By: pcr3|27 January, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
US Soldiers Suffering Tremendous Health Injuries from Mandated Covid “vaccine” Attorney Thomas Renz reports that data gathered from military medical records shows military personnel following vaccination are battling heart problems, a 300% increase in cancer, a 300% increase in miscarriages, and a 1000% increase in neurological damage. All this suffering is the direct consequent of totally corrupt pharmaceutical companies, a…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 January, 2022|Categories: Articles & Columns
Washington’s Rejection of Russia’s Security Proposal Is a Bad Decision Paul Craig Roberts As expected, Washington and its NATO arm have rejected the Kremlin’s joint security proposal, preferring dire consequences to peace. By rejecting the Kremlin’s proposal, Washington and the Europeans have told the Kremlin that Washington intends to continue its aggressive policy of placing NATO and US missile bases…
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