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Jacquelyn M.

Urbani, Shadi Roshandel,

Teacher EducationRosemarie
Fall 2017& Elizabeth Truesdell

Developing and Modeling

21st-Century Skills
with Preservice Teachers
Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel,
Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

Today’s youth face a rapidly changing world, requiring them to move beyond
basic formulaic knowledge and skills. Current educational policy, such as the Com-
mon Core State Standards (CCSS), represents a shift away from rote learning and
memorization of facts to the development of the 21st-century skills of creativity:
critical thinking; communication; collaboration; and information, media, and tech-
nology skills (IMTS). Business and political leaders also recognize the necessity in
addressing these core competencies for the 21st-century landscape (Ravitch, 2010).
For students to be competent in a global society, K–12 teachers need to develop,
model, and assess the 21st-century skills in their students (National Governors
Association Center for Best Practices [NGA] & Council of Chief State School
Officers [CCSSO], 2010; Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2016; Rotherham &
Willingham, 2009; Truesdell & Birch, 2013). As such, there is a call for teacher
education programs to facilitate preservice teachers’ personal development of these

Jacquelyn M. Urbani and Shadi Roshandel are assistant professors and Rosemarie Michaels
and Elizabeth Truesdell are associate professors, all in the Department of Education of the
School of Education and Counseling Psychology at Dominican University of California, San
Raphael, California. Email addresses: [email protected], shadi.roshandel@
dominican.edu, [email protected], & [email protected]

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

skills as well as their application to educational settings (American Association of

Colleges for Teacher Education, 2010; Michaels, Truesdell, & Brown, 2015).
While research exists on each of the 21st-century skills in isolation or in
pairs, a scarcity of research exists on the process of explicitly facilitating them
with preservice teachers (Kagle, 2014; Kokotsaki, 2011; McDonald & Kahn,
2014; Thieman, 2008). Some international examples, such as Singapore’s TE21
Model of Teacher Education and teacher education in Finland, have elements of
21st-century skill training; however, few studies detail how to explicitly facilitate
this process (Schleicher, 2012). To that end, this study describes a collaboration in
one university between three teacher education programs (multiple subject, single
subject, and education specialist) that explores how and to what extent faculty are
developing and modeling the 21st-century skills in preservice teachers. In addi-
tion, this study analyzes preservice teachers’ perceptions of their competence in
21st-century skills and their ability to incorporate them into their own teaching.
Relying on the theory of cognitive apprenticeship (Collins, 2006; Collins, Brown,
& Newman, 1987), the researchers approached this process primarily for the pur-
pose of promoting expertise in teaching, focusing on teaching methods including
modeling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection, and exploration.
This current study fills a gap in the teacher education literature as it identifies
how teacher educators across programs within one institution developed the 21st-
century skills with preservice teachers, through both course work and field experi-
ences. The current study asked, How and to what extent do our teacher education
programs develop and model the 21st-century skills in preservice teachers? This
study also aimed to build a model for teacher education programs by purposefully
facilitating the development of these skills (see Figure 1); specifically, the initial
stage is personal development of each skill, followed by the application of these
skills in educational contexts, and finally their utilization professionally with K–12
students, colleagues, and parents.

21st-Century Skills
The 21st-century skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, col-
laboration, and IMTS are not novel to today’s educational and business settings
(Rotherham & Willingham, 2009; Silva, 2009). Indeed, these skills have been
integral elements throughout human history; however, how these skills are taught
and developed in K–12 schools has evolved. The CCSS represents a shift away
from basic drill and recitation of simple facts to an emphasis on the multifaceted
processes of learning (NGA & CCSSO, 2010).
The recently adopted CCSS intentionally include 21st-century skills. Literacy
standards contain explicit requirements for communication. The other elements
of creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and the use of technology are all
subsumed in the standards for literacy, math, and science (NGA & CCSSO, 2010;

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2016). In fact, even the names of math stan-
dards speak to these skills, identifying creativity and critical thinking explicitly
(NGA & CCSSO, 2010).
As the CCSS require K–12 students to demonstrate competency in the 21st-
century skills, teachers also need to understand how to develop, model, and assess
these skills. In turn, teacher education programs should be expected to start this
process by facilitating preservice teachers’ exploration and reflection on these

Figure 1
Model of 21st-century skill development for teacher education programs (Michaels, Roshandel,
Truesdell, & Urbani, 2015).This trajectory identifies three phases: (a) personal development (pre-
service teachers’ capacity to understand and apply these skills in multiple contexts, not limited to
educational settings), (b) applied development (continued building of individual capacity as preservice
teachers, while facilitating the skill development within their students during supervised teaching
fieldwork), and (c) professional development (continued development of these skills with students,
colleagues, parents, and administrators as in-service teachers).

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

competencies to apply them within their classrooms, so they continue to develop

and learn throughout their careers (Darling-Hammond, 2006). While an abundance
of research on developing the 21st-century skills through professional develop-
ment for in-service teachers exists, fewer studies focus on more than one or two
elements of 21st-century skills in preservice teachers (Dong, Chai, Sang, Koh, &
Tsai, 2015; Hagevik, Aydeniz, & Rowell, 2012; Jones & Jones, 2013; Pamuk, 2011).
As the existing definitions of the skills focus on K–12 students (Partnership for
21st Century Skills, 2016), and can be applied to schools and the workplace (Silva,
2009), this study recognized the need to define the 21st-century skills for preservice
teacher education. Therefore the existing literature was analyzed to develop defini-
tions (see Figure 2) to use in teacher education programs (e.g., Hora & Holden,
2013; Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2016; Rotherham & Willingham, 2009;
Ryhammar & Brolin, 1999; Sternberg & Lubart, 1999; Ward & McCotter, 2004).
The foundation of the 21st-century skills elements and definitions stem from the
framework presented by Partnership for 21st Skills (Dede, 2010). The following
sections explore research on each identified component in teacher education.

