Daily Lesson Plan: Teacher'S Name:Mdm Nur Safawanie Binti Mohd Syahril

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Daily Lesson Plan 3B


Lesson: 1 Week: 2 Day : Monday Date: 7 January, 2019
Time : 8.50 am – 9.50 am Class : 3 Bestari Subject : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Topic : MODULE 1 : WELCOME! Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends
Language Focus
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Writing
Content Standard 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of 4.3-Communicate with appropriate
familiar contexts language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Learning standard 1.2.2 Understand with support specific 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and
information and details of short simple texts question marks appropriately in guided
writing at sentence level
1) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: count 10-100 orally
2) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: talk about possession

Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils able to listen and count 10 to 100 at least 10 words independently and write the
Can do statements numbers in words with correct punctuation at least in 10 words with little guidance .
Teaching aids Textbook, flashcards, worksheets
CCE : Creativity & Imagination HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Pair / Group Discussion
Review numbers with a whole-class game. Choose to deliver another appropriate pre-lesson
Pre Lesson
activity that better suits your pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.

2. Using flashcards, review key vocabulary and questions.

3. Follow the steps in Teacher’s Book p.21 for Activity 3.
4. Using the word and punctuation cards, work with pupils to build a model sentence on the board.
Lesson 5. In their notebooks, pupils write a sentence about one of the people in Activity 3.
Development 6. Partners read each other’s sentences to guess who it is. They should be encouraged to check
their partner’s work for correct punctuation (use of capitals, full stops and apostrophes).
7. Pupils rewrite their sentence based on their partner’s feedback.
8. Review and give feedback on pupils’ written work for both first and second drafts as well the
peer’s feedback. Make a note of common problems to review next lesson.
Play a word & punctuation un-jumble game on the board, where you write a mixed up sentence on
Post Lesson the board and pupils should put the words and punctuation in the correct order to make a
sentence. Play as a whole class and then in groups if time allows
Assessment Task
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were guided by little teachers.
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.

Daily Lesson Plan 3B


Lesson: 2 Week: 2 Day : Tuesday Date: 8 January, 2019
Time : 10.10 am – 11.10pm Class : 3 Bestari Subject : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Topic : MODULE 1 : WELCOME! Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends
Language Focus
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content Standard 2.1-Communicate simple information 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of
intelligibly familiar contexts
Learning standard 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short
suitable words and phrases supported questions
Objectives 1) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: talk about possession

Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils able to describe people and objects using suitable words at least 5 words correctly
Can do statements and construct 5 simple phrases with little guidance .
Teaching aids Textbook, worksheets, stripes of paper
CCE : Creativity & Imagination HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Pair / Group Discussion
Pre Lesson 1. Play a game to review key vocabulary.

2. Review the answers to Activity 3 (Student’s Book p.7, from last lesson) by asking pupils about
the people and what they have got.
3. Follow the guidelines in Teacher’s Book p.21 for Activity 4
4. Give pupils a strip of paper. Ask them to write something they have got lots of and how many
they’ve got (e.g. I have got 15 books.). Model the change of form as necessary. Point out the
common contraction ‘ve and contrast it with ‘s for third person.
5. Put pupils in large groups. One pupil collects the papers, mixes them and redistributes them.
6. Pupils read the strips and take turns to ask the group members Have you got…? to find out
whose paper it is. At the end, pupils should report to the group: Aiman has got 15 books.
7. Ask pupils to tell you something interesting they found out about a friend.
8. Ask pupils to reflect on their own performance by asking for hands up, e.g. …if you spoke clearly
Post Lesson
…if you understood your friends well… if you want to speak more loudly… This could be done in
their first language if necessary.
Assessment Observation
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
The lesson was carried out successfully.

Daily Lesson Plan 3B


Lesson: 3 Week: 2 Day : Wednesday Date: 9 January, 2019
Time : 10.10 am – 11.10 am Class : 3 Bestari Subject : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Topic : MODULE 1 : WELCOME! Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends
Language Focus
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
Content Standard 3.2 -Understand a variety of linear and non- 4.2- Communicate basic information
linear print and digital texts by using intelligibly for a range of purposes in print
appropriate reading strategies and digital media
Learning standard 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using
texts suitable words and phrases
1) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: talk about friends
2) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: talk about someone can and can’t do

Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils able to talk about their friends at least in 5 words correctly and 5 simple sentences
Can do statements with little guidance .
Teaching aids Textbook, flashcards, worksheets
CCE : Creativity & Imagination HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Pair / Group Discussion
Pre Lesson 1. Play an action or miming game to review key sports vocabulary.

