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A Literature Review of Academic Performance

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A Literature Review of Academic Performance, an

Insight into Factors and their Influences on Academic

Outcomes of Students at Senior High Schools
Evans Austin Brew1*, Benjamin Nketiah2, Richard Koranteng3
Department of Basic Education, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
Library Department, Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and
Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Asante Mampong Campus, Ghana.
Department of Biological Sciences Education, Akenten Appiah-Menka University of
Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Asante Mampong
Campus, Ghana.
DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107423   PDF   HTML   XML   1,606 Downloads   80,227 Views  

The good academic performance of students at the Senior High School is of paramount
importance in every educational system. Meanwhile, numerous factors influence the
academic performance of students and have been researched, but many problems
persist. A literature review in this area would provide the gaps and areas that need
more research and will go a long way to curb the situation. The current paper used a
narrative review method to review the literature on the academic performance of
students at Senior High Schools and various factors affecting students’ performance.
The paper elucidated how these factors negatively affect academic performance and the
need for them to be minimized to improve students’ academic performance. The study
found out that, truancy affects academic performance drastically and sometimes even
leads to school dropout. Also, the study found out that other factors such as students’
parental levels of education and income, textbooks availability and accessibility,
libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and teachers have tremendous effects on
the academic performance of students at school. Students who are above average
academically and are positively exposed to these factors are likely to perform better as
compared to those who are less exposed to these factors. The study recommends that
factors such as truancy, parental levels of education and income, textbooks availability
and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and teachers should be
regularly monitored and adjusted to meet students’ needs and aspirations. This will go
a long way to improve the academic performance of students and hence allow them to
achieve their aims in life.

Academic Performance, Factors, Parents, Teachers

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Brew, E.A., Nketiah, B. and Koranteng, R. (2021) A Literature Review of Academic
Performance, an Insight into Factors and their Influences on Academic Outcomes of
Students at Senior High Schools. Open Access Library Journal, 8, 1-14.
doi: 10.4236/oalib.1107423.

1. Introduction
It is highly significant to note that a human being’s entire existence is commonly based
on the amount of knowledge he or she acquires, how much this knowledge is utilized in
developing himself, his country, and the world at large. This explains the reason
underlying the need for education. The basic thing that one gets from education is
knowledge. One gets to know about various things ranging from Mathematics to
History, Literature to Political Science [1] . The worldly knowledge we gain from
education plays a great role in our future life and helps us to understand the
happenings in a much more cohesive manner. Meanwhile, educational success is a
measure based on the academic performance of students.
Educators and researchers have long been interested in exploring variables contributing
to the quality of academic performance of learners. Academic performance is affected
by many factors including parents’ education levels and income, teachers’ knowledge of
the subject, truancy, textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries, practical
laboratory, meals provision and many other factors [2] . The home environment has
been recognized as having a lot of influence on academic performance. Children who
experience poverty may live in physical environments that offer less stimulation and
fewer resources for learning. Education at the secondary school level is supposed to be
the bedrock and the foundation towards higher knowledge in tertiary institutions [3] .
Consistent lower academic performance at the Senior High School is a threat to every
country’s educational system, especially Ghana. There is therefore the need to review
the literature on academic performance, and insight into factors and their influences on
academic outcomes of students at Senior High Schools. This is one way or the other
could help expose some gaps in the literature and other issues that have been favoured
by research and publications. This study has been structured to review literature on
factors and their influences on academic outcomes of students at senior high schools.

2. Methods
The study used a narrative review method to find out how the academic performance of
students is affected by their needs in the school. To achieve this, the researchers
employed search styles and methods from previous studies [4] [5] with few
modifications. The modifications included the search terms (academic performance,
teachers and academic performance, students and academic performance, hunger and
academic performance etc.) and phrases since the study papers are of different topics
and scope and hence the modification. Search terms employed in the current study
included but not limited to academic performance, Senior High School student's
performance, students attendance to the library, the importance of meals in academic
performance, truancy and academic performance, parents’ income and academic
performance, textbooks and academic performance, etc.

