Recent papers in Haematology
A cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2009 to March 2010 in and around Haramaya town to determine the species composition, prevalence and seasonal variation of ixodid cattle ticks. During the study period, a total of 3117... more
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a significant cause of mortality in patients with lung cancer. Despite the availability of a wide range of anticoagulants to help prevent thrombosis, thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory patients is a challenge... more
We investigated erythrogram and leukogram in the rats Rattus norvegicus (Wistar strain) during the short-term hypothermia under the laboratory controlled conditions. Control group of animals was anesthetized using diethylether and then... more
The objective of the present study was to investigate urinary protein profiles in dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in comparison to dogs with urinary tract infection (UTI). Animals were divided into 4 groups: control, CKD stages... more
Objective: Vivax malaria is common in Pakistan. We carried out this study to determine the effects of this infection on blood counts and the impact of splenomegaly on these results. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study... more
In spite of wide spread biological uses of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg), there is a dearth of information on its effects on haematological indices. This work was therefore conducted to evaluate the effects of ethanolic extract of M.... more
Blood samples for determining haematological and biochemical values were taken from 23 healthy wild boars selected for breeding. All animals were in good condition, aged 3 to 5 years, body mass 100 to 150 kg. Total numbers of... more
BACKGROUND Metformin is the cornerstone medication in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with estimates that it is routinely prescribed to 120 million type 2 diabetes patients around the world. Preceding studies say long... more
Metin K., O. Türkozan, F. Kargin, Y. K. Basimoglu, E. Taskavak, S. Koca: Blood Cell Morphology and Plasma Biochemistry of the Captive European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis. Acta Vet. Brno 2006, 75: 49-55.
Foreword by Carl Padgett vii Foreword by David Main ix Preface xi 1 Patients 1 2 Clients 33 3 Welfare Assessment 55 4 Clinical Choices 89 5 Achieving Animal Welfare Goals 113 6 Beyond the Clinic 143 References 169 Index 193
Discrepancies in blood typing is one of the major reasons in eliciting a transfusion reaction. These discrepancies can be avoided through detailed analysis for the blood typing. Here, we report a subgroup of blood group type-B in the ABO... more
Objective-To develop robust reference intervals for hematologic and serum biochemical variables by use of data derived from free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and examine potential variation in distributions of... more
For a long time, aluminium (Al) has been considered an indifferent element from a toxicological point of view. In recent years, however, Al has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several clinical disorders, such as dialysis dementia,... more
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder of glucose metabolism characterized by elevated blood sugar concentrations due to a loss of insulin-producing pancreatic β-cells (type 1 diabetes) or through loss of insulin responsiveness... more
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder which has emerged as a health challenge globally due to its insidious on set, late recognition and complications. The present study was aimed at evaluation of haemostatic parameters... more
This article presents an overview of haematological parameters and factors affecting their values. Blood act as a pathological reflector of the status of the exposed animals to toxicants and other conditions. The examination of blood... more
Recent years have seen great advances in the understanding of epigenetic gene regulation. Many of the molecular players involved have recently been identified and are rapidly being characterized in detail. Genome scale studies, using... more
All the objecte are rod blood-wrpuscles done to one and the t*ime ficaie, whieli is at the foot of the drawing. The whole length m* the eeak represents 7 ± π of an English inch, and each one of it« ten divisions j^'-j^ of an inch, as... more
Classical multidimensional scaling is a widely used method in dimensionality reduction and manifold learning. The method takes in a dissimilarity matrix and outputs a low-dimensional configuration matrix based on a spectral decomposition.... more
Haematological reference ranges are often influenced by individual variables, such as race, age, gender and dietary habits. In addition, ecological factors such as climate and altitudemight affect the parameters, while variations in... more
The study was planned to determine the comparative efficacy of leaf extract of Azadirachta indica, Cichorium intybus and Moringa oleifera, on haematology, intestinal histomorphology and nutrient digestibility in broilers. Day old broiler... more
An increasing understanding of the process of erythropoiesis raises some interesting questions about the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of anemia and erythrocytosis. The mechanisms underlying the development of many of the... more
ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to study the effect of dietary vitamin E on performance, digestibility and hematological parameters for a period of eight weeks with 96 day-old marshal broiler chicks. Basal diets was supplemented with... more
A. INHIBITOR Faal hemostasis merupakan proses yang sangat terkendali dan berkeseimbangan serta terbatas hanya di tempat kerusakan dinding pembuluh darah, tidak boleh meluas secara sistemik. Pembentukan fibrin berlebihan (sifat... more
Οι αιματολογικές κακοήθειες μολονότι αποτελούν το 8% των περιπτώσεων καρκίνου δεν έχουν μελετηθεί επαρκώς από ψυχοκοινωνική σκοπιά. Η παρούσα έρευνα επιχειρεί τη διερεύνηση των αφηγήσεων 8 Ελλήνων ασθενών με αιματολογικό καρκίνο. Στόχος... more
Tolong saya Dok, badan saya terasa lemah dan mudah capai Sdr. X, perempuan, 20 tahun, adalah seorang mahasiswa sebuah perguruan tinggi di kota Malang. Sudah sebulan ini, dia merasa badannya terasa lemah, mudah capai, dan tidak kuat... more
Abstract— Cigarette smoking is one of the major causes of cancer and cardiovascular diseases leading to millions of premature deaths each year all over the world. Scientists have identified about 4,000 different substances in tobacco all... more
BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to... more
Introduction: A case of an 82-year-old male is reported, who comes to our center presenting an essential thrombocytosis, with platelet levels > 2,000 x 103/μL. The patient was treated by therapeutic plateletapheresis performed with a... more
Paul Ehrlich (1854e1915) is nowadays considered a pioneer in a number of medical fields, and in the course of time his role in the establishment and development of disciplines such as histology, immunology, oncology and haematology has... more
Agricultural pests and ectoparasites in animals/poultry are controlled by spraying pesticides/insecticides which include pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates and organochlorines. Pyrethroids having high efficiency with low toxicity... more
A ten-week experiment using twenty four (24) weaner rabbits (Chinchila x New Zealand White) aged 8 to 9 weeks with an average initial body weight of 431.20+0.74g were randomly allocated to four treatment diets of T 1 (control), T 2 (5%... more
The effect of Solanum macrocarpon fruit on haematology, hepatic and renal function was studied. Twenty-five wistar albino rats were divided into five groups of five rats each. Aside the control group, the test groups were given compounded... more
Reintroductions and translocations are increasingly used as conservation tools. However, despite guidelines recommending that health-screening be an integral part of such programmes, few reports are available. For most species, even... more
Platelet secretion not only drives thrombosis and haemostasis, but also mediates a variety of other physiological and pathological processes. The ubiquitous SNARE machinery and a number of accessory proteins have been implicated in... more
Chapter 3 The role of medicine: dream, mirage, or nemesis? Thomas McKeown Doctors have always tended to overestimate the effectiveness of their inter- vention and to underestimate the risks, whether removing large quantities of blood,... more
Background: The present study was carried out to establish data on the effects of childhood malaria on plasma levels of some haematological and biochemical parameters in the pathology of malaria in Anambra state children. Methods: The... more
Despite significant advances in supportive care, infection remains second only to malignancy as a cause of death in pediatric oncology patients, and infection accounts for a large fraction of treatment-related costs. Multiple risk factors... more