On Environmental Protection: I. General Provisions
On Environmental Protection: I. General Provisions
On Environmental Protection: I. General Provisions
Article 3
1) the Republic;
2) Autonomous Province;
3) Municipality, i.e. the city (hereinafter local self-governance body);
4) Companies, other domestic and foreign legal entities and entrepreneurs
who use natural values in their economic and other activities, to endanger or pollute the
environment (hereinafter legal and natural entities);
5) Scientific and expert organizations and other public services;
6) Citizens, groups of citizens, their associations, professional and other
Subjects Liabilities
Article 5
Raising Awareness
Article 6
Article 8
The polluter shall be liable for environmental pollution also in the case of
liquidation or bankruptcy of the company or other legal entities, in accordance with the
The polluter or its legal successor shall be bound to eliminate the cause of
pollution and the consequences of direct or indirect environmental pollution.
The polluter, under the legal regulations, shall bear the total costs of
measures for prevention and reduction of pollution, including the costs of risks for the
environment and cost of elimination of damage inflicted on the environment.
7) Principle "user pays" any person who utilizes natural values shall
pay real cost for their utilization and recultivation of the area.
Special Laws
Article 10
3) Protection of nature;
5) Chemicals management;
6) Waste management;
Strategic Documents
Article 12
If the report finds that the use of natural resources significantly endangers
the unity of ecosystem, the Government may, at the proposal of the ministry competent
for environmental protection or another ministry, temporarily limit the scope of use of
natural values in certain area.
Consent on Usage
Article 15
Authority in charge may not issue approval for the usage of natural
resources or goods without the consent on project containing measures of environmental
protection and rehabilitation.
Users Duties
Article 16
Legal and natural entity that uses natural resources or goods is obliged to
plan and implement preventive measures for environmental protection during the
performance of work or activities and after they have been accomplished.
Protected natural goods shall be used and developed in the manner that
enables their permanent preservation and advancement in accordance with the law on
nature protection.
Utilization of Space
Article 19
Public green areas in the settlements and places covered by spatial and
urban plans shall be made and maintain in a way which shall enable preservation and
development of natural and man-made values.
The activities that shall not pollute or damage the soil may be carried out
on the ground surface or under it.
Water Protection
Article 23
Protection and use of water shall be realized within the integral water
management through implementation of measures for preservation of surface and ground
waters and their reserves, quality and quantity, as well as through protection of river
beds, waterfronts and courses in accordance with special law.
Certain species of wild flora and fauna, their developing forms and parts
may be collected and placed on the market in a way and under conditions determined in
the permit issued by the Ministry, after having obtained opinion of the organization in
charge of nature protection.
Legal entity or entrepreneur that carries out the activity of trade with wild
flora and fauna shall be obliged to pay the charge.
The means gained from the charges from paragraph 6 of this Article shall
be earmarked for environmental protection in accordance with this Law.
Trade with Endangered and Protected Species of Wild Flora and Fauna
Article 28
Import and export of endangered and protected species of wild flora and
fauna, their developing forms and parts shall be carried out under condition that import or
export has not been prohibited, i.e. that the exported quantity or the number of specimens
of the endangered and protected species of wild flora and fauna shall not be detrimental
to the survival of the species concerned in the Republic, as well as under other conditions
regulated by law, on the basis of the permit issued by the Ministry.
Transit of endangered and protected species of wild flora and fauna, their
different life-cycle forms and parts shall be subject to an export permit.
The Ministry shall keep the register of issued permits in a prescribed way.
Dangerous substances
Article 29
Waste Management
Article 30
The user of a noise source may place on the market and may use noise
sources according to regulated conditions and by applying regulated measures of
protection by which noise emissions, i.e. the use of facilities, devices, machines, transport
means and gadgets that produce noise shall be abated.
Protection from vibrations shall be enforced by undertaking measures by
which threat towards the environment from effects of mechanical, periodical and
individual vibrations caused by human activity shall be prevented and eliminated.
Legal and natural entity may produce, circulate or use sources of ionizing
and non-ionizing radiation according to regulated conditions and in a regulated way.