3. Organization of the Study

The literature review is of paramount importance to update the current information and
trend of research on factors that influence the academic performance of students at the
senior high school level. This is hoped to provide the gaps and areas that need to be
researched for the betterment of educational systems. To achieve this, the study was
organized into an introduction, methods and other topics including, the influence of
truancy on academic performance in secondary schools, the influence of parents’ levels
of education on students’ academic performance, the influence of parents’ income on
academic performance of students in secondary schools, the influence of textbooks on
academic achievement, the influence of libraries on academic achievement, laboratory
and academic achievement, meals provision at school and academic performance in
secondary schools, the influence of teachers on students’ academic performance,
conclusion and recommendations.
3.1. Influence of Truancy on Academic Performance in Secondary
The act of being absent from school above the allowable period without permission is
termed as obstinate truancy [6] . Though truancy is a major challenge that is
recognized in various parts of the country, the difficulty of collecting and presenting
data at various stages (school, local and states) have led to the lack of data that fully
presents a clear picture of the situation [7] .
Being truant can usually begin at the initial stage of schooling of which the resultant
effect will be both short and long term low-grade academic performance [8] . Among
students specifically of Latin American descent, continuous absenteeism affects their
academic output even at the early stage of their first grade [9] . Unfortunately, a larger
number of these truant students are not able to catch up with the missed classes as a
result of the poor financial background [10] . Hence the appearance of these trends
affects the lives of the students and the community they belong to in the long run
[11] .
It was worthy to note that, truancy is not only detrimental to the individual and his/her
vision but affects other students by way of impeding the progress of teaching and
causing damage to the overall performance of the school [12] . Conversely, truancy
amongst teachers also messes up the academic output of students. This is confirmed by
a report which indicated that the academic achievement of students is adversely
impacted to a larger extent when teachers are truant [13] . This situation worsens by
additionally declining the scores of the students on standardized tests when they are
absent from the class in more days. However, a lot of teachers who usually absent
themselves from school either request a leave from school leaders or they are sick [14]
3.2. Influence of Parents’ Levels of Education on Student Academic
One other factor that has the propensity to influence the academic output of the
student is the natural surroundings he/she belongs to. However, such surroundings that
could soothe the performance of the student can be given by the parents [15] . Parents
can also benefit from sessions of guidance and counselling from school leaders to help
enhance the academic work of students at home [16] . For students to achieve a higher
degree of academic excellence, several researchers have posited that students reaching
this fate mainly rely on the academic influence of their parents [17] . As a result, [18]
in their work inferred that the mark of students from literate parents exceeds those
from illiterate parents on a standardized exam. This is because literate parents can
share information with their children concerning school [10] and what is being studied.
Additionally, they are capable of helping their wards in their academic work and their
involvement in school activities [19] .
Therefore, the education of parents is significant in anticipating the performance of
students and this has been frequently pointed out in several types of research reporting
on students’ performance [20] . Among the parents, mother’s higher education
reflected in the performance of students in Mathematics and Reading due to their
increased hopes from their wards [21] . He further asserted that a higher level of
performance-associated conduct by mothers in the house and a more definite insight of
performance by the children was projected by more definite confidence and hopes from
mothers [21] .
3.3. Influence of Parents’ Income on Academic Performance of
Students in Secondary Schools
A study that compared families of low- and high-income earners indicated that parents
who are average to extreme income earners that is consistent with their educational
level cleave to similar views and visions as compared to families earning smaller wages
and their views about the educational achievements of their wards [22] . However,
there was no relationship between the higher hopes and achievement visions families
from poor financial background conceived about their wards and their real academic
achievements [23] .
A study indicated that students from poor family backgrounds are put under slavery
work and have limited time to study and this happens because they esteem household
work more than education. Also, prevalent in developing nations are several families
who are not capable of feeding twice daily despite working throughout the day [24] .
Hence, children of the young age of such households engage in menial jobs to survive.
However, the little money gained together with the scanty financial provision by the
government in education causes these poor families the inability to fund their wards
education resulting in low academic achievements [25] .
3.4. Influence of Textbooks on Academic Achievement
The textbook is an instructional material that also determines the success of a student.
This has been confirmed by several studies which have indicated the role textbooks
play in a student’s academic performance [26] . Then also textbooks serve as the only
material from which information for the student and program of study are gathered
[27] . A study investigated the impact of textbooks and other factors on students’
performance when data was collected from eight-grade Mathematics classes across the
country in Thailand. It was observed that textbooks influenced performance by
presenting a complete and well-detailed curriculum as well as replacing subsequent
mathematics education after secondary school [28] . Moreover, according to [29] ,
textbooks are principal at every stage of a school because nothing has substituted
books as a vital part of the educational process.
Teachers striving for the enhancement of students education esteem that, enhancing
teaching books would certainly result in the alteration of instruction [30] and another
author asserted about teachers dependence on textbooks [31] . Several teachers
assume that textbooks could offer significant and efficient information without taking
into consideration the role of instructors [32] . Textbooks have been emphasized as so
essential to academic improvement that, [33] posited that unavailability of significant
textbooks for instruction and studies is an unfortunate incidence [34] . Then also,
students not able to buy textbooks are one of the factors accounting for their
unavailability among students [35] . In this way, it would only be from teachers that
students will get access to information and in this situation, a teacher’s choice of
textbooks will be partial [36] . Partial because, it will rely on sensibly deficient
standards such as the appealing nature of books taking into consideration the print,
pictures as well as the credentials and acknowledgement the writer has received in his
or her other writings [36] . Research by [37] which showed the relationship between
resource and resource exploitation and academic performance further explained that
there existed a high association between suggested textbooks and academic output in
Integrated Science [37] .
3.5. Influence of Libraries on Academic Achievement
The storage place or apartment for a compendium of reports, books, recordings,
research articles and journals for reading, learning, and lending is termed as a library
[38] . A library remains one of the significant elements in instruction and knowledge
acquisition as such forms one of the key provisions of the educational system. Then
also the earth’s pool of books facilitates the role of the educational process [39] . To
