Recent papers in Immunocytochemistry
We have investigated the developmental transitions of myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene expression in the rat extraocular musculature (EOM) at the mRNA level using Sl-nuclease mapping techniques and at the protein level by polypeptide mapping... more
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG) are extracellular matrix proteins inhibitory to neurite outgrowth in vitro and correlated with decreased neurite outgrowth after CNS injury. Previously, heparan sulfate proteoglycan and dermatan... more
We report the immortalization, using the SV 40 large T antigen, of all the cell types contributing to a developing seminiferous tuhule in the mouse testis. Sixteen peritubular, 22 Leydig, 8 Sertoli, and 1 germ cell line have been... more
Several neurotransmitters and hormones with potential to trigger a simultaneous contraction of the oviducts and the spermathecal myoepithelium were examined. Saline (0.05 ml), or 0.05 ml saline plus acetylcholine (9ms), norepinephrine (50... more
Cranial visceral afferents travel via the solitary tract (ST) to contact neurons within the ST nucleus (NTS) and activate homeostatic reflexes. Hypothalamic projections from the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) release oxytocin (OT) to... more
Chondrosarcomas are malignant cartilage-forming tumors that represent the second most common malignant solid tumor of bone. These biologically poorly understood neoplasms vary considerably in clinical presentation and biologic behavior.... more
The present study evaluated the occurrence, distribution, and number of GABAergic neurons in the thalamus of different mammalian apecies (bat, mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, cat, monkey, humans), by means of light microscopical... more
Immunocytochemistry of dystrophin, spectrin, vinculin (sarcolemmaspecific proteins), and desmin (an intermediate filament protein) were investigated in 5 patients with acid maltase deficiency (AMD). One patient had infant onset, 2 had... more
The expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was studied in human papillomavirus (HPV)-infected, benign and malignant lesions of the genital tract and larynx using immunocytochemical staining of formalin-fixed clinical... more
5-HT 7 receptors are recently identified members of the serotonin receptor family that have moderate to high affinity for several important psychotropic drugs. However, the lack of selective ligands has impeded the study of the brain... more
Depression associated with poor general medical condition, such as post-stroke (PSD) or post-myocardial infarction (PMID) depression, is characterized by resistance to classical antidepressants. Special treatment strategies should thus be... more
BACKGROUND. The diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma (MM) in serous effusions is difficult but may be achieved by the application of adjuvant methods. METHODS. The authors cytologically diagnosed 33 effusions as suspicious or positive for... more
C6 is a cell line that expresses glial and neuronal markers. Treatments that increase intracellular cAMP levels induce the differentiation of these cells. We had previously demonstrated that forskolin, an agent that activates adenylate... more
Deep cerebellar dentate nuclei are in a key position to control motor planning as a result of an integration of cerebropontine inputs and hemispheric Purkinje neurons signals, and their influence through synaptic outputs onto... more
The procorticotrophin-releasing hormone (proCRH) gene from the teleost Ameiurus nebulosus was cloned by direct and inverse PCR-based technologies and characterized. The structure of the proCRH gene shows the presence of four exons and... more
Critical to defining photosynthesis in C 4 plants is understanding the intercellular and intracellular compartmentation of enzymes between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in the leaf. This includes enzymes of the C 4 cycle (including... more
Interest has recently been shown in adapting the microwave oven heating technique for antigen retrieval to routine diagnostic immunocytochemical practice. Although it has proved effective as a specialist method for individual antigen... more
Aim To analyse phenotypic characteristics of antigen-presenting cells (APC), isolated from human periapical lesions by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry.Methodology Sixteen periapical lesions were digested for 15 min with 0.05%... more
As part of an ongoing investigation devoted to understanding the pathogenesis of senile plaques, we employed histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques to examine the distribution and cytologic features of acetylcholinesterase... more
Pathogenesis-related proteins of the PR10 class have been found in many plant species, are induced under various stress conditions and act as common allergens. Here we demonstrate the presence of two PR10 proteins in yellow lupine... more