Research on creativity with preservice teachers is limited and identifies
its restriction within classrooms in several ways: fidelity to the curriculum and
standards, assessment of creativity, and a lack of training in the development of

Figure 2
Definitions of 21st-century skills for preservice teachers (Michaels et al., 2015).
Creativity Creativity is the ability to develop, choose, and integrate novel,
unconventional, and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.
Critical Thinking Critical thinking is the ability to effectively use higher order thinking
skills to plan, teach, and reflect on instructional practice while
integrating and applying theories of teaching, learning, and
Communication Communication is the ability to successfully use interpersonal skills
and components of literacy (reading, writing, speaking, and listening)
to contribute to teaching, learning, and development.
Collaboration Collaboration is the ability to work productively and equitably while
valuing others in diverse educational settings.
Information, IMTS is the ability to access, manage, apply, analyze, and evaluate
Media, and digital information and instructional technological tools. This includes
Technology leveraging technology innovatively and effectively in diverse learning
Skills (IMTS) environments to collaborate, communicate, think critically, and create
new functions in the midst of rapidly changing technological advances.

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

creativity (Kampylis, Berki, & Saariluoma, 2009; Kokotsaki, 2011). Grounded in

self-report data, these studies asked preservice teachers how they prefer students
to respond during classroom discussions. For example, Beghetto (2007) asked
secondary preservice teachers their preferences for unique versus relevant answers.
Unique answers were defined as students using creative thinking skills, including
novel ideas, varied perspectives, and creative connections, whereas relevant answers
were defined as providing answers and demonstrating one’s competence without
digressing from the curricular expectations. The majority of preservice teachers
preferred relevance over uniqueness. However, it is important to note that creativ-
ity requires both uniqueness and relevance (Amabile, 1996; Plucker, Beghetto, &
Dow, 2004), as it is essential to teach preservice teachers how to identify, develop,
and assess these elements and encourage their own students to further develop their
creative skills (Beghetto, 2007).
The limited studies on creativity have also suggested that certain content areas
are perceived as offering fewer opportunities for creativity than others (Beghetto,
2007; Bolden, Harries, & Newton, 2010). For example, regardless of grade level,
studies have shown that preservice teachers do not believe math to be a creative
subject and thus perceive creativity as a potential distraction (Beghetto, 2007). In
addition, preservice teachers could not distinguish between teaching creatively and
teaching for creativity and had difficulty in identifying ways of encouraging and
assessing this skill in the math classroom (Bolden et al., 2010). However, preservice
teachers indicated that all other subject areas provide more opportunities for cre-
ativity through discussions, exploration of ideas, and freedom of choice (Beghetto,
2007; Bolden et al., 2010). Although these perceptions may exist due to potential
constraints in the curriculum, it is imperative for teacher education programs to
develop, model, and assess what it means to be creative (Beghetto, 2007; Bolden
et al., 2010; Kokotsaki, 2011).

Critical Thinking
Research on critical thinking in teacher education has typically focused on
critical reflection during course work and fieldwork. The universal challenge is
to encourage preservice teachers “to reflect on their practice in meaningful ways,
to consider the effect their teaching has on student learning, and develop habits
that will stay with them” (Ward & McCotter, 2004, p. 244). To this end, teacher
educators have designed assignments that allow preservice teachers to practice and
demonstrate critical reflection. Researchers measured the development and quality
of critical reflection skills using a common framework: a low level is identified as a
focus on themselves and teaching tasks, whereas a high level is demonstrated by a
focus on pedagogy and multiple perspectives, resulting in a transformative change
in teaching practice (e.g., McDonald & Kahn, 2014; Ward & McCotter, 2004).
A common method for researchers to study critical reflection is to analyze

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

preservice teachers’ written assignments (e.g., autobiographies, self-assessments,

and fieldwork essays). Results indicate that the majority of essays are written at
the lower levels of critical reflective thinking, that is, preservice teachers’ focus on
themselves and teaching tasks (Griffin, 2003; Ward & McCotter, 2004). It may be
natural for preservice teachers to have a self and teacher task emphasis rather than
a higher level of critical reflection (Ward & McCotter, 2004). However, preservice
teachers can move from concrete thinking about themselves to thinking through a
variety of perspectives within the context of teaching and learning (Griffin, 2003).
For example, McDonald and Kahn (2014) found that critical self-assessments gen-
erated a greater self-awareness, improvements in teaching practice, and progress in
seeing through multiple perspectives. In addition, participation in action research
or small-group discussions that incorporate peer feedback improve preservice
teachers’ critical reflection skills (Griffin, 2003; Hagevik et al., 2012).
Teacher educators play an important role in the development of preservice
teachers’ critical reflection skills through coaching and scaffolding. McDonald
and Kahn (2014) found a direct relationship between preservice teachers’ level of
critical reflection and the level of professors’ prompts, questions, and feedback.
In addition, Ward and McCotter (2004) recommended that teacher educators use
provocative questions and high-level prompts and feedback to assist preservice
teachers in developing these skills. Once preservice teachers begin their first year
of teaching, they are expected to do more than critically reflect on their practice;
they are expected to be critical thinkers, model critical thinking, and demonstrate
that they can teach students to develop their own critical thinking skills in a variety
of academic subjects and classroom situations (California Commission on Teacher
Credentialing, 2013). In addition, researchers advocate that teacher educators ex-
plicitly guide preservice teachers to the higher levels of critical reflection (Jones
& Jones, 2013; Ward & McCotter, 2004); therefore teacher education programs
need to be intentional in developing, modeling, and assessing these skills.

