Boiler Electronics Catalog

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Alstom provides a range of products and services including ignitor systems, auxiliary equipment, replacement parts, technical services, and construction services to enhance safety, reliability, availability, and performance for power plants.

Alstom provides ignitor systems, auxiliary equipment, replacement parts, technical services, and construction services to enhance productivity and performance of boilers, pulverizers, feeders, air pollution control systems, ash handling systems and other equipment for power plants. They also offer inventory management programs.

Alstom is committed to safety, experience, innovation, logistics, and customer service. Their goals are zero safety incidents, meeting customer needs and expectations, developing new products and services to meet challenges, and providing the right products and services when needed.

Boiler Electronics Products and Services

Improving Safety, Reliability and Availability

with Alstom behind me... Im in control


Boiler electronics
Alstom is a leader in the design, manufacturing and servicing of utility and industrial power generation systems. While our heritage dates to the late 1800s, our capabilities continue to expand and point us to the future.

S afety | We believe that safety is a key indicator of operational excellence for both Alstom and its customers.
Our commitment to safety hinges on strong leadership, timely communication and the involvement of all employees. Our target is zero safety incidents.

e xperience | With an installed base of over 400 GW of power generation capacity and a track record

spanning over 100 years, we believe you cannot find a partner whose experience in the power industry matches ours. We are dedicated to meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations. Our track record proves it.

innovation | Each and every day, Alstom applies leading edge technology to develop new products and
services to meet your maintenance and operational challenges regardless of your boiler type or fuel. Your performance is our measure of our success.

ogiSticS | The right products and services when and where you need them. That is our commitment. With a wide range of capabilities and options for replacement parts supply, technical services, and construction services, Alstom is your complete boiler services solution. We offer the industrys most comprehensive and innovative replacement parts and service programs.

c uStomer Service | Alstoms field service engineers, customer service representatives and construction
managers have one goal exceeding your service expectations. Our strategically located service and distribution centers enable us to provide fast response and reliable solutions to meet your needs.

At Alstom, we combine our capabilities and experience to enhance the productivity and performance of your boilers, pulverizers, feeders, air pollution control systems, ash handling systems and auxiliary equipment. Our focus is customer service and we understand the

challenges faced by plant owners, operators, maintenance personnel and management. Whether it is a replacement or upgraded part, a rebuilt assembly, a custom fabrication or inventory management program, Alstom provides exceptional value and service to our customers.

Introduction to Boiler Electronics Products and Systems ................................................................... 4 Ignitor Systems and Auxiliary Equipment
LIMELIGHT Ignitors LIMELIGHT Oil Eddy Plate Side Ignitor ...................................................................................................5 LIMELIGHT Oil Bluff Body Pipe Ignitor ...................................................................................................6 LIMELIGHT Gas Eddy Plate Side Ignitor .................................................................................................7 LIMELIGHT Gas Bluff Body Side Ignitor..................................................................................................8 LIMELIGHT Gas Bluff Body Pipe Ignitor .................................................................................................9 Auxiliary Equipment HEI SOLID SPARK Upgrade ................................................................................................................. 10 LIMELIGHT Ignitor Control Cabinet...................................................................................................... 11 LIMELIGHT Diagnostic Flame Indicator (DFI) ..................................................................................... 12 LIMELIGHT Tilting High Energy Ignitor with Flexible Spark Rod......................................................... 13 LIMELIGHT High Energy Ignitor with Retract (HEIR) for Recovery Boiler Applications ..................... 14 LIMELIGHT Ignitor Valve Train Assemblies .......................................................................................... 15 LIMELIGHT Oil Flow Controllers .......................................................................................................... 16

Oil Ignition and Warm Up Guns

EVER-KOOL Oil Gun and Spray Tips.............................................................................................................17

Flame Scanners
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 LIMELIGHT Flame Spectrometer Design .................................................................................................... 20 LIMELIGHT Network Interface Module (IM 100)................................................................................ 21 LIMELIGHT PC Interface Software ...................................................................................................... 22 LIMELIGHT Exacta Flame Scanner .......................................................................................................... 23 Flame Sensor Head (FSH) ....................................................................................................................... 24 Flame Signal Analyzer (FSA) .................................................................................................................... 25 LIMELIGHT Oil or Gas Ignitor Flame Scanner ............................................................................................. 26 LIMELIGHT Visible Light and UV Flame Signals ......................................................................................... 27

Pulverizer Instrumentation
LIMELIGHT Pulverizer Airflow Measurement ............................................................................................. 29 LIMELIGHT Coal Flow Monitor ................................................................................................................... 30

The Alstom Advantage

Service Capabilities .......................................................................................................................................... 31 Technical Services .......................................................................................................................................32-33 Alstom Service and Distribution Centers ......................................................................................................... 34 Rebuild and Repair Services............................................................................................................................. 35 R3 Component Rotation Programs ................................................................................................................. 35 Outage Kit Services ......................................................................................................................................... 36

Contact Information...................................................................................................................... 39

Introduction to Boiler electronics Products and Systems

The AlsTom igniTor porTfolio consisTs of The following high performAnce producTs:
ALSTOM OffERS A fuLL COMPLEMENT Of NfPA COMPLIANT CLASS 1, 2 AND 3; AND 3 SPECIAL IGNITORS fOR ALL TYPES Of uTILITY AND INDuSTRIAL BOILERS. | The Alstom ignitor system portfolio will support complete systems and typically require auxiliary equipment such as an ignitor assembly, a control cabinet, and a valve train. Alstom can provide these and other equipment to meet customer requirements. In addition, Alstom can incorporate firing system upgrades with ignitors and burners when upgrading their unit for improved efficiency, emissions and/or controls updates.