make available to students textbooks of concern, worth and those that are not their
main or additional material, the library functions to provide an avenue for students to
get access to these books, periodicals and other printed books at ease [40] .
In the school system, a library as an asset is cardinal and occupies a fundamental
position. Therefore, it assists the role of instruction and presents direction as well as aid
to its users [41] . According to [42] , a library must have two most important things: it
must be current and historic (contains past books). Then also, libraries must be funded
to enable book acquisition coupled with the provision of other responsibilities [43] . He
finally inferred that a properly furnished library is a substantial complex that facilitates
positive students and their attainment of maximum educational level. Another
researcher, [44] , indicated that, if material found within the library is few and not
current, the library is not productive. And when it is continuously locked during a
specified period of school hours, then the significance of the library will not be realistic.
However, despite the earlier indicated realities, it is sorrowful that several schools run
without a library [45] . The unavailability of a defined school library would continuously
be severely fatal to a lot of secondary school students [46] . This means that several
schools operating without a library resulted in a decline in the academic achievements
of students. Additionally, the school library has been pointed out by [47] as a
significant teaching asset that affects students’ performance after regulating for
students’ family background. He further observed that a single consequence of library
capacity and services have been observed in 15 out of 18 investigations. Wherein
school provided with a well-furnished library performed better. [48] also stated that a
group of materials stored in the library for studying was associated with academic
performance, which he asserted in research about elevating the efficiency of schools in
developing nations [49] .
3.6. Laboratory and Academic Achievement
To practicalize theories by illustration during instructional periods takes place in an area
known as a laboratory which has been purposely instituted for that said action [50] .
The importance of a laboratory has been emphasized during the instruction of science
in that, students tend to understand and recollect more when they are made to have a
feel than just listening [51] . Hence, the efficiency of any science subject is contingent
on a laboratory at its dispense. Therefore, the laboratory is an epicentre during the
teaching of science [52] .
In any hands-on studying process, students are made to partake in exercises such as
observation, enumeration, trials, quantifying, recording and undertaking duties outside
class [53] . However, these field exercises are highly distinct from taught theories
which are characterized by hearkening to presentations and recording what is
presented [54] . As students are made to partake in significant exercises and testings
in the laboratory, their passions are aroused [55] . Science is not only about yield or
procedures but laboratory duties equip students with fundamental proficiencies and
knowledge of dealing with situations using the scientific procedure [56] .
The laboratory serves as the medium through which students have the opportunity to
transform their convictions, thoughts, assertions and hypothetical suggestions into the
trial [57] . The teacher also on the other hand has a role of partaking in laboratory
activities to ensure the transfer of information and truths to students. This is bid helps
to sustain and stimulate the curiosities of students in studies containing laboratory work
for higher academic output [58] . Consistent with this, one lingers to probe that at what
length have the laboratory been able to attain its purpose? Comparing the role of
teachers and the laboratory a study emphasized that, the teacher acts as a distributor
of knowledge whereas the laboratory plays the role of practice or confirmation [59] .
Additionally, they expounded at another end, the duty of a teacher which is to provide
direction to students and the laboratory serving as an avenue to unearth information
[60] .
In contrast, rising proofs suggest that teachers do not display actions that correspond
to attaining the specified goals. Some consist of the way of instructing practical
subjects; insufficient or lack of well-furnished laboratories; increased number of
learners; lack of infrastructure for instructing and studying hands-on subjects as well
the number and excellence of teachers [61] . [62] also found an overall shortfall of
assets in some recently built secondary schools in Lagos during its study of assets for
instructing and studying Biology. He further discovered amidst other factors that, the
majority (80%) of schools that indicated the presence of laboratories, contained a well-
stocked laboratory. Second, a smaller percentage (40%) of the schools was found to
have no laboratories whereas the remainder (60%) had an area apportioned as a
laboratory but without sufficient instruments. She then inferred that learners studying
skills would be restrained due to the complication involved in instructing Biology
practicals [62] .
Another author also acknowledged in his research that, when there is a lack of
instruments for instruction, no science education course can survive [63] . Rose
highlighted that the conditions in second cycle schools recently indicated that laboratory
racks have become full of bottles devoid of chemicals [64] . However, the academic
performance of schools with a well-stocked laboratory has been revealed to highly
exceed those without, in the final science certificate examinations [65] . In agreement
with the previous statement, the marks obtained by learners taught solely by
laboratory procedures in attitude were higher but with a drop in performance marks as
compared to those taught solely by the indigenous lecture method [66] .
[67] asserted that the non-existence of practical in any Science and Mathematics
programs makes it incomplete. The practical duty must be undertaken by students
either in the science laboratory or in the classroom. Since we study by practice, it very
important to undertake practical work especially at the school stage, therefore, making
scientific drills and their usage be accordingly presented consequentially. It is a fact
that, an item held by hand imprints on the mind strongly as compared to items only
viewed afar or during a presentation [68] .
3.7. Meals Provision at School and Academic Performance in
Secondary Schools
Food is an essential component of education and it is vital to the well being of humans,
especially students. Thus, for students to get along with class duties, concentrate and
learn thoroughly, energy from food is required to facilitate these actions [69] . Studies
have found out that, students who do not partake in breakfast are usually affected in
their ability to deal with some critical subjects like Mathematics which utilises analytical
skills [70] .
3.8. Influence of Teachers on Students’ Academic Performance
One other factor that accounts for the low academic performance of students is the
number of teachers which are proportionally smaller than the students [71] . Despite
the smaller number of these teachers in the public schools, they additionally engage in
other menial jobs or hold personal ventures to help them make a living and this is due
to the inadequate salary paid by the government [72] . These unsatisfactory conditions
of service have led to an increased level of truancy, the lessened edge for work,
declined efficacy in class, lower motivation and work fulfilment in schools [73] .
However, zeal, increased motivation, collaboration and receipt of duties exist where the
conditions of service are of high value. Therefore, the above consequences of
ineffectiveness on the part of teachers depict how they affect students’ education [74] .
Moreover for education to fully achieve its purpose, teachers play a key function by way
of interpreting, displaying and setting standards following educational programs during
school hours [75] . Hence, teachers determine how teaching and learning occurs. [76]
therefore, hypothesized that a teacher is characterized as being productive when
he/she brings out the required outcome when performing his/her role as a teacher.

