Actual Topics For PHD Study Programme
Actual Topics For PHD Study Programme
Actual Topics For PHD Study Programme
The work is focused on the analysis of hydrodynamic stability of viscous polymer jets produced, for
example, by electrical spinning or drawing. The goal of the analysis is an estimate of the parameters
of the fastest growing instability of the Plateau-Rayleigh type. Another objective of the proposed work
is to study the formation of the solid fibre spun from a polymer solution. This process has the
character of the rapid phase transition between liquid and solid.
The theme of the work is an analysis of physical and mechanical properties of materials being
developed as medical devices and scaffolds for tissue engineering. According to previous scientific
erudition of the student, the research work will be focused on either the adhesion and friction of
nanofibrous materials to models of skin wounds or the study of cellular diffusion using the methods
of random walks and percolation in fibre 3D objects. The three-dimensional structure of fibrous
objects will be investigated from micro-photographs obtained by micro-CT.
The aim of the dissertation is to develop and optimise the methodology for application of various
metals on fabric structures for purposes such as: (a) obtaining a flexible textile layer protecting
electronic information against misuse, (b) creating a conductive path for the transmission of
information, (c) creating of camouflage material capable to absorb or reflect incident electromagnetic
radiation, and the like. Metal coating will be realised by autocatalytic deposition of a chosen metal of
submicron thickness by interaction of metal salt and a reducing agent.
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC | Faculty of Textile Engineering | Studentská 1402/2 | 461 17 Liberec 1
tel.: +420 485 353258 | | IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885
Theme: SMART Textile sensors based on nanofibrous structures
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Martina Viková, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Pavel Pokorný, Ph.D.
Contact email for more information: [email protected] [email protected]
We many times meet such kind words as smart materials, intelligent materials with application of
functional colorants (dyestuff or pigments). The functional colorants can be applied on the different
kind of substrate (textile, paper, polymeric matrix and etc.). These materials react on external
stimulus by specific color change. The intensity of color change is given by the intensity of external
stimulus. Such kind of colorants we can call as chromic or functional colorants. This external stimulus
can be UV-VIS radiation, temperature, and electricity power, voltage and also solvent or chemicals
etc. In this case is not necessary to use difficult electronic devices with so high price, but we can use
such kind of colorants as indicator or sensorial system for measurement of intensity or external
stimulus level.
Micro/nanofibers have many unique characteristics, such as high surface-to-mass (or volume) ratios,
and the ability to form highly porous fibrous membranes. Nanofibers can be produced by melt
blowing, flash-spinning, bi-component spinning, and force-spinning (or centrifugal spinning).
Electrospinning can also be used to fabricate micro/nanofibers, and electro spun fibers have been
used for applications such as filters, scaffolds, enzyme carriers, and sensors.
Photochromic dyes, such as spiropyrans (SPs), are both functional and dispersible, and the chemical
structure of the SPs is similar to that of traditional dispersible dyes that are used for textiles. One
unique property of photochromic dyes— reversible photo isomerization—has attracted considerable
interest with regard to applications in photochromic windows and eye-protection, rewritable optical
data storage, drug delivery system, mechanophores, and X-ray radiation detection.
The aim of this research is to investigate the formation of these fibers and the effects of various
parameters, including the concentration of the polymer solution (as reflected in the viscosity), the
spinneret rotational rate, and the internal needle diameter, on the fiber morphology and photochromic
properties of the fibers.
Major attention has been given to research, development and perfection of protective clothes,
especially their barrier features. For these protective barriers, it is important to understand how
clothes or textiles protect the wearer against the above-mentioned dangerous conditions associated
with UV irradiation, dangerous gasses extreme heat, etc. and if the protection is only partial or the
protection is time limited by ambient conditions.
Photochromic coatings on different substrates with controlled photochromic properties are done by
the usage of organic-inorganic hybrid coatings. The hybrid coatings have the appropriate porosity
and surface activity required to obtain the photo and thermochromic effects. Main task of this
proposal is focused on sensorial textiles, which reacts by changing color because of its dependence
on external stimulus (light, gas, temperature, etc.). Special purpose is color changeable textile
production in point of view of application of mass dyeing and other continuous methods of textile
materials dyeing.
