Ligji Ang 2009 - 03-L-025 - en

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Republika e Kosovs

Republika Kosovo-Republic of Kosovo

Kuvendi - Skuptina - Assembly
Law No. 03/L-025


Assembly of Republic of Kosovo,

In support of article 65 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo,
Recognizing the need to bring environmental standards in Kosovo into harmony with those of
the European Union hereby issues,




Article 1
1. This law shall harmonize economical development and social welfare with basic principles for
environmental protection according to the concept of sustainable development.
2. The purpose of this law is to promote the establishment of healthy environment for population
of Kosovo by bringing gradually the standards for environment of European Union.

Article 2
1. This law shall regulate the integral system of environmental protection, risk reduction for life
and human health, according to the concept of sustainable development.
2. This law aims:
2.1.rational use of natural recourses and limitation of pollution discharge on environment,
prevention of damage, rehabilitation and improvement of defective environment;
2.2.improvement of environmental conditions in correlation with life quality and
protection of human health;
2.3. saving and maintenance of natural recourses, those renewable and un renewable as
well as its sustainable management;
2.4. coordination of national
environmental protection;

activities for fulfilling of request concerning to

2.5. regional and international coordination in the field of environment;

2.6. stimulation and public participation on activities related to environmental protection;
2.7. to ensure that development on Kosovo is sustainable in order to protect and save the
soil, air, water, living sources in Kosovo in favor of the coming generations;
2.8. to promote regional and international measure for saving, protection and
improvement of environmental quality; and
2.9. to do appropriateness of laws, sub-legal acts and procedures of Kosovo institutions
with European Union legislation

Article 3
The implementation of the provisions of this Law is obliged for all central and local institutions,
physical and juridical entities, local and international that doing their activities in the territory of

Article 4
Terms used in this Law shall have this meaning:

Integrated system for environmental protection is environmental protection system when

public authorities cooperate and coordinate works between them for drafting and implementation
of every measure, standard or activity with the aim of environmental protection;
Environment is the natural environment: air, earth, water, climate, flora and fauna, on the
integrity of intercommunication and cultural heritage as a part of environment created by man;
Environmental pollution is direct or indirect introduction of polluting matters or energy into
the environment, caused either by human activities or natural processes, which have adverse
effects on the quality of environment and human health;
Environmental damage is breaking of physical-chemical characteristics and structural of
natural ecosystem, decreasing of biological diversity of natural ecosystems, breaking of
ecological balance and life quality, caused mainly by water , air, and soil pollution, from human
activities or natural fatalities;
Environmental degradation process of violence of environmental quality caused by natural
activities and human or consequence on non undertake measures for moving of guilty
degradation of quality or environmental damage of natural values or values created with
Risk is a potential of a certain activity, directly or indirectly, that shall cause damage/pollution
for the environment and human health and material goods;
Environmental Accident is a sudden and uncontrolled event or series of events, which occur
with uncontrolled release (discharge or throwing) of hazardous matters in the process of
production, circulation, utilization, transport, processing, storage, disposal or long-term
inadequate storage;
Environmental consent shall mean written authorization issued by competent authority
pursuant to this law, or normative acts issued pursue to this law, for the purpose of taking the
construction license;
Environmental integrated license shall mean written authorization issued by competent
authority in accordance with this law, requested for license receipt for action.
Environmental authorization is official written legal document issued by Ministry, allowing
the holder thereof to develop the activity or execution of the project only once, in accordance
with the described conditions specified therein.
Environmental permit is written document issued by Ministry based on this law, requested
with the purpose of getting work permit;
Municipal environmental permit is written document issued by Municipality, based on this
law, concerning activities that have impact on environment;

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment to determine the likely

environmental consequences of construction or other development activity;
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) shall be the process of assessment of possible
impacts of one policy, plan and program on environment;
Environmental disturbance means the environment pollution where polluted mater exceeds
norms designated by the law;
Emission is the discharge of polluting matters of energy and noise by individual and diffusive
on environment;
Environmental information is any information in written, visual, oral, electronic or any other
material on state of the elements of environment, measures, reports, cost-benefit analyses and the
state of human health;
Waste is any object or substance which the owner shall dispose, have intentions for dispose or
is obliged to dispose;
Hazardous waste means toxic, corroding, irritant, blasting, flammable, cancer and radioactive
waste, that have characteristics of environmental dissolution of the water, soil, and air, with
negative consequences for human health and natural ecosystems too;
Hazardous matters are chemicals or other matters with harmful or hazardous characteristics;
Pollution shall mean discharge of matters in solid, liquid and gas state, including vibration,
radiation, warming, lighting, noise or other forms of energy in environment having potential
meaning for damaging of human health, living organisms, ecosystems or even environment in
Polluter is natural of legal person who with his action or non action causes environmental
Ministry is Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning;
Natural resources shall mean all natural components used by humans for economical aims.
Natural resources might be un-renewable (mineral substances) and renewable (biological goods,
water, renewable soil);
Natural values shall mean parts of natural deserve with certain protection because of their
sensitivities or scientific, esthetical, cultural, historical, educational and economical interest;
Sustainable use shall mean using of natural resources, providing the fulfillment of recent
needs, without hurting needs of next generations for these recourses;

Sustainable development shall mean the harmonization of economic development and

environment protection for fulfilling of recent needs, without strengthening the possibilities for
new generations to use these capacities and to fulfill their needs;
Sanitation is the process of undertaking measures in order to halt pollution and further
degradation of environment up to the safe level for future use of the location including also
arranging of the area revitalization and re cultivation thereof;
Recycling shall mean processing of waste on primary process or for another dedication,
including also biological recycling, without using of energy;
Fond for environmental protection shall mean financial instrument for stimulation of
protection and improving of environment in Kosovo;
Public one or more juridical or physical entities, organization and their groups;
Mobile sources of pollution shall mean every engine equipment that moves and cause
pollution on environment;
Status of endangered environment is environmental state where level of pollution is
exceeded, designated by measures , researches and assessment of indicators of state in the
report to norms allowed due to certain acts;
Economical instruments are instruments aiming to have effect on the changing of bringing of
economical subjects through the accounting of environmental expenditures for using of natural
Environmental quality is considered concentration of polluted matters in environment.
Polluters` cadastre is group of data for the source of pollution, type, quantity, manner and
place of unload, flow or placement of harmful matters in environment, plants and equipment for
environment protection as well as processes used for environmental protection, which shall be
collected for period of calendar year.

Article 5
Responsible bodies for administration of environmental protection
1. Government
1.1. Government based on proposal from the Minister, after consultation with other
interested Ministers, shall adopt sub-legal acts with the purpose:
1.1.1. to achieve objectives and full implementation of this law;
1.1.2. to apply principles according to Article 6;

1.1.3. to adapt the legal requests and procedures related to protection of

environment and sustainable development with European Union
environmental acquis;
1.1.4. to do limits, prohibitions and other controls of direct or indirect
emissions released by polluters and waste of installation and projects in
1.1.5. to determine methods, equipments, constructions and structures which
should decrease emissions from the asphalt basis, stone crusher plant, digging
of stones or other activities of digging stones, petrol points and other similar
1.1.6. to do limits, prohibitions for emission from machinery and equipments,
for utilization or placement in market and for labeling requests;
1.1.7. to do treatment and substance of contaminated soil-land according to
technical standards of treatment as well as treatment methods and supervision;
1.1.8. to determine methods, equipments, constructions and structures which
should decrease emissions from agriculture, livestock agricultural economy,
fur farms, forestry and fish ponds;
1.1.9. to determine payment manner for environmental permit;
1.1.10. to decrease the substances which damage the of ozone layers;
1.1.11. to decrease the substances and activities which effect on climate
1.1.12. to apply criteria and procedures for utilization of instruments for
protection of the environment and sustainable development, according to
Article 7;
2. Minister:
2.1. shall promote sustainable development in Kosovo and in the region;
2.2. shall approve sub-legal acts, administrative directions, forms, procedures which are
in his responsibility, according to this law;
2.3. shall be involved to apply measures and environmental standards to stimulate
sustainable utilization of natural sources;

