Analytic Philosophy
Recent papers in Analytic Philosophy
This article sketches some of the main ideas that informed the work of the post-colonial Indian philosopher Margaret Chatterjee (1925-2019). A philosopher of language and religion, her work straddles the "frozen" traditions of the east... more
Tiger C. Roholt explains why grooves, which are forged in music's rhythmic nuances, remain hidden to some listeners. He argues that grooves are not graspable through the intellect nor through mere listening; rather, grooves are disclosed... more
A few thoughts on what philosophy and philosophizing is and what and how it could be and be done
William Frankena (1966) has suggested a model for analyzing philosophies of education based on practical syllogism which goes back to Aristotle (1925). Even though the deductive method in philosophy of education was the subject of... more
"KEYWORDS: Greek philosophy, analytical philosophy, presocratics, Anaxagoras, Democritus, Heraclitus, atomism, interpretative charity, degrees of existence, true contradictions, J. Barnes, M. Schofield, Charles H. Kahn. RESUMEN: Los... more
In the last few decades there has been a lively debate on the problem of the self both in phenomenological and analytical circles. Among authors that endorse an experiential or minimal notion of the self, the main point of contention has... more
The emergence of Islamic banks and other financial institutions since the 1970s has stimulated a modern literature that has identified itself as addressing “Islamic accounting”. Much of this literature is prescriptive, though studies of... more
Indicates that everything standing on top of naive set theory is also proven.
Wie könnte ein Suchalgorithmus für wissenschaftliche Quellen aussehen? Wie findet man nicht erwähnte Begriffe? Wie erschließen sich implizite Kontroversen? Die Grundlagen für das Lexikon der Argumente.
Monografia si kladie za cieľ kriticky zmapovať chápanie pojmu možných svetov. V historicky ladenej prvej kapitole opisuje formovanie sémantiky možných svetov, spolu s naznačením niektorých problémov, ktoré so sebou prináša, a ktoré... more
Die Texte, die in diesem Band versammelt sind, gehen hervor aus den Vorträgen, die im Rahmen des Philosophischen Kolloquiums am Institut für Philosophie der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg gehalten wurden. Hier stellen externe... more
To ask the question, “Does evidence law matter?,” is often to assume that some sets or groups of people believe it is important while others are challenging that view. However, another assumption regarding the nature of this question is... more
This article explores theoretical alternatives to contemporary western hegemonic feminist discourses, advancing methodologies that mark an epistemological break with western feminist scholarship; namely Orientalist criticism, third world... more
Da sich in den letzten Jahren das Paradigma einer von der analytischen Philosophie inspirierten analytischen Theologie zu einem leistungsfähigen theoretischen Ansatz zur Diskussion religionsphilosophischer und theologischer... more
CITE AS: Corcoran, John. 1999. “Laws of thought”. Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. R. Audi, Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. p. 489. Laws of thought are laws by which or in accordance with which valid thought proceeds, or that justify... more
This paper first discusses how Russell and Hochberg have addressed some phenomena of relatedness, notably relational order, in a similarly “positionalist” way, but by appealing to different sorts of formal relations: “positions” in... more
In an environment characterized by the emergence of new and diverse (and often opposed) philosophical efforts, there is a need for a conception of philosophy that will promote the exchange and critical consideration of divergent insights.... more
When we engage in communication, the success of our communicative acts depends on whether we understand each other. This intersubjective understanding depends on both, that the words we use have a meaning and that we know what our words... more
This book explores the complex domain of social reality, asking what this reality is, how it is composed and what its dynamics are in both theoretical and practical terms. Through the examination of some of the most important contemporary... more
David Lewis’s theory of possible worlds is considered as unable to accommodate impossible worlds into its ontology. This book discusses some ways how this can be done. Chapter I outlines the Lewisian well-defined conception of analysis... more
Modern secular-thought has detached modern religion from both human intellect and nature. Secular evolution, they tell us, has transcended religion in a world driven by blind fate in which we are the derivative of animals. The religion... more
In his classic 1955 paper " Evil and Omnipotence, " Mackie maintains that since the problem of evil is a necessary result of the incompatibility of the belief in the existence of a wholly good and powerful God with the belief in the... more
The forth basic concept of The Person Concept's Individual Person, Behavior as Intentional Action, Language, and World or Reality.
I ask questions about the intersubjectivities associated with the discipline, its pre-suppositions, institutionalized problems, aims, objectives, purposes, domains, terms, etc. I commence with the existence of individuals of the human... more
Enactivism is a major research programme in the philosophy of perception. Yet its metaphysical status is unclear, since it is claimed to avoid both idealism and realism yet still has aspects of both within it. One attempt to solve this... more