1. Preventive Measures
Planning and Construction
Article 33
The environmental impact assessment of the project shall be done for the
projects planned and realized in the place, including changes in technology,
reconstruction, and extension of facilities or winding up of operations, which may result
in major environmental pollution or which constitute the risk to human health.
The operation of new and existent installations that may have negative
impact on human health and environment shall require an integrated permit which shall
secure the prevention and control on the environmental pollution.
Legal and natural entity running the activities that involve or may involve
one or more dangerous substances in the quantities equal or above the stipulated ones,
and which may cause an accident shall be obliged, during the procedure of project
environmental impact assessment, namely application for integrated permit elaborate the
accident risk assessment.
Limit Values
Article 39
Integral norms shall be established in order to: control the quality of air,
water and soil, procedures with waste and chemicals, wastewater treatment, industrial
pollution and risk management, level of noise and vibrations etc.
Limit values of the emissions for pollutants at the place of their outflow
into the environment and the levels of imissions for pollutants in the environment shall be
determined by the Government.
Construction and facilities work and activities shall proceed if the set
standards for emission and imission and equipment that reduce or prevent emission of
pollutants or energy and provide for its conservation are fulfilled, i.e. if other measures
and activities have been undertaken to secure the prescribed conditions for environmental
Means of transportation made and placed on the market must comply with
the conditions for emission from mobile pollution sources.
The time limits referred to in par 1 of this Article, that may be imposed by
the Government shall be in line with the prescribed limit values and National
Environmental Program.
Public Alerts
Article 42
The Ministry shall inform the public and issue an act introducing special
measures in case of immediate threat or excess of prescribed threshold values of
The Minister shall prescribe the criteria for promulgation of the act
referred to in par 1 of this Article and the manner of public alert.
The local self-governance unit shall stipulate the act introducing special
measures in the case from paragraph 1 of this Article if the pollution has been limited to
the territory of the local self-governance unit and has no impact on the wider area.
Legal and natural entities which in the process of their work meet all the
requirements of environmental protection management system regarding its policy
establishment and execution, planning, implementation, control and check of the
management system and the implementation of its advancement measures may be
included into the EMAS system.
The registration into the EMAS system shall be carried out on the basis of
the request from legal and natural entity submitted to the Ministry.
Along with the request for registration into the EMAS system, submitted
in a regular format, the following shall be submitted:
The registration shall be done for one year period and may be extended at
request from legal and natural entity.
Article 46
EMAS auditors accreditation and control of their activities shall be done
in accordance with law and other regulations referring to accreditation.
The accredited EMAS auditor shall check the fulfillment of all the
conditions prescribed for legal and natural entities joining or being part of EMAS system.
The Ministry shall keep the register of legal and natural entities included
in EMAS system.
At the request of the Ministry the accredited EMAS auditors. shall submit
data on the results of check-up processes of EMAS system in legal and natural entity.
The Ministry shall decline the request for registration if legal or natural
entity does not fulfill conditions for inclusion into EMAS system.
The Ministry shall cancel legal or natural entity from the register of
EMAS system in the following cases:
1) If, in regulated period of time, they fail to submit the request for
registration extension with fulfilled in statement, registration form and proof on paid
2) If it has been judged that legal and natural entity does not fulfill one or
more conditions for registration;
3) If accreditation body has submitted to the Ministry a negative report
from the accredited EMAS auditor on control of legal and natural entitys work.
The Ministry may, in case from paragraph 2 of this Article decide to
suspend temporarily the registration of legal and natural entity until they fulfill
registration conditions.
Article 49
EMAS logo may be used only by legal and natural entities registered in
EMAS system in cases and in the way determined in compliance with law.
3) the contents of statement for inclusion into EMAS system and public
access to information about EMAS system;
4) the way of EMAS system check within legal and natural entity and the
contents of auditor's report;
The Ministry may prohibit the production and trade of certain products
and performance of certain activities, for a specific period of time, or on a part of the
Republic territory, Autonomous province or local self-governance unit in order to prevent
the danger for the environment and human health.
The warning must contain the instructions for the use or handling of the
product, its contents and packaging in the production, use and disposal in compliance
with the standards in force and instructions for handling.