In recent years, the rapid development of traffic industry leads to high increase of road construction,
reconstruction and private car ownership, bringing convenience to our daily lives, and also high-
frequency traffic accidents. To strengthen the personal safety protection, the market demand for
high-visibility clothing is expanding. The application covers such departments and industries as
police, first aid, postal express, sanitation, airport and construction..., even campus and people’s
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC | Faculty of Textile Engineering | Studentská 1402/2 | 461 17 Liberec 1
tel.: +420 485 353258 | | IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885
daily lives. High-visibility clothing has gradually become an integral part of our lives and even the
necessary personal protective equipment.
In comparison to other methods of increasing visibility distance (e.g. by using flashlights)
retroreflective and phosphorescent material has the practical advantage of having a long lifespan
and being independent from having an internal power source. Nevertheless, there are some
disadvantages to using retroreflective material. Consequently, it is important to understand the
reflective properties of retroreflective material because it is almost never functioning at optimal
performance, as well as phosphorescent pigments.
The field photo-luminescence is split into two groups; the fluorescent and the phosphorescent
materials. Among all the four kinds of luminescence phenomena, photo-luminescence is the only
one that is self-shining in the field of luminescent materials, so it is more likely to be used as an extra
illuminating function. Phosphorescent materials are known in the field ink, paint and tapes; and they
are also used on clocks, light switches, some stickers, fishing net, artificial baits, etc. Fluorescent
materials are mostly used in textile-applications like filaments, coatings, or signalization (cloth and
equipment for work wear/sports etc.). It is clear that there is a potential demand of luminescent
material in the current fire garments market. In the future, the need for materials to improve the
visibility will increase together with new developments of the special garments for rescue tasks.
The aim of this research is to investigate combined effect of three common systems for improved
conspicuity such as fluorescence, retroreflectance and phosphorescence together with study related
to biological motion information, aging and soiling of developed high-visibility clothing.
Theme: Color managing for ink-jet printed textiles containing fluorescent whitening agents
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Michal Vik, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Martina Viková, Ph.D.
Contact email for more information: [email protected], [email protected]
The role of a color-managed inkjet proof is to predict and simulate the visual appearance of printed
color. The proof-to-print visual match works well under different viewing conditions when the input
ICC profile and the output ICC profile, built from characterization datasets, do not contain fluorescent
whitening agents (FWA).
FWAs influence printed color when measured for characterization and viewed. These whitening
agents absorb UV wavelengths in the illuminant and fluoresce in the blue wavelengths. As more and
more FWAs are used in printing textile production, the role of color proofing becomes more difficult.
The difference in the amount of the UV component of the measuring and viewing light sources cause
a problem where the FWA effect, as measured, may not be the same amount of FWA effect that
should be proofed under the viewing illuminant. These problems are obviously addressed with
difference in SPD (spectral power distribution) of indoor artificial light sources such as LEDs, HPS,
fluorescent tubes, etc. in relation to outdoor daylight, which is used as reference light during
measurement of colorimetric parameters of textiles used for inkjet printing.
There are two objectives in this research project. The first objective is to show how printed colors,
under identical printing conditions on FWA and non-FWA textile substrates, look different than when
they are proofed using current characterization for proofing practices. Both TD0 (UV-included) and
TD1 (UV-cut) measurement data will be collected from color patches with selected tonal values and
input ICC profiles created from this data to be used to proof the brightened reference print. Known
results show that the UV-cut characterization treatment produces a very poor proof to the reference,
while the correct UV-included proof is frequently ranked as a fairly high match. The second objective
is to propose different ways the characterization data can be adjusted for the FWAs in a reference
print on brightened textiles, by accounting for the influence of UV in the measurement illuminant, and
the influence of UV in the viewing illuminant. By means of psychometric analyses, the current results
show that the proof-to-print match is the worst when FWA in textile print and UV in the measurement
illuminant are not addressed. The aim of this research is to investigate the improved proof-to-print
match when FWA are present in print, different amount of UV in the measurement illuminant, and
different amount of UV in the viewing illuminant are addressed.
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC | Faculty of Textile Engineering | Studentská 1402/2 | 461 17 Liberec 1
tel.: +420 485 353258 | | IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885
Theme: Modelling of Geometric Roughness of Woven Fabric Structures
Supervisor: Ing. Brigita Kolčavová Sirková, Ph.D.
Contact email for more information: [email protected]
Roughness is generally defined as the surface quality, or as a micro-geometry of the surface relief.
