Ward Village: The Perfect Place to Find Your Perfect Place

Hot Property: Situated next to Victoria Ward Park, Kō‘ula is a dynamic destination where nature and elegance coexist.


Ko'ula and Victoria Ward Park

Photo: Ward Village


Kō‘ula at Ward Village

Situated next to Victoria Ward Park, Kō‘ula is a dynamic destination where nature and elegance coexist. Designed by world-renowned architect Jeanne Gang and the interior design team at Yabu Pushelberg, these modern residences blend Honolulu’s urban environment with its natural beauty.


About The Residence

Masterly crafted interiors comprised of natural materials and custom details make this 561-interior square-foot home feel both inviting and inspiring. Featuring floor plan 1E, Kō‘ula Residence 4111 is a one-bedroom, one-bathroom condo featuring a private lānai and floor-to-ceiling windows, welcoming in Hawai‘i’s signature trade winds and highlighting the picturesque island and ocean views. The open kitchen is equipped with top-of-the-line Miele appliances, and flows beautifully into the living and dining areas for easy entertaining.


Over an Acre of Amenities

On the 8th floor, Kō‘ula residents will enjoy the ultimate in indoor-outdoor living, where they are at once a part of the city and apart from it. This collection of sought-after amenities consists of a pool, fitness center, great room, and more.


Schedule a Tour Today

Call us at 808.369.9600 or email [email protected] to schedule your appointment today. Visit www.koulawardvillage.com for more information.


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Offered by Ward Village Properties, LLC RB-21701 | Disclosures