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Yusef Mohamed Rem D

End of Year Revision
The Renaissance
The Renaissance happened in Italy. The renaissance means the rebirth of classical ideas.
Mostly Roman and Greek influences.

Features of the Renaissance Explanation/Examples

Italian city sates A city state is a city that with its
surrounding territory forms an
Two Examples are, Milan and Rome
Humanism Humanism was a renaissance cultural
movement which turned away from the
medieval scholasticism and revived interest
in Roman and Greek culture. An example of
a Human Scholar is Erasmus
Patrons of art Patrons are people who give artists money
to produce pieces of art for them. Two
examples of important renaissance patrons
are the Medici family and the Pope Julius II
Art and sculpture Three key features of art and sculpture is
Realism, Classicism and Perspective. Three
examples of renaissance art and sculptures
are, the last supper, Michelangelos David
and the Sistine Chapel
Architecture Renaissance Architecture moved away from
the Medieval gothic Style and returned to
classical Architecture. Two examples of
Renaissance Architecture are:
Brunelleschis Dome and St Peters Basilica
Inventions The most important invention of the
Renaissance was the Printing Press. It was
invented by Johannes Gutenberg. The most
important book printed was the Gutenberg
Science During the Renaissance Copernicus
discovered that the planets revolves
around the sun (not the other way, as
previously thought). And Vesalius
discovered much about anatomy by cutting
up dead bodies.

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

City states
City States are territories with their own government. The states have one big city which
they are based around. The pope use to rule the Papal States in Italy which were inside
Rome. The advantages of a city-state is that each state makes different things but just
countries dont make as much. The benefits of city states are that each state has their own
government. This is because the people inside the city-state are easier to control. Another
benefit for having a city state is trading. Venice is the centre of all trade because it was on
the coast, near to Asia and in Europe. Florence was very important because it was the
centre of all trade, industry and banking. Islamic science found its way into Italy through
trading. Gold and ivory brought in by the Arabs from Africa. The centre of trade for this was
Venice. The money was raised through Venice. Businessmen, merchants from Venice
travelled north to do business at Bruges.
The Medici

1. The two jobs the Medici did in Florence was banking and running a wool shop.
2. Giovanni Medici ran the business
3. He valued loyalty and profit in his clients
4. Baldassarre Cossa was a Pirate before he met the Medici
5. He wanted to be Pope
6. The Medici gave Cossa money to become Pope
7. Cossa remembered his Medici when he became Pope John XXII and he needed a
banker so he chose the Medici
8. This was important for Medici because he was named Gods banker and was very
The Renaissance
The Renaissance marked the end of the middle ages. It lasted form the 14 th century to the
16th century. The new development that made it possible for new Renaissance ideas to
spread quickly throughout Europe was the printing press. The major event that led to new
scholars arriving in Italy was the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.
Aspects of the Renaissance:
1. New scientific discoveries and inventors
2. The desire to know everything
3. New geographical discoveries by explorers of the new world.
4. A new interest in human anatomy-stimulated great works of art
5. A belief that man had great intellect.

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

Cosimo Piero Medici Caspar the young king Balthazar, the middle king Melaciar the old king

Medici Lorenzo Medici Byzantine Emperor John VIII Paliologos Joseph Patriach of Constantinople

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Yusef Mohamed Rem D

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

Gozzoli painted Melciar the old king as Joseph, he also painted John VIII Paliogos, and
Lorenzo de Medici. He does this because after Cosimo got the council to Florence, it was a
big success for the Medicis and Florence. It was a success because now Florence is a very
important place which increases tourism and the Medici popularity went up as well. The
figures is the painting except Lorenzo were in the council and the painting kind of
commemorates the council being hosted in Florence. The Medici didnt paint the Pope
because they were rivals.

Definition of God Father How Cosimo might be a God father of the

Cosimo was on the council in Florence. He
Political: Mafia Boss also got his friends on the council. Cosimo
had a lot of political power. He was Gods
banker. Florence needs the money
Cultural: the leader of a movement Patronage

Magnificent Lorenzo?

