By: pcr3|31 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself says pathologist who witnessed autopsy by Harriet Alexander, The Telegraph, UK It is extraordinary that all public authorities are corrupt. It seems clear enough that many of the elite who rule us are pedofiles and that Epstein was murdered to prevent him from exposing them should his trial go forward. Remember, his first arrest…
Read more »By: pcr3|31 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Fake “Whistleblower Identified
Read more »By: pcr3|31 October, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
A History of the 21st Century Paul Craig Roberts. In the 1990s with the Soviet Union collapsed as a result of the communist hardliners’ arrest of Soviet President Gorbachev and Yeltsin serving as Washington’s puppet while Americans and Israelis looted Russia, the neoconservatives called for Washington to overthrow Middle Eastern governments. The neocon scenario for remaking the Middle East was…
Read more »By: pcr3|30 October, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions
The Piece of Presstitute Excrement known as the NYTimes Has Had to Admit that Yes there Is a Deep State at War with President Trump The New York Times Hopes the Deep State Wins Paul Craig Roberts This is a surprisingly good report from Robert Merry. The only mistake Merry makes is his erroneous statement that Trump held up…
Read more »By: pcr3|30 October, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
Telling the Truth Has Become an Anti-American Act Paul Craig Roberts Stephen Cohen and I emphasize that the state of tension today between the United States and Russia is more dangerous than during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. For calling needed attention to the risk of nuclear war heightened by the current state of tension,…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
It Is Amazing that Swedish People Haven’t Overthrown Their Insane Government
Read more »By: pcr3|29 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
US Military too Busy Stealing Oil from Syria to Fight ISIS
Read more »By: pcr3|29 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Guardian: Assassin of Reputations for the CIA
Read more »By: pcr3|27 October, 2019|Categories: Announcements . Articles & Columns
UPDATE: At the present time, currently 4PM US East Coast time on October 28, 2019, there are at this minute 4,792 readers in 81 countries reading my website, During October, a quarter of a million people have made a half million visits to this website. These are only the visits to this website. The number does not include…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Maria Butina explains why she agreed to a plea deal despite her innocence “I saw with my own eyes that there is no justice in the US.” Leontiev:You signed a plea deal. We were watching the case very closely, just like all of Russia. Some lawyers said the prosecutors might not have enough evidence to prove your guilt. Why then…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 October, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
The End of Accountable Government Is Close at Hand Paul Craig Roberts For about 70 years the CIA has been undermining a free press. It began with Operation Mockingbird, a Cold War operation against communism. The CIA recruited journalists into a propaganda network. The CIA paid journalists to write fake stories or to publish stories written by the CIA in…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Julian Assange Is Being Murdered by the British Government on Orders from Washington
Read more »By: pcr3|26 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Michelle Malkin Explains Who Is Opening Our Borders
Read more »By: pcr3|25 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Does the guillotine await the Democrats, presstitutes and Deep State? James Howard Kunstler thinks so. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Read more »By: pcr3|25 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
He’s the Only Trump We’ve Got—It’s Him (And Us) Against the Ruling Class
Read more »By: pcr3|25 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Milk Is White and Therefore Racist
Read more »By: pcr3|24 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Insane America Hillary Treatens Tulsi With Political Destruction Senator Grassley Fears Justice Dept Inspector General’s Report Is Undergoing Whitewashing by the Deep State Senator Threatened for Looking Into Foster Care’s Link to Child Sex Trafficking
Read more »By: pcr3|24 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Her Testicles? His Period? The Crazed World of America More on Insane America
Read more »By: pcr3|24 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
The US is now more backward than India a half century ago and is no longer competent to design and construct an airliner
Read more »By: pcr3|24 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
John Pilger Agrees That Justice Is Dead in the Western World
Read more »By: pcr3|23 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Stalinist Show Trial of Julian Assange Is Underway In England I never thought that the English would abandon their concept of law as a shield of the people’s civil liberty. But they have. The English justice system serves as an appendage of the American Police State. Neither the US nor the UK can any longer lay claim to being democracies…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
France Has Freedom & Democracy, But Not for the French In France merely sharing a video of which the Jewish Lobby disapproves brings a two year prison sentence.
Read more »Apparently, the Zionist Lobby now Controls the British and French Judiciary
Read more »By: pcr3|23 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Everyone on the Scene Knew that Building 7 Was a Controlled Demolition Why Did NIST Deny What Everyone Knew?
