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End of Year Revision

Checklist 1
canis Dog
coquus Cook
est Is
filius Son
hortus Garden
in In
laborat Works, is working
mater Mother
pater Father
sedet Sits, is sitting
servus Slave
via Street

Checklist 2

amicus Friend
ancilla Slave-girl, maid
cena Dinner
cibus Food
dominus Master
dormit Sleeps
intrat Enters
laetus Happy
laudat Praises
mercator Merchant
quoque Also
salutat Greets

Checklist 3
ad To
bibit Drinks
circumspectat Looks around
clamat Shouts
ecce Look
et And
exit Goes out
exspectat Waits for
ianua Door
iratus Angry
leo Lion
magnus Big
navis Ship
non Not
portat Carries
respondet Replies
ridet Laughs, smiles
salve Hello
surgit Gets up, stands up
taberna Shop, inn
videt Sees
vinum Wine

Checklist 4
agit Does
anulus Ring
coquit Cooks
cur? Why?
e From, out of
ego I
eheu! Oh dear
habet Has
inquit Says
iudex Judge
mendax Liar
pecunia Money
perterritus Terrified
poeta Poet
quaerit Looks for, searches for
quis? Who?
reddit Gives back
satis Enough
sed But
signum Sign
tu You
vocat Calls

Checklist 5
adest Is here
adsunt Are here
agricola Farmer
ambulat Walks
audit Hears
clamor Shout, uproar
condendit Hurries
currit Runs
fabula Play, story
femina Woman
hodie Today
iuvenis Young man
meus My, mine
multus A lot of
multi Many
optimus Very good, excellent
petit To look for
plaudit Applauds
puella Girl
senex Old man
spectat Looks at, watches
stat Stands
turba Crowd
ubi? Where?
urbs City
venit Comes

Checklist 6
abest Is out, absent
aberat Was out, was absent
cubiculum Bedroom
emit Buys
ferociter Fiercely
festinat Hurries
fortis Brave
fur Thief
intente Intently
libertus Freedman
olim Once, some time ago
parvus Small
per Through
postquam After
pulsat Hits, punches
quod Because
res Thing
scribit Writes
subito Suddenly
superat Overcomes, overpowers
tum Then
tuus Your, yours
vendit Sells
vituperat Blames, curses
Checklist 7

cenat Dines
conspicit Catches sight of
cum With
facit Makes, does
heri Yesterday
ingens Huge
intellegit Understands
lacrimat Weeps, cries
mortuus Dead
narrat Tells
necat Kills
nihil Nothing
omnis All
parat Prepares
prope Near
rogat Asks
tacite Quietly
tamen However
terret Frightens
valde Very much, very

Checklist 8
agitat Chases
consumit Eats
ducit Leads, takes
eum Him
facile Easily
ferox Fierce
gladius Sword
hic This
ignavus Cowardly
nuntius Messenger
pes Foot, paw
porta Gate
postulat Demands
puer Boy
pugnat Fights
saepe Often
sanguis Blood
silva Wood
spectaculum Show, spectacle
statim At once
totus Whole
Checklist 9
agnoscit Recognizes
celeriter Quickly
cupit Wants
dat Gives
dies Day
emittit Throws, sends out
fert Bring, carries
homo Human being, man
hospes Guests
ille That
inspicit Looks at, inspects, examines
iterum Again
manet Remains, stays
medius Middle
mox Soon
offert Offers
ostendit Shows
post After
procedit Advances, proceeds
pulcher Beautiful
revenit Comes back, returns
tradit Hands over

Checklist 10
abit Goes away
accipit Accepts
callidus Clever, cunning
cententus Satisfied
exclamat Exclaims, shouts
frater Brother
habitat Lives
imperium Empire
invenit Finds
liber Book
nos We, us
nuntiat Announces
pax Peace
portus Harbour
quam Than, how
semper Always
servat Saves, looks after, preserves
solus Alone, lonely
suus His, her
tacet Is quiet
uxor Wife
vehementer Violently, loudly
vos You (plural)
The Great Divide

Verbs Nouns

1st 2nd 3rd

Doing Being

amo- I love sum- I am 1 S. Pl. 2 S. Pl. 3 S. Pl.

amas- you love es- you are
amat- he loves est- he
anumas- we love sumus- we are NOM -a -ae NOM -us -i NOM ? -es
amatis- you(pl) estis- you are
love sunt-they are
amant-they love ACC -am -as ACC -um -os ACC -es -es

DAT -ae -is DAT -o -is DAT -i -ibus

Verb Timeline
Past Now

Perfect Imperfect Present

sed-i sede-ba-m Sede-o

sed-isti sede-ba-s Sede-s
sed-it sede-ba-t Sede-t
sed-imus sede-ba-mus Sede-mus
sed-istis sede-ba-tis Sede-tis
sed-erunt sede-ba-nt Sede-nt

The Dative Case

The dative case is the giving case

The master gave food to the dog
Dominus dedit cbum cani

The cooks prepared dinner for their friends

qoqui paraverunt ceam amicis

We translate nouns in the Dative case with to or for

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