By: pcr3|31 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
America At War Forever Paul Craig Roberts Film-maker Oliver Stone has won 12 Academy Awards for his films. But this outstanding record doesn’t help when he seeks financing for a film critical of one of America’s wars. “You do those kinds of stories, it’s not going to happen.” Stone said that his dissent from the pro-war narrative has brought him…
Read more »By: pcr3|31 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Quote Shakespeare and Lose Your Job
Read more »By: pcr3|31 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Big Pharma Is a Criminal Industry
Read more »By: pcr3|31 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Coronavirus: What Is the Real Story? Bill Gates Is Determined to Kill Us All
Read more »By: pcr3|30 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite Paul Craig Roberts Dr. Robert Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter who happens also to be an honest expert, told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday that Google and social media can manipulate votes…
Read more »By: pcr3|30 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Ron Unz Surveys the History of Mossad Assassinations and False Flag Attacks This long article can be read in sections. It will help to rescue you from The Matrix. US President George H.W. Bush Was a Mossad Target and perhaps also John F. Kennedy and James Forrestal. Unz’s account of 9/11 is extremely interesting. Watch the two short interviews with…
Read more »By: pcr3|30 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Ukraine’s ex-prosecutor who led Burisma investigation demands criminal probe of Biden
Read more »By: pcr3|29 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Trump Is Trying To Rescue Netanyahu By Giving Israel the Occupied Palestine Territory Israel to Vote Sunday on Annexing 30 Percent of the West Bank Trump plan seen as green light for wholesale annexations
Read more »By: pcr3|29 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Will Iraqis Ever Get Their Country Back? Has Washington purchased all Iraqi politicians, perhaps even Moqtada al-Sadr himself? Washington wants to create an autonomous region around Anbar to maintain its presence in Iraq
Read more »By: pcr3|29 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
British law failed Julian Assange The British government, a vassal of Washington, kept Julian Assange in solitary confinement for almost a year for no cause. It was intentional torture in order to break down assange and prevent his defense against his illegal extradition to the US. The Anglo-American governments can no longer pretend to be moral or worthy of anyone’s…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Where the Attack on Free Speech Comes From
Read more »By: pcr3|28 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Reason for Trump’s Impeachment?
Read more »By: pcr3|28 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Coronavirus Danger Compared to Seasonal Flu Danger Jon Rappoport Wonders if the Chinese Coronavirus Is a Coverup of a Dangerous Air Pollution Problem
Read more »By: pcr3|28 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Marginalization of White People Paul Craig Roberts This morning (Januay 27, 2020) on NPR I heard a white female novelist describe her difficulty in getting her novel published. The problem was not that her novel was uninteresting or badly written. Her problem was that one of the characters was black. Unbeknownst to her, it is now considered cultural imperialism…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
If Only Unborn Human Babies Had Feathers The United States is a country in which an eagle’s egg is protected by law, but not the life of an unborn human baby. The esteem in which we hold unborn baby eagles is remarkable. The protection which the law affords them is noble and inspiring. If only unborn human babies had feathers…perhaps…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
WATCH: Cops Follow Unarmed Man into Bathroom for Jaywalking and Kill Him—Taxpayers Held Liable for $4.5 Millon settlement, Cops walk free
Read more »By: pcr3|27 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
While Trump cuts food stamps, USAID bankrolls Venezuela regime change
Read more »By: pcr3|27 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Vladimir Putin Is a Real Leader Unlike the Fake Ones in the West Mike Whitney provides us with an excellent explanation of the governmental reforms announced by President Putin. Unlike the Western frauds, Putin has both a soul and a brain. The Federal Assembly Speech; Putin Vows to Rein in Theft-Capitalism and Shore Up Sovereignty by Mike Whitney Western…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Global Economy Can Kill Us In More Ways Than One Paul Craig Roberts 61 years ago Walter M. Miller Jr. published A Canticle for Leibowitz. The story spans thousands of years as humans rebuild civilization after a devastating nuclear war. Among the episodes is a conflict between warring nomads and a settled people who rely on cunning instead of…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Goldman Sachs Tries to Discard its Vampire Squid Image by Joining the WOKE World