2.4. shall coordinate preparation and implementation of policies and environmental

instruments with other Ministries, Municipalities, private entities, professional and
scientific organizations, non-governmental organizations and with citizens;
2.5. shall propose to the Government the adoption of price list for issuance of
environmental licenses, according to the Article 31;
2.6. shall propose members of the Advisory Board for Protection of Environment in
Government, which shall be approved by the Assembly of Republic of Kosovo;
2.7. shall determine criteria and procedure for issuing gratitude;
2.8. shall ensure fair usage of funds granted from international and local organizations
according to the Government policies in order to protect the environment. It also prepares
application for co-finance of EU for projects of investments in environment and their
3. Municipalities
3.1. apply fully the principles of article 6;
3.2. cooperate with Ministry for preparation of plan, for protection of environment and
sustainable development within their territory according to this law;
3.3. enforce laws and inspect enforcement of the laws related to the protection of
environment and sustainable development within their territory;
3.4. prepare and provide information related to the protection of environment and
sustainable development for citizens;
3.5. the plan for protection of environment and sustainable development within
municipality territory, shall be approved by the respective Municipality Assembly

Article 6
Basic principles for environmental protection
1. Principle of sustainable development is development that fulfils recent and future needs
without strengthening or affect possibilities and capacities that also future generations should
fulfilled their needs.
2. Principle of integration on environmental protection, public authorities shall cooperate and
coordinate activities among their selfs, for development and adoption of every measures,
standards or activities aimed for environmental protection.

3. Principal of gradual harmonization with European Union standards Environmental protection

shall be based on the gradual introduction of European Union standards with the aim of obliged
creation of a healthy environment for man with the principle of using the most appropriate
practices, accepted in the scientific community, for improving the Environment.
4. Principle of precaution and prevention , to the extent reasonable practicable, in light of the
relative coast and expected environmental benefits an activity shall be planned and implemented
in such a way as to prevent or limit adverse effects on the Environment and the potential risks to
human health.
5. Principle of prevention shall be implemented trough Environmental Strategic Assessment,
Environmental Impact Assessment and implementation of Integrated Prevention Pollution and
6. Lack of general technological knowledges may not be the reason for non taking of
preventive measures on risk obstruction and environmental degradation, in sees cases of possible
action on environment.
7. Principle polluter pays, the polluter shall pay charges for environmental pollution if it causes
or may cause, by its activities, environmental loading, namely if he produces, utilizes or markets
raw material, semi finished or final product containing dangerous materials for the environment.
8. Principle "user pays, any person who utilizes natural values shall pay real cost for their
utilization and re-cultivation of the area after his finishing of use activities.
9. Principle of responsible subsidiary , in the cases when responsible for pollution can not be
noticed than the rehabilitation costs and pollution decrease shall be under the responsibility of
state institutions.
10. Principal of encourage measures - Government shall promote practices and activities aimed
on prevention and reduction of pollution, through encourage measures and simulative too for
legal and physical persons, which shall select the best technology and clean production.
11. Principle of Protection of the Right on Court any physical and legal entity as well as the
public, if they are suffering material damage or are under a serious threat of suffering material
damage attributable to a particular activity or source of pollutions that is in violation of the
present law or a subsidiary normative act issued pursuant to the present law, shall have the right
to file a claim or request the competent court or public authority requiring the appropriate
enforcement of the present law or such subsidiary normative act.
12. Principle of Public Access to Information - All natural and legal persons have rights to be
informed on environmental state and participation on decision making process.
13. Principle of high level of protection;
14. Principle of consistency with European Union law;

15. Principle of prior measures;

16. Principle meaning that environmental damage should be regulated in the source;
17. Principle of expense coverage.

Article 7
Instruments for environmental protection
1. Environmental protection shall be regulated by
1.1. legal infrastructure;
1.2. documents for environmental protection;
1.3. economical instruments;
1.4. documents for environmental impact assessment;
1.5. instruments for monitoring of environment;
1.6. environmental protection management from natural and legal persons.


Article 8
Use of natural recourses
1. Natural recourses management shall be carried out by preservation of their quality and
biodiversity, in accordance with the conditions and measures of environmental protection set out
in this and in special laws.
2. Natural recourses may be given on use in accordance with the conditions determined in this
law and other specific laws.

Article 9
Protection of natural recourses
1. Protection of natural recourses shall be provided by institutions of Kosovo, pursuant to the
laws of this field and through:
1.1. implementing of environmental strategy, plans and programs;
1.2. implementing of standards, provisions and regulations and protection and use of
natural recourses;
1.3. Strategic Environmental assessment (SEA);
1.4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);
1.5. Integrated Prevention Pollution and Control (IPPC);
1.6. keeping of cadastre for using of natural recourses;
1.7. monitoring of usage of natural recourses;
1.8. reduction of environmental disturbances;
1.9. rehabilitation and retrieval of environmental state on previous state in accordance
with the project .
2. Right on concession and procedures for use and utilization of natural recourses are designated
by certain law.

Article 10
Consent for Usage
1. No institution may issue the permit for using of natural resources without environmental
consent related to project contains protect measures and rehabilitation of environment.
2. The consent from paragraph 1 of this Article shall be issued by the Ministry.

Article 11
Users Duties
1. The legal and natural person who uses natural resources is obliged to plan and implement
preventive measures for environmental protection during the performance of work or activities
and after they have been accomplished, to plan and implement measures by which shall prevent
the environmental pollution.


2. Any person who degrades the environment is obliged to perform sanitation in accordance with
this law and other specific laws.
3. The legal and natural person who uses natural resources is obliged regularly to inform
Ministry regarding the performed activities. Such reports are open for public.

Article 12
Protected natural values
1. Protected natural values shall be used and advanced in the manner that enables their
permanent preservation and advancement in accordance with the law on nature protection.
2. The activities which threaten environmental capacity, natural balance, biodiversity, hydro
graphic, geomorphologic, geological, cultural and landscape values or which in any way degrade
the quality and properties of the natural good shall not be allowed within protected natural

Article 13
Utilization of space
1. With urban and spatial plans shall be determined the construction areas on certain locations,
depends form acceptable capacity of pollution on environment and construction aim within
certain locations, in cadre of this locations.
2. On protected areas, shall be allowed fulfillment of activities in accordance with the determined
manner with certain provisions in accordance with environmental loading nature.

Article 14
Public green areas
1. Public green areas in the settlements and places covered by spatial and urban plans shall be
made and maintain in a way which shall enable preservation and development of natural and
man-made values.
2. If a public green area has been destroyed due to a facility construction, they must be made up
under conditions and in a way that has been determined by municipality.


Article 15
Protection of environmental contents
Protection and preservation of environmental contents: soil, water, air, forests, biodiversity and
landscape shall be made separately and in close cooperation between them, on intercommunion
and their integrity, whereas shall be regulated pursue to certain laws.

Article 16
Hazardous matters
1. Administration of hazardous matters, as well as planning, organizing and undertaking
preventive and measures of rehabilitation shall be carried out under conditions and in a way that
shall ensure reduction from risk of accident and provision of an adequate response to the
accident, according by certain laws.
2. Legal or natural person who administers hazardous matters or applying technologies that are
harmful towards the environment is obliged to undertake all the necessary protective and security
measures by which the risk towards the environment and human health shall be reduced.
3. Legal or natural person who administers hazardous matters applying technology which is
harmful towards the environment is obliged regularly inform Ministry for performed activities.
Such reports are open for public.