1448 Lorenzo was born

1469 Aged 21 Lorenzo too over the bank
Lorenzo and his brother attended mass in
1478 Florence Cathedral when a Pazzi priest
smashed his brother on the head and got
stabbed 18 times
1460 Many of his firms collapsed
1490 The bank was in serious trouble
1492 Lorenzo died

It says that Lorenzo wanted glory and power and was a bigger tyrant that anyone else. Also
it says that Florence was never free under him. Whereas in another source it says that
everyone mourned his death.
Lorenzo deserve to have the title of magnificent because he overflowed the city of Florence
with a lots of graces like poetry, music, buildings and paintings. He also made Florence the
cultural capital of Italy which meant that more tourists came and Florence would become
richer. Also he paid a lot of money and spared no expense to get the best artists and
scholars and Lorenzo carried back prizes which made the Medici family and Florence so
famous. He also set up a branch of Pisa University and got all of the best teachers which
developed Florence in an academic way.
Lorenzo de Medici did not deserve the title of Magnificent because unlike Cosimo he
showed off and made it clear he was in charge. But Lorenzo wasn't that popular the Pazzi
family were jealous of Lorenzo so they plotted with Pope Sixtus IV to get rid of Lorenzo and
his brother. In the end they killed his brother but Lorenzo was able to escape. This implies

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

that the Lorenzo wasn't that popular. In source B it repetitively says that Lorenzo was a
tyrant which is another place where he is unpopular
Classical- Roman/Greek Gothic-Medieval

Patronage is when someone funds someone else to produce a piece of arts for example painting
music writing.

Definition: is the financial support given to an artist in return for producing an art that the patron

Advantages of Patronage Disadvantages of Patronage

For the artist The artist get more famous if The artist is very restricted in
the patron is famous what he paints
It is a good way to get money Getting noticed is difficult
For the patron It gives the patron more The patron pays the money
prestige before the painting has been
They have good, personalised painted so the painter could
art run away with the money

Connecting the Medici, Brunelleschi and II Duomo

The Medici owned some wool workshops and were therefore members of the Arte
della Lana (the wool merchants guild)
1331 the Arte della Lana took over exclusive patronage for completing the
construction of Florences Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore) which had begun in
Over eighty years later on 18 August 1418, the Arte della Lana announced a
structural design competition for the dome
In 1419 Brunelleschi was employed by Cosimo de Medici to redesign and build the
Church of San Lorenzo
In 1420 Brunelleschi was awarded the commission to design and build the dome for
the Cathedral of Florence
Cosimo was Brunelleschis patron

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

Factor in contributing to the renaissance How it contributed to the Renaissance

Increased trade with Asia and other Italy got more money so they could do
regions patronage, brought new ideas and spices
Growth of large wealthy city states in Italy If the cities are wealthy then people can
give money and more classical art can be
made. Rivalry between states
Renewed interest in the classical learning The renaissance is rebirth of classical
of ancient Greece and Rome ideas. Inspiration do it better than the
Rise of rich powerful merchants who More works of art are being created
became patrons of art
Increased desire for scientific and More inventions are being made which
technical knowledge develops the city. Printing Press allows
classical ideas to spread
Desire to beautify cities Beautiful cities make tourists and tourists
make money, and money makes even
more beautiful cities

What is Art?
What art is, is mainly a matter of opinion. If you have a creative mind or if you have an
organised mind. Art is art if it is artistically pleasing to you. If something is beautiful it is a
piece of art. Maybe it would be art if it is unique or attractive. It might have to be original. If
you think that good art is when there are a lot of intricate designs, it would have to be
complex. If you only believe in art to be used in daily life then you would think that practical
objects are art. Maybe trend determines it. Things could only be pieces of art if it is religious
or spiritual. In different places and cultures art would have a different meaning. It might
have to be impressive or mind blowing. Some pieces could only become real art if it is
produced by a famous artist or architect. It could be the monetary value that decides it. It
could be any of these things above and much more, but the main point is that if you like it, it
is a work of art.
The Cathedral in Florence might be considered a piece of art. This is because the dome was
impressive and different. Also, Brunelleschis dome was not attempted before. Domes were
made in Roman times but most of the technology has been lost. In addition the Romans
made their dome ten feet thick, but Brunelleschi dome had to be hollow. This lead to a
major problem because he couldnt use wooden scaffolding because there was no wood
that would be strong enough to hold the dome or be high enough. This makes it a piece of
art, because Brunelleschi attempted something that no one else has attempted before. He
pushed the boundaries and in the end, I think that the result was astonishing and very
impressive. It would be more so by the people of his time, because nowadays there are
much taller buildings and domes, but then it was the highest building that had been ever
built. And the hollow dome had never been attempted by anyone. Another point why it
might be considered as a piece of art is that it is spiritual and in context. This is because the
dome is part of a Cathedral which is religious. This goes onto another point that it is

