Come Home to Ward Village

(Partner Content) At Kō‘ula, experience contemporary indoor-outdoor living inspired by nature.




Inspired by Nature
Designed by award-winning architect Jeanne Gang and the interior design team at Yabu Pushelberg, Kōʻula draws inspiration from nature through the use of organic shapes, repeating patterns, and rich textures of the unique backdrop that is Hawai‘i.


Spotlight on Residence 4009
Bring the outside in at Kōʻula Studio 4009. The 435-square-foot residence with one-bath and floor plan 0B provides natural light and features a private lānai overlooking lush Victoria Ward Park and Oʻahu’s South Shore.


Indoor-Outdoor Lifestyle
Seamlessly flowing from indoors to out, the leisure and fitness areas on Level 8 create a relaxed, calming atmosphere for everyday living.  Enjoy resort-style amenities, including two spas, a refreshing pool, fitness center, sunset lānai, BBQ pavilions, children’s play area, and more.


A Vibrant Neighborhood
At Kōʻula, Victoria Ward Park serves as your backyard, extending beyond the walls of your home, and the vibrant Ward Village neighborhood with its spacious sidewalks, restaurants, cafés, and shops are just steps away.


Tour Kōʻula

To schedule an appointment to learn more about these move-in ready residences, call 808.369.9600, email [email protected], or visit


Ward Village Logo


Offered by Ward Village Properties, LLC RB-21701 | Disclosures


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