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Roshan Reginold

Mr. Gallagher
Feburary 17, 2015

1) I agree with the author that people are packeging themselves like a brand to be sold, in the
sense that they are many negitive results, impacting the human mentalitty with depressing
thoughts. The negitive resluts of this narstic trend is bascically that people of dehumanzintion of
the human race, leading to the ultamite downfall of human race. People have lost their sense of
morals due to this narrsic development, they are becoming post human creatures. Humans are
turning themselves into objects for other peoples enjoyment, which is not acceptable. God gave
us a mind, body and soul for a reason, we should use it to our full advantage in the sense that we
are embracing our exsistance and not destroying our exsisitance through narissm. It would be
completely igronorant to packege ourselves as a brand to be sold, but yet do to the advancement
of techonogly this caused the expansion of the narrism disese affect many young people today.
2) Increasing naricissm can cause major defect to the huamnity mentality causing downfall of
human person. Humans will longer be productive leading to downfall in the world economy, then
it will cause an extitienital diaster for humanity. We will live in a world where everyone is selfcentred. People will no longer relize the value of human life, and see that their life is more
important than others, this can cause people with worthless lives to be killed. As people become
more narsistc they begin to close down their surroudings and solely focus on themselves,
creating this bubble around them. Reports show that people with narisitc behaviour tend to have
anger issues when people critize them of their faults. This shows that nasrticm can lead to
destructive behibiour leading to downfall to the own indudual. Its better to accept the way God
created you, rather than just developing this narcistic behviour.
3) Narcissm is like a diesease that prevents the indivudl from being productive from daily works.
Psychologically, we like to imitate what other people do for the sake of making oursevles happy,
unforutnalty this includes narrissm. This disesee of narissm has become this trend amoung
teenagers, to impress other people through their overflowing self love. Luckily this desesise has a
cure for it such as to limit the use of techonolgy for that indicuval. The indivual must isolate
themselves from techonlogy, since that is the main source of human narsistic behaviour. The
study of history can broaden the individual perscpetive on the themselves and modern soicety to
a high degree of moral effiencivly. History allows us to observe the lives of various indivuals
who lived lives of dignity and amazment. We have the capacity to think from different
perceptives of the human mind through various civliazation in history, such as the Ancient
Eyterns to the Greeks, they showed signs of nariistic behaviour. The statues of greeks showed

muscular and almost perfectly shaped men, on the other hand the eqyptains had many cave
paintings of themselves which depiticed them as good looking people, this is solid evidence of
narrisitc behoavioru in ancient ciclization. But his this is narciism within the boundaires, these
anceint civlization manges to be productive and create materials that would enchance future
generation. As humans, it is in our moral tendency to look up to these civilzations and follow
their way of life, to prevent the downfall of our society.

4) Narcissm is quite different from high a self of steam, some people argue that both concepts are
simliar even though there not. The theorectical definiation narcissm is too much self love through
physical appearance and high self of steem is a high ego or having postive opinion about your
self, which is not psycholigcally deadly as naricisim. High self of steam can be used in a way to
spread postivity through out the indivualul's surroudings while maintaining their well being.
However, logically it can lead to another, too much high self of steam can lead to the
pscylogically corruption of the indivual mind which is relitivelyy unhealthy, causing narcism,
which is too much self love. Scientifically narcissim is the resultant of high self of steam.
According to the telelogical ethics of Arisitole he says that we are always in the search of
happiness, so we would do whatever it takes to satify that need of happiness. Psycholically once
we get to the highest self of steam we turn to narcissm, which is shows that the indivual has a
history of low self-steam and therefore relizes on the essence narrcissm as a way out.
5) This narisscm epidemic lead American culture to "a land of graindose fantasy" in the sense,
that many people feel that the world revolves around them, even though it's not. Many
Americans are experiencing the illusion that they are the top of the world. This is narrissicm
epidemic has affected many innocent americans, starting with the younger generations since they
are an easy target. This of course is a fair statement since american culture is an increditble
fanatasy in the sense that everything is complete materilism, nothing is natuarl anymore,
evything has been modified to create this narsisistic illusion atmoshpere. For example America's
love for Disney movies, the fact that all Disney characters look completely perfect and are very
keen about their looks, this creates this amazing fantazy in which influence the user to bebhave
in a simlar way, having a major psycholigcal effect on the being.
6) I strongly agree that young people feel "tredomous presrure to self -promote and keep up in a
materilic world". Young people feel the need to take pictures all the time and post them on social
media, just to get likes and postive comments. But in essence they are recvieing an illusion that
the world revolves around them. Due to the invention of social media young people feel the need
to expose themselves in order to impress society and the world. They are many everyday
examples of the "look at me mentality in my daily life", such as the abiltiy to take selfies and
chose the best one and then apply photo editing to it to enchance the beauty of the indiduval. But
in essence social media is basically a time killer, we spend most of our presious time on
something that doesn't physically esist. If we had the moral tendenday we could use that enegery

