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Grade 2 Music LP Dynamics - Peace Like A River

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Grade/Subject: Grade 2 Music November 8th, 2013


Lesson Duration: 20 minutes ASSESSMENTS



!bservations, "e# $uestions, %roducts/%er&ormances'

Students will be able to sing, in tune, many rhythmic and melodic songs, singing games and action songs.

Observation: While we sing songs, I will see whether students can sing while doing actions. The student will understand that Students will: Observation: I can see music may be soft (p) or loud (f), whether the students can sing sing loudly and softly. dynamics. loudly and softly. I will provide recognize dynamic positive reinforcement for symbols. correct behaviour. Questions: When you see the p, do you sing loudly or softly? What does f stand for? LEARNINGRESOURCESCONSULTED

Students will sing a song while doing actions.

Resource #1: Musicplay Grade 2 Music Program


Introduction( 2 min.): Attention Grabber: Repeat after me clapping. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The rules are: keep your hands to yourself and do the best you can by participating. Before starting, make sure e eryone has enough space to mo e their arms. Advance Organizer/Agenda: Briefly say that we are going to start by the banana song and then mo e into !eace "ike a Ri er and learn some key music terms. Transition to Body: Tell e eryone to sit down and ask a #uestion such as: $%o you like to sing loud or soft&' Body(16 min.): Learning Activity #1: Banana song. ( will ask the students how they eat bananas, and then tell them ( want to share how ( eat mine. )or this song, teach words and actions at the same time. *fter teaching, go through it a couple times until the students get the hang out it.
Assessments/ ifferentiation: ( will mainly obser e to make sure e eryone is following. (f students are struggling ( will slow down and go o er it again.

Learning Activity #2: )irst, ( will teach them the words to !eace "ike a Ri er. *fter, ( will go through the definition of dynamics and what the difference between piano and forte is. Students will the practice singing peace like a ri er with different dynamic le els. (f there is enough time, ( will then teach them the actions to the song.
Assessments/ ifferentiation: ( will ask #uestions to see if they understand dynamic le els and obser e to see if they can portray the dynamics while they are singing.

Closure( 2 min.): !onso"idation/Assessment of Learning: *sk them to turn to their elbow buddy and in a piano oice, tell them what it is like to sing in forte. ( will obser e to see if students understand and can erbali+e these two concepts. #eedbac$ #rom %tudents: Thumbs up, down or sideways depending on how well you understand dynamics. #eedbac$ To %tudents: Reflect on beha iour and learning from lesson. (f their beha iour was good tell them good ,ob and this is what ( e-pect from you ne-t time. (f beha iour needs work, set e-pectations high for ne-t class. Transition To &ext Lesson:''

Music Lesson Reflection: Today ( taught my first lesson and was ery ner ous. ( felt as though it had a bit of a rough start, but got better as ( changed what ( was doing. *t the beginning, ( didn/t set out any strategies to get the attention of the class. So of course they were #uite chatty and before ( knew it, ( was ery o erwhelmed. ( knew ( had to do something to change the way the lesson was heading so ( told them that when ( raise my hand, ( e-pect them to raise their hands as well and stop talking. ( waited until e eryone/s hands were up before ( continued. This worked well for the rest of the class. ( used it about four times, which seems like a lot for a 01 minute class. (/m hoping that once they are more comfortable around me and understand that ( am their teacher that ( will ha e to use this tactic less and less. 2usic is one of the easiest sub,ects to see if students are meeting the ob,ecti es. ( could tell that all of the students knew the different dynamics by how they were singing. 3 eryone was participating and doing the actions which ( was ery happy about. Some of the students in the grade 4 classroom are #uite shy so ( was worried that they wouldn/t participate. *fter reading through the obser ation from 2rs. " and talking to her about my lesson, ( felt more confident. She said ( really focussed on beha iour and classroom management. Some things that ( noticed from her comments are that ( say $you guys' a lot when referring to the class. ( am going to try saying other things such as $boys and girls' or $grade 4/s' in the future. ( also want to work on being clearer with my words when ( am telling them what ( e-pect from them and what they are to be doing.

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