Papers by Bernardo Nadal-Ginard
European Heart Journal, Apr 24, 2020
Nature clinical practice cardiovascular medicine, Mar 1, 2006
Clinical Pediatrics, Jul 2, 2016
Two families recently studied demonstrate the variability of expression of upper limb-cardiovascu... more Two families recently studied demonstrate the variability of expression of upper limb-cardiovascular syndrome. Four other patients with upper limb and cardiac anomalies and no significant family history may represent spontaneous mutations or examples impenetrance in antecedent generations, rather than phenocopies of the syndrome. Children under the care of the orthopedist for congenital anomalies of the upper limb should have a complete cardiac assessment.
Obwohl die physiologischen Eigenschaften des Myokards und ihr dynamischer Charakter in den letzte... more Obwohl die physiologischen Eigenschaften des Myokards und ihr dynamischer Charakter in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt intensiver Forschung standen, war uber die biochemischen und molekularen Korrelate, die der kardialen Entwicklung und Leistung zugrunde liegen, bis vor kurzem wenig bekannt. Die Entwicklung der modernen Zell- und Molekularbiologie ermoglichte es, die Mechanismen zu untersuchen, die bei der kardialen Entwicklung eine Rolle spielen, und die Basis fur wichtige klinische und experimentelle Probleme der kardiovaskularen Physiologie zu verstehen. Der Grosteil des Gens, das die kontraktilen Proteine verschlusselt, konnte kloniert und charakterisiert werden. Die Verfugbarkeit von Molekularsonden und die Fahigkeit, Gene in individuelle Zelltypen und in Gewebe lebender Tiere einzubringen, sind die wichtigsten Durchbruche der Molekular- und Zellbiologie. Dies erlaubt es nicht nur, Grundmechanismen der Genexpression zu analysieren, sondern es bietet auch bedeutende praktische Anwendungsmoglichkeiten im Bereich der Gentherapie. Es ist jetzt moglich, die Rolle der verschiedenen regulatorischen Gensequenzen zu analysieren und ihre entsprechenden transaktiven Faktoren zu identifizieren. Zusatzlich ermoglicht es die direkte Geninjektion, die Genexpression in einem naturlichen Kontext zu studieren, unter Bedingungen, die physiologisch relevant und kontrollierbar sind.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2019
Cardiac biology and heart regeneration have been intensively investigated and debated in the last... more Cardiac biology and heart regeneration have been intensively investigated and debated in the last 15 years. Nowadays, the well-established and old dogma that the adult heart lacks of any myocyte-regenerative capacity has been firmly overturned by the evidence of cardiomyocyte renewal throughout the mammalian life as part of normal organ cell homeostasis, which is increased in response to injury. Concurrently, reproducible evidences from independent laboratories have convincingly shown that the adult heart possesses a pool of multipotent cardiac stem/progenitor cells (CSCs or CPCs) capable of sustaining cardiomyocyte and vascular tissue refreshment after injury. CSC transplantation in animal models displays an effective regenerative potential and may be helpful to treat chronic heart failure (CHF), obviating at the poor/modest results using non-cardiac cells in clinical trials. Nevertheless, the degree/significance of cardiomyocyte turnover in the adult heart, which is insufficient to regenerate extensive damage from ischemic and non-ischemic origin, remains strongly disputed. Concurrently, different methodologies used to detect CSCs in situ have created the paradox of the adult heart harboring more than seven different cardiac progenitor populations. The latter was likely secondary to the intrinsic heterogeneity of any regenerative cell agent in an adult tissue but also to the confusion created by the heterogeneity of the cell population identified by a single cell marker used to detect the CSCs in situ. On the other hand, some recent studies using genetic fate mapping strategies claimed that CSCs are an irrelevant endogenous source of new cardiomyocytes in the adult. On the basis of these contradictory findings, here we critically reviewed the available data on adult CSC biology and their role in myocardial cell homeostasis and repair.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Sep 1, 1983
PubMed, Feb 13, 2007
Regardless of erroneous claims by a minority of reports, adult cardiomyocytes are terminally diff... more Regardless of erroneous claims by a minority of reports, adult cardiomyocytes are terminally differentiated cells which do not re-enter the cell-cycle under any known physiological or pathological circumstances. However, it has recently been shown that the adult heart has a robust myocardial regenerative potential, which challenges the accepted notions of cardiac cellular biology. The source of this regenerative potential is constituted by resident cardiac stem cells (CSCs). These CSCs, through both cell transplantation and in situ activation, have the capacity to regenerate significant segmental and diffuse myocyte losts, restoring anatomical integrity and ventricular function. Thus, CSC identification has started a brand new discipline of cardiac biology that could profoundly changed the outlook of cardiac physiology and the potential for treatment of cardiac failure. Nonetheless, the dawn of this new era should not be set back by premature attempts at clinical application before having accumulated the required scientifically reproducible data.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Jun 1, 1988
Circulation Research, Mar 5, 2004
Papers by Bernardo Nadal-Ginard