6 Oil side ignitor 6 Gas side ignitor 3 Oil pipe ignitor 3 Gas pipe ignitor High Energy Ignitor (light
or heavy oil)

Diagnostic flame

indicator (Model 100 or 110) (standard or SMART) and gas)

Ignitor control cabinet Valve train assembly (oil Oil flow controller HEI spark upgrade Oil atomizer upgrade

LIMELIGHT Oil Eddy Plate Side Ignitor
THE LIMELIGHT OIL EDDY PLATE SIDE IGNITOR HAS BEEN SPECIfICALLY DESIGNED | to integrate the latest in combustion technology, flexibility and overall reliability. It is intended to provide customers with state-of-the-art technology, enabling increased availability for tangentially fired boilers. Alstoms unique design allows for either a complete upgrade reusing the existing ignitor windbox or an upgrade to selected components as needed. Individual components feature plug and play capabilities requiring minimal installation time. The following LIMELIGHT Oil Eddy Plate Side Ignitor subassemblies can be purchased separately:


Capacity options: 0.5- 6.0 MMBTu/hr Dual atomizer design for

HEI solid state ignition system LIMELIGHT Diagnostic Flame Indicator (DFI) flame detection system Low emissions oil atomizers: Digital test equipment Replacement ignitor face plate with optional view port
Upgraded Solid Rod technology flame rod THE LIMELIGHT OIL EDDY PLATE SIDE IGNITOR AND ASSOCIATED fLAME PROVING DEVICE | have been designed to meet all code requirements, including the latest releases of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

higher capacities: 6.0 - 14.0 MMBTu/hr Easy retrofit with existing side ignitors, resulting in minimal conversion costs for upgrade Easy removal of the ignitor internals from the faceplate assembly Minimum opacity during cold startups System offered as individual subassembly upgrades P airflow proving for coal units Available with line of sight scanner


Highly reliable start-ups and operation Easy removal for maintenance Reliable flame detection
improved ATomizer increAsed reliAbiliTy

utilizing the DfI technology along with Alstoms solid flame rod Reliable ignition spark during trial time periods


limelighT ignitors LIMELIGHT Oil Bluff Body Pipe Ignitor


Heat input/capacity 0.5 Stainless steel construction Offers clean and reliable flow enhanced bluff body High Energy Ignitor Includes solid spark and
flame rod operation with minimal opacity during start ups design replaces eddy plate design 4.0 MMBtu/hr

THIS LIMELIGHT OIL BLuff BODY PIPE IGNITOR HAS BEEN SPECIfICALLY DESIGNED TO INTEGRATE THE LATEST IN COMBuSTION TECHNOLOGY, fLExIBILITY AND OVERALL RELIABILITY. | It is intended to provide customers with state-of-the-art technology, enabling increased flame stability and availability. It has been designed to meet all code requirements including the latest releases of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

uses internal mix tip that utilizes Alstoms microignitor system hardware

minimizes carbon build-up potential processor based DFI flame proving technology

Easy retrofit with existing Available with ionic flame

rod or optical flame scanner


Consistently demonstrates Improved combustion Lower pressure drop Easy installation and
maintenance airflow over 95% reliability

paper boilers

utility, industrial, pulp and

reliAble igniTion

All OEMs Tilting tangential or fixed

burner environment


limelighT ignitors LIMELIGHT Gas Eddy Plate Side Ignitor

THE LIMELIGHT HIGH PERfORMANCE GAS EDDY PLATE SIDE IGNITOR HAS BEEN SPECIfICALLY DESIGNED | to integrate the latest in combustion technology, flexibility and overall reliability. It is intended to provide customers with state-of-the-art technology, enabling increased availability for tangentially fired boilers. Alstoms unique design allows for either a complete upgrade reusing the existing ignitor windbox or an upgrade to selected components as needed. Individual components feature plug and play capabilities requiring minimal installation time. The following LIMELIGHT Gas Eddy Plate Side Ignitor subassemblies can be purchased separately:


Capacity options: 2-10 MMBTu/hr Easy retrofit with existing Easy removal of the ignitor System offered as
scanner individual subassembly upgrades oil side ignitors, resulting in minimal gas conversion costs

Upgraded Solid Rod technology spark rod LIMELIGHT Diagnostic Flame Indicator (DFI) flame detection system Low emissions oil atomizers Digital test equipment Replacement ignitor face plate with optional view port

internals from the faceplate assembly

Available with line of sight


THE LIMELIGHT GAS EDDY PLATE SIDE IGNITOR AND ASSOCIATED fLAME PROVING DEVICE | have been designed to meet all code requirements, including the latest releases of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Highly reliable start ups and operation Easy removal for maintenance Reliable flame detection Reliable ignition spark

utilizing the DfI technology along with Alstoms solid flame rod during trial time periods for reduced spark plug maintenance

durAble design reliAble igniTion


Tangential-fired boilers


limelighT ignitors LIMELIGHT Gas Bluff Body Side Ignitor

THE BEST PERfORMING SIDE PILOT IGNITOR AVAILABLE. | Bluff body design reduces airflow, pressure drop and improves ignition and flame stability. All electrical connections made at the rear of the ignitor.


Heat/input capacity 0.5 Clean and reliable Stainless steel construction New bluff body provides Includes solid rod design utilizes Alstoms microrod or optical flame scanner flame and spark rod technology processor based DFI flame proving technology improved flame-stability operation 6.0 MMBtu/hr

Available with ionic flame


Lower pressure drop Greater turndown Reduced combustion

airflow requirements

reliAble igniTion sTAble flAme


limelighT ignitors LIMELIGHT Gas Bluff Body Pipe Ignitor


Capacity from 0.5 20.0 Stainless steel construction Includes solid rod design Variable heat input New bluff body design
flame and spark rod technology

THE LIMELIGHT GAS BLuff BODY PIPE IGNITOR IS AN uPGRADE | to conventional 3 eddy plate gas pipe ignitors and provides increased availability. This high heat output ignitor is useful in a wide range of applications. It offers a clean and efficient method for boiler warm-up and flame stabilization periods.

utilizes Alstoms micro-

provides improved flame stability processor based DFI flame proving technology rod or optical flame scanner 3 pipe ignitors

Available with ionic flame

Easy retrofit with existing

electrical connectors

High quality pin and socket


Highly reliable start-ups Reduced support fuel costs Integrates with the Improved airflow and Minimum upgrade
conversion costs minimum pressure drop and operation LIMELIGHT ignitor control cabinet

sTAble flAme wide rAnge

Wall-fired boilers Tangential-fired boilers


ignitor systems and Auxiliary equipment HEI Solid Spark upgrade


Increase in ignition energy Double layer ceramic Interchangeable with most Self-grounded from the Solid conductor rod
6-inch eddy plate side-fire ignitor rod assemblies spark point to the ignitor cabinet eliminates plastic insulation in the high temperature zone connection to the electrode Stainless steel construction tip for extended life

ALSTOMS IGNITOR ROD fOR 6-INCH EDDY PLATE SIDE-fIRE IGNITORS AND PIPE IGNITORS PROVIDES fOR BETTER IGNITION AND HAS A HIGHER TEMPERATuRE RATING fOR LONGER SERVICE LIfE. | The SOLID SPARK Ignitor Rod provides a stronger, more robust spark and withstands higher temperatures than conventional designs. The SOLID SPARK Ignitor Rod employs all stainless steel construction and a solid conductor rod that eliminates the use of low temperature wire and insulation in the high temperature zone. The result a service rating of 2800F, far above the previous temperature limit. Maintenance time is reduced because the SOLID SPARK Ignitor Rod can be bench tested as received and placed into service in the boiler with little or no further assembly. And because maintenance is accomplished at the burner face; removal of the entire ignitor assembly is no longer necessary. Its one-piece, field-replaceable electrode eliminates handling individual parts. The SOLID SPARK Ignitor Rod brings together the benefits of quick installation, improved ignition, longer service life and easier maintenance vast improvements to previous designs.

