Archive for September, 2022

Time to buy tickets!

10th September 2022, by Mark Lawrence

Tickets are now on sale for our Centenary concert at Symphony Hall on 6th November! A wonderful programme of works by Ralph Vaughan Williams, perfect for a Sunday afternoon.  The choral highlight is the outstanding A Sea Symphony.

We are also selling tickets for Handel’s Messiah in Symphony Hall on Friday 9th December.

Click the links on the website to get more information and to book tickets.

Open rehearsal Tuesday 6th September

1st September 2022, by Mark Lawrence

Our first rehearsal back for the 22/23 season will be on Tuesday 6 September. This is a special open rehearsal as we welcome all our current members back from the summer break and any prospective members who are coming along for the first time.

To give you plenty of time to catch up with friends and meet prospective members, refreshments will be available from 5.30pm, so please make every effort to arrive early at The Priory Rooms. This will also be extremely helpful in ensuring that our librarians are able to distribute music in a timely fashion.

This leaflet gives more information to any who may be considering joining us.

Look at Join the Choir page.