Roughness refers to the total surface unevenness with a relatively small distance. The properties of
the surface layer and roughness significantly influence the total comfort and durability of the fabric
product. Functional surface properties are determined by their geometric parameters. The accuracy
of geometric parameters is given by the sum of their deviations from ideal geometry. The variations
are defined as differences of the actual shape of the surface and surface shape of the nominal
The basic information about inequalities and their variations can be obtained from the profile (cross
sectional view), which arises as the intersection of the cutting plane perpendicular to the surface of
the object. The profile of inequality is decomposed into components corresponding to the individual
parameters of geometric inaccuracies. The shape and waviness are referred to as macro-geometry,
while roughness as microgeometry. The aim of this research task is to analyse the surface of the
dobby woven fabrics as well as jacquard woven fabrics from geometric surface viewpoint, and then
to model geometric roughness of a woven fabric structure on the basis of planar and spatial geometry
of the woven fabric construction.
The yarn appearance is one of parameters for a yarn quality evaluation. In practice, the yarn
appearance is evaluated subjectively comparing a yarn board of a defined winding density with
a standard yarn board according to ASTM D 2255-90, the Standard Test Method for Grading Spun
Yarns for Appearance or according to the standard in the norm ČSN 80 0704, Determination of yarn
appearance. The evaluation is dependent on the reviewers and their visually distinctive capabilities.
There were suggested methods for the objective evaluation too, but they are not widely used. The
aim of this work is to chart the existing methods for yarn appearance evaluation, to propose and
experimentally validate the objective method using yarn characteristics, yarn appearance in the area
and standard ASTM D 2255-90 or ČSN 80 0704.
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC | Faculty of Textile Engineering | Studentská 1402/2 | 461 17 Liberec 1
tel.: +420 485 353258 | | IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885
Theme: Thermophysiological Comfort of Seats for Professional Drivers
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ing. Zdeněk Kůs (Assoc. Prof. Ing. Antonín Havelka, CSc.)
Contact email for more information: [email protected]
The aim of this project is to focus on theoretical analysis of transport principles in textile sandwich
structures with an orientation on the heat and moisture transport to optimize thermophysical comfort
of the seat. An additional part will be an analysis of methods for the measurement of evaporative
resistance Ret with reference to the car seat.
The aim of this work is to define the mechanical stress in the process of thread sewing, monitor its
dynamic loading, as well as tensile ductility and other properties (e. g., viscoelasticity, stress
relaxation) in various stages of the stitching process. Dynamic and static strength of sewing threads
will be compared. The study will also focus on the speed and wear and tear of the sewing thread
occurring during the process of its passing through the needle.
Technical clothing like firefighter clothing needs special threads and machine settings to produce
highly functional garments. In this research special threads like Meta & Para- Aramid, conductive
threads and high-strength polyester thread will be tested for the seam performance and life time of
technical clothing. A special emphasis will be placed on the loss of tensile strength of thread due to
friction from the needle and abrasion from the machine parts. Optimization of machine setting and
effects of different factors (machine speed, lubrication, coatings) will be part of the research project.
Finally, a numerical or analytical model will be made to describe the process theoretically.
Requirements: Student must have thorough knowledge of sewing machines and at least
fundamental level in theoretical modelling.
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC | Faculty of Textile Engineering | Studentská 1402/2 | 461 17 Liberec 1
tel.: +420 485 353258 | | IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885
Témata disertačních prací pro studenty doktorského studijního
programu studující v českém jazyce
Téma: Strukturní modelování souvislostí mezi tahovým namáháním příze a vláken, včetně
jejich pevností
Školitel: prof. Ing. Bohuslav Neckář, DrSc.
Kontaktní email pro bližší informace: [email protected]
Křivky napětí - poměrné prodloužení jakož i hodnoty poměrné pevnosti a tažnosti vláken a příze se
významně liší v důsledku specifické struktury staplové příze a osobitého chování vlákenných
svazků. Dopady dílčích projevů mechanického chování vláken na výslednou křivku napětí -
prodloužení příze, především vliv tvaru pracovní křivky průměrného vlákna a vliv orientace
vlákenných úseků v přízi, byly již řešeny (a publikovány) na KTT. Nezahrnovaly však oblast přetrhu
příze, problematiku prokluzů vláken při tahovém namáhání příze, vliv „svazkového“ chování vláken
v přízi, apod. Navrhované téma doktorského studia má klasický charakter teoreticko-experimentální.