Read more »By: pcr3|25 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
First Let In Millions of Immigrants; Then Take Away Civil Liberty In Order to Control Them
Read more »By: pcr3|25 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Remnant of Palestine Set To Disappear As Israel Incoroporates the Illegal Settlements Into Greater Israel Greater Israel:
Read more »By: pcr3|25 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Millions March In Iraq Demanding Expulsion of American Occupiers Washington Intends to Carve Out a Piece of Iraq for Its Own
Read more »By: pcr3|24 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Fate of post-WWII Germans Deported from their Homes by the Allies Germany’s War, Chapter 6: The German Expellees by John Wear The Allies’ Crimes Exceed Those of the Third Reich At the end of World War II in violation of the Atlantic Charter, between 12 and 19 million Germans were expelled from their long-established homes in East Prussia, Pomerania,…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Germany’s War by John Wear: One of the great tragedies of the 20th century was the forced expulsion of ethnic Germans from their homes after the end of World War II. The Allies carried out the largest forced population transfer—and perhaps the greatest single movement of people—in human history. A minimum of 12 million and possibly as many as…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Death of European Peoples Europe no longer exists except as a geographical entity. The peoples have been debased into a Tower of Babel. The “leadership” of Europe actually stands with the immigrant-invaders against the European peoples who are ceasing to exist. The same is happening to Americans. All white people have been thrown into the trash bin of history. …
Read more »By: pcr3|23 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Fate of Journalists Who Dissent from Official Explanations Did Washington sic Brazil’s gangster president Bolsonaro on journalist Glenn Greenwald because Greenwald brought to light Edward Snowden’s evidence of NSA spying on the world? In Brazil unfavorable reporting on the gangster government is being labeled a “cybercrime.” Greenwald was cleared by the Brazilian police and Supreme Court, but the lawless…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Failed Impeachment Still Serves Democrats Paul Craig Roberts In yesterday’s column, “Making Sense of the Impeachment Charges,” I pointed out that the three impeachments of presidents by the House of Representatives were political acts. Only in the case of Bill Clinton was there a real offense. Clinton did lie under oath. However, the Senate did not regard lying about…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Who Rules America? By Greg Felton A government, whatever its nature, rules as an imperial power over its people. The surest way to exercise this control is to prop up the illusion that it acts in the public interest. Paul Craig Roberts and Alvin Rabushka spelled out this salient fact in the March 1973 issue of Public Choice, in their…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Making Sense of the Impeachment Charges Paul Craig Roberts Prior to the impeachment of Trump, not by Congress as presstitutes report but by self-interested House Democrats, during the entirety of US history there have been only two attempts to impeach a president—Andrew Johnson in 1868 and 130 years later Bill Clinton in 1998. Clinton was impeached by House Republicans when…
Read more »By: pcr3|20 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Eisenhower’s Death Camps Germany’s War by John Wear, Chapter 5: Allied POW Camps World War II is often referred to as the “Good War,” a morally clear-cut conflict between good and evil.1 The “Good War” is also claimed to have led to a good peace. After a period of adjustment, the United States generously adopted the Marshall Plan and put…
Read more »By: pcr3|18 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Remarks on the US/China “Trade Deal” Paul Craig Roberts The first thing to understand is that it is not a trade deal. It is Trump backing off his tariffs when he discovered that the tarrifs fall on US goods and American consumers, not on China. Trump is covering his retraction by calling it a trade deal. China’s part of the…
Read more »By: pcr3|16 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Disunity Is Now America’s Leading Characteristic Paul Craig Roberts The Old Dominion (the Commonwealth of Virginia) produced the most important members of our Founding Fathers and two of the most successful military leaders in history, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, but has somehow managed to elect a nutcase for its current governor. His name is Ralph Northam, and he…
Read more »By: pcr3|16 January, 2020|Categories: Announcements
Some readers were unable to access the links to Crime&Power in yesterday’s column The Crime&Power website was disrupted by hackers for a couple of hours but was quickly restored. The articles about the Chinese social credit system, a de facto version of which is evolving in the US, and about how electric meters are programmed to spy on us…
