Daniel Kehlmann auf der Buchmesse in Frankfurt
Daniel Kehlmann im Gespräch mit Adam Soboczynski
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Hintergründe, Eindrücke und persönliche Geschichten sehen Sie in den Dokus und Reportagen von ZEIT ONLINE:
#zeitonline #nachrichten #buchmesse
published: 21 Oct 2023
Daniel Kehlmann über Schreibblockaden und Selbstzweifel | Willkommen Österreich
Hier das Buch "Lichtspiel" kaufen: https://amzn.to/3rZRf04 **
Hier den Besteller "Die Vermessung der Welt" kaufen: http://amzn.to/2xon1SF **
Daniel Kehlmann 2013 bei Willkommen Österreich: https://youtu.be/UVa7QyM-1ME
Daniel Kehlmann 2017 bei Willkommen Österreich: https://youtu.be/k7hIM_q8oE8
Daniel Kehlmann wurde 1975 in München geboren und ist ein deutsch-österreichischer Schriftsteller. Sein Vater ist der österreichische Regisseur Michael Kehlmann und seine Mutter die deutsche Schauspielerin Dagmar Mettler. Sein fünfter Roman "Ich und Kaminski" wurde 2003 ein internationaler Erfolg und sein 2005 erschienenes Buch "Die Vermessung der Welt" gilt als einer der größten Erfolge der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Privat beschäftigt sich Kehlmann gerne mit der Zauberkunst und beherrscht me...
published: 25 Oct 2023
Intimations: Zadie Smith in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann
Zadie Smith in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann on Sept 8 2022 at the International Literary Festival Berlin
published: 30 Dec 2022
Tom Stoppard in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann
Leopoldstadt: Tom Stoppard in conversation with Daniel Kehlmann, Sept 18th, 2022 at the 92Y in New York City
published: 30 Dec 2022
Daniel Kehlmann: Hält uns die Welt zum Narren? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur
Daniel Kehlmann ist der Magier unter den deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern: Zauberhaft verwebt er Fakten und Fiktion und entführt ein Millionenpublikum in ferne Zeiten. Diesmal heftet er sich an die Fersen von Till Eulenspiegel. Barbara Bleisch sucht mit ihm nach dem närrischen Geist unserer Zeit.
Sternstunde Philosophie vom 01.07.2018
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Die «Sternstunde Philosop...
published: 03 Jul 2018
Daniel Kehlmann: Lichtspiel - ein Buch über die Abgründe unserer Zivilisation | Wiener Stadtgespräch
Daniel Kehlmanns neuer Roman „Lichtspiel“ ist eine Erzählung über den Filmregisseur G. W. Pabst. Pabst war einer der ganz großen Regisseure der 1920er-Jahre, der, nachdem er bereits im Exil in Hollywood war, als Emigrant ins Dritte Reich zurückkehrte und dort weiter Filme drehte.
#Lichtspiel geht perspektivisch vielschichtig der Frage nach, wie es in Hitlers Reich war, einen Film zu drehen, Kultur zu gestalten. Welche Kompromisse musste man, gefangen in der Propagandamaschinerie Goebbels’, eingehen? Es ist ein Buch über Kunst und Macht, Verführung und das Böse, Angst, Schönheit und Barbarei, über die Abgründe unserer Zivilisation. Während die Figur real ist und die Erzählung geschickt mit den historischen Fakten verwoben ist, spinnt Kehlmann die Geschichte von G. W. Pabst in seiner Freih...
published: 13 Dec 2023
Daniel Kehlmann's "Tyll": Pranks during wartime. A conversation with Christiane Amanpour.
In exploring the life of an iconic jester, German literary star Daniel Kehlmann finds echoes of our world in the absurdity of Europe's brutal 30 Years' War.
published: 09 Mar 2020
Daniel Kehlmann: "Ich arbeite daran, ein zerstörter Autor zu werden!" | Willkommen Österreich
Daniel Kehlmann wurde 1975 in München geboren und ist ein deutsch-österreichischer Schriftsteller. Sein Vater ist der österreichische Regisseur Michael Kehlmann und seine Mutter die deutsche Schauspielerin Dagmar Mettler. Sein fünfter Roman "Ich und Kaminski" wurde 2003 ein internationaler Erfolg und sein 2005 erschienenes Buch "Die Vermessung der Welt" gilt als einer der größten Erfolge der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Privat beschäftigt sich Kehlmann gerne mit der Zauberkunst und beherrscht mehrere Zauberkunststücke. Sein Wissen und seine Leidenschaft für die Zauberkunst hat er in dem Roman "Beerholms Vorstellung" verarbeitet.