Sturdy, positive plug-in

Solid semi-conductor spark


Improved safety Improved reliability Better ignition Larger diameter electrode Long-lasting components Reduced maintenance and Reduced failure due to heat Reduced electrical failures
installation time rated for service up to 2800f increases service life

Quick insTAllATion improved igniTion longer life eAsy mAinTenAnce



ignitor systems and Auxiliary equipment The LIMELIGHT Ignitor Control Cabinet
THE LIMELIGHT IGNITOR CONTROL CABINET IS AN IGNITION SuPERVISION AND SAfETY SYSTEM | designed for reliable and consistent operation. It can be used for oil, gas and dual fuel ignitors in utility, pulp and paper and industrial environments. Flexible by design, the LIMELIGHT Ignitor Control Cabinet can be custom built or supplied in a standard configuration. Alstom offers its control cabinet as a stand-alone product or packaged with an upgraded Alstom valve train. A control cabinet is available for virtually all valve trains, including:


Standard design or SMART Standard NEMA 4 or 4x Simple connection to Window kit allows Additional operator
enclosure new or existing burner management system operator to see displays controls (lights and push buttons) available hardwired relays or remote control from BMS ignitor operation self contained local control station

Tandem oil/air valve isolation for oil ignitors Double block vent and safety shut-off valve arrangement for gas ignitors Dual fuel oil and gas
The LIMELIGHT Ignitor Control Cabinet is designed to provide self-diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities. The design is suitable for interface with existing plant control systems. The LIMELIGHT Ignitor Control Cabinet incorporates Alstoms proven and reliable Diagnostic Flame Indicator (DFI) technology along with reliable ignition systems. It meets utility, pulp and paper and industrial boiler requirements. A window kit allows the alpha-numeric and light displays of the LIMELIGHT Diagnostic Flame Indicator (DFI) to be visible at a glance.

functionality can be

Safely and reliably controls Meets NfPA and CSA Self diagnostics and Suitable for interface with
troubleshooting codes


Reliable, consistent Reduces start-up periods Easy to troubleshoot Plug and play with host
BMS Control cabinets are available as a self contained local control station or remote control from Burner Management System (BMS).

Incorporates latest design

LIMELIGHT Diagnostic flame Indicator

existing burner management systems


Oil Ignitors Gas ignitors Dual fuel ignitors



ignitor systems and Auxiliary equipment LIMELIGHT Diagnostic flame Indicator (DfI)

40 volts DC operating State-of-the-art technology upgraded replacement for DSP chip retains history Designed for immunity
to noise and grounding problems allowing diagnostics to be performed incorporating a simple and reliable flame proving design


Technical highlights
The LIMELIGHT DFI uses advanced digital signal processor (DSP) technology. The DSP chip offers industry-leading performance of 40 million instructions per second (MIPS). The DFI100 communicates to your host computer or plant control systems through industry standard interfaces. Communication among LIMELIGHT DFI modules is accomplished using CANbus technology.

IFM flame proving devices

dfi 100

16 character alpha-numeric Communications port

backlit display for quick operational review for both PC and control systems

The LIMELIGHT DFI is delivered preprogrammed, ready for a simple installation. On-site tuning will allow you to customize the DFI for optimum performance. The DFI is designed for industrial service with a temperature rating of 70C / 158F and front-end electronics intended to provide greater immunity to noise and grounding problems.

Built-in diagnostics enable

efficient economical equipment evaluation and maintenance of ignitor system


Improved safety DfI 110 installation as easy Easy installation Records ignitor operational
history for efficient equipment evaluation and trouble shooting

as remove the old card and plug in the new card

dfi 110

low volTAge improves sAfeTy


ignitor systems and Auxiliary equipment LIMELIGHT Tilting High Energy Ignitor with flexible Spark Rod
fLExIBLE DESIGN TO ExTEND THE SPARk ROD TIP TO THE PROPER IGNITION LOCATION fOR TILTING BuRNER DESIGNS. AVAILABLE fOR NEW INSTALLATIONS OR AS A PERfORMANCE uPGRADE kIT fOR ExISTING INSTALLATIONS | A stainless steel sheath surrounds a nickel braided flexible portion of the assembly. This braided section is engineered to match the flexible guide pipe arrangement in length to provide proper bucket tilt both upward and in the downward operation. The spark rod guide pipe is also provided with cooling and/or cleaning air holes.


100% solid-state electronics 12 Joules at 4 or 20 sparks Self-cleaning tip resists Output spark increases Minimal startup or set
up time required for installation per second for a powerful spark discharge for either light or heavy fuel oil eliminate spark gap fouling

Increased spark size and An 85-265 VRMS input

fouling from unburned fuel and combustion products intensity for better ignition intensity as the ignitor tip wears power range at 50-60 Hz


illustration of the heir mechanism and flexible spark Assembly

More powerful spark Maintains performance Worldwide installation Minimal startup or set Solid semi-conductor Easily replaced
components construction extends tip life up time required for installation flexibility over time improves light-off reliability


Titling burner designs Direct ignition oil guns Oil ignitors

Reduced maintenance/
increased availability

high energy ignition



ignitor systems and Auxiliary equipment LIMELIGHT High Energy Ignitor with Retract (HEIR) for Recovery Boiler Applications

85-265 VRMS input 100% solid-state

power range at 50-60 Hz electronics eliminate the spark gap used in the firing circuitry of other designs sparks per second for a powerful spark discharge for either light or heavy fuel oil fouling from unburned fuel and combustion products

