Personal Profile
Personal Profile
Personal Profile
Baseline in the
1. Develop
3. Investigate
I investigate educational theories and philosophies to inform my practice, more so
through Professional Development than reading. I find discussing my practice with
others and learning about the ways other teachers teach is more beneficial to
me than reading a text book. I use many strategies I learn about from discussions
with experienced teachers or by learning from workshops and demonstrations. I
feel as though this is a capacity I could always improve in.
4. Consult
2. Create
5. Address
I was always a student who struggled to sit still, who got in trouble for getting
out of my seat or talking, and for being late for school every day. I didnt do
particularly well on my assignments unless it was something I was really
interested in and I was always told that if I applied myself I would do much
better in school. I inform my students of this because they need to know that
nobody is perfect and i certainly wasnt. My class and I have discussions about
how we can overcome the obstacles put before us. We talk about what makes
us different from one another and similar. I show my students that I care about
them by listening to them and providing them with support the best way I know
how. I am always striving to implement new ways to teach so that all my
students succeed, no matter where they start. I show them that they are
making progress even if it may not seem like it. We talk daily about the diversity
in our classroom, school, and community and even in the world.
6. Advocate
I stand up for my students who do not have a voice. I try to get as much
support in my classroom as possible. I keep parents up to date on their childs
learning and behaviour. I ensure students needs are being met by scheduling school
based team meetings and attending IEP meetings. I continuously monitor student
success and show them and their parents. I ensure my students take control of
their own learning. They are given choice in their learning which in turn intrinsically
motivates them.
I am not afraid to involve the Ministry of Children and Family Development when I
feel one of my students is being neglected, mistreated, or abused at home.
7. Understand
I know my students. I talk with them frequently about their lives and I am
genuinely interested in who they are and how they feel. My days are structured
so students know what to expect, which leaves them feeling more comfortable
and lowers anxiety and stress. My classroom is set up so that my students feel
comfortable and safe. I provide a low stimulation setting so students can self
regulate and focus on their learning. I provide time for students to settle into the
classroom with a morning circle. This also allows for students to share anything
weighing them down and lets me know how their day is going to go and find
ways to help make each day successful for all my students.
Timeline of Key
Because this is something that may never happen I need to accept the way
things are and try to change what I can. I have made some significant changes
to my teaching in order to accommodate the varying needs and abilities in my
class. I have found that the only way to teach to meet the needs of all
students is by using differentiated instruction (small groups). This way I can at
least scaffold in order to help students grow in their learning. I cannot expect a
student to be at grade level and I cannot teach them just what is in the
curriculum for that grade. I need to figure what that student knows and build
from there. This is something I have just started doing. I am a new teacher and I
am learning everyday how to be an effective teacher. This is the way it looks
like education is going in order to accommodate students. I am hoping that it
continues. This has always been the way I tried teaching, now I am starting to
feel successful at it. Whole group instruction in literacy and numeracy is not
appropriate for our diverse learners anymore.
My hope for students with exceptionalities is that they will get the support they need, they
will feel included in their classroom, school and community and they will feel like they
belong. I hope they will no longer be treated unequally or put down because of something
they have no control over (this goes for anyone being of a minority)
My dream is that society will stop caring about what is normal, stop judging one another and
just learn to accept others for who they are.
Where I am From...
I am from a
home that loves
and cares for all
Where there is
no such thing as
a lesser being
I am from realizing
that with hard work
and dedication
anything is possible.