on rather something produtive such as getting good grades or helping out in the community.
Another example would be the clothes we wear to impress ourselves and other people, we go far
as buying branded clothing for around hundreds of dollars even though it may cost around five to
ten dollars to make. To self-promote oursleves throug soical media is a complete waste of time. A
Greek philoshoper , Plato said that we should contempate about the beatuy of our surroudings,
not the artifical beauty of techonolgy and narcsism. As young people, it is in our obligation to
say no to narcisim and self-promtion in ecshange for self-awareness and modesty, we must find
our own path to fight the evils of social determinsim and narcism or else we will just become a
by-product of society.
7) Narcissism can be good if used with moderation and stays within the boundaries. If it expands
outside the boundaries then it can become a psychological hazard that can hurt the individual.
But of course if it is used with moderation then it can help the individual increase their selfconfidence. Unfortunately it can give the ego a major boost which is quite unhealthy, according
to the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud he says that there must a balance between the ego and id
in order to maintain a stable state of mind. However in the theoretical sense, this logic is quite
faulty in many ways, it can lead to the ultimate downfall of the individual is used to a greater
extent. Naricissm can take over the individual mind causing them to close down their selfawareness in place of their overflowing self-love, they fall into self-centred world. This epidemic
has caused many problems in America such as "phony rich people, phony beauty, phony atheltes
and etc, but these are not legtimate reasons for their success, they are using narsissim to numb
the pain. They may feel good on the outside but yet very shallow on the inside, it's like injecting
yourself with drugs to temporary feel good about yourself, eventually that feeling will wear of
and your would want more. In esssence, self love is esstenatil to human development, but too
much of it can hurt the indidvual.
8) Sesame Street is really to blame for all this considering that they planted the seeds into the
younger generation and that disease spread rather quickly affecting different age groups and
innocent young children. One of the main characters in Sesame Street is Elmo, who is viewed
upon as a narcissistic creature who really likes to show love towards himself. This allows little
innocent children to follow the same path and eventually these children develop into narcissistic
teenagers. These beings eventually fall deeper into the hole and expose themselves to the world
of social media. They eventually start packaging themselves like a brand to be sold. In the
doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas he says that the top three sins within our existence are the sin of
the world, flesh, and the devil. The first two sin are doing a great job of taking control of
humans that the devil doesnt have to interfere. This narcissistic behaviour starts from our
childhood and eventually grows to the point that we commit sin with accordance to our worldly
surroundings and starts becoming obsessed with the shape of our body and how we look, we
often fall into the temptation following what society says such as losing weight, putting on a lot
of makeup etc. Society is indirectly turning us into narcissistic beings, through TV shows,
celebrities, social media, and grade inflation at various schools creating fake genius, such as me.

