This document provides an overview of chlorine dosage, demand, and residual in water treatment. It defines these three terms and explains their relationship using an equation. Chlorine dosage is the amount of chlorine added, demand is the amount used up reacting with substances, and residual is the amount remaining to act as a disinfectant. The document then describes a colorimetric test method to measure chlorine residual using a spectrophotometer or filter photometer. It lists the required reagents, equipment, and step-by-step laboratory procedure to perform the test and calculate results.
This document provides an overview of chlorine dosage, demand, and residual in water treatment. It defines these three terms and explains their relationship using an equation. Chlorine dosage is the amount of chlorine added, demand is the amount used up reacting with substances, and residual is the amount remaining to act as a disinfectant. The document then describes a colorimetric test method to measure chlorine residual using a spectrophotometer or filter photometer. It lists the required reagents, equipment, and step-by-step laboratory procedure to perform the test and calculate results.
This document provides an overview of chlorine dosage, demand, and residual in water treatment. It defines these three terms and explains their relationship using an equation. Chlorine dosage is the amount of chlorine added, demand is the amount used up reacting with substances, and residual is the amount remaining to act as a disinfectant. The document then describes a colorimetric test method to measure chlorine residual using a spectrophotometer or filter photometer. It lists the required reagents, equipment, and step-by-step laboratory procedure to perform the test and calculate results.
This document provides an overview of chlorine dosage, demand, and residual in water treatment. It defines these three terms and explains their relationship using an equation. Chlorine dosage is the amount of chlorine added, demand is the amount used up reacting with substances, and residual is the amount remaining to act as a disinfectant. The document then describes a colorimetric test method to measure chlorine residual using a spectrophotometer or filter photometer. It lists the required reagents, equipment, and step-by-step laboratory procedure to perform the test and calculate results.
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Lab 9:
Chlorine Residual and Chlorine Demand
Reading Assignment Read Chapters 7 and 8 in Simplified Procedures for Water Examination. Chlorine Dose, Demand, and Residual Most water treatment plants are required to disinfect the water, a process used to kill harmful bacteria. The most frequently used method of disinfection is the addition of chlorine. Here, we will briefly introduce three terms used durin chlorination ! chlorine dose, chlorine demand, and chlorine residual. These three characteristics are related to each other usin the followin equation" #Chlorine demand$ % #Chlorine dose$ ! #Chlorine residual$ The amount of chlorine added to the water is known as the chlorine dose. This is a measured quantity chosen by the operator and introduced into the water usin a chlorinator or hypochlorinator. &s the chlorine reacts with bacteria and chemicals in the water, some of the chlorine is used up. The amount of chlorine used up by reactin with substances in the water is known as the chlorine demand. 'f nothin reacts with the chlorine #as would be the case in distilled water$, then the chlorine demand is (ero. Howe)er, in most cases the operator should count on some of the chlorine dose bein used up when it reacts with substances in the water. The amount of chlorine remainin in the water after some of the chlorine reacts with substances in the water is known as the chlorine residual. This lab introduces a test which can be used to calculate the chlorine residual. The chlorine residual is the most important of these three )alues ! dose, demand, and residual ! because it represents the actual amount of chlorine remainin in the water to act as a disinfectant. The test for chlorine residual is performed frequently at most water treatment plants. *ince reulations require a certain le)el of chlorine in water at the far ends of the distribution system, operators should be sure to test the chlorine residual in the distribution system as well as in the clear well. Introduction to Testing Procedures The +,+ Colorimetric Method introduced in this lab is one of se)eral procedures which can be used to test for chlorine residual. This method requires compensation for color and turbidity and can detect chlorine concentrations only as low as -. u as Cl / 01. Standard Methods introduces se)eral other procedures and e2plains which procedures are most effecti)e under a )ariety of circumstances. 'n e)ery case, remember that chlorine is a relati)ely )olatile substance and that samples should be tested as soon as possible after the water is collected. The chemistry in)ol)ed in the +,+ Colorimetric Method is relati)ely simple. The buffer lowers the pH of the sample to 3 or less. 'n this pH rane, chlorine in the water is able to react with the added potassium iodide, replacin the iodine which is released into the solution as shown below" /4' 5 Cl / /4Cl 5 ' / 6hen free iodine becomes present in the water, the indicator makes the solution chane to a red color, with the intensity of the color equi)alent to the amount of chlorine found in the solution. Equiment This procedure requires a piece of colorimetric equipment, some lassware, and titration equipment. The colorimetric equipment must be one of the followin" *pectrophotometer, for use at a wa)elenth of 7-7 nm and pro)idin a liht path of - cm or loner. 