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

practical, its not just lying there with no use. It is in context because it doesnt just contrast
with the rest of the city. It sits nicely and peacefully there as part of the city. This is
important, because some people wont see things as pieces of art if they dont have a
purpose. Also, it is important that it is in context, because if it didnt look part of the city it
would look out of place. It would stand out but maybe in the wrong way.
The Cathedral in Florence might not be considered as a work of art. This is because of
beauty and trend. Some people might not think that the dome is beautiful. They might think
that it is just a dome and the Romans have already done and that was a long time ago.
Nowadays a lot of people have got used to high buildings, skyscrapers, domes that they
might not see it as impressive. Also, trend is a major point that the Cathedral of Florence is
not considered as a piece of art. This is because people from different places might think
that different things are pieces of art. May be the people in Florence like the dome, but may
be people in countries in the Middle East might not like it. This is important, because people
from different places like different things and will say that the dome in Florence is not a
work of art. Also, beauty is important because if people dont think it is beautiful (matter of
opinion) the people will say that it is not a work of art as well.
In my opinion I think that the Cathedral in Florence is a work of art. This is because I think
that it is staggering that Brunelleschi made the dome with the lack of technology that he
had. And he created most of the technology himself. Brunelleschi took the classical idea of a
dome and improved it. He did the unthinkable. It is a work of art as well, because for people
in his time they would never had seen a building like this before. Other people might not
like the cathedral but that might be about trend, but I think that it is a matter of opinion and
my opinion is that it is.

How was it made/how does it look? It was made in bronze-making it took more
classical ideas
Why was it made? It is a Medici painting-funded
What is the symbolism behind it The war against Florence and Milan where
Florence were the under-dogs and still
won, which relates to the story and David
and Goliath


1475 He was born

1488 His father allowed his son to become an
apprentice in a studio in Florence
1492 Lorenzo died
1496 He was given work by the Pope
1501 He was called back to Florence to sculpt

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

1505 Pope told him to come to Rome and build a

1506 The Pope changed his mind and didnt want
the tomb to be built.
1508 He returned to Florence
1508-1512 Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel
1512 He returned to Florence and got involved in
1534-1539 The pope told him to paint a huge wall in
the Sistine chapel
1563 He died

I think that statement is correct this is because I think that without the Renaissance he
wouldn't have painted the paintings he did. In the renaissance paintings there were more
realistic and a high quality designs. Without this Michelangelo would not have been inspired
and paint the realistic designs he painted. Also, the Renaissance started in Italy so he would
have grown up in environment with paintings and he would have got inspired by this as
I think that statement B is false, in the Middle Ages there would not be any realistic
paintings so Michelangelo would not be inspired. Also in the middle ages painting style was
very different. In the Middle Ages patronage wouldnt have been a big thing.
The Spread of Printing
Block printing is letters that were carved out of blocks of wood and press on the sheet of
paper when dipped with ink. This was better than producing books by hand because it was
much quicker, it made books cheaper because more were being made, and opened up more
jobs. This opens up more jobs because people are needed to build the carved out blocks,
also it opens up jobs because they needed people to build the machinery that was used in
block printing.
Movable printing is when separate letters were made out of metal so they could be fitted in
different combinations to make words. This was better than block printing because in block
printing you have to carve out every single word by its own but with moveable printing you
only need carve out 24 letters

Some places change quicker than others some faces from different types of printing. Maybe
to the new modern type movable or stay as block printing. Other cities and countries and
enter the world of printing of the third more olden types of getting information across such
a storytelling and by mouth. Kenneth Clarke wrote civilisation in 1969 and said that 5th
century Greece and early 15th century Florence got on very well without printing and they
were as civilised as us.
I would expect that the price of books would go down because there were so many been
produced. There would be a lot of books now. Many more things have come from printing
like jobs adverts newspapers and bookshops

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

I think that's the biggest and most important change was that more people can read and
write. This is because now you don't have to you pay a lot of money for someone to get a
book for you and teach you. Buy you can just get materials from the newspapers and books
which would be much cheaper. This developed the country and more poorly worked so the
country would have much more money.