1) V teoretické oblasti se navrhovaný výzkum bude týkat rozšíření matematického modelu vztahu
a) do oblasti přetrhu příze, pravděpodobně s využitím „svazkového“ charakteru chování vláken,
b) vytvoření alespoň částečného modelu prokluzů vláken při tahovém namáhání příze.
2) Na teoretické modely navazující práce v experimentální oblasti se budou týkat:
a) vypracování metodiky, měření a vyhodnocování křivek napětí - prodloužení jednotlivých
vláken, vlákenných svazků a staplových přízí,
b) vypracování metodiky, experimentálního sledování a vyhodnocování prokluzů vláken při
tahovém namáhání příze.
3) Porovnání teoretických modelů s experimentálními výsledky pro vybraný okruh vláken a přízí.
Ablace prsu a jeho následná rekonstrukce patří mezi časté chirurgické zákroky postihující ženy
napříč věkovými skupinami. I přes svůj častý výskyt se jedná o zákrok, který je velmi variabilní a
může být provázen množstvím komplikací. Jedná se o objektivní biologické (hojení rány, reakce na
cizí těleso apod.), ale i psychosomatické komplikace. Primárním cílem práce je navrhnout optimální
tvar a materiál podprsenky pro ženy po rekonstrukci prsu. Sekundárním cílem je vytvořit
biomechanický model hrudníku po rekonstrukční operaci a jeho následnou interakci s podprsenkou.
Vstupními parametry jsou: vlastnosti kůže, tvar implantátu, výsledná jizva, materiál podprsenky a její
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC | Faculty of Textile Engineering | Studentská 1402/2 | 461 17 Liberec 1
tel.: +420 485 353258 | | IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885
Téma: Hybridní bio-textilní náhrada pro aplikaci v popáleninové chirurgii
Školitel: doc. Ing. Lukáš Čapek, Ph.D.
Kontaktní email pro bližší informace: [email protected]
Popáleniny lidské kůže a jejich následná léčba je velmi častým poraněním postihující všechny
věkové skupiny, nicméně patří mezi nejzávažněji v dětském věku. Zavedeným standardem je tzv.
síťování kožních štěpů. Tato metoda je historicky ustálená, nicméně má mnoho limitujících faktorů.
Hlavním z nich je velikost kožního štěpu a jeho následná expanze. Dlouhodobým cílem
popáleninové chirurgie je vývoj umělé kůže. Cílem práce je vytvoření mezičlánku mezi těmito dvěma
přístupy, tj. vytvořit hybridní bio-textilní náhradu, která by kombinovala výhody obou přístupů. Prvním
krokem bude vývoj optimální velikosti sítě kožního štěpu (počítačový model). Druhým krokem bude
vybrání vhodného textilního nosiče a jeho interakce s kožním štěpem.
Téma: Vliv konstrukce vazby osnovní oboulícní pleteniny (spacer warp knitted fabric) na její
Školitel: Ing. Irena Lenfeldová, Ph.D.
Kontaktní email pro bližší informace: [email protected]
- analýza vlivu typu kladení prostřední vrstvy většinou tvořené monofilem především na její
- možná změna vlivu úhlu monofilu u jednotlivých typů vazeb.
Cílem disertační práce je navrhnout vrstvenou textilii se zvýšenou tepelnou odolností se zlepšenými
transportními vlastnostmi pro vlhkost. Součástí je dovyvinutí přístroje pro měření tepelného odporu
při působení nadměrného tepelného záření (vyšších teplotách než 100°C) a vytvoření modelu.
Zjišťování kvality příze bez ohledu na účel použití příze v následném zpracování není relevantní.
Cílem disertační práce je pokusit se pochopit způsob, jak se vlastnosti příze ve vybraných
výsledných produktech (plošných textiliích různé konstrukce) projevují a definovat požadavky
související s vybranými technologickými operacemi použitými pro jejich zpracování do finálního
Téma: Vývoj metodiky střihové konstrukce oděvních výrobků určených pro léčbu tlakem
Školitel: Ing. Blažena Musilová, Ph.D.
Kontaktní email pro bližší informace: [email protected]
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LIBEREC | Faculty of Textile Engineering | Studentská 1402/2 | 461 17 Liberec 1
tel.: +420 485 353258 | | IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885