2. Begin the main lesson by following Teacher’s book p.22 Warm up

3. Hand out the sets of cut up pictures from copies of Student’s Book p.8 (one set per group).
Follow with Vocabulary and step 1 of Activity 1 (See Teacher’s Book p.22 – pupils talk about the
Lesson pictures).
Development 4. Hand out the cut up texts from copies of Student’s Book p.8 (one set per group). Ask pupils to
read them and match to the correct pictures (which they already have).
5. Follow with the remaining steps of Activity 1 (See Teacher’s Book p.22).
6. End the main lesson with Grammar box and Activity 2 (See Teacher’s Book p.22).
7. Ask pupils to put up their hands if they can paint/do karate etc.
Post Lesson 8. Monitor as pupils work on the activities in the lesson to assess their understanding of can. Use
this to decide how much to review and extend the language focus in the next few lessons.
Assessment Task
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were guided by little teachers.
The lesson was carried out successfully.
The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.

Daily Lesson Plan 3B


Lesson: 4 Week: 2 Day : Thursday Date: 10 January, 2019
Time : 10.10 am – 11.10 am Class : 3 Bestari Subject : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Topic : MODULE 1 : WELCOME! Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends
Language Focus
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Listening
Content Standard 4.3-Communicate with appropriate language 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of
form and style for a range of purposes in print familiar contexts
and digital media
Learning standard 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high 1.2.1 Understand with support the main
frequency words accurately in guided writing idea of short simple texts
1) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: talk about what someone can and
can’t do
Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils able to spell the words about sports learn in the topic at least 5 words correctly
Can do statements and construct 5 sentences with guidance .
Teaching aids Textbook, flashcards, worksheets
CCE : Creativity and Innovation HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Presentation
Pre Lesson 1. Use sports flashcards to play a vocabulary review game.

2. Play a miming/TPR game to review and practice can and can’t. Extend by asking pupils Can
he/she X? pupils reply Yes, he/she can or No, he/she can’t.
3. Follow on with Activity 3 (See Teacher’s Book, p.23).
4. Monitor pupils’ use of vocabulary. You could introduce more vocabulary in this lesson, if your
pupils are ready for it. This would be a chance to introduce some sports or hobbies that are
popular with children in general at the moment in Malaysia.
5. Play a letter/word scramble game to check the written form of Yes/No answer (mix up the
letters/words and ask pupils to rearrange them correctly).
6. Follow on with Activity 4 (See Teacher’s Book p.23).
7. Play a spelling game with sports words and pictures.
8. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they can write:
Post Lesson - New words I remember
- Activities I enjoyed
- A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
- A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
Assessment Observation
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were guided by little teachers.
The lesson was carried out successfully.
The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.

Daily Lesson Plan 3B


Lesson: 5 Week: 2 Day : Friday Date: 11 January, 2019
Time : 7.20 am – 8.20 Class : 3 Bestari Subject : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Topic : MODULE 1 : WELCOME! Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends
Language Focus
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Listening
Content Standard 5.3-Express an imaginative response to literary 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of
texts familiar contexts
Learning standard 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly 1.2.1 Understand with support the main
through creating simple action songs on idea of short simple texts
familiar topics
2) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: Response to the song imaginatively
and intelligibly .
Success Criteria/ 2) Pupils able to respond to the song through the action they do imaginatively and
Can do statements intelligibly independently
Teaching aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets
CCE : Creativity and Innovation HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Presentation
2. Give each pupil a card. They look at the card and mime the action, either as I can or I can’t (E.g.
Pre Lesson
play chess – pupil mimes someone trying to play but looking confused). Other pupils should say
either She/He can … or He/She can’t … (Same example: She can’t play chess.). Pupils keep the cards
3. Ask pupils to watch the video of the song. They should check their cards (from pre-lesson stage).
If they hear their word, they should hold up their card. Play the song:
4. Ask the pupils to listen to the song again and copy the actions they hear. Play the song again.
5. Put pupils into groups of five. Give each group a verse of the cut up lines of the song. They should
Lesson divide the lines between them, one each. Play the song again. Pupils order the lines as they hear
Development them.
6. Feed back by having groups sing the song in the order of verses (with or without the video
7. Use two action cards to show pupils how to create new verses of the song. Give each group time
to create a new verse using different action words.
8. Groups perform their verses. Provide plenty of positive feedback on their efforts.
Post Lesson 9. Play the song video again and encourage pupils to sing along and mime.

Assessment Observation
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were guided by little teachers.
The lesson was carried out successfully.
The lesson was postponed due to meeting/ briefing/CRK/public holidays/school programme.


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