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End of Year Revision

Gustav Mahler Extract 1

For the exam you will need to know:

The tempo is adagio. The rhythm has to prominent rhythms, a triple up beat rhythm and a dotted
rhythm. The dynamics starts at piano then goes through forte and then ends in. Fortissimo. This
piece is clearly articulated, it is mostly staccato. It has a solo trumpet and the whole orchestra
plays at the end. The cymbals play prominent at the end as well. The melody includes both, scales
(conjunction) and arpeggios (disjunct). The melody covers a wide range from C# to A. The trumpet
uses the top to bottom of its range.

Gustav Mahler Extract 2

The tempo is adagio. The melody moves in long note values- mostly minims. There are several prominent
dotted rhythms. The dynamics are quite quiet throughout. Mahler has instructed the strings to play
pizzicato. The violins melody is smooth, legato and the strings play pizzicato. The strings play this section.
The violins play the main melody; the double bases play pizzicato accompaniment. The melody consists of a
conjunction movement. There is a lot of repetition. The melody spreads over an octave range. The violins
play in their lowest register.

Robert Schumann
The tempo is allegro vivace. The semi quaver movement is almost continuous throughout. The dynamics
starts at metro forte then there is a crescendo to forte. This piece is clearly articulated, it is mostly staccato.
The melody consists of both, scales (conjunct) and arpeggios (disjunct). You might talk about the 'constant
repetition of the opening material.' The melody covers from A to (high) D. It uses the bottom and the top of
the violins range.

Igor Stravinsky
The tempo is allegro. The rhythm is irregular, unexpected, settling. The dynamics are fff. The huge
orchestra plays at the beginning. The brass is quite prominent. A piano is used as part of the orchestra. The
melds has both, scales (conjunct) and arpeggios (disjunct) movements. The melody covers a wide range.
Some of the melody is quite ugly and angular.

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