4. Conclusion
The study was designed to review the literature on the influences of various needs of
students on their academic performance. The study revealed that truancy affects
academic performance drastically and sometimes even leads to school dropout. Also,
the study finds out that other factors such as students’ parents’ levels of education and
income, textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals
provision and teachers have tremendous effects on the academic performance of
students at school. Students who are above average academically, positively exposed
to these factors are likely to perform better as compared to those who are less exposed
to these factors.

The study recommends that factors such as truancy, parents’ levels of education and
income, textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals
provision and teachers should be regularly monitored and adjusted to meet students’
needs and aspirations. Specifically, truancy negatively affects academic performance
and should be eradicated. Also, most parents should be educated on the importance of
educating their wards. Policymakers or funding should be invested in implementation
research since some of these are available yet the intended coverage is not achieved.
This will go a long way to improve the academic performance of students and hence
allow them to achieve their aims in life.

The study was limited in that, it did was a narrative review by not a systematic one and
hence various events were not presented in a chronological other.

We wish to acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Gadafi Iddrisu Balali of the Department of
Theoretical and Applied Biology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi, Ghana and who also doubled as the CEO of MicoTech Research
Group for his intellectual guidance. We also wish to acknowledge Dr. George Oduro
Okyireh of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Akenten Appiah-Menka
University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Mampong
Campus, Ashanti, Ghana for his time and assistance in expurgation of the manuscript.

This was funded by the authors.
Availability of Supporting Data
All data used for this manuscript are available upon a reasonable request.

AB conceptualized the study. All authors contributed equally in the drafting, editing and
finally reviewing the manuscript for publication.

Consent for Publication

We have all read the final manuscript and consented to it for publication.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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