Communication and Collaboration

Reseach on communication and collaboration is often presented simultane-
ously, as effective communication is vital for and leads to successful collaboration
(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2016). A common example of the integration
of these two skills in education is professional learning communities (PLCs),
which focus on teacher discussions and collaborations. For example, Kagle (2014)
created a PLC for undergraduate preservice teachers to develop their skills in
collaboration, critical reflection, and pedagogy. A protocol provided a structured
format for preservice teachers to bring a dilemma with their teaching to their peers
for feedback. In particular, they experienced a shared language, developed critical
inquiry skills, built knowledge for practice, and learned the value of collaboration
with colleagues. Teacher education programs need to explicitly provide opportuni-

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

ties for the development of communication and collaboration for the purposes of
improved instructional practice.
PLCs also promote the practice of critical reflection and critique, both indi-
vidually and with a group. Daniel, Auhl, and Hastings (2013) found that preser-
vice teachers experience difficulty with offering and receiving critical feedback.
Specifically, this study focused on how to offer critical feedback in a way that can
be heard and responded to, while maintaining a collaborative environment. As the
study progressed, preservice teachers recognized and valued the importance of
critique to improve teaching practices. Arguably, while learning how to give and
receive critical feedback can be difficult, the results on teaching and learning can
be significant. The implications from research are that preservice teachers can and
should begin to experience collaboration to promote critical reflection on their own
teaching practices (Elster, Barendziak, Haskamp, & Kastenholz, 2014; Kagle, 2014).
Therefore the limited research supports the need for teacher education programs
to facilitate development of these skills in their preservice teachers.

Information Media and Technology Skills

In addition to the development of creativity, critical thinking, communication,
and collaboration, emergent technologies have altered how and to what extent 21st-
century skills are integrated in the classroom. Technology has become a tool with
which these skills are leveraged both in and outside of the classroom (Thieman,
2008), teaching students how to effectively transfer their learning to varied contexts
(Saavedra & Opfer, 2012). Research on IMTS indicates that K–12 schools are facing
digital natives in the classroom; hence effective training needs to be developed for
preservice teachers. This includes modeling the use of instructional technology as
well as deliberately incorporating the National Educational Technology Standards
for Students (NETS) in teacher education programs (Collier, Weinburgh, & Rivera,
2004; Graham, Cox, & Velasquez, 2009; Pamuk, 2011).
Thieman (2008) explored how preservice teachers use technology through the
lens of NETS. The study examined work samples and reflections to discern the extent
to which they integrate instructional technology into their planning and to measure
how that integration relates to 21st-century citizenship. Findings indicated that 85%
of preservice teachers integrate instructional technologies with their K–12 students,
and approximately 50% documented the use of technology in conjunction with cre-
ativity, communication, collaboration, and IMTS to conduct research. Despite this
push toward modeling effective technology use in teacher education programs, some
studies have found that preexisting belief systems and practices tend to hinder teacher
educators from learning new technologies and adapting their pedagogy (Dong et al.,
2015; Hora & Holden, 2013; Nicholson & Galguera, 2013). Considering that IMTS
are integral components of the development of 21st-century skills, research supports
this study’s structured approach to incorporating these tools for preservice teachers.

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

The Current Study

This study recognized the need to establish definitions specific to the roles and
responsibilities of teacher educators and preservice teachers (see Figure 2). The
researchers used these definitions as a framework to ensure consistency across the
four courses under study, which shaped the model of 21st-century skill develop-
ment for teacher education (see Figure 1). This trajectory identifies three phases:
1. personal development: preservice teachers’ capacity to understand and
apply these skills in multiple contexts, not limited to educational settings
2. applied development: continued building of individual capacity as
preservice teachers while facilitating the skill development within their
students during supervised teaching fieldwork
3. professional development: continued development of these skills with
students, colleagues, parents, and administrators while in-service teachers
In summary, there is a need for teacher education programs to provide oppor-
tunities to develop and model 21st-century skills in both course work and fieldwork
requirements. Scholars have noted the importance of transferring theory and course
work to practice for preservice teachers (Rust & Bergey, 2014; White & Chant,
2014). Therefore the current study examined preservice teachers’ perceptions of the
impact of anchor assignments on their personal and applied development through
course work and fieldwork experiences. This study builds a model for teacher
education programs by purposefully integrating the 21st-century skills (see Figure
1). Owing to these efforts, preservice teachers may be better prepared to facilitate
the learning of today’s diverse student population in a rapidly changing world.

Research Design
A mixed methods approach was used to measure how and to what extent
teacher education programs develop and model the 21st-century skills in preservice
teachers. Researchers were faculty in one university across three teacher education
programs, thus classifying this study as participatory action research (Berg, 2004;
Gabel, 1995; Stringer, 1999), as it investigated the effect of researchers’ practice
on participants (Berg, 2004).

This study took place in a small, private university in northern California. Partici-
pants (N = 54) were graduate (n = 39) and undergraduate (n = 15) preservice teachers
enrolled in multiple subject (n = 19), single subject (n = 16), and education specialist (n

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

= 19) programs. Some preservice teachers were enrolled in multiple courses involved
in this study. They ranged in age from 20 to 60 years, and 10% were men. Participants
were 75% White, 15% Latina, 7% Asian, and 3% African American.