HIGH ENERGY ARC TECHNOLOGY HAS PROVEN TO PROVIDE ONE Of THE MOST RELIABLE METHODS Of IGNITING fuEL OIL. THIS LIMELIGHT IGNITOR WITH ITS RETRACT DESIGN OffERS STATE-Of-THE-ART PERfORMANCE. | The LIMELIGHT High Energy Ignitor with Retract (HEIR) is designed for reliable direct ignition of either light or heavy oil guns. It is a direct replacement for existing hardware and provides new technology for state-of-the-art performance. The LIMELIGHT High Energy Ignitor with Retract consists of:

12 Joules at 4 or 20

Ignitor rod using SOLID SPARK Technology High energy power pack Wire harness assembly Retract cylinder assembly with insert/retract limit switches, solenoid valve for
insertion of the HEIR

Self-cleaning tip resists Increased spark size

safety features:


RB retract mechanism has protective shroud over moving parts for environmental protection and personnel safety Hinged trap door to protect spark tip when not in service

More powerful spark Maintains performance Worldwide installation Minimal startup or set Ceramic insulators Easily replaced
components up time required for installation extend spark rod life flexibility over time improves light-off reliability

and intensity for better ignition

Reduced maintenance/
increased availability


utility boilers Recovery boilers Light or heavy oil guns Oil ignitors

ignitor systems and Auxiliary equipment LIMELIGHT Ignitor Valve Train Assemblies
SAfETY SHuTOff VALVES, uSED IN BOTH OIL AND GAS IGNITOR VALVE TRAINS, ARE PROVIDED IN CONVENIENT PRE-ASSEMBLED PACkAGES AND ARE IDEAL fOR HANDLING OIL AND GAS fIRING EquIPMENT. | Alstom provides fail-safe valves as they close with loss of electrical power (deenergize-to-trip) or instrument air. Energize-to-trip valves can be provided if preferred.


Oil train includes air

Safety shutoff valve

pressure regulator, oil flow controller and single actuator automatic trip valve for both oil and atomizing air with "energize to trip" or "de-energize to trip" design existing BMS equipment

Compatible with new or Gas train includes

gas valve Train

Valve, actuator, and limit

double block and vent valve arrangement and globe valve for gas flow regulation strainer for oil and gas

switch enclosure designed as a unit

Easy to service inline Y Oil filters available as an

wet air applications

Mist separator available for Designed for a wide range

oil valve Train

alternate to Y strainer

Compatible with our

of heat input capacities

LIMELIGHT ignitor control cabinet


In-kind replacement Easy maintenance Easy installation Code compliance


for old or obsolete equipment


ignitor systems and Auxiliary equipment LIMELIGHT Oil flow Controllers


Replaces INVALCO flow Available as either an Supports oil ignitors Larger flow path Fixed flow
adjustable set point or fixed flow controller as required by the application for either single or dual atomizer designs

ALSTOM'S IGNITOR OIL fLOW CONTROLLER IS DESIGNED TO ENSuRE A CONSTANT fLOW RATE REGARDLESS Of VARIATIONS IN SuPPLY OR DISCHARGE PRESSuRE TO MAINTAIN THE IGNITORS' RATED CAPACITY AND PERfORMANCE | The unit ensures a constant flow rate regardless of variations in either the supply or discharge pressure by keeping a constant pressure drop across the metering device. The LIMELIGHT Ignitor Oil Flow Controller has a low pressure drop of 10 psig as compared to 150-200 psig for similar controllers. This allows the ignitor oil system to operate at a lower header pressure.

Adjustable oil ignitor flow controller

Simple and reliable design Low cost solution Lower pressure drop Allows operation at low
header pressure

non-adjustable oil ignitor flow controller

pressure drop of only 10 psig


Oil Ignition and Warm Up Guns

EVER-kOOL Oil Gun and Spray Tips
ALSTOMS NON-RETRACTING EVER-kOOL OIL GuNS ELIMINATE RETRACT MECHANISMS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED HARDWARE AND MAINTENANCE | The EVER-KOOL air-cooled design allows the oil guns to remain inserted in the firing position when not in use, without damage to any components. This high performance oil gun meets all current safety and code requirements and is an attractive alternative to traditional retractable systems.


Incorporates Alstoms
position at all times

Oil guns remain in firing


standard and proven parallel-pipe oil gun design

Ready for immediate No moving parts retract Reduced coking of any

mechanism not required

Reduced maintenance Improved light-off reliability Safer Reduced opacity

Internal Mix Tip Benefit:

remaining oil after purging

High turndown

External Mix Tip Benefit:

Constant pressure

ever-kool oil gun flame 30 mmbtu/hr

atomization simplifies controls

no moving pArTs reduced mAinTenAnce

paper boilers

utility, industrial, pulp and



oil ignition and warm up guns NOTES



Flame Scanners
LIMELIGHT flame Scanner Products Introduction
fLAME SCANNERS CONfIRM THAT fuEL ENTERING THE fuRNACE IS IGNITING AND fORMING THE BOILER fLAME ENVELOPE | Unignited fuel entering the furnace could cause an explosion. As essential elements of a boilers safety system, flame scanners must be both rugged and reliable, while providing consistent and accurate flame safety information.

The LIMELIGHT Flame Spectrometer is an advanced flame detector with enhanced diagnostic capability.

Direct Mount Flame Scanner Assembly with adjustable sighting. Tilting Tangential Flame Scanner Assembly with fiber optic cable.
Alstom has provided reliable flame detection technology for decades. Our new LIMELIGHT Flame Spectrometer incorporates the speed and precision of digital signal processing as well as full detection of infrared, visible and UV light in seven bands, making it the most flexible flame scanner available. Simplicity of system design reduces capital, installation and maintenance costs.