Stermann und Grissemann reden mit Kehlmann über seinen dramatischen Abgang bei der Aufführung seines Theaterstücks "Der Mentor" in Frankfurt, seinen neuen Roma...
published: 28 Dec 2021
Daniel Kehlmann Interview: On Germany
“It’s really not a political decision, it’s a decision of empathy.” Watch German author Daniel Kehlmann – one of the most significant contemporary writers – speak candidly about the world’s treatment of refugees, and how the common perception of Germany has radically changed.
“Somehow, by a weird ironical twist of history, Germany is seen by many people as a bastion of liberal democracy in the world.” Kehlmann, who resides in New York, is experiencing how people suddenly get excited when you tell them that you’re German: “On purely personal terms, I have to say, it’s a very good moment to be a German writer.” This change in attitude, he finds, is due to how Germany did not close their eyes to what happened during the war, but faced the past: “Of all countries that went through dictatorsh...
published: 18 Dec 2018
Daniel Kehlmann Interview: Enlightenment Took Away Fear
“Enlightenment told us: Yes, you are mortal, God might not save you. But still, it took away so much fear from us.” In this extensive video, Daniel Kehlmann, one of Germany’s most praised writers, talks about the impact of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48), and the differences and similarities between people then and now in connection with his critically acclaimed novel ‘Tyll’.
“I think, what it means to be human is very fluid and really changes over time.” ‘Tyll’ is set in the dark and violent times of the Early Modernity period – between the end of the Middle Ages and the onset of the age of Enlightenment – and more specifically during the Thirty Years’ War. Kehlmann explains that many of the things that we attribute to the Middle Ages – such as the witch hunts – did, in fact, take place ...
published: 11 Oct 2018
Daniel Kehlmann auf der Buchmesse in Frankfurt
Daniel Kehlmann im Gespräch mit Adam Soboczynski
Explainer-Videos von ZEIT ONLINE zu politischen, wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Themen finden Sie...
Daniel Kehlmann im Gespräch mit Adam Soboczynski
Explainer-Videos von ZEIT ONLINE zu politischen, wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Themen finden Sie hier:
Hintergründe, Eindrücke und persönliche Geschichten sehen Sie in den Dokus und Reportagen von ZEIT ONLINE:
#zeitonline #nachrichten #buchmesse
Daniel Kehlmann im Gespräch mit Adam Soboczynski
Explainer-Videos von ZEIT ONLINE zu politischen, wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Themen finden Sie hier:
Hintergründe, Eindrücke und persönliche Geschichten sehen Sie in den Dokus und Reportagen von ZEIT ONLINE:
#zeitonline #nachrichten #buchmesse
- published: 21 Oct 2023
- views: 5436
Daniel Kehlmann über Schreibblockaden und Selbstzweifel | Willkommen Österreich
Hier das Buch "Lichtspiel" kaufen: https://amzn.to/3rZRf04 **
Hier den Besteller "Die Vermessung der Welt" kaufen: http://amzn.to/2xon1SF **
Daniel Kehlmann 20...
Hier das Buch "Lichtspiel" kaufen: https://amzn.to/3rZRf04 **
Hier den Besteller "Die Vermessung der Welt" kaufen: http://amzn.to/2xon1SF **
Daniel Kehlmann 2013 bei Willkommen Österreich: https://youtu.be/UVa7QyM-1ME
Daniel Kehlmann 2017 bei Willkommen Österreich: https://youtu.be/k7hIM_q8oE8
Daniel Kehlmann wurde 1975 in München geboren und ist ein deutsch-österreichischer Schriftsteller. Sein Vater ist der österreichische Regisseur Michael Kehlmann und seine Mutter die deutsche Schauspielerin Dagmar Mettler. Sein fünfter Roman "Ich und Kaminski" wurde 2003 ein internationaler Erfolg und sein 2005 erschienenes Buch "Die Vermessung der Welt" gilt als einer der größten Erfolge der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Privat beschäftigt sich Kehlmann gerne mit der Zauberkunst und beherrscht mehrere Zauberkunststücke. Sein Wissen und seine Leidenschaft für die Zauberkunst hat er in dem Roman "Beerholms Vorstellung" verarbeitet.
Stermann und Grissemann reden mit Kehlmann über seinen neuen Roman "Lichtspiel". Das Buch handelt vom Filmregisseur Georg Wilhelm Pabst im Dritten Reich.
Weitere lustige Interviews findest du hier: https://goo.gl/6rQw1B
Ausschnitt aus der Sendung vom 18.10.2013
** Dies ist ein Affiliate Link
Affiliate Links sind Links, für die - je nach messbarem Erfolg - eine Provision gezahlt wird. Die Produkte, die wir hier bewerben können natürlich auch gerne woanders gekauft werden. Der Link ist lediglich ein Vorschlag, damit ihr sehen könnt, wie das Produkt aussieht und wo es gekauft werden kann.