Data Collection and Measures

Data were collected from four courses, taught by each of the four researchers,
and chosen to represent each program, including a foundational course in which all
preservice teachers across programs must enroll (see Figure 3). Each course also
aligned with either the personal or applied developmental stage of the conceptual
model. Surveys were created to measure the extent to which anchor assignments
developed preservice teachers’ competencies with the 21st-century skills as well
as their ability to incorporate these skills into their own teaching. Whereas the
quantitative data provided preservice teachers’ perceptions of the impact of anchor
assignments on their personal and professional development, the researchers were
also interested in gathering more information on how that development occurred
based on instruction. Therefore, at the end of the semester, nine preservice teachers
participated in a focus group to elicit that information.
Survey data. The survey instrument measured two areas: (a) impact of the
anchor assignments on preservice teachers’ personal development of competencies
in the 21st-century skills and (b) impact of the anchor assignments on preservice
teachers’ ability to incorporate the 21st-century skills into their teaching. A closed-
ended 4-point Likert-type scale ranging from 4 (a great deal) to 1 (not at all)
measured each component of the 21st-century skills. Because of the small sample
size, survey responses were analyzed using basic statistics, which generated per-
centages of preservice teachers’ responses. These methods allowed for comparison
of responses between 21st-century skills and anchor assignments.
Focus group data. A focus group was conducted at the end of the semester to
elucidate how the instruction and assignments in the four selected courses devel-
oped preservice teachers’ skills personally and facilitated their application of these
skills to classroom settings. The focus group was conducted with nine preservice
teachers (17% of the original 54) across the selected classes to represent a sample
of the teacher education programs. Three of the focus group participants were
undergraduates, two were Latina, and one was male.
The facilitator was selected from outside the Department of Education due to
a background in organizational development as well as expertise with conducting
focus groups. The facilitator requested information on how the assignments, activi-
ties, and instruction engaged preservice teachers and facilitated development of
21st-century skills. In addition, the facilitator asked ways that the learning experi-
ence could be improved, referred to as the delta. The focus group was audiotaped
and transcribed using the research software HyperTRANSCRIBE.

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

Figure 3
Description of courses and anchor assignments, aligned with developmental level of the 21st-century
skill development for teacher education programs conceptual model (see Figure 1).

Course Description Anchor Assignment Developmental Level

Teaching for Equity: All Programs Diversity Statement Personal
Teaching for Equity is a 3-unit course Preservice teachers write
that examines principles of educational narrative essays describing
equity and diversity and their implemen- the value of a multicultural
tation in curriculum content and school perspective and consider
practices. Candidates examine their own the following questions:
beliefs, attitudes, biases, and expecta- (a) What is a multicultural
tions about educational equity, so that perspective? (b) Why is
they may be better prepared to create it important for educators
equitable classrooms. In this course, to have a multicultural
candidates also explore the historical perspective? If you do not
and cultural traditions of cultural and think it is important, why not?
ethnic groups in California, and ways (c) What are your beliefs about
to include cultural traditions in instruc- teaching and learning with
tional programs. Candidates will learn a diverse student population?
how to maximize the academic (d) How do you teach (or see
achievement for ALL students. yourself teaching) in a diverse
classroom? (e) Why do you think
that teaching that way will
address the needs of all students?
(f) What norms for student behavior
and interactions will you develop
in your future classroom? and
(g) How might 21st Century
Skills enhance teaching diverse
Teaching Mathematics: Student Work Analysis Personal
Multiple Subject Preservice teachers analyze
& Education Specialist elementary student work
This course prepares preservice samples (addition and
teachers to teach mathematics in subtraction of 3-digit numbers
elementary school. Candidates are with and without regrouping),
prepared to deliver a balanced representative of a class of 25
instructional program through active third-grade students.
construction of pedagogical know- Preservice teachers analyze
ledge and skills. Candidates learn the student work for
developmentally appropriate strategies accuracy, and procedural and
to teach students California’s conceptual knowledge.
Mathematics Content Standards. Based on this analysis, they
Candidates participate in fieldwork create lesson plans to teach
where appropriate mathematics and reach all students.
instruction is modeled.

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

Figure 3 (continued)

Course Description Anchor Assignment Developmental Level

Preparation for Student Teaching: Practice Lessons Peresonal &
Single Subject Preservice teachers will design Applied
This course develops an understanding and teach two lessons in
of school culture and adolescent classrooms where they are
development while preparing observing and will student
candidates for the demands of teach. Each lesson design
a teaching career. It explores the must include differentiated
essential knowledge and skills instruction and/or assessment
required for effective secondary for at least one individual
teaching and learning as defined in two groups of students:
by the California Teaching English learners and students
Performance Expectations (TPEs). with special needs. This
assignment includes (a)
planning the lessons, (b)
conferring with the
supervising teacher, (c)
eaching the lessons, (d)
assessing their own instruction
in each practice lesson, (e)
securing observation notes/
feedback from university
supervisors and directing
teachers, (f) writing a critical
reflection the lessons.
Program Design & Individualized Education Personal
Curriculum Development: Program (IEP)
Education Specialist Preservice teachers
Candidates learn about Individual independently develop a
Education Plan (IEP) development quality IEP, detailing the
and curriculum planning and current functioning and areas
instruction for students with of strength and struggle
mild/moderate learning challenges. for a K-12 student, relating
Candidates write a complete IEP these to the goals and
including transition plans. accommodations. The
Candidates learn how to make required elements include:
adaptations to general education Assessment Summary,
curriculum in order to ensure Eligibility, Present Levels
student success. Knowledge of of Academic Achievement
ethical standards related to laws and Functional Performance,
and regulations that provide equity Measurable Annual Goals,
for students with learning Services, Setting, Statewide
challenges is emphasized. Assessments, and Transition

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

Researchers coded the transcripts by developing a preliminary list of codes

(Miles & Huberman, 1994; Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2013), which stemmed
from the study’s conceptual framework, around the variables creativity, critical
thinking, communication, collaboration, and IMTS, as well as their deltas. The
researchers read and coded transcripts separately for each class and then across
the programs, establishing an interrater reliability of 94%. The analysis and coding
were conducted using the research software HyperRESEARCH.

