By: algol|07 December, 2003|Categories: Scholarship Summaries|Tags: memoirs related to saving investment and growth
This article appeared in the Winter 2003 issue of The Independent Review Supply-side economics is a major innovation in economics. It says that fiscal policy works by changing relative prices and shifting the aggregate supply curve,not by raising or lowering disposable income and shifting the aggregate demand curve. Supply-side economics reconciled micro- and macroeconomics by making relative-price analysis the basis…
Read more »By: algol|07 April, 2003|Categories: Scholarship Summaries|Tags: How the Exclusionary Rule causes wrongful convictions
This article by Paul Craig Roberts appeared in the Spring 2003 issue of The Independent Review. The execution of an innocent person cannot be remedied. This fact, together with mounting evidence of innocents on death row, has strengthened opposition to the death penalty. Nevertheless, the death penalty has proved to be a divisive issue. The divide between liberals and conservatives…
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