THE ExACTA fLAME SCANNER OffERS A LOWER COST APPROACH | and provides a convenient upgrade of older generation SafeFlame scanner equipment.

increAsed sAfeTy reduced cosT



limelighT flame scanner products LIMELIGHT flame Spectrometer


Available with or without Incorporates next

fiber optic extension for T-fired or wall-fired applications

THE LIMELIGHT fLAME SPECTROMETER INCORPORATES ALL SIGNAL PROCESSING ELECTRONICS IN A COMPACT HOuSING. | It contains the sensors that convert light from the flame into electrical signals. An integrated analog to digital converter coupled with a 40MIP Digital Signal Processor (DSP) converts the analog signals into digital signals. The DSP examines the intensity and frequency content of the flame in seven light bands to determine whether flame is present. Flame scanners operate in extremely challenging environments. Alstoms Flame Spectrometer Signal Processor is rated to operate at 165F (75C) with minimal cooling air requirements. A NEMA 4X enclosure provides a secure dust and water seal. INTERfACE TO THE BuRNER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BMS) IS ExTREMELY fLExIBLE. | Each LIMELIGHT Flame Spectrometer has two programmable function relay contacts that can be directly wired to the BMS. Alternatively, a remote interface module (IM) connected to the digital network can be located near the BMS input terminals. This eliminates long wire runs from each flame spectrometer. Each flame spectrometer network can also be linked to the plants control system or PC for remote viewing of real time flame conditions, setpoint changes (password protected) and maintenance diagnostics. All LIMELIGHT Flame Spectrometers provide 4-20 ma output, RS-232 and CANbus signals that can be used to monitor flame conditions.

Detects flame patterns

generation flame scanner technology using the latest design for flame signature analysis across a wide range of the light wavelength spectrum (from infrared to visible to ultraviolet)

Suitable for coal, oil or gas flame spectrometer

software is 100% programmable and password protected


Simple, efficient design

Easy and straight

provides superior flame detection, reduces nuisance trips, and enhances low load performance forward connection to the burner management system minimizes field wiring and installation costs Advanced flame diagnostics for flame discrimination and burner tuning

Military style electric

quick disconnects allow for quick and easy maintenance



limelighT flame scanner products Network Interface Module (IM100)

THE NETWORk INTERfACE MODuLE IS DESIGNED TO fACILITATE THE INTERCONNECTION | between the flame spectrometer system and the customer's plant control system. Because the IM100 can be located anywhere in the plant, within 800 meters from the farthest flame spectrometer, field wiring, using the CANbus network can be minimized. The CANbus network is a high-speed industrial network used to exchange information between the spectrometer heads and the IM100. Each IM can interface with 1 to 8 flame spectrometers. The IM provides a simple R5485 Modbus protocol that can be used to remotely monitor flame spectrometer data from up to 32 IM100. The IM100 has 12 form-C relays, 4 form-C contacts for primary fuel flame, 4 form-C contacts for auxiliary fuel flame, and 4 programmable for either primary or auxiliary fuel flame. In addition to providing relay contacts, the IM100 offers several high-speed serial communication options for control system interface and operator displays.


85-230 VAC power 60 C Rating 2 CANbus Ports 2 RS485 Ports DIN rail mount Removable terminal


Each IM communicates Remote PC interface

with up to 8 scanner heads software allows users to access scanners with remote PC



limelighT flame scanner products PC Interface Software


Software installs automatically Compatible with

ALSTOM PC INTERfACE SOfTWARE PROVIDES | intensity (DC), frequency (Freq) and color discrimination information for each detector. In addition to this, main flame quality, auxiliary flame quality, and overall flame spectrum information is displayed. For ease of troubleshooting, all detector data can be selected for trending on the chart. With the addition of the Network Interface Module (IM100) each scanner can be connected to the IM100 and all data is available from one remote PC. That data can also be sent to the customers DCS via Ethernet or Modbus protocols. The data can also be saved on the PC, allowing other remote users to play back the trends and verify set point adjustments if required.

Easy to configure Can be customized for

each application

Windows 200 and xP operating systems


High resolution graphic displays Easy to use

precise flAme dATA user selecTs displAy formAT



limelighT flame scanner products LIMELIGHT Exacta flame Scanner

THE LIMELIGHT ExACTA fLAME SCANNER IS AN uPGRADED DESIGN fOR SEVERAL GENERATIONS Of OLDER SCANNERS. | It can be provided as an in-kind component upgrade for SAFE SCAN and SAFE FLAME Scanners or as a new complete flame scanning system. The primary purpose of a flame scanner is to confirm that fuel entering the furnace is still igniting and forming the burner flame envelope. If fuel enters the furnace without ignition, a most dangerous condition will occur that could cause a furnace explosion. Flame scanners must be both reliable and rugged while providing consistent, accurate information to help ensure safe operation. Alstom has provided reliable flame detection technology for decades. The LIMELIGHT Exacta Flame Scanner continues that legacy while incorporating the latest in digital signal processing and communication capability. Depending on the fuel being fired, it can be provided with flame detection technology that employs any one of the following:

(Apply to all exacta flame scanners)

Suitable for coal, oil, and Designed for use on fSA display is
gas firing

UV Ultraviolet VL Visible Light BR Broad Range, Infra Red and Visible Light
The LIMELIGHT Exacta Flame Scanner consists of a Flame Sensor Head (FSH) and Flame Signal Analyzer (FSA) and is available for both tangential-fired and wall-fired burner applications

Can discriminate between

different fuels in certain applications user friendly and programmable with or without PC interface

tilting or fixed burners

Two flame/no flame set

(Apply to all exacta flame scanners)

Available as individual

Temperature rating is
85 C

points per channel for multi-fuel analysis from a single scanner

Superior flame detection, Reduced cost of

reduced nuisance trips and increased sensitivity for low load operation

components for partial upgrade or as a complete new flame scanning system

four contact outputs and Three serial outputs per Head and fiber optic
two analog outputs per channel module for remote use of scanner information cable quick disconnect allows easy inspection of the cable and reduces removal clearance in tight areas replace existing scanner chassis

installation - compatible with previously installed flame scanners, cable and guidepipes Rugged design for long service life and reliability

Retrofit kit available to



limelighT flame scanner products flame Sensor Head (fSH)

THE INTERNALS Of THE fSH ARE DESIGNED TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH RECENT GENERATIONS Of INSTALLED fLAME SCANNERS AND uSE THE SAME POWER AND SIGNAL INTERfACE. | This results in an easier, lower cost installation. The scanner can be located in an area of high heat exposure because it is rated at 85 C ambient temperature. The sensor head is a NEMA 4X rated enclosure that is small enough to fit on most burners. Each LIMELIGHT Exacta Flame Scanner Sensor Head has an indicating light on the rear panel to display flame signal strength that flashes more rapidly as the flame intensifies. This unique feature is very beneficial during the initial installation sighting alignment in wall-fired applications. A fiber optic cable and cable spooling housing provide flexibility for a variety of configurations. The fiber optic design allows for tilting of the burners in tangentialfired applications and for sightings through a deep windbox in wall-fired applications. Mechanical adjustment of the fiber optic cable insertion depth is now available to assure proper lens positioning to allow for minor variations in length of an existing guide pipe assembly. The FSH can be detached easily from the fiber optic cable for trouble shooting at the burner front. This feature also reduces the clearance required for removal in congested burner areas.


