Climate on the Menu
As the restaurant industry struggles to cope with hotter temperatures, floods, supply disruptions, escalating costs, and other impacts from climate change, some businesses are finding resourceful, workable ways of addressing the crisis. In this five-part series, produced in partnership with Civil Eats, we examine how climate change is driving a shift in farm relationships, supply chains, labor, waste disposal, and service, aiming to better understand the ongoing climate realities restaurants face. We highlight examples nationwide, and from all aspects of the industry, reporting on neighborhood spots like Yardy Rum Bar, in Eugene, Oregon; higher-end establishments like Washington D.C.’s Oyster Oyster and New York’s Crave Fishbar; and chains like Starbucks, where even the smallest changes can have large impact. Throughout the journey, and in light of the persistent greenwashing that floods many a menu, we ask ourselves: What is a climate-conscious restaurant — if it even exists?