Leonardo de Vinci
I think that Leonardo da Vinci is talking about a parachute type thing in source B. This is
because if you jump off a building with a close tent attached to your back the wind would be
pushed against the tent and slow the rate of falling down.
Scientific observation are results in ideas. They wrote down that I do use carefully and in
detail. Greek books were kept by the Romans and is Islamic scholars
Leonardo used scientific observations in a different way. He wrote his observations down in
his notebook but use the codes. This code which could be read if you put a mirror by it.
A Machiavellian prince is someone who is deceptive and strong. You dont stand by your
morals. Even though if you have the strength and you can win by force, it is better to try and
win by deception. You have to be crowd pleasing and liked, respected. Has to be ruthless
when needs be.
Attached are 15 quotes from Machiavelli's The Prince. Machiavelli was the renaissance
writer and diplomat he wrote this book during his lifetime but it was not published until
1532 after death. It was designed as a manual to political leaders to teach them how to rule
the warring city-states of Italy such as Florence, Venice and Milan
This book is one of the most influential ever written leaders all over the world ever since
have read it and applied what's Machiavelli wrote to their own careers. Many other writes
have tried to improve upon Machiavelli's advice although not have the come so popular. In
fact the word Machiavellian has become a word to describe a certain type of political leader.
Think about what you understand the word to mean as it may help you. Read the quote on
the other page before attempting the questions below in your books make sure you use
specific references to the quotes in your answer.
A Machiavellian Prince was ruthless, manipulative, crown-pleasing and principled.

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

In the year 1514 Andrews was born.

In 1533 for Vesalius went to Paris to study with John Guinter. John Guinter just made a new
book about the human body which were the best of the time.
In 1537 Vesalius was made professor of anatomy at Padua university the government did
not mind supplying to university with dead bodies.
In 1543 Vesalius carried out for dissection and writes a book called the fabric of the human
body. He said he wanted to find the lost knowledge about the human body.
Galen was wrong about the jawbone because Vesalius found out that the human jawbone
was made of a single but when Galen said that it wasn't.
In source B Galen is the dissecting a pig when source D Vesalius is dissected a real body. Also
in source B there is only a few people there but in source D a whole crowd of people seem
to be watching. He carried out his dissection on Ian engraving. Sources B and D help explain
why Galen was wrong about the jawbone because you can see Galen operating on a pig.
Vesalius even said that animals have two jawbones which matches what Galen said.
His father being the doctor helped Vesalius find out more about the body because this
might have been where his interest of medicine could have come from. Also his father might
of helped him.
He stole parts of the body this helped him because instead of taking and examining animal
bodies which are not the same as ours he takes real human bodies from the gallows. Also
these bodies were fresh. He attended the University because they had the best books of the
time about the human body. He went with a person called John Guinter who has helped
writing in the book by Claudius Jean.
Galen inspired Vesalius to work with bodies. He also wanted to check if Galen was right and
when he found out that Galen was wrong about one thing for Vesalius wanted to study the
real human body and how it works.
In Padua at the local law court did not mind supplying university with dead bodies so they
could do dissections of the real human beings
He met skilled artist in Italy and they were in an important change about the style pictures
painted. Sometimes artists come to his lectures and artists would sketch what he was
talking about so he got pictures specially drawn so students would understand more.
He repeated scientific experiments on the body this either proved his point or it was to
check if he had made any mistakes
I think that the most important reason why Vesalius was able to find out about the human
body was that he works with the law courts in Padua. This is because if he wasn't supplied
with bodies it wouldn't have made a discovery is he did made.

