CSM Wrt7 Book Review
CSM Wrt7 Book Review
CSM Wrt7 Book Review
Back in my university years not long time ago, I had the chance of reading a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, namely The Mill on the Floss. First published in 1 !", the book is #eorge $liot%s second full length novel. It is considered as the most autobiographical of her work, which narrates the story of free&spirited 'aggie (ulliver and her step&brother (om. Being a child, 'aggie is a beautiful, likeable character, whose mind is portrayed so truthfully and compellingly. In fact, she is full of fiery defiance and lives for the moment, whether in her need for (om)s affection or full of bitter regret after she seems to realise the conse*uences of her actions. +ne of the best illustrations of 'aggie)s ornery personality is when, after being told since she was young that her looks and behaviour are that of a gipsy, she makes up her mind on running away and living with whom she considers her people. ,evertheless, when she actually gets her wish and finds herself among the gipsies with no way to get home, it slowly dawns on her that she perhaps acted too precipitously. -s far as the plot is concerned, in my viewpoint, it is fairly absorbing and riveting, particularly throughout the challenges the protagonist faces as she grows older. In addition, family troubles cause both 'aggie and (om to take on heavy responsibilities at an early age, turning grown 'aggie into a shadow of her former self interspersed with flashes of emotion she cannot contain. (herefore, I would thoroughly recommend reading this novel to anyone in spite of the fact that some readers might feel disappointed, rather dissatisfied, with the ending, but perhaps, in retrospect, $liot could have done it no other way. .efinitely, a good book to read and give away which will take you to an e/ceptionally en0oyable story.
1uch stories from 'aggie)s childhood prepare us for the challenges she will face as she grows older. Family troubles cause both 'aggie and (om to take on heavy responsibilities at an early age, turning grown 'aggie into a shadow of her former self interspersed with flashes of emotion she can)t contain. -longside their family drama we find several love stories intertwined. 2ith these intertwined stories $liot e/plores the themes of emotion over duty, passion over propriety. 2hat if the one you desire is the last person who will make you happy3 2hat place does obligation take in *uestions of the heart3 2hat place does love of a family member take when conflicted with the love of a lover3 -s in her other novels, $liot spends much introductory time on her main characters, many minor characters and their histories. It is not until halfway through the story that all the elements start to fall together. -t this point, The Mill on the Floss is hard to put down&&the further into the story you get, the less sure you are of 'aggie)s fate, the more engrossing her story becomes. (hese are the great novels, which leave you as conflicted and confused as the characters about which you are reading. 1ome readers are dissatisfied with the ending, but perhaps, in retrospect, $liot could have done it no other way. (here is a great debate about this book on C14 forum entitled 5The Mill on the Floss and the cult of imperfection5&&it is for those who prefer The Mill on the Floss to Middlemarch, Mansfield Park to Pride and Prejudice, #eorge $liot to 6ane -usten. Be forewarned that the ending and important details of the novel are discussed in great detail here, so save this discussion for when you have finished reading. But I reference it because it is a much deeper analy7ation than I can go into in this post, and it illustrates the conflicting impressions $liot inspires through this beautiful and singular work. & 1ee more at8 http899girlebooks.com9blog9free&ebooks9the&mill&on&the&floss&by&george& eliot9:sthash.r*;<u=>,.dpuf