Article 17
Waste management
Management of waste, shall be made according to the conditions and measures designated by
specific laws.

Article 18
Protection against noise and vibration
The user of facilities that produce noise and vibration source may place on the market and may
use facilities according to conditions foreseen for application of protected measures for
reduction of noise and vibration, respectively using of plants, devices, machines, transport
means and facilities that produce noise until the level foreseen with specific law.


Article 19
Protection from radiation
Protection from radiation shall be carried out through the application of measures system by
which shall be prevented the risk to environment and human health from the effects of radiation
generated in ionizing and non-ionizing sources and avoiding of consequences of emissions that
emitted by radiation sources or may be emitted in accordance with specific law.


Article 20
Environmental Protection Strategy
1. Strategy for environmental protection and sustainable development (hereinafter Strategy),
shall be adopted by Kosovo Assembly on proposal from Government.
2. The strategy includes objectives and aims of environmental protection in Kosovo, for a period
time of ten (10) years with possibility of review every two (2) years.
3. The Strategy shall contain:
3.1. describing of environmental state;
3.2. policies for natural resource utilization;
3.3. strategical priorities for natural recourse utilization, including here the time and
surface location, quality and quantity .
3.4. rational utilization of natural recourses, un-renewable and their replacement with
3.5. proposal of elementary conditions for ensure of environmental protection and its
3.6. long-term an d short-term measures for prevention, reduction and control of
environmental protection;
3.7. conditions on implementing of better production, technical-technological ,and
economical measures ,and other measures regarding to environmental protection
management and sustainable development.
4. The Strategy shall be prepared by Ministry in cooperation with other Ministries, Kosovo
scientific institutions, with public and concerned parties.


5. Strategy before goes to government , it shall be made accessible to the public through the
public media for at least forty-five days in order to permit public expression of thoughts,
comments suggestions and opinions that will be taken into a consideration in the time of draft
final Strategy prepare.
6. The Ministry shall report to the Government and Assembly for realization of the Strategy for
environment protection once a year.

Article 21
Kosovo Environmental Action Plan
1. Kosovo Environmental Action Plan shall be issued by the Government for a period of five (5)
years with proposal of the Ministry and shall be approved by the Assembly.
2. Kosovo Environmental Action Plan shall be issued for a period of eighteen (18) months after
approval of the Strategy.
3. Kosovo environmental action plan contain: state, measures, impact assessment on health
population in case of environmental risk, holders, ways, and dynamic and matters for their

Article 22
1. Kosovo Environmental Action Plan shall be issued for:
1.1. protection of soil;
1.2. protection of the water;
1.3. protection of air and climate changes;
1.4. protection of forests;
1.5. protection of ecosystem, biodiversity, landscape and nature protection;
1.6. waste management;
1.7. chemicals management;
1.8. protection from ionizing and non ionizing radiation;
1.9. protection from ecological accidents;
1.10. protection from noise;


1.11. energy efficiency;

1.12. development of information system;
1.13. development and application of economical instruments, etc.
2. Kosovo Environmental Action Plan contain: state, measures, impact assessment on health
population in case of environmental risk holders, ways, period times and financial means for
their realization.

Article 23
Sanitarian plans
1. The plan of rehabilitation shall be issued, in case when the level of pollution in particular
location exceeds the effects of taken measures, respectively when the capacity of environment is
risked, or in case of long term risk of environment quality or its damage.
2. Rehabilitation plans, on the proposal of Ministry shall be issued by the Government when:
2.1. it is necessary to undertake quick intervene measures for extraordinary events;
2.2. environmental pollution risks the area that has particularly importance for Kosovo ,or
causes harmful consequences;
2.3. the responsible subject is out of Kosovo judicature;
2.4. the responsible subject is unknown.
3. In case when the allowed norms of emission, environmental quality and other degrading
activities are exceeded as far as pollution of environment is concerned, the polluter is obliged to
perform rehabilitation plan with his own expenses.

Article 24
Local Environmental Action Plan and Programs
1. Municipalities shall approve action plans and programs for environment, in accordance with
Kosovo Environmental Action plan and their specific interests.
2. On compiling of local environmental plans and programs, shall participate the public, NGO,
professional organizations and business community.
3. Municipalities are mandated to report to the Ministry on implementing of their municipality
plans for environment.


4. Two or more municipalities may compile joint action programs/plans, for environmental
protection, on reducing of negative effects in environment.

Article 25
Environmental state report
1. Government of Kosovo on proposal of Ministry shall provide once a year report to Kosovo
Assembly regarding to environmental state.

Report shall contain data on:

2.1. environmental state and change on environment, comparing to previous report;
2.2. environmental influence on the health of public;
2.3. environmental damage state;
2.4. implementing of Strategy, Plan of action and rehabilitation plan for environment;
2.5. undertake measures for natural protection, benefits from undertake measures and
their effect on economical development;
2.6. way of management of natural recourses and environmental protection;
2.7. analyzes for institute function, authorities and other subjects of environmental
2.8. financing of the system for environmental protection;

3. The report shall be published and made available to the public.


Article 26
Planning and Construction
1. Regularization of the space, using of natural resources established by spatial and urban plans
and other plans is based on obligation on:
1.1.respecting of capacities of environmental pollution;


1.2. preserve and enhance natural resources at greatest possible extent so to be renewable,
and if they are not renewable, to use them rationally;
1.3. ensure protection and smooth realization of functions of protected natural values with
their protected environment and to preserve wild plant and animal species habitats and
communities at greatest possible extent;
1.4. ensure preservation of built-up areas
1.5. ensure conditions for human relaxation and recreation;
1.6. establish measures of environmental protection;
1.7. presentation of existing state based on elements from sub-paragraphs 1.1, till 1.5. of
this article and planned status with measures needed for the fulfillment of those plans.
2. The Ministry or municipalities shall participate in the procedure of preparation of planning
approval from paragraph 1. of this Article in such a way established by law.

Article 27
Spatial planning
1. With spatial and urban plans shall be ensured measures and conditions of environmental
protection and in particular:
1.1. special criteria for preservation and use of the areas of protected natural values
cultural heritages, water springs, thermal and mineral springs, forests, agricultural land,
public green areas, recreation areas;
1.2. environmental threatened areas, polluted areas, areas endangered with erosion and
flooding, areas for exploitation of natural resources etc. and measures fort these areas
1.3. measures and conditions of environ-mental protecting, under which shall be used the
determined space for exploitation of natural resources respectively, where shall be
constructed industrial and energetic plants, facilities for waste treatment and disposal,
infrastructure and other facilities whose construction or utilization may threaten
2. The conditions for measures from paragraph 1 of this article shall be issued by the Ministry,
respectively the municipality with the request of responsible institutions for preparation and
adoption of plans and based on the thoughts of competent professional organizations.


Article 28
Strategic Environmental Assessment
1. Government and Kosovo Municipalities should achieve a high environmental protection level
and should harmonize the environmental issues in preparation and approval of the plans and
programs providing that the strategic environmental assessment is performed for plans and
programs which may have marked impact in environment.
2. Strategic environmental assessment must be harmonized with other environmental impact
assessments, as well as with the plans and programs for the protection of environment and shall
be made in keeping with the procedure set out in a special law.

Article 29
Environmental Impact Assessment
1. The environmental impact assessment of the project shall be done for the projects planned and
realized in the place, including changes in technology, reconstruction, and extension of facilities
or interruption of operations, which may result in major environmental pollution or which
constitute the risk to human health.
2. Environmental impact assessment shall cover the projects in industry, mining, energy, traffic,
tourism, agriculture, forestry, water management and communal activities, and all the projects
planned on the protected natural goods and in the protected environment values and on
surrounding of cultural protected values.
3. Environmental impact assessment shall be an integral part of the technical documents; without
it no project execution may start and it shall be realized in accordance with the procedure
stipulated by special law.

