Design and Performance Evaluation of Solar Dryer: P. K. Wankhade, Dr. R.S.Sapkal, Dr. V.S.Sapkal
Design and Performance Evaluation of Solar Dryer: P. K. Wankhade, Dr. R.S.Sapkal, Dr. V.S.Sapkal
Design and Performance Evaluation of Solar Dryer: P. K. Wankhade, Dr. R.S.Sapkal, Dr. V.S.Sapkal
ABSTRACT: Drying is an essential process in the preservation of agricultural products. Drying preserves
foods by removing enough moisture from food to prevent decay and spoilage. Drying of foods, the key is to
remove moisture as quickly as possible at a temperature that does not seriously affect the flavor, texture and
color of the food. Various drying methods are employed to dry different agricultural products. In present work
local made solar dryer is used which is modified in form of vents for natural air flow in dryer and also platform
constructed, which is made up of galvanized wire mesh which allow the free flow of air around the product by
natural circulation. Fan/blower is used for forced circulation and to increase the air velocity. And
experimentation was carried out in both cases on some agricultural product to study the effects on performance
in different parameters after drying in the month of march and april. The results also revealed the dependence
of the dryer performance on the proper air circulation through the system. The dryer efficiency increased as the
air velocity through the system increased.
Keywords: Food Preservation, Drying methods, Solar dryer, Performance evaluation, Drying efficiency.
Drying is the reduction of moisture from the products and is a most important process for preserving
agricultural products since it has a great effect on the quality of the dried products. The major objective in
drying agricultural products is the reduction of the moisture content to a level which allows safe storage over an
extended period. In addition, drying enhances the storability, transportability, nutritional value retention, flavor
and texture of food products. It is used for the preservation of a wide variety of agricultural products. However,
the ever-rising cost of electricity and natural fuels in addition with growing concern about their availability in
both the short and long terms, has resulted in growing interest in the use of renewable resources especially solar
energy. Drying of agricultural products such as corn, rice, millet, beans, sorghum, groundnut, pepper, okra,
potato, and yam chips requires a considerable amount of energy, which must be available when the crop is
harvested. The application of solar energy in drying of agricultural products has tremendous potential, since it
can easily provide the low temperature heating required for drying. Drying processes using solar energy range
from traditional open sun drying to solar dryers. The climatic conditions during harvest season in some areas
may be such that unheated or natural air can be used to reduce the moisture content in the crop to safe storage
However, in the natural air drying technique has the problems of contamination, infestation,
microbial attack, and the required drying time for a given commodity can be quite long. Where feasible, solar
drying often provides the most cost-effective drying technique which provide air with greater drying potential
which in turn flows by natural or forced convection through a bed of the product to be dried. Since the material
is contained there is less contamination and it is less susceptible to adverse weather conditions (Akbulut and
Durmus, 2010). Solar energy in is available for 8 to 9 months in a year with average sunshine hours ranged from
6.5 to 8 hours per day. The average solar energy ranged between 450-500 cal/cm² in a day. At present the fruits
are used for drying due to their availability and good market value at local level. It is a fruit dried and used as
sour agent in cookery. The only alternative available is drying (Senadeera et al.,2003), which is most important
techniques of food preservation (Menon and Muzumdar, 1987). To reduce the processing losses during the
drying and to retain the quality of dried product, it is necessary to dry such fruit in the close chamber(Lambert,
1980) with preventing product from dust, insect, larva, birds and animal (Ong, 1999). By keeping importance of
drying, low cost solar dryer was fabricated to carry out solar drying study.
where, MR is the dimensionless moisture ratio, M, Me and Mo are the moisture content at any time, the
equilibrium moisture content and the initial moisture content in kg respectively.
Drying Efficiency:
Amount of heat required to evaporate the moisture inside the product is called as drying efficiency.
Total heat in case of solar dryer is the availability of solar radiation on collector surface of the dryer. This drying
efficiency was calculated by equation,
𝑊 𝑥 ⧍𝐻𝑙
𝜼𝑑 =
𝐴𝑐 𝑥 𝐼𝑐
Where, W= moisture evaporated (kg), ⧍𝐻𝑙 = Latent heat of vaporization of water, 2320 (kJ/kg), Ic= Total
hourly isolation upon collector, (Wm²), Ac= Area of collector (m²)
Sample Analysis:
Fig 2: Temperature variation Fig 3: Moisture content variation FIG 4: Efficiency variation with air
during test with time velocity
In this work, practical way of low cost preserving food items by the use of solar dryer has been
experimented. The fabrication of the dryer does not require high technology and once installed the maintenance
cost is minimum. The dryer was tested and the following conclusions can be drawn based on the results
obtained, the maximum drying air temperatures was found to be 57°C inside the dryer cabinet. The average
International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology – 2014 (ICAET-2014) 72 | Page
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 70-73
drying air temperature in the drying cabinet was higher than the ambient temperature in the range of 5°C in the
early hours of the day to 20-25°C at mid-day. The average temperature in the drying cabinet was also found
higher than that of the air-heater in the range of 2-5°C, which justified the additional heat received from direct
solar radiation through the transparent walls. About 80% and 55% weight losses were obtained in the drying of
pepper and yam chips, respectively, in the dryer. In the two cases, the use of the dryer led to considerable
reduction in drying time in forced circulation in comparison to the natural circulation drying. The system
efficiency increased as the air velocity increased.
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