Ecological Label
Article 53
The ecological label shall be established for products intended for general
consumption, except for foodstuffs, beverages and pharmaceutical products, if their
production, marketing, consumption and disposal cause less environmental pollution
compared with similar products, or if they are produced from waste recycling.
Legal and natural entity may obtain the right to use ecological label for
their products, processes or services if their production or course result in reduced:
1) Consumption of energy sources;
2) Harmful and dangerous emissions;
3) Production of waste;
4) Consumption of natural resources etc.
The Minister shall prescribe closer conditions and procedures for
obtaining rights to use the ecological label, elements and design, and the manners of use
of ecological label for products, processes and services.
Awarding and Withdrawal of Ecological Label
Article 54
The Ministry shall issue the act awarding the right to use the ecological
The right to use the ecological label shall be granted for the period up to
three years.
The person concerned shall submit the application for ecological label to
the Ministry.
The costs of awarding the right to use the ecological label shall be borne
by the applicant.
The right to use the ecological label shall be withdrawn if the product,
process or service ceases to comply with any of the requirements for the issue.
Substances depleting ozone layer, whose trade, namely use has not been
prohibited, as well as products containing the substances depleting ozone layer, and are
used for special purposes, may be imported or exported under the permit of the Ministry.
The Ministry shall keep the register on import, export and consumption of
substances depleting ozone layer, namely the products.
The waste may be imported only if not available in the Republic, but is
necessary in production as a secondary raw material.
Permit for import, export and transit of waste shall be issued by the
Ministry in compliance with law and other regulations.
When applying for permit for import, export and transit from paragraph 1
of this Article, the applicant shall submit the documentation whose contents shall be
prescribed by the Ministry.
The entity from paragraph 2 of this Article shall keep the records about
types and quantities of dangerous substances.
Response to Accident
Article 59
In case of the accident, legal or natural entity shall, without any delay,
organize and implement planned measures and procedures of reacting to accident and
shall engage people and means in accordance with designed plan of protection from
accident including the obligation of notifying the Ministry, competent authority of the
Autonomous province and Ministry in charge of activities of protection from fire,
production and placement on the market of explosive substances, flammable liquids and
gases and other competent authorities, in compliance with law.
Obligatory Notification
Article 60
Legal or natural entity referred to in Article 58 of this Law shall notify the
Ministry, the authority of autonomous province, namely local self governance unit on the
territory of which it is based of the following information for the existing and new
activities and installations:
The notification from paragraph 1 of this Article shall contain data on:
The plan for protection from accident with transboundary effects shall be
approved by the Government.
The plans referred to in par 1 and 2 of this Article shall be reviewed every
third year.
1) Content of the accident protection plan and of the report of the state of
2) Manner of keeping records by types and quantities of dangerous
substances in the production, use, trade, transport, processing, storage and disposal, ways
and deadlines for submission of data;
3) Level of concentration of dangerous substances in the environmental
medium of which the public is to be informed;
4) The manner and criteria for categorization and characterization of
dangerous substances;
5) Criteria for determination of the scope of accident for the proclamation
of the state of threat to environment due to accident.
In the case of accident, depending of its scope, within or outside the plant
and estimated consequences, which may cause direct or deferred threat towards human
health and environment, the sate of endangerment of environment shall be proclaimed,
and the public shall be informed of the measures taken.
If the polluter who is responsible for the accident has been determined
subsequently, the authority that paid the cost of elimination of the consequences of
environmental pollution shall claim the reimbursement.
National program shall be carried out via action and rehabilitation plans to
be promulgated by the Government for the period of five years.
Action Plan
Article 65
Rehabilitation Plan
Article 66
The rehabilitation plan shall be made whenever pollution in the given area
exceeds the effects of the measures taken, namely when the capacity of the environment
is at risk or there is a risk of permanent degradation of the quality or damage in the
If the polluter who is responsible for the pollution has been determined
subsequently, the authority that paid the cost of environmental rehabilitation shall claim
Contents of Plans
Article 67
Article 68
Two or more units of the local self-governance shall enact joint program
of environmental protection for reduction of negative effects on the environment and for
cost-efficiency reasons (joint waste management, wastewater management, and the
1. Monitoring
Provision of Monitoring
Article 69
The Government shall determine criteria for the number and lay-out of
measurement points, measurement points network, scope and frequency of
measurement, classification of phenomena monitored, methodology and indicators about
the pollution of the environment and their monitoring, deadlines and manner of data
Authorized Organization
Article 71
After obtaining the consent from the Ministry in charge of certain area, the
Minister shall prescribe closer conditions that must be fulfilled by the authorized
organization from paragraph 1 of this Article.
