Section Two 2
Section Two 2
Section Two 2
The love of teaching and love for children was always there in me. I always wanted to
know how children develop and learn. How do they think and how do they make sense of the
world around them? My curiosity about young children grew even more with time. I decided to
study Early Childhood Education at college level first, I learned a lot and I was able to teach my
own child and watch him grow and learn. From that point I wanted to know more, I joined
university and graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education. My goal was to work
with young children and I was fortunate enough to get hired at the Peel District School Board as
an Early Childhood Educator. The love of teaching and learning does not stop, that why I
decided to join Medaille College and pursue my degree in the Masters of Science in Education
In section one of my portfolio project introduction I mentioned that this is an opportunity
for me to showcase my proficiency in teaching and my ability to demonstrate my possession of
the major teacher competencies of planning, instruction, evaluation, making accommodations,
providing students with a safe environment where they can learn and reach their potential,
collaborating with my peers, my willingness to engage in professional development, as well as
the understanding and use of curricular and professional standards. In this section I will also will
provide details about my educational and work-related experiences which inspired me to pursue
a career as an elementary teacher. I will also highlight relevant classroom observations along
with applications, my philosophy of education, and resume in the hopes of demonstrating my
professional development journey thus far.