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

The Renaissance questions

1. Name four figures of the Renaissance

The first figure of the Renaissance is Lorenzo de Medici. He came from the Medici family
and was the son of Cosimo de Medici. He was born in 1448 and died in 1492. In 1469 he
took over the bank, but two years before he died, in 1490 the bank was in serious trouble.
Lorenzo was called Magnificent Lorenzo. Lorenzo brought new graces and wealth to the city
state of Florence.
Lorenzo de Medici did not deserve the title of Magnificent because unlike Cosimo he
showed off and made it clear he was in charge. But Lorenzo wasn't that popular the Pazzi
family were jealous of Lorenzo so they plotted with Pope Sixtus IV to get rid of Lorenzo and
his brother. In the end they killed his brother but Lorenzo was able to escape. This implies
that the Lorenzo wasn't that popular. In source B it repetitively says that Lorenzo was a
tyrant which is another place where he is unpopular
It says that Lorenzo wanted glory and power and was a bigger tyrant that anyone else. Also
it says that Florence was never free under him. Whereas in another source it says that
everyone mourned his death.
The second figure of the Renaissance was Andreas Vesalius. In the year 1514 Andrews was
In 1533 for Vesalius went to Paris to study with John Guinter. John Guinter just made a new
book about the human body which were the best of the time.
In 1537 Vesalius was made professor of anatomy at Padua University the government did
not mind supplying to university with dead bodies.
In 1543 Vesalius carried out for dissection and writes a book called the fabric of the human
body. He said he wanted to find the lost knowledge about the human body.
In source B Galen is the dissecting a pig when source D Vesalius is dissected a real body. Also
in source B there is only a few people there but in source D a whole crowd of people seem
to be watching. He carried out his dissection on Ian engraving. Sources B and D help explain
why Galen was wrong about the jawbone because you can see Galen operating on a pig.
Vesalius even said that animals have two jawbones which matches what Galen said.
His father being the doctor helped Vesalius find out more about the body because this
might have been where his interest of medicine could have come from. Also his father might
have helped him.

He stole parts of the body this helped him because instead of taking and examining animal
bodies which are not the same as ours he takes real human bodies from the gallows. Also
these bodies were fresh. He attended the University because they had the best books of the
time about the human body. He went with a person called John Guinter who has helped
writing in the book by Claudius Jean.

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

Galen inspired Vesalius to work with bodies. He also wanted to check if Galen was right and
when he found out that Galen was wrong about one thing for Vesalius wanted to study the
real human body and how it works.
In Padua at the local law court did not mind supplying university with dead bodies so they
could do dissections of the real human beings
He met skilled artist in Italy and they were in an important change about the style pictures
painted. Sometimes artists come to his lectures and artists would sketch what he was
talking about so he got pictures specially drawn so students would understand more.
He repeated scientific experiments on the body this either proved his point or it was to
check if he had made any mistakes
I think that the most important reason why Vesalius was able to find out about the human
body was that he works with the law courts in Padua. This is because if he wasn't supplied
with bodies it wouldn't have made a discovery is he did made.

The third figure of the Renaissance was Gutenberg. Block printing is letters that were
carved out of blocks of wood and press on the sheet of paper when dipped with ink. This
was better than producing books by hand because it was much quicker, it made books
cheaper because more were being made, and opened up more jobs. This opens up more
jobs because people are needed to build the carved out blocks, also it opens up jobs
because they needed people to build the machinery that was used in block printing.
Movable printing is when separate letters were made out of metal so they could be fitted in
different combinations to make words. This was better than block printing because in block
printing you have to carve out every single word by its own but with moveable printing you
only need carve out 24 letters
Some places change quicker than others some faces from different types of printing. Maybe
to the new modern type movable or stay as block printing. Other cities and countries and
enter the world of printing of the third more olden types of getting information across such
a storytelling and by mouth. Kenneth Clarke wrote civilisation in 1969 and said that 5th
century Greece and early 15th century Florence got on very well without printing and they
were as civilised as us.
The fourth figure of the Renaissance is Machiavelli. A Machiavellian prince is someone who
is deceptive and strong. You dont stand by your morals. Even though if you have the
strength and you can win by force, it is better to try and win by deception. You have to be
crowd pleasing and liked, respected. Has to be ruthless when needs be.
Attached are 15 quotes from Machiavelli's The Prince. Machiavelli was the renaissance
writer and diplomat he wrote this book during his lifetime but it was not published until
1532 after death. It was designed as a manual to political leaders to teach them how to rule
the warring city-states of Italy such as Florence, Venice and Milan
This book is one of the most influential ever written leaders all over the world ever since
have read it and applied what's Machiavelli wrote to their own careers. Many other writes

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

have tried to improve upon Machiavelli's advice although not have the come so popular. In
fact the word Machiavellian has become a word to describe a certain type of political leader.
Think about what you understand the word to mean as it may help you. Read the quote on
the other page before attempting the questions below in your books make sure you use
specific references to the quotes in your answer.
A Machiavellian Prince was ruthless, manipulative, crown-pleasing and principled.
2. Why were these figures important to the Renaissance?
Lorenzo de Medici was an important figure of the Renaissance. Lorenzo was called
magnificent. This is because he overflowed the city of Florence with a lots of graces like
poetry, music, buildings and paintings. From the Florentine Histories composed by
Francesco Guicciardi. He was a friend of Machiavelli. This shows us that Lorenzo didnt want
everything for himself, but he got lots of different graces which enriched Florence with
culture. And made it the cultural capital of Italy. This is important to the Renaissance
because all of these paintings and architecture would have inspired painters to paint these
realistic and classicistic designs which made the Renaissance so famous. This is also
important for the Renaissance because with all these things in one place it was bound to
bring tourism. Tourism leads to more money and money leads to more Renaissance pieces
of arts being made. This goes on an ever going cycling which will make Florence rich.
Lorenzo de Medici was an important figure to the Renaissance. He also set up a branch of
Pisa University and spared no expense to get the best teachers in Italy, from Lorenzo by
Ralph Roeder. This is important to the Renaissance because it developed Florence in an
academic way. This means that the next generation of Florence graduates will be more
knowledgeable. So with more clever people they can find out more about the ancient
Romans and Greeks. This would have prompted the Renaissance a bit more because the
idea of the Renaissance was to do it better than the Classists. So when more knowledge is
found out more Renaissance inspired art is being made to try and better than the originals.
The final reason why Lorenzo de Medici was an important figure to the Renaissance was
that he paid a lot of money to get the best artists and scholars and Lorenzo carried back
prizes which made the Medici family and Florence so famous. This is important to the
Renaissance because he made Florence famous. Making a city famous brings tourism to that
city. And tourism brings wealth and wealth makes more Renaissance inspired art.

Andreas Vesalius was an important figure of the Renaissance. He found out more about the
human body than anyone else before his time. I wanted to find the lost knowledge about
the human body. We may not be as perfect as the ancient teachers but at least we can try
to get near their standards. From the Fabric of the Human Body, by Andreas Vesalius. This
is important because one of the main aspects of the Renaissance was the desire to know
everything and Vesalius might have showed people that it was possible to find out new
things which for nobody knew about before. It is also important because many pieces of art
were inspired by the new skeleton.

End of Year History Revision

Yusef Mohamed Rem D

Another reason why Andreas Vesalius was am important figure of the Renaissance is that he
offered people a new method of working. Before if someone did an experiment and didnt
correspond that was on the book then it was thought to be wrong. Vesalius repeated his
experiments to prove that he was either right or wrong. This is important because many
scientific theories were thought to be wrong because it was not thought of before, but after
Vesalius many scientists went over the theories which were thought to be wrong and tried
to prove if they were right or wrong. This might have led to Copernicus discovering that the
planets revolved around the sun no the other way round which was previously thought.
Johann Gutenberg was an important figure of the Renaissance. Before Gutenberg the
Chinese already knew about printing but they used block printing. Yes it was quicker than
writing by hand but they had to carve every single word in the whole dictionary which took
a long time. In 1436 a German merchant called Johann Gutenberg began experiments with
printing press. In 1454 he produced some printing for the pope. This is when he invented
moveable printing. This is important because more books are being made and at a higher
pace. This made it cheaper. I think the most important change was that more people can
read and write. This is because now you don't have to you pay a lot of money for someone
to get a book for you and teach you. Buy you can just get materials from the newspapers
and books which would be much cheaper. This developed the country and more poorly
worked so the country would have much more money.
Another reason why Johann Gutenberg was an important figure to the Renaissance was that
it opened much more job opportunities. This is because the printing press didnt just make
books but it started journalism, newspapers, adverts and bookshops. This is important
because it makes people richer and when people are richer they can afford to be a patron or
buy a Renaissance inspired piece of art.
Machiavelli is an important figure to the Renaissance. Machiavelli was the renaissance
writer and diplomat he wrote this book during his lifetime but it was not published until
1532 after death. This is important because this book is one of the most influential ever
written leaders all over the world ever since have read it and applied what's Machiavelli
wrote to their own careers. Many other writes have tried to improve upon Machiavelli's
advice although not have the come so popular. In fact the word Machiavellian has become a
word to describe a certain type of political leader.
3. To what extent do you agree that Lorenzo de Medici was a Machiavellian leader?
Not liked by the Pazzi
Not deceptive
He wasnt lion and fox
He punished people (if an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe and
that his vengeance need not feared.
He lived with the love of the people
He made himself feared
He didnt build on mud.

End of Year History Revision

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