To investigate how and to what extent our teacher education programs developed
and modeled the 21st-century skills in preservice teachers, the following questions
were examined: What are preservice teachers’ perceptions of the impact of anchor
assignments on their personal and applied development of the 21st-century skills?
How did course instruction affect the development of these skills? Specifically, survey
results indicated that the anchor assignments impacted preservice teachers’ ability
to incorporate 21st-century skills in their teaching (see Tables 2, 4, 6, and 8) more
than it impacted their own personal competencies in these skills (see Tables 1, 3, 5,
and 7). Results of the focus group and surveys were analyzed based on preservice
teachers’ competencies and their ability to incorporate the 21st-century skills into
their classrooms; these results are simultaneously reported for each skill. Survey
results of each course, including descriptive statistics, are reported in Tables 1–8.

Preservice teachers cited a variety of examples of creativity in their course
assignments and activities and described how their professors modeled and instilled
a sense of creativity. For example, a participant from the Preparation for Student
Teaching course stated that incorporating creativity into daily lesson planning is a

Table 1
Impact of Teaching for Equity Anchor Assignment on Preservice Teachers’ Competencies
in the 21st-Century Skills
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 71.4 21.4 7.1 – 3.64 (0.63)
Collaboration 71.4 28.6 – – 3.71 (0.47)
Critical thinking 71.4 28.6 – – 3.71 (0.47)
Creativity 85.7 7.1 7.1 – 3.79 (0.58)
IMTS 21.4 21.4 28.6 28.6 2.36 (1.16)
CCSS 28.6 42.9 7.1 21.4 2.79 (1.12)
Note. n = 14. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills.

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

major component of being a teacher. Lesson planning was the anchor assignment
for this course; preservice teachers developed and taught two lessons in a second-

Table 2
Impact of Teaching for Equity Assignment on Preservice Teachers’ Ability to Incorporate
the 21st-Century Skills in Their Teaching
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 92.9 7.1 – – 3.93 (0.27)
Collaboration 92.9 7.1 – – 3.93 (0.27)
Critical thinking 78.6 14.3 7.1 – 3.71 (0.61)
Creativity 85.7 14.3 – – 3.86 (0.36)
IMTS 14.3 35.7 14.3 35.7 2.29 (1.14)
CCSS 14.3 42.9 14.3 28.6 2.43 (1.09)
Note. n = 14. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills.

Table 3
Impact of Teaching Mathematics Anchor Assignment on Preservice Teachers’ Competencies
in the 21st-Century Skills
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 27.8 38.9 22.2 11.1 2.83 (0.99)
Collaboration 27.8 50.0 16.7 5.6 3.00 (0.84)
Critical thinking 88.9 11.1 – – 3.89 (0.32)
Creativity 55.6 16.7 22.2 5.6 3.22 (1.00)
IMTS – 22.2 50.0 27.8 1.94 (0.73)
CCSS 27.8 44.4 11.1 16.7 2.83 (1.04)
Note. n = 18. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills.

Table 4
Impact of Teaching Mathematics Anchor Assignment on Preservice Teachers’ Ability
to Incorporate the 21st-Century Skills in Their Teaching
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 38.9 33.3 16.7 11.1 3.00 (1.03)
Collaboration 16.7 50.0 27.8 5.6 2.78 (0.81)
Critical thinking 61.1 27.8 5.6 5.6 3.44 (0.86)
Creativity 55.6 27.8 16.7 – 3.39 (0.78)
IMTS – 17.6 47.1 35.3 1.82 (0.73)
CCSS 22.2 50.0 16.7 11.1 2.83 (0.92)
Note. n = 18. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

ary classroom, receiving written feedback from their university supervisors and
directing teachers. The qualitative data coincide with survey data on the anchor

Table 5
Impact of Preparation for Student Teaching Seminar Anchor Assignment
on Preservice Teachers’ Competencies in the 21st-Century Skills
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 61.5 38.5 – – 3.62 (0.51)
Collaboration 53.8 38.5 7.7 – 3.46 (0.66)
Critical thinking 69.2 23.1 7.7 – 3.62 (0.65)
Creativity 84.6 15.4 – – 3.85 (0.38)
IMTS 61.5 23.1 15.4 – 3.36 (0.78)
CCSS 69.2 23.1 7.7 – 3.62 (0.65)
Note. n = 13. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills.

Table 6
Impact of Preparation for Student Teaching Seminar Anchor Assignment
on Preservice Teachers’ Ability to Incorporate the 21st-Century Skills in Their Teaching
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 69.2 23.1 7.7 – 3.62 (0.65)
Collaboration 61.5 38.5 – – 3.62 (0.51)
Critical thinking 61.5 23.1 15.4 – 3.46 (0.78)
Creativity 69.2 23.1 7.7 – 3.62 (0.65)
IMTS 61.5 15.4 23.1 – 3.38 (0.87)
CCSS 69.2 23.1 7.7 – 3.62 (0.65)
Note. n = 13. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills.

