Uganda Grain Development Project - Agilis-01
Case Tracker
Complaint Overview
Local community members
Land acquisition process infringing on fundamental rights, risks to water sources, the environment, and food security
Project Information
Advisory Services
The Uganda Grain Development Project (UGDP) is an IFC Advisory Services project, which aims to create a sustainable business model for 6,000 smallholder farmers, helping them improve maize production, quality, and market access over three years. Key objectives include: (i) expanding production through pre-financing for quality inputs; (ii) offering a digital marketplace for selling produce and purchasing inputs; (iii) streamlining Agilisâ farm operations to boost maize, soybean, and sunflower production; (iv) and advising Agilis on land acquisition and resettlement standards.
In July 2024, CAO received a complaint submitted by Witness Radio, a Ugandan non-governmental organization, on behalf of local community members of Kiryandongo District, where Agilis Partners Limited operates. The complaint raised related to various environmental and social issues, including violations of community rights during land acquisition, threats to water sources, the environment, and food security. It highlights concerns over food shortages; livelihoods; inadequate compensation; pollution from agrochemicals; restricted land access; and impacts on children's education, safety, and welfare, including gender-based violence (GBV) and reproductive health issues.
In August 2024, CAO found the complaint eligible for assessment and initiated an assessment.
The assessment process is ongoing.
Status as of December 3, 2024