Compatible with existing fiber optic design High temperature design Ribbed cast housing Detachable for easier
troubleshooting flame scanners

eAsier And lower cosT of insTAllATion



limelighT flame scanner products flame Signal Analyzer (fSA)

THE SIGNAL fROM THE fSH IS PROCESSED BY THE fLAME SIGNAL ANALYzER | The FSA is contained in a compact, din-rail mounted module that can be located near the burner or remotely near the Burner Management System (BMS). A convenient rack mount panel is available as an in-place upgrade for an existing 19 rack mount chassis. This flexible arrangement allows for: 1. Re-use of existing field wiring when upgrading systems or 2. Optimizing electrical enclosures to minimize installation cost and provide easy accessibility for maintenance. THE fSA CONSISTS Of A MICROPROCESSOR, SIGNAL CONDITIONERS, AND MuLTIPLE RELAY OuTPuTS | to provide the flame analysis and flame safety contacts for the BMS. Digital and analog signal outputs, as well as serial communication and user interface, are included in this powerful module. Each FSA module monitors the flame signals from two flame scanners for frequency amplitude, frequency flicker, and DC intensity. The two-channel approach simplifies wiring and maintenance by reducing the total number of electronics locations. The two channels in a single FSA module can be used to:

Monitor flames from multiple burners Monitor burner/ignitor flames independently Provide redundant flame signals
Individual set points are tuned specifically for each scanner location and stored for easy recall. Multiple set points can be programmed for each channel for various operating conditions.

limelighT exacta flame signal Analyzer

limelighT exacta rack mount kit upgrade for existing scanner chasis

mulTiple flAme seTpoinTs relAy conTAcTs And seriAl communicATion



limelighT flame scanner products Oil or Gas Ignitor flame Scanner


Suitable for oil and gas Scanner mounts on The fSA display is user Local indicator for easy Digital and analog output Three (3) serial
signals outputs per module for remote use of scanner information supplies available to increase reliability sighting friendly existing guidepipe

THE LIMELIGHT ExACTA IGNITOR SCANNER IS AN OPTICAL fLAME-SENSING INSTRuMENT | that is an alternative design to ionic flame monitor (IFM) rod sensing devices. It can be provided as a replacement for the flame rod and IFM card or as part of a larger ignition system upgrade. The primary purpose of the LIMELIGHT Exacta Ignitor Flame Scanner is to confirm that the ignition fuel is ignited. A flame safety signal is generated for use by the ignitor control system. The LIMELIGHT Exacta Ignitor Scanner improves safety and reliability while incorporating the latest in digital signal processing and communication capability. Depending on the ignition fuel being fired, different detector heads can be provided with either a UV (Ultraviolet) or VL (Visible Light) flame scanner. The LIMELIGHT Exacta Ignitor Flame Scanner consists of a Flame Sensor Head (FSH) with mounting adapter and Flame Signal Analyzer (FSA). The FSA is mounted in the existing ignitor control cabinet when space is available or in an adjacent cabinet if necessary.

Redundant power

common spAre pArTs increAse reliAbiliTy

ignitor control cabinet shown with flame signal Analyzer installed



limelighT flame scanner products Visible Light and uV flame Signals

flame sensor head (fsh)
RATED AT 185 f (85 C) AMBIENT TEMPERATuRE THE SCANNER CAN BE LOCATED IN AN AREA Of HIGH HEAT ExPOSuRE. | It is built on a solid design with the flexibility needed to satisfy the various conditions existing at plant sites. The electric signal from the Flame Sensor Head is processed by the Flame Signal Analyzer. The FSA is a compact, DIN-rail mounted module that can be mounted either local to the ignitor or in a remote location.

flame signal Analyzer (fsA)

THE fSA CONSISTS Of A MICROPROCESSOR, SIGNAL CONDITIONERS, AND MuLTIPLE RELAY OuTPuTS | to provide the flame analysis and flame safety contacts for the ignitor control system. Digital and analog signal outputs, as well as serial communication and user interface, are included in this powerful module. Each FSA module monitors the flame signals from up to two scanner heads for: flame frequency amplitude frequency flicker flame intensity


ROHS (Reduction of

Provides for a replacement

Modbus or Ethernet network

Hazardous Substances) compliant

Monitors remotely through Low installation cost Common spare parts for
main flame and ignitor flame monitors

of only those parts that are obsolete

flame sensor head of the limelighT exacta ignitor scanner shown with oil side ignition system

high TemperATure design flexible progrAmming



limelighT scanners NOTES



Pulverizer Instrumentation
LIMELIGHT Pulverizer Airflow Measurement System
ALSTOM OffERS A PROVEN SYSTEM THAT ALLOWS OPERATORS TO REDuCE AIRfLOW AS THE BOILER LOAD IS REDuCED. | It is built on a solid design with the flexibility needed to satisfy the various conditions existing at plant sites. Measuring and controlling the primary airflow from pressurized and suction pulverizers to the boiler is a proven way to reduce NOx emissions and improve unit efficiency.


Grid of self-averaging, self Transmitters that can

discern variances as small as 0.0025 in. w.g. averaged and read by the transmitters to eliminate noise

calibrating Pitot sensors for an instantaneous profile

Improved boiler operation through better air/fuel control Improved NOx control by reducing primary airflow at less than maximum loads. Improved flame stability and coal fineness control
Conventional primary airflow monitoring solutions that utilize venturis, pressure drop across the pulverizer, fuel piping, and burners, or airflow that follows the exhauster fan curves do not meet todays control requirements. Alstom offers a proven pulverizer airflow measurement system that allows plant operators to better match inlet airflows to the pulverizer load. Instead of operating with unthrottled air at low loads, the system allows operators to accurately reduce airflow as the boiler load is reduced. The system provides accurate data without being compromised by adverse external factors. While actual equipment varies by site, the system is based on the use of airflow monitoring probes (or stations) and transmitters. Damper operators (if required), delta-p transmitters and a thermocouple array and purge system for the hot airflow monitoring station are also included. A cold air duct extension, with integral bell-mouth inlet (if required) is added to the airflow monitoring station and louver control dampers.