Read more »By: pcr3|23 October, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
Better Relations Between the US and Russia Are Not In the Cards Paul Craig Roberts By now Russians must wonder if the better relations they desire with the US are ever to be. US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat from Hawaii is the latest peacemaker to be declared “a Russian asset” by Hillary, the DNC, and the presstitutes. The way the…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Udo Ulfkotte’s Book Exposing CIA Control of Western Journalism Now Available in English Udo Ulfkotte’s book, Bought Journalism, is now available in English translation from Progressive Press — The editor in chief of Austria’s Die Presse confirms that what Udo Ulfkotte told us is correct —
Read more »By: pcr3|22 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Americans Pay Israel Billions of Dollars to Destroy Americans’ Free Speech Americans are forced to reward Israel for the damage done to Americans’ free speech by Israeli lobby groups, such as and and, of course, AIPAC, by handing over to Israel $23,000 per Israeli family year after year after year . As one reader said, “it is the…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
First Thing, Let’s Fire All the Cops
Read more »By: pcr3|21 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Service to Israel Is the Reason for America’s 20-year War in the Middle East The hoax “war on terror” was a fabrication to serve as cover for massive crimes against humanity for the purpose of Greater Israel—from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Read more »By: pcr3|21 October, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
The American Economy RIP Paul Craig Roberts “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” —Mayer Anselm Rothschild, 1790 Thirty-eight years ago when I was in charge of United States domestic economic policy, the US Treasury and President Reagan believed that the purpose of economic policy was to serve…
Read more »By: pcr3|20 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Feminists and Feminized Men Won’t Be Happy Until Sex Dolls Can Tell Men No
Read more »By: pcr3|20 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
This one must drive the modern-day femi-nazis Crazy
Read more »By: pcr3|20 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Sweden Is Sliding Into Chaos — and the Media Is Applauding Sweden is the canary in the coal mine for the West
Read more »By: pcr3|18 October, 2019|Categories: Announcements
Princeton University Points Out That the Total Destruction of Europe Will Be Europe’s Payoff for Being an American Vassal
Read more »By: pcr3|18 October, 2019|Categories: Announcements
NATO vs. Russia, Explained In One Picture
Read more »By: pcr3|18 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Global Warming or Not We Are Taking Climate Hits
Read more »By: pcr3|18 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
5G Can Be Stopped
Read more »By: pcr3|18 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
9/11 Was an Israeli Job by Laurent Guyenot Everything you need to consider about 9/11.
Read more »By: pcr3|18 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Mossad Asset Jeffrey Epstein Made Sex-tapes to Blackmail Powerful Americans Read and understand why there is no investigation of Epstein’s assassination inside prison or a substitute look-alike put in his place while Epstein was surreptitiously removed from prison and sent alive and well to Israel, and why the Epstein story has disappeared from the news. No follow up despite the…
Read more »By: pcr3|17 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Scientists Playing God Create Frankenstein Mosquito The Dangers of Transgenic Mosquitos: Scientific Study Under Attack Why is an Oxitec-linked author leading an attack on her own paper? Report by Claire Robinson and Jonathan Matthews
Read more »By: pcr3|17 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
More on the American Insane Asylum What is behind the sudden appearance of transgendered people? Is this a marketing effort of the pharmaceutical industry to sell hormones/surgery?
Read more »By: pcr3|17 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Parents: Your Child Is No Longer Yours Children Taken From Parents Who Refuse Vitamin K Shot For Newly Born Dr. Joseph Mercola
Read more »By: pcr3|17 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
We Can Only Despise the Criminalt British Government and the Western Presstitutes—the Two-bit Punk Servants of Washington’s Evil Singer and Rap Artist M.I.A. Visits Julian Assange in Prison: “It’s About Truth—and that’s Something People Have to Uphold and Fight for” How can it be that a Rap singer can realize this but not Western intellectuals? We now have a situation…
Read more »By: pcr3|16 October, 2019|Categories: Announcements
Satire on the Internet It is going around that the DNC is suing Iran for the right to use “Death to America” as the Democrats’ 2020 campaign slogan.
Read more »By: pcr3|16 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Support Your Local Police Terrorized, Traumatized and Killed: The Police State’s Deadly Toll on America’s Children By John W. Whitehead October 15, 2019 “Mommy, am I gonna die?”— 4-year-old Ava Ellis after being inadvertently shot in the leg by a police officer who was aiming for the girl’s boxer-terrier dog, Patches “‘Am I going to get shot again.’”—2-year-old survivor…
Read more »By: pcr3|16 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
John Lear Says No Planes Were Hijacked on 9/11 and None Hit the Twin Towers or the Pentagon We know that no airliner hit the Pentagon or crashed in Pennsylvania. As half of the story is known to be untrue, why do we believe the other half? John Lear says we shouldn’t. What do you think? The evidence:
Read more »By: pcr3|15 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Insane Asylum That America Has Become
Read more »By: pcr3|15 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
Today’s Amerika NO SAFE SPACES Trailer (Opens October 25, 2019) “If we really want to stand for freedom in its most fundamental essence, we cannot accept to be herded into the intellectual cages of the “authorized” political discourse. All the lobbies which ceaselessly endeavor to silence dissent and impose their views and agenda upon us ought to be clearly…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 October, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
Controlled Explanations Rule the Western World Paul Craig Roberts Now that the lying machine that comprises the US and Western media has failed with the Russiagate propaganda, the machine has switched to Chinagate. The least trusted American Institution, other than the CIA, is the FBI. McClatchy news reports that the FBI has “expanded its task force on election security…
Read more »By: pcr3|14 October, 2019|Categories: Guest Contributions
What We Need Is A Holocaust For The American Media As I have told you so many times, the entirety of the American media—print, TV, NPR, most of the Internet, consists of people devoid of all integrity, of all respect for facts and truth, of people who are the scum of the earth. I have given you examples of the…
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