This narcissistic behaviour only dehumanizes the individual leading them to the essence of
capitalism. They begin to look at life at a materialistic perspective as opposed to the natural
perspective, which causes them to continually spend their money in order to satisfy their needs.
Its quite ironic how all this started with a childhood shows, with Sesame Street being one of
1) I agree with the author that people are packeging themselves like a brand to be sold, in the
sense that they are many negitive results, impacting the human mentalitty with depressing
thoughts. The negitive resluts of this narstic trend is bascically that people of dehumanzintion of
the human race, leading to the ultamite downfall of human race. People have lost their sense of
morals due to this narrsic development, they are becoming post human creatures. Humans are
turning themselves into objects for other peoples enjoyment, which is not acceptable. God gave
us a mind, body and soul for a reason, we should use it to our full advantage in the sense that we
are embracing our exsistance and not destroying our exsisitance through narissm. It would be
completely igronorant to packege ourselves as a brand to be sold, but yet do to the advancement
of techonogly this caused the expansion of the narrism disese affect many young people today.
2) Increasing naricissm can cause major defect to the huamnity mentality causing downfall of
human person. Humans will longer be productive leading to downfall in the world economy, then
it will cause an extitienital diaster for humanity. We will live in a world where everyone is selfcentred. People will no longer relize the value of human life, and see that their life is more
important than others, this can cause people with worthless lives to be killed. As people become
more narsistc they begin to close down their surroudings and solely focus on themselves,
creating this bubble around them. Reports show that people with narisitc behaviour tend to have
anger issues when people critize them of their faults. This shows that nasrticm can lead to
destructive behibiour leading to downfall to the own indudual. Its better to accept the way God
created you, rather than just developing this narcistic behviour.
3) Narcissm is like a diesease that prevents the indivudl from being productive from daily works.
Psychologically, we like to imitate what other people do for the sake of making oursevles happy,
unforutnalty this includes narrissm. This disesee of narissm has become this trend amoung
teenagers, to impress other people through their overflowing self love. Luckily this desesise has a
cure for it such as to limit the use of techonolgy for that indicuval. The indivual must isolate
themselves from techonlogy, since that is the main source of human narsistic behaviour. The
study of history can broaden the individual perscpetive on the themselves and modern soicety to
a high degree of moral effiencivly. History allows us to observe the lives of various indivuals
who lived lives of dignity and amazment. We have the capacity to think from different
perceptives of the human mind through various civliazation in history, such as the Ancient
Eyterns to the Greeks, they showed signs of nariistic behaviour. The statues of greeks showed
muscular and almost perfectly shaped men, on the other hand the eqyptains had many cave
paintings of themselves which depiticed them as good looking people, this is solid evidence of
narrisitc behoavioru in ancient ciclization. But his this is narciism within the boundaires, these

anceint civlization manges to be productive and create materials that would enchance future
generation. As humans, it is in our moral tendency to look up to these civilzations and follow
their way of life, to prevent the downfall of our society.
1) I agree with the author that people are packeging themselves like a brand to be sold, in the
sense that they are many negitive results, impacting the human mentalitty with depressing
thoughts. The negitive resluts of this narstic trend is bascically that people of dehumanzintion of
the human race, leading to the ultamite downfall of human race. People have lost their sense of
morals due to this narrsic development, they are becoming post human creatures. Humans are
turning themselves into objects for other peoples enjoyment, which is not acceptable. God gave
us a mind, body and soul for a reason, we should use it to our full advantage in the sense that we
are embracing our exsistance and not destroying our exsisitance through narissm. It would be
completely igronorant to packege ourselves as a brand to be sold, but yet do to the advancement
of techonogly this caused the expansion of the narrism disese affect many young people today.
2) Increasing naricissm can cause major defect to the huamnity mentality causing downfall of
human person. Humans will longer be productive leading to downfall in the world economy, then
it will cause an extitienital diaster for humanity. We will live in a world where everyone is selfcentred. People will no longer relize the value of human life, and see that their life is more
important than others, this can cause people with worthless lives to be killed. As people become
more narsistc they begin to close down their surroudings and solely focus on themselves,
creating this bubble around them. Reports show that people with narisitc behaviour tend to have
anger issues when people critize them of their faults. This shows that nasrticm can lead to
destructive behibiour leading to downfall to the own indudual. Its better to accept the way God
created you, rather than just developing this narcistic behviour.
3) Narcissm is like a diesease that prevents the indivudl from being productive from daily works.
Psychologically, we like to imitate what other people do for the sake of making oursevles happy,
unforutnalty this includes narrissm. This disesee of narissm has become this trend amoung
teenagers, to impress other people through their overflowing self love. Luckily this desesise has a
cure for it such as to limit the use of techonolgy for that indicuval. The indivual must isolate
themselves from techonlogy, since that is the main source of human narsistic behaviour. The
study of history can broaden the individual perscpetive on the themselves and modern soicety to
a high degree of moral effiencivly. History allows us to observe the lives of various indivuals
who lived lives of dignity and amazment. We have the capacity to think from different
perceptives of the human mind through various civliazation in history, such as the Ancient
Eyterns to the Greeks, they showed signs of nariistic behaviour. The statues of greeks showed
muscular and almost perfectly shaped men, on the other hand the eqyptains had many cave
paintings of themselves which depiticed them as good looking people, this is solid evidence of
narrisitc behoavioru in ancient ciclization. But his this is narciism within the boundaires, these
anceint civlization manges to be productive and create materials that would enchance future