The act from paragraph 3 of this Article shall be published in the Official
Gazette of the Republic of Serbia.
The polluter shall plan and provide for financial means for performance of
emission monitoring, as well as for other measurements and monitoring of their activity
impact towards the environment.
Data Submission
Article 73
The information system shall provide access for other information systems
and harmonization of all relevant information and data at national and international level.
The Government shall prescribe more closely the contents and the manner
of maintenance of information system, methodology, structure, common bases, categories
and levels of data compilation, as well as the contents of information regulatory and
obligatory released to public.
The polluter is obliged to submit mandatory data at its own cost in the
manner and within timeframes prescribed by this Law.
The report from Article 76 of this Law shall particularly contain data
Access to Information
Article 78
The cost of the supply of the data from paragraph 1 of this Article shall be
borne by the applicant.
The Minister shall prescribe the amount of costs from paragraph 3 of this
Article, depending on the scope and character of the data.
Article 84
The user of the natural values shall pay a charge for the utilization of
natural values and bear the cost of rehabilitation and recultivation of degraded area, in
compliance with special law.
60% of means obtained from the charges from paragraph 1 of this Article
shall be allocated to the Republic budget and 40% shall go to the budget of autonomous
Article 85
The Government shall determine the type of pollution, the criteria for
charge calculation and obligors to pay, the amount and method of calculation, assessment
and collection of charges.
40% of the means obtained from the charges from paragraph 1 of this
Article shall be allocated to the Republic budget, and 60% of the means shall go into the
budget of the local self governance unit.
The funds from paragraph 5 of this Article shall be used for protection and
improvement of the environment according to programs, namely action and rehabilitation
plans made in compliance with this and special laws.
The obligor shall be entitled to get the refund, relief or reduction of the
paid environmental charge if the funds are used for the implementation of measures for
harmonization with prescribed limit values or if other measures are being implemented in
contribution to reduction of environmental pollution to the level below prescribed limits.
The Minister shall determine about the right from paragraph 1 of this
Article in accordance with prescribed criteria and conditions.
The unit of local self-governance may, within the framework of its rights
and liabilities, impose the charge for environmental protection and improvement in line
with its needs and specificities.
The amount of the charge from paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the
manner of payment as well as relief for certain categories of obligors shall be prescribed
by local self-governance unit.
As for the payment of charges from Articles 84, 85 and 87 of this Law,
calculation of penalty interest for default, forced collection and others not specifically
prescribed by this Law, the provisions of the law specifying taxation procedures shall be
applied accordingly.
Use of Funds
Article 89
Funds Activities
Article 91
The Fund shall carry out activities in relation to financing the preparation
of implementation and development of programs, projects and other activities in the area
of preservation, sustainable use, protection and advancement of the environment, as well
as in the area of energetic efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, and in
In the process of its work, and especially in planning and utilization of the
finances, the Fund shall apply the principles of objectiveness and responsibility,
internationally recognized standards of good practice and public in its work and decision
The Fund's finances shall be used for financing action and rehabilitation
plans in accordance with the National program, and in particular for:
The assets of the Fund shall be granted to legal and natural entities, users
of the means for the purposes determined in Article 93 of this Law through loans,
guarantees and other forms of collateral, subsidies, assistance and donations on the basis
of public advertisement published by the Fund.
The Fund shall not publish public initiation if, as a contracting party,
directly finances and participate in realization of programs, projects and other activities in
accordance with this Law.
General act of the Fund shall determine the conditions which are to be
fulfilled by the users of the Funds assets, conditions and manner of drawing on its funds,
appraisal criteria for project proposals evaluation, namely requirements for credit
applications, manner of monitoring the earmarked use of the funds and contracted rights
and duties, as well as other important issues for allocation and usage of the Funds assets.
The Fund shall submit to the Ministry the report on realization of working
programme for the previous year at latest by 31 March of the current year.
