Roman History
Recent papers in Roman History
Germanicus and his large family (his wife Agrippina Major and nine children) embodied in Tiberius' Rome a new political model that looked beyond the boundaries of tradition and opened up to elements that had remained outside the scene of... more
This was very hard work, cos I studied very carefully military- and social structures of Rome. And of course, as usual, laws from codex Theodosianus. I was amazed at how different my view begins to be compared to common views of this... more
MILANO 2017 INCONTRO DI STUDIO N. 70 QUANTE EQUITÀ? A cura di Dario Mantovani e Salvatore Veca Milano, 28 febbraio 2013
""Ancient Greece is famous as the civilization which "gave" the world democracy. Democracy has in modern times become the rallying cry of liberation from supposed totalitarianism and dictatorship. It is embedded in the assumptions of... more
It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more
Il progetto e il Centro Internazionale di Studi “Ancient Cities” nascono dalla collaborazione tra l’Università della Basilicata e altri importanti atenei nazionali e internazionali (Università degli Studi di Messina, Università di Napoli... more
Tra le epigrafi greche conservate in Piemonte un documento, in particolare, si segnala per la sua lunga storia di mobilità e di collezionismo che risale già al XVI secolo. Di provenienza romana e databile all'età imperiale,... more
Short history about evolution of Illyrian and Illyroslavic identity.
En el presente documento tratamos la visión de la figura masculina y femenina en la antigüedad a través de la obra del poeta romano Ovidio, ilustrando las grandes diferencias que separan a ambas figuras en este contexto. In this paper we... more
From the VI to the VIII century most of Rome’s ancient monuments got into such a state of degradation and abandonment that even the memory of their original name and function had been completely lost. On studying the mistakes in location... more
"Roma fue un ejemplo para la humanidad en la aplicación de la ciencia al servicio del hombre. Su avanzado derecho es hoy todavía la base del nuestro y la ingeniería era empleada en las grandes realizaciones al servicio del pueblo, las... more
Il pilum è un'arma di cui si è persa la reale memoria con la fine dell'Impero Romano. Nei secoli successivi è stato tramandato un uso mitizzato da errate interpretazioni testuali del tutto sbagliate. La moderna archeologia ne sta... more
Der vorliegende Band ist das Resultat einer Tagung in Iaşi, die unter dem gleichen Titel zwischen dem 24. und 27. September 2014 stattfand. Die Konferenz wurde gemeinsam von der Universität Konstanz, der Alexandru-Ioan-Cuza-Universität... more
INTRODUZIONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Per una storia dei collegi professionali romani LA BASE SOCIALE DI SOCIETÀ E COLLEGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... more
Despite assertions to the contrary, there were in fact many religions which included beliefs and practices centered around dying and rising deities. One such god was Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome, whose worshipers could be found... more
Das kelten römer museum manching zeigte in Kooperation mit Mules of Marius eine Erlebnisausstellung, die das römische Militär auf anschauliche, unterhaltsame und interaktive Weise erneut zum Leben erweckte. Kleine und große Gäste durften... more
Ward-Perkins’s book The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization is a book that looks at, rewriting the history books. His main focus is the transitioning period between the rule of Rome and the rule of the Germanic tribes and their... more
In this book, Sabine R. Huebner explores the world of the protagonists of the New Testament and the early Christians using the rich papyrological evidence from Roman Egypt. This gives us unparalleled insights into the everyday lives of... more
A brief introduction to four periods of the history of the Jews and popes in Rome
A historical survey of the regions of Judaea and surrounding territories in the Graeco-Roman period.
In recent years, much ink has been spilt over the famous – although never thoroughly assessed – ruler of Palmyra. In 2005, the eminent Paul Veyne had already devoted a few insightful pages to the subject, with claims that are certainly... more
These pages supplement the table of Julian equivalents for Roman dates in Drumann-Groebe vol. 3. They move, with supporting evidence, the intercalary month from 59 to 58 BC and from 54 to 55 BC. All phases of the Moon and market days... more
Nel 123 a.C. il tribuno della plebe Gaio Sempronio Gracco fece votare una legge, la lex Sempronia frumentaria, con la quale lo Stato si assumeva, tra l'altro, l'onere di vendere mensilmente a tutti i cittadini romani il frumento al prezzo... more
Pour contribuer écrire à -Per contribuire -Send your information to: [email protected] Les noms des membres de la SIAC sont en gras. -I nomi dei membri della SIAC sono in grassetto. -Names of SIAC members are written with bold... more