Article 30
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
1. The running of plants and activities that may have negative impact on human health and
environment shall require an integrated license which shall secure the prevention and control on
the environmental pollution.
2. Types of activities and facilities conditions and procedures of integrated license issue,
supervision and other important issues in integrated pollute prevention control shall be regulated
by certain law.


Article 31
Environmental Permit
1. Constructed facilities, installations and machinery that have been subject to Environmental
Impact Assessment cannot commence operations without an Environmental Permit from the
2. An Environmental Permit for operation shall be issued for a five-year period and during the
application procedure and probation period for the technical approval, but not later than six
month after starting of operations.
3. The Ministry, by legal act, shall prescribe the activities that are subject to an Environmental
Permit, the application form, the content of Environmental Permit, continuing of effectively and
the registry of approved permits.

Article 32
Municipal environmental permit
1. For all activities and project not included on the articles 29, 30 31 and 33 of this law which
could cause environmental devastation, shall be issue to the municipality environmental license
that is constituent part of technical documentations.
2. Application for receiving of municipality environmental license will be done during the
preparing process of the construction license. The application shall contain shortly report of
impacts of activities and projects in environment in accordance with methodology of
environmental impact assessment.
3. Municipal environmental license shall be issued by Municipality.

Article 33
Environmental authorization
1. For all activities and projects not included on articles 29.,30. and 31. of this law, no one shall
be entitled to carry out or undertake an activity that may cause an environmental disturbances
unless that activity has received an environmental authorization from the Ministry.
2. The Ministry with subsidiary legal act shall determine the list of activities that require
environmental authorization, the application form, the application procedure and the content of
environmental authorization.


Article 34
Rehabilitation measures
1. When it can be concluded or proved that a person, enterprise or public authority caused
environmental disturbance by purpose or by negligence results with environmental devastations,
is obliged to restore the damaging part on the conditions not possessing risk to environment and
human health or rehabilitation common capacity, of damaged part.
2. If the legal or physical person, or public authority is engaged in on-going activities that were
the cause of an excessive or critical environmental strain or ecological accident shall be required
to introduce reasonable measures to ensure that such activities are conducted in the future in a
manner that:
2.1. reduces emissions and environmental qualities to levels within permissible limits;
2.2. minimizes, in accordance with the law, the threat of an Ecological Accident.
3. A legal or natural person or public authority who is required to undertake measures under
paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of this article shall be required to develop and provide to the Ministry
a plan outlining the measures that intends to take.
4. Ministry within thirty (30) days shall respond to the party.
5. If the ministry estimates that the foreseen measures from paragraph 1 and 2 of this article, in
the tram of thirty (30) days shall required from the legal or physical person, or public authority
modifications of the plan.
6. If the legal or physical person or public authority may notice that the modifications proposed
by the Ministry are unreasonable or require measures that are more costly or otherwise in excess
of what is needed to meet the requirements of paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, the concerned person,
enterprise or public authority shall have the right to complain.
7. If the identity of a party responsible for Environmental Damage cannot be known, or in cases
where a person or undertaking lacks sufficient financial means to rehabilitate the Environmental
Damage, the Government shall be responsible if the Environmental Damage presents a clear and
on-going danger to human health to adopt and implement a reasonable cost-effective
rehabilitation program.
8. In the case of identity part is discovered, to the Government shall be compensate for the
expended amount on rehabilitation of the damage.
9. In cases when the program of rehabilitation includes also responsibilities of other minis-tries
they also have right within thirty (30) days for giving of their approvals or proposals on written
10. For the plan showed by the Ministry in term of fifteen (15) days to the public, shall have
possibilities on approach and comments that shall be in considered.


6. Approved plan must be open for public.


Article 35
Intervention plans for cases Involving environmental accidents
1. The Government shall issue intervention plans and inform the Assembly for cases in which
Environmental Accidents, extraordinary risks to the Environment or risks to human health and
life may occur.
2. Plan of intervene from the paragraph 1. of this article contains risk diversity, procedures and
measures for decreasing and elimination of direct consequences for environment, human health
and life, subjects for applying of certain measures, responsibilities and competencies related to
implementing and way of coordination of measures for intervention applied pursue to the law.
3. Intervene plans shall be prepared for equipment, mountings, producers of products that with
their actions may cause environmental pollution.
4. Municipality is obliged on compiling of intervene plans for its territory.
5. Minister with special act shall determines contain of plans, procedures and measures of
implementing, subjects of certain implementing measures, types of equipments, mountings, and
types of product processes pursue to paragraph 3.


Article 36
Norms of emission and environmental quality
The Government with special acts shall determine the norms of emission and environmental
quality, respectively limited values of emission and environmental quality of polluted matter and
energy including also emissions from unmovable and movable recourses on the air, soil and

Article 37
Limits due to the norm application
1. In order to set up the gradual standards for emission and environmental quality, which are
stated in article 35. of this law and preservation of natural values, the Government due to term
may terminate the work of the existing factory and other activities in the particular area.


2. The time that Government decides for limitation is stated in paragraph 1 of this article, will be
determined according to limits and determined values, as well as from the EU standards.
3. Government may for a while to suspense, partly or in general implementation of certain
standards, confirming that this is in the interest of public for some polluters, which activities are
in general interest.
4. Term which the Government shall suspend the implementation of standards from paragraph 1
of this article shall be determined with agreement.

Article 38
Public Alerts
1. The Ministry shall inform the public for introducing special measures in case of immediate
threat or excess of prescribed threshold values of pollution.
2. The Minister shall prescribe the criteria for approval of the act referred to in paragraph 1 of
this Article.
3. Municipality in cooperation with Ministry stipulates the act introducing special measures in
the case from paragraph 1 of this Article if the pollution has been limited in its territory.

Article 39
Mandatory on notification and cooperation
1. Each person who is informed for environmental damage or ecological accident should
announce environmental Protection Inspectorate or other responsible authority.
2. Police and other public authorities during their activities receive information on ecological
accident or another environ-mental disorder, shall immediately notify Environmental Protection
Inspectorate or another responsible authority.

Article 40
Notification of trans-boundary neighbor countries
1. When an intended project could directly influence the Environment outside Kosovo, the
Ministry after consultation with Government, shall inform and the respective countries and
provide them documentation of the intended project, EIA report in accordance with international
2. Trans-boundary Countries that could be affected from the project may submit their opinions
and comments, include public hearing. In case of taking decision opinion should be considered.


3. In case of ecological accidents that may affect directly on environment out of Kosovo
territory, Ministry after consultation with Government shall inform the countries affected by
environmental accident.

Article 41
Status of Endangered Environment
1. The status of endangered environment and the regime for rehabilitation and remediation in an
area of importance for Kosovo shall be determined by the Government, after receiving opinion
from certain institutions, and for the area of local relevance responsible is local self-governance
2. The Government with normative act, designates criterias for determination of environmental
liable status as well as determination of priorities for rehabilitation and improvement.

Article 42
Certificated systems for environmental management
1. Kosovo stimulates and support entities that implement certificated systems of management
with environment ISO 9000, ISO 14001 and EMAS.
2. Legal and natural entities, that implements certificated managements of management with
environment, compose procedure facility on the EIA and environmental consent.

Article 43
Admonition on declaration Environmental labeling
1. Products for mass consumption can be granted with the environmental label, if the product,
distribution, consumption and final deposit of the product have less impact in the environment
than similar products which respond to the rules in force.
2. Conditions and procedures for adoption and utilization of label shall be defined by special act,
by the Ministry.

