Two schoolgirls reading from a tablet in Latin America.

Our mission

IIEP's mission is to strengthen the capacity of UNESCO Member States to plan and manage their education systems. With a focus on equity, quality, leadership, resilience, inclusion, and sustainability, IIEP is committed to ensuring the right to education for all through effective planning and management. By working closely with governments and partners worldwide, IIEP promotes innovative, participatory, and flexible approaches to educational planning and management.

School girls in a staircase in an African public school.

Our strategy

We advocate for agile planning and management that anticipates change, continuous monitoring that enables timely adjustments, and governance that is both effective and transparent. Yet, real impact can only be achieved when these principles are woven into the fabric of implementation. 

We empower countries – primarily through ministries of education and their partners – to conceptualize and implement robust plans and policies that advance towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4). 

Transforming education starts with planning. It is sustained through effective management, enhanced by data and innovation, and relies on continuous learning and adaptation. 

IIEP’s two strategic objectives are:

We support the institutional capacity of Member States for effective planning and management of education sector development.


We make available and encourage the use of knowledge on educational planning and management as a global public good.

These two strategic objectives are served by IIEP’s three pillars:
Technical cooperation
Knowledge generation and mobilization

Join us on the road to 2030

Our functions are guided and enriched by IIEP’s expertise in six key areas that are central to the Education 2030 Agenda for inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all.

A vision based on innovation

To remain relevant in the future, educational planning must keep pace with and adapt to the many changes reshaping our world. From globalization, rapid urbanization, and vast technological advancements to the perils of conflict and climate change, numerous factors influence education's current and future state.

To ensure robust planning and management, and the implementation of educational policies and plans, education actors must stay updated on new approaches to planning, constantly update their practices, and use new tools and data. 

As a learning institute and an observatory of innovations, IIEP stays abreast of new trends and contributes to how planning evolves. Through an integrated approach to capacity development, IIEP has a foresight function that constantly nourishes its offer to countries with findings and experiences derived from its research and development, training, and technical cooperation. 

The use and management of data for planning are also central to IIEP’s work. Robust information systems are critical for education systems to be inclusive, transparent, resilient, flexible, and oriented to student learning.

A teacher shows a group of school children a coconut seed.