Femme Fatale
Recent papers in Femme Fatale
De la « femme enfant » (André Breton) et la « femme nature » (Xavière Gauthier), à travers la muse et la « séductrice perfide » (Alain Jouffroy) jusqu’à un type de femme étrange et angoissante, les surréalistes font toujours... more
An essay contrasting two primary female characters and their ultimate embodiment of the femme fatale role, Garance and Séverine, from two classic French films: Les Enfants du Paradis (1945) and La Bete Humaine (1938) respectively.
Début des années cinquante, à Paris, le strip-tease s'acclimate comme le stade le plus aboutit de ce qui est autorisé à la scène en termes d'érotisme. Le succès rencontré par cet art du spectacle vivant est tel qu'à partir des années... more
Essay. Melodrama in Hollywood and World Cinema Course. Convener, Prof. Laura Mulvey, School of History of Art, Film and Visual Media (MA), Birkbeck College, University of London, January 2005. Revised & edited September 2020. Exploring... more
Almost without exception, the spider woman of classic film noir is located in relation to the central male character. It is his story that is told on screen. Consequently, scholars have tended to focus on the antihero’s experiences,... more
Revisión del desarrollo del arquetipo de la mujer fatal durante el periodo de auge del cine negro.
The femme fatale is the icon of a boundless pleasure: with her means of seduction she becomes a craftswoman of irrepressible passions and destroys the male ego. The following contribution traces a linear path that describes the genesis,... more
This thesis as a study has successfully establish how the mythical biblical femme fatale character was created, and the circumstances that came about where she was transformed into the epitome of evil. Its significance is profound because... more
En estas páginas se presenta una exploración a los momentos cruciales de las mujeres fatales dentro de la historia del cine. A lo largo de este recorrido se exaltan los diferentes esquemas de representación de las fatales en el séptimo... more
Es difícil imaginar una película del denominado cine negro -es decir, casi todo el cine estadounidense de temática criminal de los 40 y 50-sin la presencia de una femme fatale. Generalmente, una dama rubia y oscura, atrevida pero... more
Bu çalışmada Geç Ortaçağ ve Fin de Siecle Viyana’sı (Yüzyıl Sonu) dönemleri içinde ölüm fikrinin ve onun görsel temsilinin geçirdiği aşamalar incelenecektir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, ölümün akılcı bir kültür içinde, Danse Macabre... more
The Shakespearean fair Ophelia has become through the centuries a multi faceted heroine apt to embody all the victims of patriarchal domination, but also the evil and victimized decadent lady, who would annihilate her tormentor. Similar... more
Le rapprochement de deux personnages féminins issus l’un de l’œuvre de Barbey d’Aurevilly et l’autre de celle d’Octave Mirbeau nous invite à la réflexion sur le stéréotype et sa possible déconstruction. En effet, les deux héroïnes,... more
In this paper, I will explore how the presence of these traits in most female antagonists could stem from the ideals and gender roles of Puritanism, particularly those displayed in the New England witch trials, as well as from the femme... more
This piece of work will compare and contrast the representations of Los Angeles in Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982) and LA Confidential (Curtis Hanson, 1997), focussing on the themes of vision, gender & identity.
Taylor Swift es la superestrella del momento, en 2006 sacó su primer sencillo y LP (long play). La artista sigue vigente en la actualidad. Ella alcanzó el pico de su carrera entre el 2014-2015, posterior al lanzamiento de su álbum, 1989.... more
Appreciated today only for the style of the early-and mid-1960s Hollywood studio product, the crime comedy film featured strong female roles that paralleled the collapse of the traditional female roles in the era's spy films. Influenced... more
This article argues that the fi gure of the femme fatale, associated by feminist fi lm critics with the epistemological drive of causal and patriarchal narrative, attains a progressive potential when portrayed through the complex... more
The dichotomy of Eros and Thanatos, love and death, is one that has been explored by psychologists, philosophers, and artists throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In particular, Norwegian painter Edvard Munch explored this... more
Dilek ÇETİNDAŞ " Phaedra kompleksi, üvey oğluna âşık bir kadının hikâyesidir, tutku ve ümitsizlik arasında sıkışan bir ruhun hazin klasiği; vahşi doğa ile insan doğasının karşıt tutkularının kıyasıya savaşının, aşk ve nefretin türlü... more
This dissertation will explore the centrality of Laura Mulvey's 'male gaze' theory, and the relationship between violence and sexuality, with regard to the manifestation of the femme fatale characters Cora Papadakis and Brigid... more
Deconstruction theory aims to liberate the reader off the constraints of the false concrete barriers of language by milking the infinite meanings of words and phrases dry in order to achieve this sort of unconventional, resistant reading.... more
A short history of the Femme fatale's portrait, from antiquity and mythology to Modern age. A gallery of women models: Lilith, Eva, Elena, Atena, Era, Afrodite and Clodia indipendent and autonomous; in a mix of history, art and fashion.