The Fund shall submit the report on working programme to the Ministry at
any other time at the Ministrys request.
Bodies of the Fund shall be: managing board, supervisory board and
The members of the managing and supervisory board and the director
shall be appointed for four years period.
The Fund shall have the Statute and other general bylaws in compliance
with law and its Statute.
The Statute shall be enacted by the managing board of the Fund with the
approval of the Government.
The Statute of the Fund shall regulate: organization and operation of the
Fund, competency and work of the managing and supervisory board and the Fund
director, agency and representation of the Fund, rights, liabilities and responsibilities of
the Fund employees, organization of the activities and other issues of relevance for the
work and operations of the Fund.
The Fund shall timely and truly inform the public about the activities
which were the basis for its foundation, in the manner prescribed by Statute.
The Fund may deny the information which has been declared an official or
business secret.
The Funds employees shall have rights and duties in accordance with
Law on labour in state authorities.
The autonomous province, local self governance unit, namely two or more
self-governance units may establish the fund for environmental protection to be financed
out of the revenues obtained at their territory.
The provisions of Articles 90-99 shall be consistently applied to the Fund
referred in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Types of Incentives
Article 101
For the legal and natural entities applying technologies, produce and place
on the market the products environmentally more friendly than others, namely use
renewable energy sources (energy of the Sun, wind parks, biogas, etc.) plant and
equipment directly protecting the environment, may have taxation, customs and other
relief or exemption provided under the terms and conditions of special law.
For the consumers who return used and non used devices and parts
thereof, products or their packaging, the producers who provide for their recycling or
elimination, namely reduction of negative impact of their activity on the environment in
another organized manner, may get special incentives such as subsidies, deposit refunds
under the terms and conditions stipulated in the special law.
Legal and natural entity that through their illegal or inadequate acting has
enabled or allowed environmental pollution shall also be responsible.
Polluters Obligation
Article 104
Polluter shall be liable for the damage made to the environment and space
and shall cover expenditures for the evaluation of damage and elimination thereof, and in
Article 106
Reimbursement of Damage
Article 107
The Republic shall keep the right to reimburse the means if there are no
other persons with such right.
Administrative Supervision
Article 109
Powers of Inspectors
Article 111
In the course of performing their tasks from Article 110 of this Law, the
inspector shall be authorized to:
The inspectors ruling from paragraph 1, points 6), 7), 17), 18), 20) and
21) of this Article shall be final.
In the course of performing their activities from Articles 110 and 111 of
this Law, the inspector may temporary confiscate the objects, goods or devices whose use
has not been allowed or which have occurred, namely which have been used for illicit
Article 113
Other competent inspection authority shall inform the inspector about the
undertaken measures.
In cases when the inspector determines such kind of violations for which
there are competencies prescribed for other inspection bodies, the inspector is obliged to,
without any delay, inform the Minister so that the supervision may be performed jointly
and adequate measures undertaken.
Article 114
The appeal against first degree ruling of competent municipal, namely city
authority made in the course of tasks performance shall be decided by the Ministry, if not
prescribed differently by this Law.
The appeal against first degree ruling of competent municipal, namely city
authority from the autonomous province made in the course of tasks performance shall be
decided by the competent authority of the autonomous province.
The appeal against first degree ruling of the Ministry shall be decided by
the Government.
Article 115
The inspector shall have an official Identity Card, label and appropriate
The Minister shall prescribe the format of the official ID, the appearance
and contents of the label and type of equipment.