Multiple flow samples are

Standard pneumatic purge

system prevents pluggage


Improved boiler operation Improved NOx control by

through better air/fuel control reducing primary airflow at less than maximum loads and coal fineness control coal pipe pluggage and burner tip

pulverizer Af1

Improved flame stability

Reduced coal spillage and Extended life of wear parts

The flow monitoring probes and transmitters feed airflow signals to either a controller (if required) or, to the plants distributed control system (DCS). The accuracy of Alstoms pulverizer airflow measurement system allows the DCS to pulverizer Af2 optimize performance.


limelighT pulverizer instrumentation LIMELIGHT Coal flow Monitor

Application: Used to monitor flow exiting the feeder
THE LIMELIGHT COAL fLOW MONITOR IS A HIGH quALITY, INDuSTRIAL GRADE INSTRuMENT | capable of providing a signal indicating flow/no-flow conditions of coal in gravity chutes and feeders downstream of the feeder. It is a direct replacement for Combustion Engineering and ABB coal flow detection devices found on Combustion Engineering and STOCK coal feeders. The Alstom instrument is a non-contact detector. It has no moving parts or probes that can degrade or break-off in the coal flow. The LIMELIGHT Coal Flow Monitor utilizes a low power microwave beam to sense motion within the chute or channel. The microwave technology is unaffected by heat, humidity, ambient noise or light, pressure, vacuum, high or low temperatures, or dust; thus providing maximum reliability.


Improves sensitivity
particles of varying densities

Senses small and large Eliminates the sound rod Self-calibration eliminates Mounting arrangement
tuning is identical to original Combustion Engineering and ABB coal flow monitor

and more reliable coal detection


Improves reliability Reduces maintenance quicker start-ups Reduces

installation time by 50%

limelighT coal flow monitor sensor head and electronics enclosure

reliAble soluTion To coAl flow moniToring for feeder ouTleT



The Alstom Advantage

Service Capabilities
100 YEARS Of ExPERIENCE + SOLuTION-BASED PRODuCTS & SERVICES + COMMITMENT TO CuSTOMER SERVICE = THE ALSTOM ADVANTAGE | Alstom provides reliable delivery of products and services to meet the demands of the power industry. We are a dedicated customer service organization that delivers the responsiveness our customers require. Alstom provides the quality and resources of an OEM while backing our products with comprehensive support. Our products are designed to help our customers meet the performance, availability and reliability requirements for their power plant equipment.

mArkeTs served

Our experience and customer base include:

Utility companies Regional electric cooperatives Federal, municipal power producers Independent power producers Pulp and paper companies Industrials such as chemical plants, steel mills and refineries
In other words, if you generate steam to produce power or to support your manufacturing processes, Alstom is ready to provide the products and services you need.

eQuipmenT supporTed
In addition to servicing Alstom equipment, we also provide after market service for the following brands:
COAL fEEDERS | ABB, Combustion Engineering, Stock Equipment, Merrick Industries COAL PuLVERIzERS | ABB, Combustion Engineering, Babcock & Wilcox, Riley Atrita, foster Wheeler STEAM GENERATORS | ABB, Combustion Engineering, Babcock & Wilcox, Riley, and foster Wheeler STOkERS | ABB, Combustion Engineering, Detroit Stoker, Riley, Westinghouse, Hoffman, Taylor fIRING SYSTEMS | ABB, ICL, NEI, Clark Chapman, CSL, RV Industries, foster Wheeler ASH HANDLING SYSTEMS | ABB, Combustion Engineering, AllenSherman-Hoff, united Conveyor, flkt AIR POLLuTION CONTROL | ABB, Combustion Engineering, flkt, Walther, Carborundum, HamonResearch Cottrell, Wheelabrator, Peabody, Rockwell



Technical services
Alstoms Technical services capabilities cover major plant equipment and systems and include:
WE ARE A GLOBAL PROVIDER Of PRODuCTS AND SERVICES TO THE POWER INDuSTRY. | We maintain a local presence to help ensure that our customers equipment and systems run reliably and efficiently with the availability they demand. fIELD TECHNICAL SERVICE ENGINEERS | Alstom has extensive capabilities in the form of Field Technical Service Engineers to assist with your outage inspection and operation and maintenance needs. Our field service engineers are located near our customers to provide the response they need. This full time force of professionally trained engineers and technicians receive constant training to help ensure they are knowledgeable in the latest trends and available technology. OuTAGE PLANNING | Effective outages require effective planning, a continuous process that begins well in advance of the scheduled event. Alstom stands ready to participate in this process to help ensure timely decisions, problem avoidance, and achieved goals. The services Alstom provides include:

Outage planning Inspection services Condition assessments Maintenance support Performance testing Training programs Dedicated engineers
Alstom Technical service includes:

A team of over 100

Equipment inspectors,
Problem solvers

field-based service engineers, NDE specialists, performance test engineers and technicians

Setting overall outage objectives Work scope determination Prioritization of outage tasks Identification of material and parts needs Expediting delivery of required material and parts
INSPECTION SERVICE | To help ensure an effective outage, we offer our inspection service that includes:

Performance specialists

testers, and evaluators

Pre-outage logistics and work scope definition Pre-outage unit walk-downs Detailed inspections during the outage Daily punch lists and definition of items requiring immediate attention Coordination with repair labor personnel Initial report with critical findings and recommendations Final detailed inspection report complete with photos, recommendations On-line retrieval (via our website) of our final report for convenient viewing
and downloading and findings



Technical services
CONDITION ASSESSMENT | Alstom delivers the technology to manage risks through the integration of Advanced NDE and inspection technology, including: MAINTENANCE SuPPORT SERVICE | To help ensure your equipment performs to your expectations, we offer our Maintenance Support Service whereby we: condition and need for repairs

Ultrasonic examination Linear phased array Dye penetrant testing Magnetic particle testing Remote field Eddy current Wet fluorescent particle testing Boroscope with internal video Remote field eddy current Visual examinations
as well as service capabilities through:

Determine equipment

Compare components to Participate in developing Direct maintenance

personnel in proper disassembly and assembly procedures work scope

original specifications and help make adjustments work scope and associated tasks

Power Plant Laboratory facilities, Material Technology Center, Field service engineers

