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Based on the author's artistic research on migration, contemporary urban experience, and sonic alienation, The Nomadic Listener is composed of a series of texts stemming from psychogeographic explorations of contemporary cities, including... more
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      Sonic ArtMigrationPsychogeographyStorytelling
This course surveys the development of theater architectures, stage spaces and technologies from the ancient world through the 21 st century. The course satisfies the interdisciplinary college option. The survey will be contextualized in... more
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      Theatre HistoryDigital MediaGestureMultimedia
By varying the sound-absorption treatments in a simulated classroom, experimental results were compared with analytical and computer predictions of reverberation time. Analytical predictions were made with different absorption exponents,... more
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This thesis examines seven films from the cinemas of Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky—Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (1957), Through a Glass Darkly (1961), Winter Light (1963), and The Silence (1963), and Tarkovsky’s Stalker (1979),... more
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      Film StudiesEuropean CinemaFilm SoundFilm Music And Sound
This chapter brings the practice of soundwalking, walking the landscape with a focus on listening to one’s environment to the museum, expanding the roaming pursuit of walking into the locale of its galleries, to use the boundariless... more
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I have been working in the field of radio art, and through creative practice have been considering how the convergence of new media technologies has redefined radio art, addressing the ways in which this has extended the boundaries of the... more
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      Sound and ImageRadio And Sound StudiesSonic ArtRadio
Welcome to this Special Issue of Array: Proceedings of Si15, the 2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity. The articles in the present issue originated in the Si15 Soundislands Festival, which was held in Singapore 18–23... more
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      PsychologyMusicPerceptionMusic Technology
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesSoundscape StudiesSound
This chapter examines the meaning-making functions of cinematic sound from the perspective of embodied cognition. Using embodied simulation theory (Gallese, 2005) as a unifying framework, and placing particular emphasis upon the affective... more
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      Film Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Sound
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      Audio Signal ProcessingSound studiesSoundFilm Exhibition
This project presents a model to sonify data. It uses a multichannel audio system to create a spatial illusion of the presence of the sound source. This in order to present with a way of translating information from other domains into... more
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      TechnologySonic ArtSoundSonification
This paper claims that the spirited debates about game narratives in the game industry and academia have not seen much progress due to their being too stuck in classical notions of narrative developed for non-ergodic media such as film or... more
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      MusicGame studiesNew MediaDigital Humanities
This article comparatively studies non-traditional trade marks that have recently gained popularity in the European Union (EU) and Japan. Businesses invest in sensory marketing strategies to build a long-lasting and unforgettable... more
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      TrademarksSoundEuropean UnionJapan
This paper presents a computational model to simulate normal and impaired auditory-nerve ͑AN͒ fiber responses in cats. The model responses match physiological data over a wider dynamic range than previous auditory models. This is achieved... more
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Творча діяльність із використанням звукових технологій в сфері музичного мистецтва є об’єктом усе більшого числа досліджень. Утворена розвитком технологій та сучасних мистецьких практик така форма людської творчості втілюється у різних... more
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      MusicSoundSound ArtЗвук
Теза се бави истраживањем звука на градском тргу, начина за оплемењавање шума који се јавља као сума активности корисника простора, и превазилажења постојећих физичких препрека које ограничавају - у акустичном и визуелном смислу -... more
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Sustainable sound planning has been drawing more attention as citizens are demanding higher levels of comfort and livable environment while keeping the convenient access to transportation and neighborhood in urban settings. Particularly... more
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      Virtual EnvironmentsUrban PlanningSoundSoundscape
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      MusicCommunicationTeaching and LearningEducation
Three experiments were carried out to examine the cues that are used in learning to read and spell new words. In a reading task (Experiment 1), even preschoolers who could not read simple real words were able to benefit from print-sound... more
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyLiteracy
Objectives/Hypothesis: To determine whether speech recognition scores (SRS) differ between adults with long-term auditory deprivation in the implanted ear and adults who received cochlear implant (CI) in the nonsound-deprived ear, either... more
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      AudiologySpeech perceptionSoundMedicine
ABSTRACT The sound of a solid body electric guitar comes from the loudspeaker transducing into sound the string velocity. Because of mechanical string-structure coupling, the string vibration, and therefore the sound, substantially... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPerceptionSoundMusical acoustics
Sound affects and pervades our body in a physical as well as a phenomenological sense: a notion that may sound fairly trivial today. But for a long time in Western history 'sound' was no scientific entity. It was looked upon merely as the... more
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Sounds convey information about the materials composing an object. Stimuli were synthesized using a computer model of impacted plates that varied their material properties: viscoelastic and thermoelastic damping and wave velocity ͑related... more
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      AcousticsMusicAuditory PerceptionPsychoacoustics
The ability to detect and localize sounds in an environment is critical for survival. Localizing sound sources is a computational challenge for the human brain because the auditory cortex seems to lack a topographical space... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotionAttention
Objectives: To assess audiological performance, satisfaction rate, and side effects of 100 patients who have been using the middle ear implant Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) for 5 to 8 yr when compared with data collected from 3 to 18 mo... more
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CALL FOR PAPERS: "Italian Sonorities and Acoustic Communities: Listening to the Soundscapes of Italianità" conference, April 27-29, 2017 at Queens College's John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Manhattan.... more
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      Radio And Sound StudiesOral historySoundscape StudiesSound studies
Magz Hall introduces us to one of her recent works, Tree Radio, an out-door installation developed during a residency at and for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
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      Radio And Sound StudiesRadioSound studiesSound
A discussion of recent research creation projects that integrate audience responses into the creative development of the work.