1. Commercial Offences
Article 116
Legal entity shall pay a fine ranging from 150,000 to 3,000,000 dinars if it
commits any of these commercial offences:
1) uses natural resources and goods without the Ministry consent (Article
15, paragraph 1);
2) in the course of use of natural resources and goods and during
performance of activities, and after their termination it fails to implement measures
preventing threat towards the environment (Article 16, paragraph 1);
3) does not carry out recultivation or in some other way does not
rehabilitate degraded environment (Article 16, paragraph 2);
4) collects and place on the market certain species of wild flora and fauna,
their developing forms and parts without the Ministrys permit, namely contrary to
conditions determined in the permit (Article 27, paragraph 4);
5) imports and exports endangered and protected species of wild flora and
fauna, their developing forms and parts without the Ministrys permit, namely contrary to
determined conditions (Article 28, paragraph 1);
6) in dangerous substances management does not undertake all the
necessary protective and safety measures (Article 29, paragraph 2);
7) does not make assessment of the risk from an accident (Article 38,
paragraph 1);
8) constructs and uses installations and performs activities if prescribed
standards of emission and imission, equipment and devices for mitigation and prevention
of emission of pollutants or energy have not been fulfilled, as well as if other measures
and activities for ensuring prescribed conditions of environmental protection have not
been undertaken (Article 40, paragraph 1);
9) releases polluting and dangerous substances, waste waters or emitates
energy into air, water or soil in a way and in quantities, namely concentrations or levels
exceeding the prescribed ones (Article 40, paragraph 2);
10) produces and places on the market vehicles not fulfilling conditions
regarding emissions for mobile sources of pollution (Article 40, paragraph 3);
11) applies domestic or imported technology or process, namely produces
and places on the market products not fulfilling prescribed standards of environmental
protection, i.e. standards of quality of products or the technology, process, finished
product, semi-finished product or raw material is banned in the exporter country (Article
51, paragraph 1);
12) uses devices which serve for eliminating or treating the pollutants for
which no domestic standards have been prescribed and which are contrary to Article 51,
paragraph 4 of this Law;
13) if on the declaration of raw material, semi-finished product or finished
product there is no warning to environmental pollution and harm towards human health
which that raw material, semi-finished product or finished product or their package
causes or may cause in the environment (Article 52, paragraph 1);
14) produces substances depleting ozone layer (Article 56, paragraph 1);
15) imports an exports substances depleting ozone layer, namely products
containing these substances, which have been determined by ratified international
agreement from the countries, namely to the countries which are not contract parties of
that agreement (Article 56, paragraph 2);
16) imports, produces and places on the market new and used products
containing substances depleting ozone layer contrary to Article 56, paragraph 3 of this
17) imports and exports substances depleting ozone layer without the
Ministrys permit (Article 56, paragraph 4);
18) imports hazardous waste (Article 57, paragraph 1);
19) imports, exports or transit waste without the Ministrys permit and
determined conditions (Article 57, paragraph 3);
20) does nor proceed in accordance with the provisions of Article 58,
paragraph 2 of this Law;
21) does not undertake rehabilitation measures at their own cost (Article 63,
paragraph 1);
22) does not make or realize rehabilitation plan from Article 66, paragraph
4 of this Law;
23) does not insure themselves in case of damage made to third parties in
an accident (Article 106).
For the commercial offence from paragraph 1 of this Article the
responsible person within legal entity shall also pay fine ranging from 30,000 to 200,000
2. Offences
Article 117
Legal entity shall pay fine ranging from 30,000 to 1,000,000 dinars for the
offence if:
1) uses EMAS sign and has not been registered in EMAS system (Article
2) uses ecological label contrary to the provisions of Article 53 of this
3) does not submit data from article 56, paragraph 6 of this Law;
4) does not keep the records on types and quantities of dangerous
substances in production, transport, use, processing, storage or disposal (Article 58,
paragraph 3);
5) without any delay does not inform the Ministry in case of malfunction
in installations or devices for environmental protection due to which there occurs exceed
in limit values of emission (Article 58, paragraph 4);
6) does not obtain permit from the competent authority for transport of
dangerous substances (Article 58, paragraph 5);
7) in case of accident, without any delay, does not organize and implement
planned measures and procedures of reacting to accident, engage people and means in
line with the plan for protection from accident, including obligation to inform competent
authority (Article 59);
8) does not submit information to competent authority containing data
from Article 60 of this Law;
9) performs monitoring without an authorization (Article 71, paragraph 3);
10) does not perform monitoring of other impacts to environmental state
(Article 72);
11) does not submit data from monitoring in a prescribed way (Article 73);
12) does not submit data which are important for keeping the integrated
cadastre of environmental polluters in a prescribed way (Article 75, paragraph 4);
13) does not let the inspector perform the control, namely does not act in
line with the inspectors ruling (Article 111).
For the offence from paragraph 1 of this Article a responsible person
within legal entity shall also have to pay fine ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 dinars.