Coordinate execution of the Develop a daily punch list prioritizing work tasks Provide a final report documenting work performed and
recommendations TRAINING PROGRAMS | Alstom's training programs provide power plant professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to operate and maintain the equipment and systems. Alstom's portfolio includes:

PERfORMANCE TESTING AND EVALuATIONS | The performance evaluation and testing team supports data gathering and analysis to help optimize plant performance. Offerings include:

Specialized testing of thermal, fluid, and chemical Boiler and power plant performance evaluation Water chemistry consultation for boilers Instrumentation supply and rentals of most
flexible TrAining formATs designed for you And your budgeT
processes (emissions and circulation)

commonly used boiler and emissions test equipment

Standard and customized training HOT TOPIC training programs Computer-based QUICKSTUDY Learning System Regional training seminars

DEDICATED ENGINEER PROGRAM | We provide an experienced Alstom Technical Services Engineer for exclusive use for a specific time period. The Dedicated Engineer becomes an on-site member of the plant team spearheading the Alstom support. The result is responsive service in determining root causes to problems and timely development and implementation of solutions to help reach and exceed station goals.

wIth AlStoM... Youre In Control



Alstom service and distribution centers

AdvAnTAges: invenTory mAnAgemenT progrAms
With our proven inventory management expertise, purchasing strength and strategically located regional service centers, participation in an Alstom Inventory Management Program can offer customers significant benefits from guaranteed shipments to improved cash flow.

After hours response team Guaranteed parts availability Eliminates exposure to Applicable to most plant Programs can be expanded
after receipt of order equipment to include other plants within the customers system obsolete inventory

improves cAsh flow And guArAnTees pArTs AvAilAbiliTy

One week standard shipment Minimizes exposure to raw

materials price fluctuations

ALSTOMS SERVICE CENTER NETWORk, STRATEGICALLY LOCATED ACROSS THE COuNTRY, | provides emergency component repairs, parts, complete component overhauls, custom fabrications, and cost saving inventory management programs to meet our customers needs.

Reduces carrying costs Defers cash outlay Increases cash flow by Simplifies purchasing

delivering products when needed

Rocky Mountain SeRvice c enteR DenveR, c oloRaDo

MiDweSt SeRvice c enteR eRlangeR, k entucky

Harrisburg, PA

Denver, CO

Erlanger, kY

Chattanooga, TN

Suwanee, GA

sTrATegicAlly locATed To serve our cusTomers

Tyler, Tx



rebuild and repair services

REBuILD/REPAIR SERVICES | As a leading supplier of quality power plant equipment and replacement parts, Alstom offers one of the industrys most complete and cost-effective rebuild and repair services. Alstoms rebuild/repair services include component inspections and maintenance, replacement of worn parts and design upgrades. These offerings, which include extended warrantees, can reduce inventory costs by 25-35% and result in longer lasting products that save power producers money.


All work is done in a All work is done to

controlled environment using the latest technology engineering specifications Programs are available to fit your outage schedule to support rebuilds/ repairs

r3 componenT roTATion progrAms

R3 Component Rotation

Alstom offers customers a systematic method for rebuilding boiler related equipment and returning this equipment to service. Alstoms Regional Service Centers are the focus of this program combining our extensive experience, inventory, rebuild portfolio and proven processes to provide a unique service. The R3 program is based on rebuilding, restocking and replacing components.

Extensive parts inventory OEM inspection and

available assembly procedures are used


Complete disassembly and inspection of a component. Worn out parts are replaced and components repaired. The components are rebuilt to strict procedures and tolerances. Upgrades to components can be included.

Component upgrades

Restock Replace

Once a rebuild is completed, the component is placed in the customers exclusive stock inventory at the Regional Service Center nearest the plant.

Reduce Inventory costs Shorter lead times All work backed by

Alstoms engineering experience, quality and reliability

Rebuilt components are returned to a customer when needed to replace a similar component requiring service. The replaced component is sent back to the Service Center

r3 = rebuild + resTock + replAce

improving AvAilAbiliTy while reducing cosT



outage kit services

kits OuTAGE kITS | are pre-packaged supplies of equipment-specific replacement parts that support planned or unexpected unit outages and rebuilds. Emergencies cost money! Outage Kits can help minimize costly delays in making repairs. Outage Kits are the perfect solution when emergencies strike, or to have available as part of a planned preventative maintenance cycle or Inventory Management Program.

Custom or standard Reduces maintenance Convenient and Simplifies purchasing

organized costs

Right parts available

that are used

Only pay for the parts Instant part availability Save time and money
A cosT-effecTive wAy To mAnAge plAnned And unplAnned uniT ouTAge repAirs

when you need them

how AlsToms ouTAge kiT progrAm works:

The customer and Alstom develop a list of parts to be included in each kit. Each kit includes a detailed chart of the location of each part Alstom then ships these parts in pre-packaged kit form to the customer two weeks prior to the planned outage or rebuild. Customer withdraws parts from the kit, as needed. Items not needed from any given kit are shipped back to Alstom for re-stocking. The customer then issues a purchase order to Alstom for any parts consumed.



service NOTES



service NOTES



your 1-stop choice for boiler services and parts

call us Toll free: 1.866.257.8664 or direct: 1.860.285.2100 press:

If you know your partys 4 digit extension for Shipping and Delivery information To speak with a Customer Service Representative If you would like the company directory If you would like this menu repeated All other calls stay on the line

e-mail: [email protected] fax: 1.860.285.3101

We provide 24 hour, 7 days a week emergency service. Our normal office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm EST/EDT.

PSE/BPROB/BRCTN09/eng/PSER1/11.09/uS/7024 Alstom 2009. Alstom, the Alstom logo and any alternative version there of are trademarks and service marks of Alstom. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for information only. Alstom reserves the right to revise or change this data at any time without further notice. STOCk is a registered trademark of the Stock-Schenck Process Group. Diamondback is a registered trademark of J.R. Johanson, Inc. Merrick Industries, Inc. is a licensed manufacturer of the Diamondback Hopper System. Atrita is a registered trademark of Riley Power, Inc. LIMELIGHT is a trademark of Alstom Power Inc. GENETIx is a registered trademark of Merrick Industries, Inc. INVALCO is a registered trademark of fMC Technologies, Inc. Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation, Inc.

Alstom power inc. 2000 Day Hill Road Windsor, CT 06095-0500 Tel: 860.285.2100 Tel: 866.257.8664 fax: 860.285.3101

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