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Case Updates Case Center
  • Dispute Resolution (DR)

    Uzbekistan: Indorama Kokand/Hamkor Bank-01

    30 Jun 2016
    Closed - DR

    The case is closed after monitoring full implementation of the dispute resolution agreements. 

    Status as of December 04, 2024. 

    Uzbekistan: Indorama Kokand/Hamkor Bank-01
  • Compliance

    Cambodia: Financial Intermediaries 01-03

    11 Jun 2018

    CAO finalized its Compliance Investigation. CAO’s investigation report will be made available following the Board's consideration and approval of IFC’s MAP.

    Status as of December 03, 2024.

    Cambodia: Financial Intermediaries 01-03
Our Mandate

We work to address complaints from people affected by IFC and MIGA projects fairly, objectively, and constructively while enhancing the environmental and social outcomes of IFC and MIGA projects. 

Our Mandate
How We Work

Our three complementary roles work cohesively to facilitate the resolution of complaints, enhance project outcomes, foster accountability and catalyze learning.

How We Work
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Dispute Resolution

We help resolve complaints through a neutral, collaborative, problem-solving approach that contributes to improved outcomes.


We review IFC and MIGA's compliance with environmental and social policies, assess related harm, and recommend remedial actions.

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We provide advice to improve performance on environmental and social sustainability to reduce the risk of harm to people and the environment.


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