Article 44
Gratitudes and Awards
1. Awards and gratitudes for achievements in the field of Environmental Protection may be made
for the following:
1.1. prevention of environmental pollution;


1.2. the best solution of production process in relation to environmental protection and
using of energy - new technology;
1.3. developed and research projects, on environmental protection;
1.4. contribution on developing programs of education for environmental protection;
1.5. contribution by individuals for improvement on environmental protection or for
international cooperation on environ-mental protection;
1.6. contribution of professional societies, NGO and others, on developing and
improvement of environmental protection.
2. The procedure, manner and conditions for the award of gratitude shall be prescribed by the
Minister in a legal act.


Article 45
Production and placement on the market of substances damaging ozone layer
1. Production, import, export, transits and circulation of matters that harm ozone layer on the
territory of Kosovo, shall be regulated from Minister with special act.
2. Import and export of substances harmful to ozone layer shall be prohibited, namely the
products which contain such substances, as determined in the ratified international treaty from
countries, namely to countries that are not the signatories of such an agreement.

Article 46
Import, Export and Transit of Waste and hazardous wastes, controlled goods, radioactive
matters, radioactive waste and hazardous waste
Import, export and transit of hazardous chemicals, controlled goods, radioactive and hazardous
matters and hazardous wastes shall be regulated by special law.

Article 47
Obligation of persons during the operations with hazardous chemicals
1. Handling of hazardous chemicals in the production, use, transport, trade, processing, storage
and disposal shall proceed in such a way as to avoid threat to life and health of people, pollution
of the environment, provide for and take protection measures and other measures determined by


2. Legal or natural entity producing, transporting, placing on the market, use, processing, storing
or disposing hazardous material shall be obliged to:
2.1. make the plan for accident prevention and update or review the same every two (2)
years, at least, in compliance with the changes in the operations of the plant, applying
technology or operations, including the check up readiness for its implementation;
2.2. implement preventive and other measures management of risk from accident from
the plan of accident prevention;
2.3. make the report on safety state, which shall be available to public and, at least once
in five (5) years, just like in case of changes in operation and activities of a plant, to
review the report on safety state.
3. The entity from paragraph 2 of this Article shall keep the records about types and quantities of
hazardous chemicals.
4. In case of malfunction in installations or devices for environmental protection due to which
the exceed of emission limit values occurs, the entity from paragraph 2 of this Article is obliged
to inform immediately about that, without any delay, the Ministry, Municipality and public.

Article 48
Proclamation of the State of Endangered Environment
1. In the case of ecological accidents, depending on its scope, within or outside the equipment
and estimated consequences, which may cause direct or deferred threat towards human health
and environment, the sate of endangerment of environment shall be proclaimed, and the public
shall be informed of the measures taken.
2. For the ecological accidents with across boundary effects, the Government shall proclaim the
state of the endangered environment and activities that should be undertaken.

Article 49
Sanitation Measures and Subsidiary Responsibility
1. To prevent further spread of pollution caused by an ecological accident, legal and private
entity shall immediately take rehabilitation measures planned for protection at its own cost.
2. In the cases when the responsible for pollution by environmental accident may not be verified
than the responsibility for rehabilitation will take central or local institution and undertake
measures of rehabilitation according to protection plan with its expenditures.


3. If the polluter who is responsible for the ecological accident has been determined, the
authority that paid the cost of elimination of the consequences of environmental pollution shall
claim the reimbursement, from the identified polluter.


Article 50
Environmental monitoring
1. The Ministry, within its respective competencies under the law, shall provide for continual
control and monitoring of the state of the environment in compliance with this and special laws
and monitoring program.
2. Legal or natural entities that with their actions or activities may pollute environment within
their responsibilities designated by the law shall, ensure continuously control and monitoring of
environmental state in accordance by the law and special acts and monitoring program
3. Municipalities within their responsibilities designated by the law may ensure continual
control, following of environmental state in accordance with this law, certain laws and
monitoring programs.
4. Monitoring of environment is performed through systematic measurements, investigation and
evaluation of state indicators, and measurements of Environment Pollution, which includes the
measurement of natural factors, respectively changes of the state and characteristics of
Environment, including here trans-boundary monitoring such as; air, water, soil, forests,
biodiversity, flora and fauna, climatic elements, ozone layer, ionizing non ionizing radiation,
noise, waste, early warning of the accidents, and evaluation of the scale of Environment
Pollution, as well as obligation and responsibilities, which are taken from international
5. Gathered data from environmental state monitoring compose public information and shall be
included on Environmental System of Environmental Protection.
6. With the Ministry proposal, Government determines the criteria for determination of the
number and extension of measured places (sites), network of measured places, volume and speed
of measurements, selection of occurrences which are conducted, methodology of work and
indicators of Environment Pollution and their monitoring, terms and the way of data submission.
7. Environmental monitoring of Kosovo, according to paragraph (1) of this article shall be made
by Ministry, legal or natural entities with their activities or their actions may pollute the
environment and entities authorized by the polluter and Ministry.


8. Every concerned party shall have right on every time approach to the registers or evidences of
Ministry contains informations and recordings in accordance with the law.
9. Legal and natural persons that with their activities and actions may pollute environment shall
ensure financial means for environmental monitoring.

Article 51
Emission Monitoring, Environmental quality and Data Registering
1. Any person, legal or natural that is engaged in an on going activity that has been determined
for pollution recourses, is obliged that in accordance with the law, to ensure:
1.1. monitoring of emission and environmental quality on environment;
1.2. to carry on expenditures of emission and environmental quality parameters on impact
1.3. maintain records on environmental pollution that contains records on energy and
used matters;
1.4. and other activities that have impact on environment, maintenance, types and level of
pollution, hazardous substances or hazardous wastes.
2. The records from paragraph 1. of this article, responsible authorities are obliged to submit to
the Ministry.
3. The Government with legal acts, shall determine the type of emission, parameters for
environmental quality and other occurrence that are subject on pollution monitoring, measure of
methodology, taking of samples, manner of evidence, term of delivering and saving of records.

Article 52
System of Environmental Information
1. For more efficient identification, classification, processing, monitoring and record keeping of
natural values and environmental management in Kosovo an information system for
environmental protection shall be established by Ministry System of Environmental Information
( hereinafter SEI).
2. SEI shall carry out gathering, classification, maintenance, presentation and distribution for
numerical, descriptive and spatial databases on:
2.1. quality of the environmental media;
2.2. conduction of environmental state;


2.3. legal, administrative and organizational and strategic measures,

2.4.scientific-technological information about planning measures of pollution prevention;
2.5. exchange of information with other information systems etc.
3. The SEI shall provide access for other information systems and harmonization of all relevant
information and data at national and international level.
4. The Ministry with sub-legal act shall prescribe the contents and the manner of maintenance of
SEI, methodology, structure, common bases, categories and levels of data compilation, as well as
the contents of information regulatory and obligatory released to public.

Article 53
Cadastre of polluters
1. For quality and quantity change on environment and undertaking of measures for
environmental pollution shall be kept cadastre of pollution for discharge on environment,
discharge and transferring of polluters on environment, used water, energy and natural resources,
in accordance with the law.
2. Datas by the polluters cadastre shall be shown on the form provides identification of quantity
discharge of emissions and environmental quality on environment, for every installing and
polluter, allocation, and their place on the air, water and soil.
3. Cadastre of pollution shall be compiled in accordance to the regular report from physical and
juridical entities, from certain authorities for gathering and producing of environmental records.
4. Cadastres of polluters shall be managed by the Ministry and is open for public.
5. Polluter is obliged that in its expenditures to submit to the Ministry foresees data on the way
and term designated by the law.
6. Way, content, terms and the way of fulfillment, body that shall administrate and the rules of
use shall designate Minister by special act



Article 54
Access to Information
1. Ministry, Central Institutions, municipalities, authorized organizations and others shall be
obliged to regularly, timely and objectively inform the public on the environmental status,
namely phenomena monitored in keeping with the monitoring of environmental quality and
emission and warning measures or development of the pollution which may pose threat to human
life and health, in compliance with law.
2. The public is entitled to access of statutory registers or records containing the information and
data in compliance with law.