Table 7
Impact of Program Design Anchor Assignment on Preservice Teachers’ Competencies
in the 21st-Century Skills
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 47.4 42.1 10.5 – 3.37 (0.68)
Collaboration 36.8 47.4 15.8 – 3.21 (0.71)
Critical thinking 68.4 21.1 10.5 – 3.58 (0.69)
Creativity 31.6 47.4 21.1 – 3.11 (0.74)
IMTS 11.1 33.3 27.8 27.8 2.28 (1.02)
CCSS 26.3 21.1 31.6 21.1 2.53 (1.12)
Note. n = 19. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills.

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

assignment for this course, with 84.6% of preservice teachers responding that it
impacted their competency in creativity “a great deal” (see Table 5).
Additionally, preservice teachers spoke about how the professor addressed
teaching the CCSS in the Teaching for Equity course, stating that while the standards
are set, how one imparts or teaches to the standards is when a teacher can facilitate
creativity. This course also incorporated creativity in learning how to teach to a
diverse student population through various classroom activities, such as cultural
simulations and analysis of case studies and equity policies. Preservice teachers
wrote reflective papers on their views and on how their own cultural lens can in-
fluence how they teach; one participant commented that these reflections allowed
for creativity in addressing various topics around equity in education. Survey data
indicate that 85.7% of preservice teachers in the Teaching for Equity course most
developed their personal competencies with creativity (see Table 1).
Preservice teachers in the Teaching Mathematics course described creativity
as the most developed 21st-century skill within that course, citing examples of
developing math games for students that provided opportunities to use their creative
problem-solving skills. Preservice teachers valued the chance to share their new
games with each other during class time because the feedback highlighted how
they interpreted the game in a variety of ways: “You get other differentiated ideas
that you can create and modify” (Participant 4).
Areas for improvement, referred to as the delta in the focus group, appeared
with preservice teachers in the Teaching for Equity course. Although they understood
the importance of critical reflection, participants indicated that they would have
appreciated learning creative activities to use with their students as well. Another
suggestion emerged from the discussion of the course for education specialist par-
ticipants. A major component of this class was learning how to develop Individual
Education Programs (IEPs); preservice teachers discussed the creativity required
in writing IEPs in general but cited a need to discuss a variety of classrooms and
settings, not just special day classes or younger, elementary-aged students.

Table 8
Impact of Program Design Assignment on Preservice Teachers’ Ability
to Incorporate the 21st-Century Skills in Their Teaching
21st-century skill A great To some Minimally Not at all Mean
deal (%) extent (%) (%) (%) (SD)
Communication 52.6 42.1 5.3 – 3.47 (0.61)
Collaboration 52.6 36.8 10.5 – 3.42 (0.69)
Critical thinking 68.4 10.5 15.8 5.3 3.42 (0.96)
Creativity 36.8 36.8 21.1 5.3 3.05 (0.91)
IMTS 15.8 36.8 15.8 31.6 2.37 (1.12)
CCSS 26.3 26.3 21.1 26.3 2.53 (1.17)
Note. n = 19. CCSS = Common Core State Standards. IMTS = information, media, and technology skills.

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

Critical Thinking
Preservice teachers reported that all anchor assignments greatly impacted their
competence in critical thinking skills and in their ability to incorporate these skills
into their teaching (see Tables 1–8). The Teaching Mathematics anchor assignment,
analysis of elementary student work samples, demonstrated the strongest results, with
nearly 90% of preservice teachers reporting that their competency in critical thinking
was further developed “a great deal” (see Table 3). Focus group data supported these
results, as preservice teachers saw the importance of critically reflecting on their
own teaching practices. One participant commented that examining student work for
strengths and needs prompted consideration of what future instruction should look
like to ensure student success and that this was “one of the most helpful activities”
within the teacher education program (Participant 5).
Nearly 70% of preservice teachers in the Preparation for Student Teaching course
found that the anchor assignment of designing and teaching two lessons increased their
competency in critical thinking (see Table 5). One participant commented, “It was
the reflection piece afterwards that really got me thinking critically about what went
well, what needs improvement, and the . . . overall scope of the lesson” (Participant
6). Others discussed the benefits of practicing their lesson plans with their peers in
class and receiving critical feedback, which improved the lesson when implemented
with secondary students. Preservice teachers in the Program Design and Curriculum
Development course agreed that developing lesson plans for their case study students
required them to think critically about the diverse needs of students and, in particular,
required careful consideration of the accommodations students would need to access
the curriculum. Of the preservice teachers enrolled in this course, 68.4% indicated
that the anchor assignment (developing an IEP) aided their competency and ability
to incorporate critical thinking skills in their practice (see Tables 7–8).
The Teaching for Equity course required preservice teachers to “question our
own thinking, like the way that we have been thinking for our whole lives. It really
inspired a lot of critical thought about yourself and how you do things and how you
treat other people” (Participant 2). In terms of the delta, another participant from
that course commented that “98% of that class involved critical thinking . . . what
I found in myself is that I felt a little weary on the case studies for some reason”
(Participant 1). The participant suggested readjusting a three-part assignment to
be more varied and have different directives.