This study presents the first purification and characterization of an a-l,4-glucan lyase. The enzyme degraded o~-l,4-glucan to produce 1,5-anhydrofructose. A simple and efficient purification procedure has been developed and the enzyme... more
Several recent studies support a link between tau protein phosphorylation and adduction of tau by reactive carbonyls. Indeed, the phosphorylation-dependent adduction of tau by carbonyl products resulting from lipid peroxidation creates... more
A novel putative tumor suppressor gene and member of the NF2/ERM/4.1 superfamily was isolated using Differential Display PCR (DDPCR) on primary lung tumors. When reintroduced into nonexpressing non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines,... more
. They were orange G positive and reacted with antiserum to chum salmon. GTH cells were located in the central area of the PPD and in the external border of the PI. These cells were Alcyan Blue and PAS positive, and immunostained with... more
BACKGROUNDc-KIT/CD117 down-regulation has been described in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). In this study, the authors investigated CD117 as an ancillary immunocytochemical test for PTC in fine-needle aspiration biopsy... more
The distribution of the dopaminergic D3 receptor in rat brain was studied employing site directed poiyclonal antibodies. Antisera were raised in rabbits to two oligopeptides corresponding to amino acids 160-172 of the second extracellular... more
In the auditory cortex (AC), GABAergic neurons constitute approximately 15e25% of all neurons. GABAergic cells are present in all sensory modalities and essential for modulating sensory receptive fields. Parvalbumin (PV) positive cells... more
The glutamate transporter, EAAC1, was localized immunocytochemically in goldfish, salamander, turtle, chicken, and rat retinas, using affinity-purified oligopeptide antibodies. Immunoreactive (IR) EAAC1 was present in the inner plexiform... more
The polyclonal antiserum PG21 was used to detect androgen receptor (AR) protein in three motoneuronal pools of the male rat lumbar spinal cord. In gonadally intact, wild-type males, the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB),... more
Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) downregulates growth hormone (GH) expression in pituitary cell cultures. However, in vivo different results were found depending on the experimental protocol used. We determined the kinetics of changes... more
Marine planarians were collected extensively from the Iberian Peninsula and Italy. As a result we provide new distributional records of six species of marine triclads, including the description of one new genus and species. The study... more
Both fetal and adult skeletal muscle cells are continually being subjected to biomechanical forces. Biomechanical stimulation during cell growth affects proliferation, differentiation and maturation of skeletal muscle cells. Bone... more
We have constructed a recombinant adenovirus expression vector carrying the human neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) receptor TrkC (tyrosine protein kinase C) gene (rAd-TrkC; 2478 bp) and confirmed the expression of the encoded TrkC in green... more
Cholinergic inputs to the auditory cortex can modulate sensory processing and regulate stimulus-specific plasticity according to the behavioural state of the subject. In order to understand how acetylcholine achieves this, it is essential... more
High-resolution Cryo-Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (HR-Cryo-FE-SEM) and immuno-cytochemistry were used to reveal novel details on the morphological events and spatial distribution of oxidoreductive enzymes during the... more
Some procedures for stimulating arousal in the usual daily rest period (e.g., gentle handling, novel wheelinduced running) can phase shift circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters, while other arousal procedures are ineffective (inescapable... more
An immunocytochemical technique for simultaneously visualizing two different antigens, dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and dopamine (DA), has been used to investigate the presence of cell bodies containing both compounds L-DOPA and DA and... more
The anatomic relationship between serotonergic (5-HT) axons and 5-HT 2 receptors in the rat forebrain was determined by a combined analysis of transmitter irnmunocytochemistry and receptor autoradiography. High densities of 5-HT 2... more
The nervous system and gut of worker, soldier and alate castes of the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) were examined for immunoreactivity to an antiserum to Helicoverpa zea (Boddie)... more
Urine cytology is considered a valid diagnostic method of urological and nephrological diagnosis and follow-up, whereas immunohistochemistry is an indispensable adjunct to histopathology. The combination of both-urinary... more
The potential neuroprotection of nicotinamide on the consequences of perinatal asphyxia was investigated with triple organotypic cultures. Perinatal asphyxia was induced in vivo by immersing foetuses-containing uterine horns removed from... more