Article 55
Giving of information according to the request
1. Respective institution provides to the applicant information concerning environmental
protection, upon the request, within thirty (30) days from the date of submitting the request.
2. If the information from paragraph 1 of this Article is voluminous or if their preparation would
take a longer period of time, the deadline shall be prolong on sixty (60) days of the date of
3. The cost of the offered information from paragraph 1 of this Article shall be borne by the
4. The Minister with supplemental normative act shall prescribe the amount of costs and rules of
public information made from paragraph 3 of this Article, depending on the scope and character
of the data

Article 56
Refusing of the request for providing of information
1. Request on information provides dealing with environmental pollution may be refused if
publishing of this information may affect on:
1.1. confidentiality of the state authorities when stipulated by law;
1.2. international relations, national defense and public security;
1.3. work o Judiciary Bodies;


1.4. confidentiality of commercial and industrial data when these data are foreseen by
law, except for information on emissions endangering the environment;
1.5. intellectually property rights;
1.6. confidentiality of personal data or files when they are foreseen to be protected by
1.7. interests of the third parties in possession of information and not having the
obligation to submit it, respectively they have not agreed to publish it.

Article 57
Participation of Public in Decision-making process
1. Make decision authorities ensure the participation and active role of public during the take
decision process on:
1.1. strategic impact assessment;
1.2. environmental Impact assessment;
1.3. process of water license issuing and integrated license;
1.4. issuing legislation, etc.
2. The public shall be informed by public medias of the procedure for decision-making and shall
take part in the process by submitting opinion, comments and suggestions to the competent
authority and shall be timely informed about the decision in accordance to the law.

Article 58
Limitation of Participation of Public in Decision-making process
The Government may, in order to protect the interests of national security and defense, limit
participation of public in decision-making from Article 57 of this Law.



Article 59
Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency
1. With the aim of monitoring the environmental qualities and attributes, the Ministry shall
establish Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter KEPA).
2. Organizational structure and other responsibilities of KEPA shall be defined with sub-legal

Article 60
KEPA Duties
1. Duties of KEPA are:
1.1. to provide proper information for administration, Government and Kosovo Assembly
for the implementation of environmental protection policies;
1.2. to develop and coordinate unique system of information on environmental protection
regarding to system for conduction of environmental state in Kosovo as well as
collecting the records for environment;
1.3. emplacement and keeping of referent centers with data base regarding to
environmental monitoring (socioeconomic records, pressures on environment, state and
quality of environment );
1.4. to develop procedures for elaboration of data gathered for environment and their
evaluation (modeling, presentation and visualization);
1.5. to accomplish professional tasks consulting during the designation of content,
methodology and manner of conducting of environmental state;
1.6. to progress and compare the quality data for environment;
1.7. to compile reports for certain issues for environmental protection, such as regions
with increased radioactivity, environmental quality, health and similar;
1.8. to compile report for certain fields as region with additional radioactivity,
environmental quality, health and similar;
1.9. to give advices for determination, keeping and following-up projects and programs
for environmental protection;


1.10. to support administrative bodies on developing of new forms of policy for

environmental protection and monitoring the implementation of environmental protection
plans and programs;
1.11. to cooperate with European Environmental Agency EEA, that is on composition
of European Environment Information and Observation network EIONET;
1.12. to cooperate with institutions and other international organizations of European
Union for environmental protection;
1.13. to ensure approach on all information for environment in Kosovo according to the
standards of EEA;
1.14. utilization and interstate exchange of the environmental data shall be regulated by
special law.
2. KEPA shall fulfill also other tasks designated by establishing act used for realization of
activity of KEPA defined in paragraph 1 of this article.

Article 61
Other authorized organizations
1. Other research, scientific and publicly authorized organizations may do the conduction of
environmental state, if they meet the professional skills, equipment, space, accreditation, in
conformity with certain standards and parameters.
2. The ministry is competent for issuing authorizations to such organizations. Such authorization
shall be issued after obtaining the consent from other respective Ministries within which shall act
scientific, research and public organizations.
3. The Ministry shall issue sub-legal act for conditions and other criteria in order to issue the
authorization to organizations from paragraph 1of this article.

Article 62
Environmental Protection Advisory Board
1. The Assembly of Kosovo shall establish an Environmental Protection Advisory Board
(hereinafter the Board) to advise the Assembly and Government on Environmental matters.
2. The Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Assembly. The members shall
be comprised of distinguished Environmental Protection experts and scientists. Members of the
Board shall not be employed within the Ministry.


3. The Board shall be independent from any other authority.

4. The Board shall give opinions and suggestions to the Assembly and Government and inform
public on the following matters:
4.1. the state of environment and trends in the field of Environmental Protection;
4.2. the strategy and policy on Environmental Protection and its coordination with
international trends;
4.3. the harmonization of economic development and Environmental Protection;
4.4. laws regulating Environmental Protection;
4.5. the activities of the responsible ministries and the municipalities in the field of
Environmental Protection;
4.6. public initiatives and
4.7. other functions prescribed by the law.

Article 63
Self-monitoring from polluters
1. Natural and legal entities, respectively the operators that present the source of emission and
pollution of the environment, in compliance with law, via competent authority, organization or
authorized organization, is obliged to:
1.1. perform the emission and environmental quality monitoring;
1.2. monitor other impacts of their activity towards the environment;
2. The polluter with self equipment performs monitoring of emission and environmental quality
and follows up the impact of its activities in environment.

Article 64
Data Submission
Other Ministries, organizations, municipalities, and authorized organizations and polluters are
obliged to submit the data on monitoring from articles 50. and 63. of this law to the Ministry in a
way prescribed by regulations.



Article 65
Liabilities of legal and physical Entities
1. Natural and legal entities shall be obliged to ensure environmental protection while
performing their activity, through:
1.1. implementation of provisions on environmental protection;
1.2. rational use of natural resources and energy;
1.3. applying of efficient technologies;
1.4. use of renewable natural resources;
1.5. using products, processes, technologies and practice less harmful to the environment;
1.6. undertaking preventive measures or eliminating the consequences of threat and
damage to the environment;
1.7. keeping records in a prescribed way by the law;
1.8. controlling the activities and operation of plants that may represent risk or that may
cause danger towards human health and environment;
1.9. use of methods for analyzing of life cycle products;
1.10. other measures in compliance with law.
2. Natural and legal entities shall implement measures of environmental protection from
paragraph 1 of this Article on their own or via authorized organization.

Article 66
Responsibility for Environmental Pollution
1. Polluter causing environmental pollution shall be responsible for the damage causing and shall
be responsible for evaluation and elimination of the damage.
2. Legal and natural entity that through their illegal or inadequate acting has enabled or allowed
environmental pollution shall also be responsible.


Article 67
Exclusion from responsibility
1. Responsibility for the caused damage may be excluded if the polluter evidences that adequate
measures have been applied for the prevention and damage decrease, in case of:
1.1. when the damage is caused by third person;
1.2. when the damage is caused by major force;
1.3. when the damage is caused as consequence of armed conflict.