8ilter photometer, equipped with a filter ha)in ma2imum transmission in the wa)elenth rane of 39. to 7:. nm and pro)idin a liht path of - cm or loner. Reagents *tandard potassium permananate solutions ,hosphate buffer solution ;,;!+iethyl!p!phenylenediamine #+,+$ indicator solution *tandard ferrous ammonium sulfate #8&*$ titrant ,otassium iodide #4'$ crystals Chlorine!demand!free water #8or information on how to prepare these reaents, see p. 3!</ in Standard Methods.$ Laborator! Procedure -. Calibrate the photometric equipment usin the followin procedure. ;ote that this procedure uses potassium permananate solutions. =ou can use chlorine solutions to calibrate the equipment by followin the procedure in Standard Methods on paes 3!<: to 3!<3. a. *et -..>T on the spectrophotometer or filter photometer usin a distilled water blank, in accordance with manufacturer?s instructions. #,repare the distilled water blank in the same manner as you prepare the sample for testin.$ b. ,repare a series of potassium permananate standards co)erin the equi)alent chlorine rane of ...7 to 3 m01. #The procedure for producin the standards is e2plained in Standard Methods on pae 3!<3.$ c. 1abel empty flasks for each standard. ,lace 7 m1 of phosphate buffer and 7 m1 of +,+ indicator reaent in each labelled flask. d. &dd -.. m1 of each prepared potassium permananate standard solution to the appropriate flask and mi2 thorouhly. e. 8ill a photometer or colorimeter cell with the solution in each flask and read each standard at a wa)elenth of 7-7 nm. f. 'n the data section, plot a standard cur)e of m01 equi)alent chlorine )ersus >T. . Return the cell contents to the appropriate flask and titrate with 8&* titrant as a check on any absorption of permananate by distilled water. /. Measure the chlorine content of the sample. a. ,ipette ..7 m1 of phosphate buffer solution into an empty test tube. b. &dd ..7 m1 of +,+ indicator solution to the test tube. c. &dd -. m1 of sample water and read the color immediately. @se the standard cur)e to determine the amount of chlorine in the sample. Record this in the +ata section as Readin &. d. Continue by addin one )ery small crystal of 4' #about ..- m$ to the test tube and mi2in. Read the color immediately. @se the standard cur)e to determine the amount of chlorine in the sample. Record this in the +ata section as Readin A. e. Continue by addin se)eral crystals of 4' #about ..- $ to the test tube and mi2in. 1et the solution stand for about two minutes to allow color to de)elop, then read the color. @se the standard cur)e to determine the amount of chlorine in the sample. Record this in the +ata section as Readin C. f. ,lace a )ery small crystal of 4' #about ..- m$ in a clean test tube. &dd -. m1 of the sample and mi2. 'n a separate tube, add ..7 m1 of the phosphate buffer solution and and ..7 m1 of the +,+ indicator solution and mi2. &dd the contents of the second tube to the first tube and mi2. Read the color immediately. @se the standard cur)e to determine the amount of chlorine in the sample. Record this in the +ata section as Readin ;. :. Calculate the amount of each type of chlorine usin the calculation methods listed in Table / in the +ata section. For example, let's consider our calculations if the readings were A = 1! mg"#, $ = 1% mg"#, & = '( mg"#, and ) = 1* mg"# First, the amount of free chlorine was shown +, -eading A to +e 1! mg"# .he amount of monochloramine is calculated as/ $ 0 A = 1% mg"# 0 1! mg"# = !% mg"# So the concentration of monochloramine is !% mg"# Since ) is more than !, the dichloramine concentration is calculated as/ & 0 ) = '( mg"# 0 1* mg"# = !1 mg"# So the concentration of dichloramine is !1 mg"# Finall,, since ) is more than ! and there are monochloramines present, the amount of trichloramine is calculated as follows/ '2) 0 $3 = '21* mg"# 0 1% mg"#3 = 1'mg"# So the concentration of trichloramine is 1' mg"# Data "tandard Cur#e Table $ Reading %T mg&L chlorine & A C ; Table ' T!e of Chlorine Calculation (ethod mg&L 8ree Chlorine & Monochloramine A ! & +ichloramine 'f ;%., then C ! AB 'f ;C., then C ! ; Trichloramine 'f ;%., then . m01B 'f ;C. and #A ! &$ % ., then /#; ! &$ 'f ;C. and #A ! &$C., then /#; ! A$ )irtual Lab There are two )irtual labs introducin other methods of chlorine residual testin not co)ered by this pae. The first )irtual lab introduces a titration method while the second )irtual lab introduces a field testin method which can be used in the distribution system. There is an assinment that needs to be completed concernin the )irtual lab, so please print the assinment first and then answer the questions as you perform the lab. Dnce you ha)e the assinment completed, lo in and complete the assinment online to be entered directly into the database. "ources &merican ,ublic Health &ssociation, &merican 6ater 6orks &ssociation, and 6ater En)ironment 8ederation. -998. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. &merican ,ublic Health &ssociation, 6ashinton, +.C. Chapter < and &ppendi2 +" Methods Checklist" +,+ Total Chlorine . +rinkin 6ater and 6astewater Dperator 'nformation Center. ,ennsyl)ania +epartment of En)ironmental ,rotection.