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      MusicCommunicationDigital HumanitiesGenre
In anthropology and across the humanities and social sciences, zoos have tended to be theorized as places of spectacle. Scholars often focus on the ways in which these institutions enable the viewing of other-than-human animals by human... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologySoundscape StudiesSound studies
Since the productivity of soybean in Indonesia is still low, a new innovation is needed to improve it. The objectives of this study are to determine a pattern of the stomatal opening of soybean's leaves which exposed by high-frequency... more
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      Organic agricultureSoundAgricultureAgricultural Science
Introduction 3. Practical Applications of Environmental Sound Research 3.1. Restoring the Awareness of Environment through Sound 3.2. Diagnostic applications of environmental sounds 3.3. Noise control and the design of acoustic... more
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      SoundEnvironmentBiochemistry and cell biologyGenerating Function
A dry skull added with damping material was used to investigate the vibratory pattern of bone conducted sound. Three orthogonal vibration responses of the cochleae were measured, by means of miniature accelerometers, in the frequency... more
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This essay introduces a large and diverse special issue on 'The Acoustics of Justice: Law, Listening, Sound'. Until recently the acoustic dimensions of law and justice were not a major concern in the academy, either in self-consciously... more
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      AcousticsLawCriminal LawInternational Law
Today's society has accompanied the evolution of the internet connecting more and more people each day, people who keep demanding more from it, unleashing a technological proliferation never seen before. The usage of resources such as... more
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This booklet gives answers to some of the basic questions asked by the newcomer to a noise measuring programme. It gives a brief explanation to questions like: What is sound ? Why do we measure sound ? What units do we use ? How do we... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundSoundscape (Music)
The stability of the motion of an oscillator with a periodically time-varying mass is under consideration. The key idea is that an adequate change of variables leads to a newtonian equation, where classical stability techniques can be... more
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      Applied MathematicsSoundOscillationsFree Vibration
The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not spatial congruency between tactile and auditory stimuli would influence the tactile roughness discrimination of stimuli presented to the fingers or cheeks. In the experiment, when... more
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      Auditory PerceptionSoundYoung AdultTouch Perception
An efficient and modular numerical prediction model is developed to predict vibration and re-radiated noise in adjacent buildings from excitation due to metro trains in tunnels for both newly built and existing situations. The... more
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      EngineeringSoundFinite ElementPhysical sciences
Exact formulas of the acoustic radiation force and torque exerted by an arbitrary time-harmonic wave on an absorbing compressible particle that is suspended in an inviscid fluid are presented. It is considered that the particle diameter... more
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      AlgorithmsWaterSoundOlive Oil
The sound-induced motion of the tympanic membrane has features that are most consistent with modal responses to a uniform stimulus.
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      MusicNew MediaEducational TechnologyDance Studies
Perception et média, cinéma et théorie, sémiotique et poétiques... Le point, à partir de M. Chion.
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesPerceptionMedia Studies
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      AcousticsConstruction MaterialsSoundMultidisciplinary
The intertwining of sound and the body is fascinating and multifarious. Until fairly recently, sound has mainly been studied in terms of listening, sound reproduction technologies, and acoustical measurements. In turn, the body,... more
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