Communication and Collaboration

As in prior research, preservice teachers found it hard to distinguish between
communication and collaboration. The survey data mirrored this, as communication
and collaboration were often identified as providing the same amount of impact
on the development of these skills (see Tables 1–8). For example, 71.4% of the
preservice teachers enrolled in the Teaching for Equity course indicated that the

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

anchor assignment, a diversity statement, impacted their personal competencies

“a great deal” in both communication and collaboration (see Table 1). In addition,
92.9% of these preservice teachers identified the anchor assignment as developing
their abilities to impart both of these skills in their future teaching (see Table 2).
Several examples appeared throughout the focus group of how preservice
teachers developed the specific 21st-century skills of communication and col-
laboration. For example, in the Teaching Mathematics course, preservice teachers
were provided time to share their various assignments (such as math games, rubric
development, and lesson plans) and offer one another feedback. One preservice
teacher commented that she appreciated sharing her own thoughts and talking
with peers for the sake of improved learning activities for her elementary students.
Preservice teachers in the Preparation for Supervised Teaching course commented
on the benefit of communicating and connecting with their classmates about their
experiences in real classrooms and schools as they prepared for their student teach-
ing. Within the Program Design and Curriculum Development course, preservice
teachers described how the writing of IEPs developed communication and col-
laboration skills with small groups in university classes as well as with parents and
school personnel in field placements. For example, one participant commented, “It
was a good experience to be able to work with other people on an IEP, which is the
reality of it” (Participant 7).
Finally, preservice teachers recognized the benefits of collaboration in groups
with peers who were at different places in the credentialing program and identified
the benefit of communication in classes where all credentialing programs were
represented. For example, one participant commented, “It brought me back to
what it feels like to work on a group project where everyone is kind of at different
places in their learning” (Participant 7). They identified how hearing from peers
focusing on different grades or ability levels provided them with ideas they had
not previously considered.
The delta on development of communication and collaboration skills was iden-
tified by preservice teachers as a need for more opportunities to practice difficult
conversations they might encounter with other teachers, specialists, and parents.
Particularly, education specialist preservice teachers asked for guidance and practice
in communicating with general education teachers to ensure coordinated, quality
instruction and access to necessary accommodations across classrooms.

Information Media and Technology Skills

Focus group participants identified IMTS as a supportive tool for use in con-
junction with the other 21st-century skills. For example, the Preparation for Student
Teaching course used wiki pages to elicit communication and collaboration during
class. The pages were projected on a screen, and preservice teachers worked in
groups to contribute relevant Web sites on curriculum planning. The wikis were

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

then saved on the course Web site so all participants could access these resources
after class.
A specific example of collaboration and technology use occurred in the Teaching
for Equity course. Preservice teachers were required to present first collaboratively
in a group on equity policies and then individually on a chosen topic. A focus group
participant commented that she felt “rusty on the technology” (Participant 1), so
it was helpful to lean on peers during the first presentation. By the individual pre-
sentation, the preservice teacher felt more confident, as she noted, “I had a better
grasp of instructional technology to present on my own.”
Connections between IMTS and the other 21st-century skills of critical thinking
and creativity also emerged in the data. For instance, the professor in the Program
Design and Curriculum Development course brought in iPads to explore applica-
tions for special education classrooms and students. The professor allotted time in
class for preservice teachers to investigate various applications and to discern which
they felt comfortable applying in the field. This exercise tapped into their creativity
and critical thinking skills as they explored useful applications to accommodate
various learning needs and abilities.
Notably, the descriptions of IMTS in the focus groups centered mainly on class
activities (exploring online rubrics and Web sites, investigating applications for
use with whole classes and for special needs students) and professors modeling its
use (through the use of online classroom platforms and apps used for instruction).
Fewer statements linked anchor assignments to technology, which is reflected in
the survey data. Only one anchor assignment indicated an increase in IMTS com-
petencies above 25%, which was the Preparation for Student Teaching Seminar, at
61.5% (see Table 5).
Focus group participants made some suggestions on the role of IMTS in their
course work, which serve as a delta in this area. Some indicated a desire for more
hands-on time with the technology, more specifically iPads. Overall, focus group
participants cited the importance of professors modeling the use of various tech-
nologies; however, they requested more on how to integrate IMTS in the classroom
before their supervised teaching experiences.

Simultaneous Integration of the 21st-Century Skills

Arguably, the most compelling emergent finding was the integration of
various 21st-century skills simultaneously (see Figure 4). Participants repeatedly
commented on their engaged and improved learning when it specifically involved
more than one aspect of these vital skills. While previous research has identified
ways in which teacher education programs have supported one or two 21st-century
skills (Dong et al., 2015; Hagevik et al., 2012; Jones & Jones, 2013; Pamuk, 2011),
this study was purposeful in examining how teacher education courses developed
all of these skills. Indeed, the researchers anticipated that some skills may prove

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

more influential in the different courses, based on curriculum content, classroom

activities, and assignments. However, the preservice teachers indicated that the
simultaneous integration of all the 21st-century skills had the most effect on their
learning. For example, preservice teachers identified the benefits of collaborating
and communicating in small groups, in various courses, for varied purposes, such
as developing creative lesson plans for a case study student; presenting content
to their peers via technology; or communicating with parents, administrators, and
other school personnel.
In the Teaching for Equity course, preservice teachers were required to col-
laborate on a topic, which they then presented via technology. This first collabora-
tive presentation was designed to support and scaffold preservice teachers in their

Figure 4
Simultaneous integration of 21st-century skills. When 21st-century skills were intrinsically linked,
the most effective teaching and learning occurred. This process of integration allowed preservice
teachers to develop these skills both personally and professionally.