Article 68
Polluters Obligation
1. Polluter causing environmental pollution by its acting or non-acting shall be obliged, to
undertake foreseen measures based on the plan of prevention from the ecological accidents
sanitation plan and rehabilitation plan.
2. If the occurred damage cannot be eased (rehabilitated) through adequate measures, then the
entity that caused the damage is responsible for compensation in the amount of the damaged

Article 69
Responsibility for damage
1. Polluter is responsible for the damage caused in environment and space and he will be
responsible for all the expenditures for damage assessment and its avoidance, especially:
1.1. expenditures of urgent intervene undertakes in the moment of damage caused,
responsible for limitation and prevention of harm effects for environment and human
1.2. for expenditures of rehabilitation, creation of new state or retrieval on previous state
of environment, as well as monitoring of rehabilitation effects and damages caused on
1.3. of legal and natural entities, threatened in direct way through environmental damage.
2 . Pollutant is obliged to submit financial guarantee or any their type of guarantee, ensuring the
reimbursement of expenditures mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, during and after
finishing of activities.


3. Government, with supplementary normative act shall determine type of guarantee mentioned
in paragraph 2. of this article. coast of the means, duration, submitted by polluter.

Article 70
Insurance obligations
Any legal or natural person, with its activity show the huge level of risk for human health and
environment, shall be ensured from responsibilities in case of damages caused to the third party.

Article 71
Reimbursement of Damage
1. Every person affected by damage shall have right to reimbursement.
2. The request for reimbursement may be submitted directly to the polluter or insurer, namely to
the financial guarantee of the polluter where the accident happened, if such insurer, namely
financial guarantee exists.
3. If several polluters are responsible for the environmental damage, and if it is not possible to
determine share of certain polluters, the costs shall be borne jointly and individually.
4. The procedure for initiation of the compensation of the damage shall be out-of-date in three
years period since the damaged party found out about the damage and damage maker. However,
this claim shall be out-of-date in thirty (30) years after the occurrence of the damage.

Article 72
For the responsibilities regarding to damage to the environment, which hasnt been particularly
regulated by this law, general rules of the law on obligations shall be applied.


Article 73
1. Government or municipalities within their competencies shall provide for funds and
realization of the environmental protection objectives.
2. Government with special act shall designate rules, criteria and procedures for implementation
of economical instruments.


Article 74
Compensation for Use of Natural Resources
1. The user of the natural resources shall pay a charge for the utilization of natural resources and
shall be responsible for the cost of sanation, rehabilitation and re-cultivation of degraded area, in
compliance with special law.
2. Financial means realized from paragraph 1. of this article, shall be sent to particular Found for
Environmental Protection , that will be used on the way designated with special acts.

Article 75
Environmental Pollution Compensation
1. The polluter is obliged to pay a charge for environmental pollution.
2. The criteria for determination of the charge from paragraph 1 of this article shall be:
2.1. type, quantity or characteristics of the emission from certain sources;
2.2. type, quantity or characteristics of the emissions of produced or disposed waste;
2.3. contents of matters, which are harmful to the environment within the raw material,
semi product and final product.
3. The Government with supplement normative act shall determine the type of pollution, the
criteria for compensation calculation and obligors to pay, the amount and method of calculation,
assessment and collection of charges.
4. The funds realized from paragraph 1 of this Article shall be used for policy apply of protection
and improvement according to the program, respectively pursue to:
4.1. strategy for environmental protection;
4.2. environmental action plans;
4.3. sanitation plans;
4.4. rehabilitation plans; and
4.5. plans for re cultivation of degradation areas in accordance to the law.


Article 76
Compensations determined by municipality
1. Exceptionally, municipality with the status of endangered environment may impose a charge
for the protection and enhancement of environment for every legal and private entity that with
own action pollute or may pollute environment.
2. Government with decision shall approve or refuse municipality request for designation of
compensation from paragraph 1.of this article way of payment, as well as facilitation for each
person legal and private, that with its activity pollute or may pollute environment.

Article 77
Found for Environmental Protection
1. In order to provide financial means to enhance and advance environment protection in
Kosovo, the Fund for Environmental Protection shall be established.
2. Ministry with special law shall regulate competencies, administration, financial resources and
means used from Environmental protection Found.

Article 78
Financial means utilization
Means dedicated from budget and international financial institutions for environmental
protection shall be used through Environmental Protection Found.

Article 79
Economical stimulation means
1. For the private and legal entities applying clean technologies, produce and place on the
market the products and goods environmentally friendlier than others, namely use renewable
energy sources (water, sun, wind biogas, etc.) plants and equipment directly protecting the
environment, may have taxation, customs and other relief or exemption provided under the terms
and conditions of special law.
2. For the consumers who return used and non used devices and parts thereof, products or their
wrappings in an organized manner, the producers who provide for their recycling or elimination,
namely reduction of negative impact of their activity on the environment in another organized
manner, may get special incentives such as subsidies, deposit and refunds.
3. Conditions and the way of stimulation from paragraph 1 and 2 of this article on the proposal of
ministry shall approve the Government by special act.



Article 80
Administrative supervision
Administrative supervision for implementing of provisions of this law and sub-legal acts issued
from this law shall be done by Minister.

Article 81
Inspective supervision
1. Inspective supervision on implementing of this law and other acts issued from this law,
conditions and methods of activities of supervised entities and environmental protection
measures designated by this law shall be made by environmental Protection Inspectorate.
2. Inspective supervision for Municipality Environmental License shall be made by municipality
environmental inspector.
3. Ministry with certain authorization may authorized municipality inspector for fulfilling of
other duties.
4. Inspection activities may fulfill also other officer for environmental protection authorized by
Ministry, respectively municipality.

Article 82
1. During the inspection and activities of persons, inspector from the responsible person may
1.1. fulfilling of inspective supervision in all work places, equipments and devices and in
open areas of supervision entities
1.2. offering of all records and necessary documentation for inspective supervision;
1.3. informing for undertake measures related to elimination of conclusion lacks.
2. Legal and natural entities, actions and activities to whom shall be subject of supervision, are
obliged to enable implementing of inspective supervision for the inspector, offering of
documents, data and all the necessary records .


Article 83
1. During the implementing of inspective supervision inspector of environmental protection shall
fulfill inspective supervision especially for:
1.1. implementing of standards of qualities for component parts of environment;
1.2. implementing of technical standards of environmental protection;
1.3. implementing of environmental monitoring state;
1.4. implementing of emission and environmental quality measurements and keeping of
evidence for it;
1.5. implementing of environmental protection measures designated by environ-mental
protection program;
1.6. implementing of environmental protection measures designated by intervene plan;
1.7. implementing of conditions designated with consents, authorizing and issuing license
pursue to the law;
1.8. implementing of sanitation plan, rehabilitation and intervention as well as follow and
its development;
1.9. way and conditions of activities, technical preparedness of registered persons or
authorized for accomplishing of environmental protection activities;
1.10. way of leading of pollute cadastre and environmental evidences;
1.11. utilization of means dedicated for undertake measures on environmental protection;
1.12. implementing of international acts from the field of environmental protection;
1.13. fulfill other duties designated by the law.

Article 84
Inspector is obliged to compile the report on inspective supervision, concluded state, measures
and undertaken activities respectively ordered. One copy of the report shall submit to entity to
whom was made inspective supervision.


Article 85
1. With written decision on inspective supervision, inspector shall order the legal or physical
1.1. in designated term to avoid lacks and disorders on action and activities of entity,
because of which has came or may come to environmental pollution;
1.2. temporary prohibition of actions or activities on production process, utilization of
equipments, means and devices by whom came or may come considerable environmental
1.3. prohibition of activities on production process, utilization of equipment, means and
devices, whereof comes or may come to larger environmental pollution, while lacks and
disorders on activities shall not be eliminated.
1.4. prohibition of actions if they are on contrary with measures designated from
environmental impact assessment until disorders are avoided.
1.5. stopping of actions if they are not fulfilled in accordance with giving conditions;
1.6. to prohibit activities of juridical entity, not registered for fulfilling of professional
activities for environmental protection.
2. If the person does not apply measures ordered from sub-paragraph 1.1.paragraph 1. of this
article, inspector undertakes measures in certain term through persons in charge of pollute causer
3. For verified facts on the inspection procedure, respectively for undertaking measures,
inspector is obliged to inform complainant.
4. With the aim of providing the implementation of prohibitions and breaks designated by other
provisions, environmental protection inspector has the right and is obliged:
4.1. without any delay to bring denunciation to the competent authority for penalty
4.2. to propose to competent authority moving from register of activity for whom is
verified that the person does not fulfill the conditions foreseen by the law;
4.3. to undertake and fulfill their activities that is authorized.


