferences about a population. The best strategy to reduce the impact of any
confounding variables is by randomization, which helps to ensure strong internal validity. This
specific technique of probability sampling is the easiest to understand in compared to the others
since it only takes one random choice and very little prior information of the population. Due to
the use of randomization, any research that is carried out using this sample ought to have high
levels of both internal and external validity.
Descriptive Statistics
After that, the data will be thoroughly examined using the Pearson's Correlation Test.
Making a solid conclusion for this research will be based on the facts that have been gathered,
examined, and understood. The number, mean, and standard deviation were computed for each
variable. Univariate analysis was performed initially, and Pearson correlations were employed.
In order to follow up on substantial relationships, multivariable analyses were conducted,
controlling for key covariates (demographics, preference, etc.). The software used in computing
the Pearson correlation will be done through the Data Analysis Tool Pak of Microsoft Excel. A
5-point Likert scale will be used. The study will be using descriptive analysis consisting of the
mean, percentage, and frequency distribution, analyzing the data to interpret and get results. The
researchers will also be using frequency and percentage to compute the result from the survey
outcome and to make conclusions from the data available.
4 – Likely (L)
3 - Neutral (N)
2 - Unlikely (U)
The statistical treatment of population mean is used in our research as this method
is to find the average of groups to measure the midpoint or center of the data.
Standard Deviation
Mean (Likert-Scale)
Scales Interpretation
4.50 - 5.00 VL
3.50 - 4.49 L
2.50 - 3.49 N
1.50 - 2.49 U
1.00 - 1.49 VL
Percentage of Respondents =
(Number of Respondents Answered) x 100
(Overall Respondents)
Inferential Statistics
Testing hypotheses is a standard procedure for doing statistical research that makes use of
inferential statistics. Testing a hypothesis allows one to examine whether or not there is a
relationship between two variables or to compare demographics by utilizing different samples.
The validity of hypotheses or predictions may be investigated via the use of statistical tests.
Using statistical tests that involve evaluation of sample mistakes allows for the possibility of
reaching a meaningful result. Both conventional and non-parametric quantitative tests are
provided. It is generally accepted that parametric tests are statistically superior than non-
parametric ones due to the greater likelihood that they would detect an effect, supposing that an
influence does in fact exist.
Ethical Consideration
For ethical consideration, this study will be submitted to the research adviser for the
review of the protocol regarding on the use of human subjects in the study. The researcher will
also make sure that the name of the students and the schools are anonymized in an appropriate
manner. The researcher will invite the respondents to willingly engage in the study in order to
resolve these ethical concerns. The informed consent form must be filled out by respondents to
demonstrate their voluntary involvement in the research. Following completion of the consent,
the researcher will secure the permission for the respondents' security and confidentiality. Of
course, the respondents' confidentiality, anonymity, and privacy are of the utmost significance in
this research. As a result, all information relating to them will be deciphered.