generation. As humans, it is in our moral tendency to look up to these civilzations and follow
their way of life, to prevent the downfall of our society.
1) I agree with the author that people are packeging themselves like a brand to be sold, in the
sense that they are many negitive results, impacting the human mentalitty with depressing
thoughts. The negitive resluts of this narstic trend is bascically that people of dehumanzintion of
the human race, leading to the ultamite downfall of human race. People have lost their sense of
morals due to this narrsic development, they are becoming post human creatures. Humans are
turning themselves into objects for other peoples enjoyment, which is not acceptable. God gave
us a mind, body and soul for a reason, we should use it to our full advantage in the sense that we
are embracing our exsistance and not destroying our exsisitance through narissm. It would be
completely igronorant to packege ourselves as a brand to be sold, but yet do to the advancement
of techonogly this caused the expansion of the narrism disese affect many young people today.
2) Increasing naricissm can cause major defect to the huamnity mentality causing downfall of
human person. Humans will longer be productive leading to downfall in the world economy, then
it will cause an extitienital diaster for humanity. We will live in a world where everyone is selfcentred. People will no longer relize the value of human life, and see that their life is more
important than others, this can cause people with worthless lives to be killed. As people become
more narsistc they begin to close down their surroudings and solely focus on themselves,
creating this bubble around them. Reports show that people with narisitc behaviour tend to have
anger issues when people critize them of their faults. This shows that nasrticm can lead to
destructive behibiour leading to downfall to the own indudual. Its better to accept the way God
created you, rather than just developing this narcistic behviour.
3) Narcissm is like a diesease that prevents the indivudl from being productive from daily works.
Psychologically, we like to imitate what other people do for the sake of making oursevles happy,
unforutnalty this includes narrissm. This disesee of narissm has become this trend amoung
teenagers, to impress other people through their overflowing self love. Luckily this desesise has a
cure for it such as to limit the use of techonolgy for that indicuval. The indivual must isolate
themselves from techonlogy, since that is the main source of human narsistic behaviour. The
study of history can broaden the individual perscpetive on the themselves and modern soicety to
a high degree of moral effiencivly. History allows us to observe the lives of various indivuals
who lived lives of dignity and amazment. We have the capacity to think from different
perceptives of the human mind through various civliazation in history, such as the Ancient
Eyterns to the Greeks, they showed signs of nariistic behaviour. The statues of greeks showed
muscular and almost perfectly shaped men, on the other hand the eqyptains had many cave
paintings of themselves which depiticed them as good looking people, this is solid evidence of
narrisitc behoavioru in ancient ciclization. But his this is narciism within the boundaires, these
anceint civlization manges to be productive and create materials that would enchance future
generation. As humans, it is in our moral tendency to look up to these civilzations and follow
their way of life, to prevent the downfall of our society.