Hier das Buch "Lichtspiel" kaufen: https://amzn.to/3rZRf04 **
Hier den Besteller "Die Vermessung der Welt" kaufen: http://amzn.to/2xon1SF **
Daniel Kehlmann 2013 bei Willkommen Österreich: https://youtu.be/UVa7QyM-1ME
Daniel Kehlmann 2017 bei Willkommen Österreich: https://youtu.be/k7hIM_q8oE8
Daniel Kehlmann wurde 1975 in München geboren und ist ein deutsch-österreichischer Schriftsteller. Sein Vater ist der österreichische Regisseur Michael Kehlmann und seine Mutter die deutsche Schauspielerin Dagmar Mettler. Sein fünfter Roman "Ich und Kaminski" wurde 2003 ein internationaler Erfolg und sein 2005 erschienenes Buch "Die Vermessung der Welt" gilt als einer der größten Erfolge der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Privat beschäftigt sich Kehlmann gerne mit der Zauberkunst und beherrscht mehrere Zauberkunststücke. Sein Wissen und seine Leidenschaft für die Zauberkunst hat er in dem Roman "Beerholms Vorstellung" verarbeitet.
Stermann und Grissemann reden mit Kehlmann über seinen neuen Roman "Lichtspiel". Das Buch handelt vom Filmregisseur Georg Wilhelm Pabst im Dritten Reich.
Weitere lustige Interviews findest du hier: https://goo.gl/6rQw1B
Ausschnitt aus der Sendung vom 18.10.2013
** Dies ist ein Affiliate Link
Affiliate Links sind Links, für die - je nach messbarem Erfolg - eine Provision gezahlt wird. Die Produkte, die wir hier bewerben können natürlich auch gerne woanders gekauft werden. Der Link ist lediglich ein Vorschlag, damit ihr sehen könnt, wie das Produkt aussieht und wo es gekauft werden kann.
- published: 25 Oct 2023
- views: 3897
Intimations: Zadie Smith in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann
Zadie Smith in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann on Sept 8 2022 at the International Literary Festival Berlin
Zadie Smith in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann on Sept 8 2022 at the International Literary Festival Berlin
Zadie Smith in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann on Sept 8 2022 at the International Literary Festival Berlin
- published: 30 Dec 2022
- views: 6759
Tom Stoppard in Conversation with Daniel Kehlmann
Leopoldstadt: Tom Stoppard in conversation with Daniel Kehlmann, Sept 18th, 2022 at the 92Y in New York City
Leopoldstadt: Tom Stoppard in conversation with Daniel Kehlmann, Sept 18th, 2022 at the 92Y in New York City
Leopoldstadt: Tom Stoppard in conversation with Daniel Kehlmann, Sept 18th, 2022 at the 92Y in New York City
- published: 30 Dec 2022
- views: 866
Daniel Kehlmann: Hält uns die Welt zum Narren? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur
Daniel Kehlmann ist der Magier unter den deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern: Zauberhaft verwebt er Fakten und Fiktion und entführt ein Millionenpublikum in ferne...
Daniel Kehlmann ist der Magier unter den deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern: Zauberhaft verwebt er Fakten und Fiktion und entführt ein Millionenpublikum in ferne Zeiten. Diesmal heftet er sich an die Fersen von Till Eulenspiegel. Barbara Bleisch sucht mit ihm nach dem närrischen Geist unserer Zeit.
Sternstunde Philosophie vom 01.07.2018
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Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» pflegt den vertieften und kritischen Ideenaustausch und geht den brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit auf den Grund.
Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» schlägt den grossen Bogen von der gesellschaftspolitischen Aktualität zu den Grundfragen der Philosophie: Wer ist wofür verantwortlich, worin besteht die menschliche Freiheit, was bestimmt unseren Lebenssinn? Zu Gast sind Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft – Stimmen, die zum Denken anregen und unser Zeitgeschehen reflektieren und einordnen.
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#SRFKultur #SRFSternstunde #Philosophie #SRF
Daniel Kehlmann ist der Magier unter den deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern: Zauberhaft verwebt er Fakten und Fiktion und entführt ein Millionenpublikum in ferne Zeiten. Diesmal heftet er sich an die Fersen von Till Eulenspiegel. Barbara Bleisch sucht mit ihm nach dem närrischen Geist unserer Zeit.
Sternstunde Philosophie vom 01.07.2018
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Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» pflegt den vertieften und kritischen Ideenaustausch und geht den brennenden Fragen unserer Zeit auf den Grund.
