Recent papers in Rhythm
« Rhythm I break, […] beats I vary » (315) s’écrie Robert Browning dans le poème « With Charles Avison » (Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in Their Day, 1887), consacré à ses rapports avec la musique. Loin d’exprimer une... more
The observation, analysis and construction of cities and forms of mobility are not always in step with the complexity of urban systems and changes in contemporary societies. It is possible to use time as a key to reading the functioning... more
Tiger C. Roholt explains why grooves, which are forged in music's rhythmic nuances, remain hidden to some listeners. He argues that grooves are not graspable through the intellect nor through mere listening; rather, grooves are disclosed... more
Malgré le caractère déterminant des déficits phonologiques pour l’émergence de la dyslexie chez l’enfant, d’autres hypothèses d’explication sont possibles concernant l’origine de ce trouble durable de l’apprentissage de la lecture. La... more
Although less complete research has been accomplished on the rhythm of Naser Khosrow's poems, literary scholars and poetry researchers has always paid attention to the rhythm of his poems and has always known him by the rhythmic features... more
Hippocampal plasticity and mnemonic processing exhibit a striking time-of-day dependence and likely implicate a temporally structured replay of memory traces. Molecular mechanisms fulfilling the requirements of sensing time and capturing... more
This Part 2 describes the various structures of melodies as more complex versions of the metrical structures discussed in Part 1. In this way, the metrical structure and the grouping structure will be integrated into one theoretical... more
В докладе рассматриваются статистические закономерности распределения ритмических масс по строкам и строфам русского классического сонета. Основной материал – 200 сонетов из сборника К.Д. Бальмонта «Сонеты Солнца, Меда и Луны».... more
New approaches to understanding language and reading acquisition propose that the human brain's ability to synchronize its neural firing rate to syllable-length linguistic units may be important to children's ability to acquire... more
It has been shown that in orthopteran insects each of the optic lobes (OLs) contains a circadian pacemaker controlling locomotor activity and that the pars intercerebralis (PI) modifies the activity level. However, the present study... more
""A Parisian drugstore owner (André Pogoriloffsky), a man in his early fifties, who is also a skilled amateur piano player, experiences a two year long mental trip to a parallel (Temporalist) world, as an avatar. He will soon find out... more
Music is ubiquitous. Yet, its biological relevance is still an ongoing debate. Supporting the view that music had an ancestral role in courtship displays, a pilot study presented here provides preliminary evidence on the link between... more
To put it directly, the paper is an archeology of the so-called "ictus metricus".
This article first describes the central features of human evolution theory. Secondly, Parse's theory is presented through a narrative written as an aid to learning for health professionals. We subsequently review the analysis... more
Analytical models of hemiolas capture the conflict of pulses in a 3:2 ratio; however they generally do not characterise the phase difference between the pulses or the relative strengths of each pulse. To address this, we apply the... more
While Giorgio Agamben is becoming an increasingly important thinker for theology, he is nevertheless still regarded by some as one of the multitude of postmodern philosophers who have built their thought on ontological nihilism. This... more
Kattingeri Krishna Hebbar was born at Kittingiri in the Udupi district of Karnataka. In his childhood he played with clay, and tried to form toys out of it. He also tried to draw with charcoal on the wall of his house the copies of the... more
Authors/Szerzők: Ercsey-Ravasz Ferenc, Ercsey-Ravasz Mária, Fazakas Emese, Hatházi András, Bodó A. Ottó, Jankó Szép Yvette, Köllő Csongor, Gábor Csilla, Bóné Éva, Orbán Gyöngyi, Berszán István, Ferencz Orsolya, Serestély Zalán, Lázár... more
Les activites du jour colonisent progressivement la nuit de nos villes : industrielles, commerciales, culturelles, festives... La mondialisation economique exerce une pression sur les villes pour qu'elles fonctionnent 24h sur 24... more
As Gaston Bachelard notes, 'The first specific instance of the notion of matter is resistance.' (Bachelard 1953, p. 10) If we regard time as a material substance, we can ask what resistance does it offer, and how does that resistance... more
本文討論網際網路在日常生活中的時間意義,分析網際網路在日常生活中如何與多 種科技同時運用,這些運用方式與使用者個人的生活韻律有何關連,網際網路的特質又 如何影響了使用方式。文章先檢視「時間」在現代社會的意義,以及傳播科技如何「加 速」了時間,並影響了人們的生活方式。接著從實踐角度出發,解釋為何從傳播科技在 日常生活中的使用切入。 本研究以125份大學生自我與相互觀察日記為文本,從時間與空間的質變,複合的... more
Cet article présente les apports d’une approche processuelle et rythmologique afin de rendre compte des temporalités constitutives des processus d’apprentissage, de transformation et de développement. La spécificité d’une telle approche... more
This chapter locates the practice-inspired approach to rhythm of choreographer and movement-thinker Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) in the wider context of critical theory focusing on rhythm and rhyth-manalysis. In doing so, its aim is both to... more
The musical legacy of J Dilla continues to be felt eight years after his untimely death from lupus at the age of thirty two. During his lifetime Dilla produced dozens of albums for many influential hip hop artists while also producing his... more
Ein praktisches Verständnis von Silben im Deutschen zu entwickeln ist für Lerner japanischer Muttersprache kein leichtes Unterfangen. Die bekannten japanischen Gedichtformate Haiku und Tanka bieten jedoch interessante Möglichkeiten. Für... more
Music is a powerful cultural medium. The volume explores the varied roles that music plays in human culture and society, and its unique symbolic and communicative properties. Contributors discuss Richard Wagner, Bob Dylan, John Cage, Eric... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of creative dance on proprioception, rhythm and static balance in preschool children. The treatment group consisted of 32 preschool children which took part in a creative dance... more