Read more »By: pcr3|16 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Max Blumenthal Reveals That CNN Enabled Trump’s Lie About His Murder of Soleimani
Read more »By: pcr3|16 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Questions About the Shoot-down of the Ukrainian Airliner in Iran Was it the result of a US/Israeli cyber attack? How did a person know to be positioned, like the Mossad agents in position to film the World Trade Center towers, with his camera pointed at the exact position in the sky at the right moment to record a missile hitting…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Machines Have Us Trained for Obedience Paul Craig Roberts Many decades ago there was an issue of Mad comics that portrayed a future time when everything was done by robots and humans had no function. One day the system failed. As it had been eons since humans had to do anything, no one knew how to fix the system. …
Read more »By: pcr3|15 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
A Digital Prison Is Being Created for Humanity and It Is Close at Hand
Read more »By: pcr3|15 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Digital Revolution Has Destroyed Privacy and Made Everyone Insecure
Read more »By: pcr3|14 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Real Cause of World War II Was the Allies Deception of Germany with the 1918 Armistice and the Subsequent Versailles Treaty Paul Craig Roberts John Wear and many other historians including David Irving have shown Churchill and Roosevelt’s guilt for World War II. Suvorov has made a strong case that Stalin also was guilty. The guilt of these…
Read more »By: pcr3|14 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Philip Giraldi — No End to Washington’s Lies The lies mount and mount. The Democrats “war powers resolution” is a toothless fraud. Who would trust Washington? No one but insouciant American super-patriots.
Read more »By: pcr3|14 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Washington Declares Itself “a Force for Good” Ron Paul asks how the US can be a “force for good” in the Middle East when the US has spent two decades destroying in whole or part seven countries, killing, maiming, orphaning, widowing, dispossessing, and displacing many millions of Middle Easterners. Washington told the Iraqi government that as the US is…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Finian Cunningham, an experienced and skeptical reporter, raises questions about the Ukrainian airliner that was shot down in Iran.
Read more »By: pcr3|13 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Iranian Protests Are a Washington Orchestration Paul Craig Roberts It is difficult to know who is the most stupid, the protesting Iranian students or the Iranian government. The Iranian government, like the governments of Russia and China, permits NGOs financed by their Washington and British enemies, to operate in Iran. Insouciant, indeed stupid, Iranian students receive money, encouragement, organization,…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
According to Russian Experts: The US Bears “Partial Responsibility” for the “Human Error” Which Caused the Ukrainian plane crash By Corriere PT Global Research, January 12, 2020 Corriere PT Url of this article: A Russian military site has addressed the issue of “human error” relating to the crash of Ukraine’s Boeing 737 [departing from Tehran] on January 8,…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Rescuing the History of World War II : Wear vs. Suvorov Paul Craig Roberts The fourth chapter of John Wear’s book, Germany’s War is now posted. The evidence is overwhelming that it was Roosevelt and Churchill who were determined to have war with Germany and not Germany who wanted war with the Anglo-Saxons. Hitler made many peace overtures to…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Germany’s War by John Wear. Chapter 4: President Franklin D. Roosevelt revealed his antagonism toward Germany when he wrote to Secretary of War Henry Stimson on Aug. 26, 1944: “Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place—that only a few Nazi leaders…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Danger In Threats Paul Craig Roberts The high tensions caused by Washington between the US and Iran are to blame for the Ukrainian airliner that was shot down. “Human error at a time of crisis caused by US adventurism led to disaster.” Just as the Iranian commander misinterpreted the airliner’s maneuver as a strike on a military base,…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Video from the Camera Watching Epstein’s Cell “No Longer Exists” Keep in mind that we have never seen the 89 or 90 videos that filmed what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11. The videos remain under lock and key, which obviously proves that the story we have been told is false. If the videos supported the story, they would be…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Technology Is a Massive Threat to Humanity
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