Article 86
Obligations of inspectors for cooperation
In the cases when inspector during the inspective supervision verifies that besides breaking of the
provisions of this law and other acts issued based on this law, have been broken also other
provisions of other laws with importance for environmental protection, is obliged besides of
taking measures that is authorized to inform also other competent body in a way that to
accomplish together the inspective supervision and undertaking of measures foresees by the law.

Article 87
Plaint procedures
1. Inspector, in case of undertaking measures for orders and stoppage, issues decision.
2. On the plaint against the decision to municipal competent authority, shall decide the Ministry.
3. On the plaint against the decision of environmental inspector on central level shall decide the
4. Against the Ministry decision shall be initiated the administrative contest on Competent Court.
5. In case of elimination of direct risks for environment, life and human health, the performed
plaint against the inspector decision shall not delay the execution.

Article 88
1. To prevent the demonstration of environmental unavoidable damage, respectively undertaking
urgent measures or avoiding environmental risk, human health and biological and landscape
diversity, the inspector may undertake verbal decision during the supervision activity.
2. Inspector may announce verbally decision in the case when it is needed to avoid direct risks to
environment human health and biological biodiversity.
3. The verbal decision should be written into the minute and delivered to party on written form
within eight (8) days.

Article 89
1. The Inspector shall keep the minute for accomplished inspections.
2. The form, contain and manner of leading the minute from paragraph 1. of this article shall
designate the Ministry.


3. Inspectorate shall prepare annual report over its activity provided it to the Ministry and
propose measures to be undertaken on improvement of environmental state.

Article 90
1. Inspectors shall be legitimated with their identity cards.
2. The form, contents and manner for issuing of identity card will be determined by special act of
the Ministry.

Article 91
The task of Inspectors may carry out the person with professional superior degree and at least 3
years of work experience on inspections.


Article 92
In cases when the braking of provisions of this law make up penalty action according to the
Kosovo Penal Code, Environmental Inspectorate through Ministries shall submit the subject to
the prosecution.

Article 93
1. With fine on money from ten thousand (10.000) to fifty thousand (50.000) Euro shall be
punished for violations the legal entity, if:
1.1. use natural resources and goods without the Ministry consent(Article 10, paragraph 2
of this law);
1.2. during the use of natural resources and after performance of activities, and after their
termination it fails to implement measures preventing the risk to environment (article 11,
paragraph 1 of this law);
1.3. does not carry out sanitation and re-cultivation or in some other way do not
rehabilitate the degraded environment (Article11. paragraph 2 of this law);


1.4. develops activities on nature whereby degrades natural values (article 12. paragraph
2 of this law);
1.5. during the managing with hazardous matters does not undertakes all the necessary
protect and insurance measures (Article16, paragraph 2 of this law);
1.6. in case of exceeding of limited norm values of emission and environmental quality
and other activities does not realize sanitation plan ( article 23 . paragraph 3 of this law);
1.7. does not convert damaging part of environment on the un risk state (article
34.paragraph 1 of this law);
1.8. does not provide to the Ministry plan for measures that shall be undertaken (article
34, paragraph 3 of this law);
1.9. imports and exports matters that damaging ozone layer (article 45. paragraph 2 of
this law);
1.10. does not act in accordance with provisions of article 47 of this law ;
1.11. does not undertakes measures of rehabilitation according to plan protection in case
of ecological accident (article 49.paragraph 1 of this law);
1.12. does not make monitoring of environmental state in accordance with this law
(article 50 paragraph 2 of this law);
1.13. does not act according to the provisions of article 51. paragraph 1 and 2 of this law;
1.14. does not act according to the provisions of article 63.paragraph 1 of this law );
1.15. does not undertake foresees measures by the plan for protection from ecological
accident (Article 68. paragraph 1 of this law);
1.16. does not carry out expenditures for damage assessment and its avoiding (article 69,
paragraph 1 and 2 of this law);
1.17. shall be not ensured from responsibilities in case of damaging caused by third party
(article 70 of this law);
1.18. does not pay any of compensation for environmental pollution (article 75 paragraph
1 of this law).
2. With fine on money from one thousand (1000) to three thousand (3000) Euro, shall be
punished for violation from paragraph 1 of this article the responsible person of legal entity.


Article 94
1. With fine on money from one thousand (1.000) to five thousand (5.000) for violation shall be
punished the legal entity if:
1.1.does not provide environmental integrated license (article 30.paragraph 1 of this
1.2. produces matters that harm ozone layer (article 45 paragraph 1 and 2 of this law);
1.3. imports and exports matters , products and equipments, that harm ozone layer,
respectively, products that contain this matters, outlined on list of Protocol of Montreal
(article 45.paragraph 2 of this law);
1.4. utilize the EMAS sign, certificated systems of environmental management ISO
9000,ISO 14001 without being registered pursue to the law (Article 42 of this law);
1.5. use of environmental label contrary to the provisions of Article 43 of this law;
1.6. does not provide to the Ministry datas pursue to article 53, paragraph 6 of this law;
1.7. carry out environmental monitoring without ministry authorization (article 61.
paragraph 1 and 3.of this law);
1.8. does not enable implementing of inspection supervision, does not provide
information and other necessary records (article 83, sub-paragraph 1.1. and 1.2. of this
1.9. on designation term from inspector does not undertakes necessary measures
concerning of concluded avoidance (Article 83 paragraph 1 sub-paragraph 1.3.of this
2. With fine on money from three hundred (300) to one thousand (1.000) Euro shall be punished
for violation from paragraph 1 of this Article as well the responsible person of legal entity.
3. With fine on money from five hundred (500) to one thousand (1.000) Euro shall be punished
for violation from paragraph 1. of this Article the natural person too.

Article 95
1. With fine on money from five hundred (500) to one thousand (1.000) Euro shall be punished
for violation the responsible person of state body, if:


1.1. issues permit for using of natural resources without Ministry approval (Article 10
paragraph 2 )
1.2. issues urban and spatial planning contrary to the provisions of article 27 of this law;
1.3. registering of juridical and natural person on EMAS system in contrary to the
provisions of article 42 of this law ;
1.4. does not inform public in case of direct risk danger or in case of allowing norm
exceeds of environmental pollution according to the provisions of article 38 of this law.


Article 96
Government and Ministry within two years from the day of entry into force of this law should
issue certain acts for which are authorized with this law.

Article 97
Legal and natural persons are obliged to harmonize their activities within two (2) years from the
day when this law enters into force.

Article 98
The provisions of the law and other regulations for management of natural resources, planning
and constructing, and which are contrary to this law shall not be applied.

Article 99
Until the day of issuing of other acts from the articles 96.and 97. of this law, shall be applied the
enforced provisions if they are not in contrary with provisions of this law.


Article 100
On the day when this Law enters into force, the following shall not be in force, Law on
Environmental Protection (Regulation. 2003/9); and Administrative Instruction (No.2/2004) for
establishment of inspection for Environmental Protection.

Article 101
This law shall enter into force (15) days after publishing it to the Official Gazette of the Republic
of Kosovo.

Law No. 03/L-025

26 February 2009
President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo


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