1) I agree with the author that people are packeging themselves like a brand to be sold, in the
sense that they are many negitive results, impacting the human mentalitty with depressing
thoughts. The negitive resluts of this narstic trend is bascically that people of dehumanzintion of
the human race, leading to the ultamite downfall of human race. People have lost their sense of
morals due to this narrsic development, they are becoming post human creatures. Humans are
turning themselves into objects for other peoples enjoyment, which is not acceptable. God gave
us a mind, body and soul for a reason, we should use it to our full advantage in the sense that we
are embracing our exsistance and not destroying our exsisitance through narissm. It would be
completely igronorant to packege ourselves as a brand to be sold, but yet do to the advancement
of techonogly this caused the expansion of the narrism disese affect many young people today.
2) Increasing naricissm can cause major defect to the huamnity mentality causing downfall of
human person. Humans will longer be productive leading to downfall in the world economy, then
it will cause an extitienital diaster for humanity. We will live in a world where everyone is selfcentred. People will no longer relize the value of human life, and see that their life is more
important than others, this can cause people with worthless lives to be killed. As people become
more narsistc they begin to close down their surroudings and solely focus on themselves,
creating this bubble around them. Reports show that people with narisitc behaviour tend to have
anger issues when people critize them of their faults. This shows that nasrticm can lead to
destructive behibiour leading to downfall to the own indudual. Its better to accept the way God
created you, rather than just developing this narcistic behviour.
3) Narcissm is like a diesease that prevents the indivudl from being productive from daily works.
Psychologically, we like to imitate what other people do for the sake of making oursevles happy,
unforutnalty this includes narrissm. This disesee of narissm has become this trend amoung
teenagers, to impress other people through their overflowing self love. Luckily this desesise has a
cure for it such as to limit the use of techonolgy for that indicuval. The indivual must isolate
themselves from techonlogy, since that is the main source of human narsistic behaviour. The
study of history can broaden the individual perscpetive on the themselves and modern soicety to
a high degree of moral effiencivly. History allows us to observe the lives of various indivuals
who lived lives of dignity and amazment. We have the capacity to think from different
perceptives of the human mind through various civliazation in history, such as the Ancient
Eyterns to the Greeks, they showed signs of nariistic behaviour. The statues of greeks showed
muscular and almost perfectly shaped men, on the other hand the eqyptains had many cave
paintings of themselves which depiticed them as good looking people, this is solid evidence of
narrisitc behoavioru in ancient ciclization. But his this is narciism within the boundaires, these
anceint civlization manges to be productive and create materials that would enchance future
generation. As humans, it is in our moral tendency to look up to these civilzations and follow
their way of life, to prevent the downfall of our society.
1) I agree with the author that people are packeging themselves like a brand to be sold, in the
sense that they are many negitive results, impacting the human mentalitty with depressing

thoughts. The negitive resluts of this narstic trend is bascically that people of dehumanzintion of
the human race, leading to the ultamite downfall of human race. People have lost their sense of
morals due to this narrsic development, they are becoming post human creatures. Humans are
turning themselves into objects for other peoples enjoyment, which is not acceptable. God gave
us a mind, body and soul for a reason, we should use it to our full advantage in the sense that we
are embracing our exsistance and not destroying our exsisitance through narissm. It would be
completely igronorant to packege ourselves as a brand to be sold, but yet do to the advancement
of techonogly this caused the expansion of the narrism disese affect many young people today.
2) Increasing naricissm can cause major defect to the huamnity mentality causing downfall of
human person. Humans will longer be productive leading to downfall in the world economy, then
it will cause an extitienital diaster for humanity. We will live in a world where everyone is selfcentred. People will no longer relize the value of human life, and see that their life is more
important than others, this can cause people with worthless lives to be killed. As people become
more narsistc they begin to close down their surroudings and solely focus on themselves,
creating this bubble around them. Reports show that people with narisitc behaviour tend to have
anger issues when people critize them of their faults. This shows that nasrticm can lead to
destructive behibiour leading to downfall to the own indudual. Its better to accept the way God
created you, rather than just developing this narcistic behviour.
3) Narcissm is like a diesease that prevents the indivudl from being productive from daily works.
Psychologically, we like to imitate what other people do for the sake of making oursevles happy,
unforutnalty this includes narrissm. This disesee of narissm has become this trend amoung
teenagers, to impress other people through their overflowing self love. Luckily this desesise has a
cure for it such as to limit the use of techonolgy for that indicuval. The indivual must isolate
themselves from techonlogy, since that is the main source of human narsistic behaviour. The
study of history can broaden the individual perscpetive on the themselves and modern soicety to
a high degree of moral effiencivly. History allows us to observe the lives of various indivuals
who lived lives of dignity and amazment. We have the capacity to think from different
perceptives of the human mind through various civliazation in history, such as the Ancient
Eyterns to the Greeks, they showed signs of nariistic behaviour. The statues of greeks showed
muscular and almost perfectly shaped men, on the other hand the eqyptains had many cave
paintings of themselves which depiticed them as good looking people, this is solid evidence of
narrisitc behoavioru in ancient ciclization. But his this is narciism within the boundaires, these
anceint civlization manges to be productive and create materials that would enchance future
generation. As humans, it is in our moral tendency to look up to these civilzations and follow
their way of life, to prevent the downfall of our society.

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