For the offence from paragraph 1 of this Article an entrepreneur shall have
to pay fine ranging from 10,000 to 200,000 dinars or shall be punished with 30 days
For the offence from paragraph 1 of this Article, except for points 3) and
9), a natural entity shall have to pay fine ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 dinars or shall be
punished with 30 days imprisonment.
Article 118
Natural entity shall have to pay fine ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 dinars
or shall be punished with 30 days imprisonment for the offence if:
1) disturbs, maltreats, hurts and destroys wild flora and fauna or their
habitats (Article 27, paragraph 2);
2) destroys, tears or in any other way desertification wild flora and
destroys its habitats (Article 27, paragraph 3).
Article 119
Article 120
1) issues approval for using natural resource or good without consent from
the Ministry (Article 15, paragraph 1);
2) issues permit without obtained opinion of the organization in charge of
nature protection (Article 27, paragraph 4);
3) issues permit without prescribed documentation or does not keep the
register on issued permits in a prescribed way (Article 28);
4) prepares spatial or urbanity plan without conditions for environmental
protection measures from Article 34;
5) does not inform public and does not promulgate an act on introducing
special measures in cases from Article 42 of this Law;
6) registrates legal and natural entity into EMAS system contrary to the
provisions of Article 45 of this Law;
7) does not keep the register of legal and natural entities included in
EMAS system (Article 47, paragraph 1);
8) rejects to write in and deletes from the register contrary to Article 48 of
this Law;
9) does not keep the register on import, export and consumption of
substances depleting ozone layer (Article 56, paragraph 8);
10) does not make plan for protection from accident from Article 61,
paragraph 1 of this Law and does not fulfill duties from paragraphs 5 and 6 of this
11) does not proclaim status of endangered environment and inform public
about undertaken measures (Article 62);
12) does not perform monitoring (Article 69);
13) does not submit data on monitoring in a prescribed way (Article 73);
14) does not keep information system of environmental protection (Article
15) does not keep integrated cadastre of polluters (Article 75, paragraph 2);
16) carries out submission of information contrary to Article 79 of this
17) does not submit reports on realization of working program of the Fund
in prescribed deadline or at the Ministrys request (Article 95, paragraphs 3 and 4);
18) does not inform public timely and truly about its activities for which
purpose it has been established in a way prescribed in the Funds Statute or if it does not
give information about the activities from its competency at the public request (Article
98, paragraph 2).
Article 121
For the offence from Articles 117 and 118 of this Law, along with the
penalty, a protective measure may be imposed by confiscating objects which have been
used or intended to be used for an offence, or which have occurred or have been obtained
in an offensive action.
Article 122
Legal and natural entities shall harmonize their operating with the
provisions of this Law in a year period from the day when this Law enters into force.
Article 123
In a year period from the day when this Law enters into force, the National
Assembly shall enact the following:
Article 124
The Government shall promulgate, in a year period from the day when this
Law enters into force, the act from Article 43, paragraph 3 of this Law, and in two years
period from the day when this Law enters into force action plans from Article 65 of this
Law and program from Article 69, paragraph 3 of this Law.
Until the Strategy and national action plans have been promulgated, the
basis for utilization of natural resources and goods shall be bases of natural resources
(water, forest, geological, mineral-raw material, pedological, agricultural, spatial
protection and other ecological-spatial bases) as special documents on potentials of
natural resources or goods which are made or innovated on the basis of determined or
estimated balances and other categories in compliance with Spatial Plan of the Republic
of Serbia and other spatial and urbanity plans.
Article 125
Fund for environmental protection shall start its work in the period of six
months from the day when this Law enters into force at latest.
Article 126
The President and members of Managing and Supervisory Board and the
Director of the Fund shall be appointed by the Government in 60 days from the day when
this Law enters into force.
The Managing Board shall promulgate the Statute of the Fund in 30 days
from the day of their appointing.
Article 127
The provisions of the law and other regulations for management of natural
resources and goods, planning and constructing, and which are contrary to this Law shall
not be applied.
Article 128
On the day when this Law enters into force, the following shall not be in
Article 130
This Law shall enter into force eight days after it has been published in
"Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia".