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Personal Profile

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My Learning Styles and

What Motivates Me
I would have to say that I learn best using my hands
(tactile) and by listening and speaking (auditory). I am a
combination of the two with a little visual thrown in at
times I can think back and remember what I have seen
or read. I also remember things very well. My memory
plays back like a movie which makes me think I am also
a visual learner. Note taking is not an effective way for
me to learn as it interrupts my listening and causes me
to lose focus on what I am watching/ listening to.
What motivates me is being interested in the subject I
am learning about. If I have no interest I dont apply
myself. If I am extremely interested I invest myself
fully in what I am learning. As a child going through
school this was always a problem of mine. It was quite
evident on my report cards when I was interested in
what I was taking. Quite often I found I would do
poorly in a topic that interested me because the
information was not provided in an interesting way.
Teachers who were passionate about what they were
teaching made me excited to learn the subject and in
turn I did better in the class.

Who I Am As a Reflections on my values

and beliefs about
education and diversity...
As a student I was never one to study. It was not an effective way to
memorize information for me. The way I remembered was by ensuring I
listened to my teachers lectures and listened to classroom discussion, as well
as, participated in classroom discussion. I found projects always helped me to
take in information, but reading was generally a tedious task and it was hard
to remember what I read in textbooks unless I was absolutely enthralled in
the subject matter. Quite often when I read I zoned out and had to reread
what I just read. Im also the type of reader who has to read every word
I dont like to skim over a text so it always felt like it took forever to
get my readings done.
I have always been the student who only applied themself to what they were
interested in which explains why I skipped a lot of school and failed a
number of subjects in high school. In university I took what interested me,
but also what I was good at English. I found I was a much more successful
student in University, as I was interested in what I was learning about and I
was motivated to do well because I was interested in the subjects I was
taking. I also had the freedom to learn about what I wanted. The type of
teachers and professors I had usually influenced how well I did in the course,
depending on whether or not I had a positive relationship with them and also
if they were passionate about what they taught. I had no interest in
learning if the teacher didnt seem to have much interest in the subject.

I have always believed that everyone should be a part of a

community. Every person is unique in their own way and their
uniqueness should be celebrated.
Any child should be part of a classroom and be welcomed and
appreciated in their classroom.
All children should accept others for who they are, and be
reminded that its okay to be different and that not any person
is the same. When my students make comments about others
who are different I always use it as an opportunity to teach the
class about diversity connecting it with life in the real world.
Every child deserves the right to success. Curriculum should be
adapted or modified so that a student can be successful.
Differentiating instruction is essential to meet the needs of all
learners in the classroom.
It is important that students social emotional needs are met
or they will struggle to keep up with the demands of curriculum.
Students need to feel safe and cared for in their class in order
to learn.
It is important that every child in a classroom feels like they

Baseline in the
1. Develop

3. Investigate
I investigate educational theories and philosophies to inform my practice, more so
through Professional Development than reading. I find discussing my practice with
others and learning about the ways other teachers teach is more beneficial to
me than reading a text book. I use many strategies I learn about from discussions
with experienced teachers or by learning from workshops and demonstrations. I
feel as though this is a capacity I could always improve in.

4. Consult

I reflect on my practice but never write it down. Therefore, it is difficult for me

to start keeping a journal. When I was in the University of the Fraser Valley
Teacher Education Program, we were required to complete weekly reflections,
during our practicum, and send them to our faculty mentor. I always found this a
tedious task and quite often left it to the last minute. It is not something I have
ever gotten into. I tend to reflect in my head and alter my teaching that way.

I am always communicating and collaborating with others to support my students

learning. I am always having discussions with our support teachers and support
staff about ways to help each of our students. I attend professional development
sessions with my students learning in mind. Most of what I learn is because it in
some way supports a particular student. I consult with expert teachers on their
practice, and take their advice and use it. I communicate with my administrator
on ways to support my students needs (social emotional, health, safety and
learning needs). I have noticed that I like to work independently and not be given
help unless I want it. I am also very selective who I take advice from and dont
like being given advice when I dont ask for it, which is something I need to work

2. Create

5. Address

I have a disposition to inquire, however I am not aware of it. I find I constantly

think about my practice and am always changing how I teach to better myself
as a teacher. However, I am never really aware of my thinking. For this reason I
am finding it difficult to come up with inquiry questions.

I create a respectful, supportive and inclusive learning environment. My classroom

is designed to be a calm environment where my students feel safe. There is very
little visual stimulation. I have warm colours and I use lamps instead of the horrid
fluorescent lighting. I have a reading area with comfortable chairs, and I have
students desks set up so that students feel welcome to work independently or
with others. I have a rainbow table to work with small groups and the
educational assistant in the class has her own table and area. Everyone is
included in the class and the class belongs to everyone. I have a morning circle
every morning where students share their feelings and no one is there to judge.
Students know that everyone if different and that is okay. Students know I do
not tolerate disrespect of one another. I use differentiated learning through small
groups to meet the needs of all my students and scaffold instruction to help
students move along in the curriculum no matter where they might be.

