Experimental Characterization and Modeling of Thin-Layer Drying of Mango Slices
Experimental Characterization and Modeling of Thin-Layer Drying of Mango Slices
Experimental Characterization and Modeling of Thin-Layer Drying of Mango Slices
*Corresponding author.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +249912894598; Fax: +249731842111
1912 Akoy, E. O. M./IFRJ 21(5): 1911-1917
slices (Aghbashlo et al., 2009), onion slices (Arslan adjusted to the selected temperature for about half an
and zean, 2010), sweet cherry (Doymaz and Ismail, hour to reach thermal stabilization. Then the samples
2011) and banana (da Silva et al., 2013). However, were uniformly spread in a single layer of 3mm
there is limited information and research on drying thickness on a tray. Representative samples of sliced
kinetics of mango slices in the literature. Therefore, mango for moisture content determination were placed
the objectives of this study were: (a) to investigate in a circular wire mesh of 10 cm diameter and placed
the thin-layer drying characteristics of mango slices, onto the centre of the tray. For measuring the mass
(b) modeling of the thin-layer drying of mango slices of the sample at any time during experimentation,
by testing three drying models and (c) to estimate the circular wire mesh with sample was taken out of
the effective diffusivity coefficient and energy of the drying chamber and weighed on a digital balance
activation for mango fruit. and placed back into the drying chamber every 30
min during the drying process. The digital top pan
Materials and Methods balance (Sartorius, Goettingen, Germany) of 0.001 g
accuracy, was kept near to the drying unit and weight
Raw material measurement process took less than 10 seconds time.
Fresh mangoes, var. Kent, from Mali, were The drying process was stopped when the moisture
purchased at a local supermarket in Goettingen, content decreased to about 9 0.2% (w.b). All the
Germany and stored in a refrigerator at 4 0.5C. experiments were replicated three times at each
Prior to drying, samples were taken out of the drying temperature and the average values were used
refrigerator and left for 5 days for post-harvest for the drying characteristics of mango slices.
ripening at 25 2C and 50% relative humidity (Pott
et al., 2005). The fruits were then washed, manually Mathematical modeling of drying curves
peeled using a stainless steel knife, and sliced using The moisture ratio (MR) and drying rate of mango
an electric food-slicer (Krups variotronic, Germany) slices during drying experiments were calculated
to a thickness of 3 mm. using the following equations:
Newton (Lewis) model is a special case of the flow. A knowledge of effective moisture diffusivity is
Henderson and Pabis Model where the intercept is necessary for designing and modeling mass-transfer
unity and is used to describe the drying of barely processes such as dehydration, adsorption and
(Bruce, 1985) and grape seed (Roberts et al., 2008). desorption of moisture during storage. The drying
This model is expressed as: data in the falling rate period are usually analyzed by
Ficks diffusion equation (Crank, 1975).
MR = exp( kt ) (7) Ficks second equation of diffusion was used
to calculate effective moisture diffusivity of mango
Page model is an empirical modification of slices, considering a constant moisture diffusivity,
Newton (Lewis) model to overcome its shortcoming infinite slab geometry and uniform initial moisture
it was successfully used to describe the drying distribution as follows:
characteristics of some agricultural products (Singh
et al., 2006; Hassan-Beygi et al., 2009; Doymaz and
Ismail, 2011). This model is expressed as follows: (12)
A plot of lnDeff as a function of the reciprocal of Table.1. Values of the drying constants and drying
absolute temperature 1/T will produce a straight line coefficients of the selected models
Model Drying temperature (C) Drying constants Drying coefficients
with slope equal to (-Ea/R), from which the parameter Newton (Lewis) 60 k = 0.644hr-1 -
Ea can be estimated. 70
k = 0.864hr-1
k = 1.264hr-1
The activation energy (Ea) was calculated Henderson & Pabis 60 k = 0.624hr-1 a = 1.104
by plotting the natural logarithm of Deff versus 70
k = 0.853hr-1
k = 1.36hr -1
a = 0.963
a = 1.233
the reciprocal of the absolute temperature (Tabs). Page 60 k = 0.601hr-1 n = 1.071
Activation energy is a measure of the temperature 70
k = 0.851hr-1
k = 1.004hr-1
n = 1.069
n = 1.285
sensitivity of Deff and it is the energy needed to initiate k = drying constant (hr ); a = drying coefficient and n = drying coefficient
the moisture diffusion within the mango slices. Table.2. Statistical results obtained from the selected thin
layer drying models
Results and Discussion Model T (C) R2 SSE RMSE 2
Newton (Lewis) 60 0.991 0.001297 0.02419 0.00139
70 0.995 0.000676 0.01533 0.00074
content of mango slices before drying was about 82.5 80 0.999 3.61x10 -5 0.0051 5.05x10 -5
T = temperature (C); R2 = coefficient of determination; SSE = sum square
0.4% w.b. (mean std. deviation). As expected, the error; RMSE = root mean square error and 2 = reduced chi-square.
Figure 3. Drying rates versus the experimental moisture Figure 5. Effect of drying temperature on the effective
ratio of mango slices diffusivity of water in mango slices
Figure 4.Predicted MR versus Experimental MR by Page Figure 6. Arrhenius-type relationship between effective
model at 80C diffusivity and temperature.
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