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, LXXVIII, n.º 1, enero de 2001, pp. 47-56; luego reproducido en Correa Ramón, Amelina, Hacia la re-escritura del canon finisecular. Nuevos estudios sobre las direcciones del modernismo, Granada, Univ. de... more
Article publié dans la revue en ligne AdHoc n°4 sur le thème de "La Figure", dirigée par le CELLAM, Université de Rennes 2 (http://www.cellam.fr/?p=5577&g=22)
The classic film trope of the femme fatale was particularly suited to the expressive film noir genre of the 1940s-1950s, frequently featuring an enchanting and seductive woman who transgressed social norms and subverted the patriarchal... more
This paper explores androcentric symbolism of the heretical woman as a literary topos to justify male superiority via the biblical interpretation of John the Baptist’s beheading and the purported influence of Herodias and Salomé, wife and... more
This essay focuses on the character of Amy Elliott Dunne in Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Amy represents the figure of the antihero in the 21st century, but more so, she represents the femme fatale giving a more dimension to this famous... more
From sorceresses to vampires, harpies to mermaids, the figure of the killer, predatory woman has always been a subject of fascination for the often male-dominated fields of arts and literature, and has been romanticized in the form of... more
Bengali folktales are an extremely dynamic part of the Bengali culture, children grow up reading, listening to and watching television adaptations of the particularly important text of Bengali folklore, Thakurma'r Jhuli, which is... more
Exploración de la recuperación del arquetipo de la mujer fatal en la comida, el cine animado, el western, el terror, la ciencia ficción, el musical y el cine de superhéroes.
(2017). M. R. Iglesias Redondo y J. Puig Guisado (Coords.). Intersecciones: relaciones entre artes y literatura (pp. 238-250). Sevilla:
Este capítulo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de la presencia y representación de la femme fatale en la ópera, tomando en consideración los aportes de las puestas en escena al arquetipo y cómo éstas se vinculan con el clima... more
Capítulo 1 del libro 'Seducción y traición. Hacia una historia de la femme fatale en el cine'. Ortega Mantecón, A. (2021). 'Hacia una definición de la femme fatale'. En Seducción y traición. Hacia una historia de la femme fatale en el... more
Mémoire de maîtrise en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en Études cinématographiques, Faculté des Arts et des Sciences, Université de Montréal, Québec (Canada). Master thesis presented in the context of a master degree in Film... more
La figura de la mujer vampiro invade los relatos y poemas del Romanticismo europeo representando la seducción de la oscuridad y del mal. La femme fatale vampírica reúne en sí las principales características del mito de la mujer peligrosa... more
Alteridad y misoginia en la representación de la femme fatale: la danza de Salomé y la retórica del velo 1 Hans Frex. Licenciado en Filosofía. Magíster en Teoría e Historia del Arte, U. de Chile
Mi defrendri'al plus ardit qe sia (BdT 200.1= 282.14). El debate amoroso de Guillelma de Rosers y Lanfranc Cigala.
El concepto de femme fatale, la devoradora de hombres, es un icono cultural arraigado y desarrollado en diversos periodos de la historia del cine. En su libro Vamps:An Illustrated History of the Femme Fatale, Pam Keesey (1997) sintetiza... more