I was always a student who struggled to sit still, who got in trouble for getting
out of my seat or talking, and for being late for school every day. I didnt do
particularly well on my assignments unless it was something I was really
interested in and I was always told that if I applied myself I would do much
better in school. I inform my students of this because they need to know that
nobody is perfect and i certainly wasnt. My class and I have discussions about
how we can overcome the obstacles put before us. We talk about what makes
us different from one another and similar. I show my students that I care about
them by listening to them and providing them with support the best way I know
how. I am always striving to implement new ways to teach so that all my
students succeed, no matter where they start. I show them that they are
making progress even if it may not seem like it. We talk daily about the diversity
in our classroom, school, and community and even in the world.

6. Advocate
I stand up for my students who do not have a voice. I try to get as much
support in my classroom as possible. I keep parents up to date on their childs
learning and behaviour. I ensure students needs are being met by scheduling school
based team meetings and attending IEP meetings. I continuously monitor student
success and show them and their parents. I ensure my students take control of
their own learning. They are given choice in their learning which in turn intrinsically
motivates them.
I am not afraid to involve the Ministry of Children and Family Development when I
feel one of my students is being neglected, mistreated, or abused at home.

7. Understand
I know my students. I talk with them frequently about their lives and I am
genuinely interested in who they are and how they feel. My days are structured
so students know what to expect, which leaves them feeling more comfortable
and lowers anxiety and stress. My classroom is set up so that my students feel
comfortable and safe. I provide a low stimulation setting so students can self
regulate and focus on their learning. I provide time for students to settle into the
classroom with a morning circle. This also allows for students to share anything
weighing them down and lets me know how their day is going to go and find
ways to help make each day successful for all my students.

Timeline of Key




- Birth (living with mom and dad in Burnaby)

- Mom moves with me to Surrey (Whalley)
- Move with mom to Chilliwack (see dad every
second weekend)
- Start kindergarten at Strathcona Elementary
- Start going to Chilliwack Middle School
- Start going to Chilliwack Senior
- Fail grade 10
- First job at Paramount movie theatre
- Begin working at Stream
- Graduate high school
- Start attending University College of the Fraser
- Begin working at Chilliwack Bingo
- Move out on my own for a couple of months
then go back to moms
- Take a year off school
- Diploma of Liberal Arts
- Start volunteering at Robertson Elmentary
(with Terry Mackie, Janice Farnley and Sonja
- Bachelor of Arts (English Writing and Rhetoric)
- Teaching English as a Second Language






- Accepted into University of the Fraser Valleys

Teacher Education Program
- Go to Denmark for 3 weeks
- Start Teacher Education Program
- Practicum at Tyson Elementary grade 3
- Graduate TEP/ hired in Chilliwack School District
- First contract (40% Evans Elementary grade 1/
30% ELL/ESD Student Services)
- Buy first home (condo)
- Teachers strike
- Watson Elementary (52%) kindergarten after 3
weeks moved to Evans Elementary (60%) grade 1
for rest of year
- Promontory Elementary grade 1 (100%) after 4
weeks moved to Central Elementary grade 1/2
(100%) for remainder of the year
- Accepted ELL/ESD continuing position with
Student Services in October (position held for
- Began Inclusive Education cohort with Simon
Fraser University

Vision for the Future

For the future of education, I would like to see more support for students with
exceptionalities. Money that has been taken away from Resource programs,
Learning Assistance, ESL and other essential learning services should be put back
the way it was prior to 2002. Classrooms should not be overcrowded and
students requiring assistance should get it. I would like to see an increase in
positions for Speech and Language professionals, Counsellors and Psychologists..

Hopes and dreams...

I am hopeful that our education system will get back on track. I am not sure when but one
day I believe our government will learn from its mistakes and put things right. My fear is that
it may take too long and the damage that has been done will be irreversible.

Because this is something that may never happen I need to accept the way
things are and try to change what I can. I have made some significant changes
to my teaching in order to accommodate the varying needs and abilities in my
class. I have found that the only way to teach to meet the needs of all
students is by using differentiated instruction (small groups). This way I can at
least scaffold in order to help students grow in their learning. I cannot expect a
student to be at grade level and I cannot teach them just what is in the
curriculum for that grade. I need to figure what that student knows and build
from there. This is something I have just started doing. I am a new teacher and I
am learning everyday how to be an effective teacher. This is the way it looks
like education is going in order to accommodate students. I am hoping that it
continues. This has always been the way I tried teaching, now I am starting to
feel successful at it. Whole group instruction in literacy and numeracy is not
appropriate for our diverse learners anymore.

My hope for students with exceptionalities is that they will get the support they need, they
will feel included in their classroom, school and community and they will feel like they
belong. I hope they will no longer be treated unequally or put down because of something
they have no control over (this goes for anyone being of a minority)
My dream is that society will stop caring about what is normal, stop judging one another and
just learn to accept others for who they are.

Where I am From...

and a heritage I am proud of

I am from a
home that loves
and cares for all
Where there is
no such thing as
a lesser being

I am from a family who loves me a family who I may not get to

see as often as I would like but who are always there for me

I am an only child living with my

mother and seeing my father every
second weekend.
I am from a mother who loves me
dearly and would do anything for
and a father who did everything he
could to ensure I was a strong
capable woman, who never gave in
but always ensured I had what I
needed and supported me, who has
always been there for me
I am from a Country of freedom

I am from a life of enjoyment, not afraid to take chances

I am from stupid mistakes that made me proud to be who I am
I am from late nights and lazy mornings
I am from hard work to get to where I am today
I am from self-doubt that thought at times I couldnt do it

I am from realizing
that with hard work
and dedication
anything is possible.

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