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

learning of both the content and IMTS. One preservice teacher commented that
when presentations were disjointed, it was obvious that there had not been smooth
collaboration. She further commented that as a future teacher, she would “have to
recognize when a collaboration doesn’t work” and determine the contributions of
individuals (Participant 1).
In the Program Design and Curriculum Development class, preservice teachers
were required to collaborate as a small group to develop IEPs. They commented
that working as a group prior to developing an IEP independently was beneficial
for sharing ideas and receiving critical feedback, which helped to expand their
thinking. Within the Preparation for Student Teaching course, preservice teachers
collaborated on content using an iPad application, whereby they were all able to
contribute to the discussion.
Furthermore, preservice teachers in the Teaching Mathematics course identified
the simultaneous integration of all of the 21st-century skills through coordinated
assignments across the semester. Preservice teachers developed a math game and
rubric, using online sources, and then presented it to their classmates. In particular,
a preservice teacher commented on the benefits of researching the rubric, presenting
it to the class, and learning from peers how they interpreted the rubrics for the as-
signment. Once the preservice teachers had designed the game, they then taught their
classmates how to play it. Another participant identified this as “the most effective
piece of creativity” (Participant 4) because they were creative with their games and
learned ideas for differentiation and modification of the games from each other. As
part of their fieldwork requirements, preservice teachers taught their math game
to a small group of elementary school students. Afterward, the preservice teachers
were asked to critically reflect on what worked and what did not, with classmates
and the professor providing constructive feedback. Preservice teachers then taught
the same math game to a different group of elementary students, relying on their
own critical reflection and peer and professor feedback to improve upon the lesson.
In addition, all the math games were posted on the class Web site as a resource.
Notably, not only was simultaneous integration of the 21st-century skills
evident in the Preparation for Supervised Teaching course but they were almost
evenly disbursed (see Tables 5–6). This course was linked directly to fieldwork, so
preservice teachers applied those skills in weekly class discussions, utilized them
in their own preservice teaching, and then reflected on them in course assignments.
For example, focus group participants cited the use of technology to collaborate and
communicate in class, using creativity to devise and implement their own lesson
plans, and then reflecting on their lessons and observing other teachers in the field
in a critical manner.

Although this study reviewed the literature and analyzed the results for each

Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Shadi Roshandel, Rosemarie Michaels, & Elizabeth Truesdell

component of 21st-century skills separately, the emergent finding was the power of
simultaneous integration (Figure 4). Overwhelmingly, preservice teachers indicated
that the most powerful learning took place through integrated learning experiences.
As exemplified in the findings, when 21st-century skills were intrinsically linked,
the most effective teaching and learning occurred. Moreover, this process of integra-
tion allowed preservice teachers to develop these skills personally, while applying
them to educational settings. Scholars have argued for establishing strong teacher
education programs that develop teachers who continue to learn throughout their
careers (Darling-Hammond, 2006).
Arguably, it is imperative for teacher educators to enhance their own 21st-
century skills in order to transfer this skill set to their students (Rust & Bergey,
2014; White & Chant, 2014). Grounded in cognitive apprenticeship theory (Col-
lins, 2006; Collins et al., 1987), this process starts with foundational course work
upon entrance into the program, followed by applications to the field and continued
development as in-service teachers. This theory focuses on teaching methods that
include modeling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection, and exploration
and is therefore applicable to teacher education. The current study reflects the
transferability of these skills to teacher education, as the research identifies how
and to what extent teacher educators influence the development of 21st-century
skills in preservice teachers.
Limitations of this study should be considered when interpreting the results.
The definitions of 21st-century skills that the researchers developed were not pro-
vided to participants prior to the study, and as a result, participants’ preconceived
understandings may have influenced their responses. Participants may have over- or
underestimated their competencies in each of the measured skill areas. Anchor as-
signments were not grounded in the 21st-century skills framework, which limited
researchers’ assessment of these areas. Finally, the current study was conducted at
one university. Future research that includes a larger sample of university teacher
preparation programs will enhance the reliability of results.
On the basis of the results, researchers will collaborate with teacher education
faculty to provide consistency around the conceptualization of 21st-century skills.
First, they will embed definitions in all syllabi. Second, to assess these developing
competencies, faculty will collaborate to design rubrics for anchor assignments to
deliberately measure these skills. Finally, as it is imperative to assess how preser-
vice teachers are applying and facilitating the skill development during supervised
teaching fieldwork, observation forms will intentionally measure the effective ap-
plication of these skills. Future research will develop into a longitudinal study to
measure and assess graduates’ application of 21st-century skills as they transition
to in-service teaching in their own classrooms.
Results of this study indicate future directions for teacher education programs.
As learning can occur not only from professors but from peers as well, there is
a need to create opportunities for preservice teachers across various programs to

Developing and Modeling 21st-Century Skills with Preservice Teachers

interact and engage together in learning. Preservice teachers need guidance in ap-
plying their knowledge to learning activities for their students as well as support in
how to do so in various educational contexts (Darling-Hammond, 2006). Teacher
education programs need to provide more hands-on experience with technology and
guidance on how to implement IMTS into teaching. Therefore teacher educators
need to consistently integrate new technologies to enhance their instruction and
model these techniques for their students. It is imperative for teacher educators
to remain current in the rapidly changing field of IMTS (Hora & Holden, 2013;
Nicholson & Galguera, 2013).
Implications of this research are twofold. The results indicate that teacher
educators need to be strong models of the simultaneous integration of 21st-century
skills. It is essential to consistently develop, model, and assess these skills in pre-
service teachers throughout all aspects of their program to graduate teachers and
leaders (Gibson, 2010). Preparing preservice teachers consistently throughout their
preparation programs ensures a more seamless transition to in-service teaching,
creating a cadre of confident and effective educators in our 21st-century society.

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