Die «Sternstunde Philosophie» schlägt den grossen Bogen von der gesellschaftspolitischen Aktualität zu den Grundfragen der Philosophie: Wer ist wofür verantwortlich, worin besteht die menschliche Freiheit, was bestimmt unseren Lebenssinn? Zu Gast sind Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft – Stimmen, die zum Denken anregen und unser Zeitgeschehen reflektieren und einordnen.
Social Media Netiquette von SRF:
► https://www.srf.ch/social-netiquette
#SRFKultur #SRFSternstunde #Philosophie #SRF
- published: 03 Jul 2018
- views: 79331
Daniel Kehlmann: Lichtspiel - ein Buch über die Abgründe unserer Zivilisation | Wiener Stadtgespräch
Daniel Kehlmanns neuer Roman „Lichtspiel“ ist eine Erzählung über den Filmregisseur G. W. Pabst. Pabst war einer der ganz großen Regisseure der 1920er-Jahre, de...
Daniel Kehlmanns neuer Roman „Lichtspiel“ ist eine Erzählung über den Filmregisseur G. W. Pabst. Pabst war einer der ganz großen Regisseure der 1920er-Jahre, der, nachdem er bereits im Exil in Hollywood war, als Emigrant ins Dritte Reich zurückkehrte und dort weiter Filme drehte.
#Lichtspiel geht perspektivisch vielschichtig der Frage nach, wie es in Hitlers Reich war, einen Film zu drehen, Kultur zu gestalten. Welche Kompromisse musste man, gefangen in der Propagandamaschinerie Goebbels’, eingehen? Es ist ein Buch über Kunst und Macht, Verführung und das Böse, Angst, Schönheit und Barbarei, über die Abgründe unserer Zivilisation. Während die Figur real ist und die Erzählung geschickt mit den historischen Fakten verwoben ist, spinnt Kehlmann die Geschichte von G. W. Pabst in seiner Freiheit als Autor fiktiv weiter. Kehlmann versucht in seiner Literatur die „Wahrheit durch Erfindung herauszuarbeiten“, wie er es selbst bezeichnet.
Barbara Tóth von der Wochenzeitung @FalterVerlag spricht beim Wiener #Stadtgespräch mit Daniel #Kehlmann über seinen neuen Roman, der nicht nur Schlaglichter auf die Diktatur des Dritten Reichs wirft, sondern im weiteren Sinne auch auf die Gesellschaft von heute.
0:00:00 Einleitung
0:06:10 Lesung Lichtspiel
0:21:10 Stadtgespräch Daniel Kehlmann
1:25:55 Publikumsfragen
☛ Alle Wiener Stadtgespräche: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktLirIUW9qzhrQU6fUzP4LGd3RZ1Be3u
Über Daniel Kehlmann:
Er wurde 1975 in München geboren und für sein Werk unter anderem mit dem Candide-Preis, dem Per-Olov-Enquist-Preis, dem Kleist-Preis, dem Thomas-Mann-Preis und dem Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis ausgezeichnet. Sein Roman „Die Vermessung der Welt“ war eines der erfolgreichsten deutschen Bücher der Nachkriegszeit, und auch sein Roman „Tyll“ stand monatelang auf den Bestsellerlisten und gelangte auf die Shortlist des International Booker Prize. Im Oktober 2023 erschien sein jüngster Roman „Lichtspiel“. Daniel Kehlmann lebt in Berlin.
╼ Wer wir sind ╼╼╼╼
Die #Arbeiterkammer setzt sich seit 100 Jahren für die Rechte der Arbeitnehmer:innen ein. Unsere Errungenschaften sind die Grundlage der sozialen Gerechtigkeit in Österreich. Dafür kämpfen wir. Damals. Heute. Für immer.
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Daniel Kehlmanns neuer Roman „Lichtspiel“ ist eine Erzählung über den Filmregisseur G. W. Pabst. Pabst war einer der ganz großen Regisseure der 1920er-Jahre, der, nachdem er bereits im Exil in Hollywood war, als Emigrant ins Dritte Reich zurückkehrte und dort weiter Filme drehte.
#Lichtspiel geht perspektivisch vielschichtig der Frage nach, wie es in Hitlers Reich war, einen Film zu drehen, Kultur zu gestalten. Welche Kompromisse musste man, gefangen in der Propagandamaschinerie Goebbels’, eingehen? Es ist ein Buch über Kunst und Macht, Verführung und das Böse, Angst, Schönheit und Barbarei, über die Abgründe unserer Zivilisation. Während die Figur real ist und die Erzählung geschickt mit den historischen Fakten verwoben ist, spinnt Kehlmann die Geschichte von G. W. Pabst in seiner Freiheit als Autor fiktiv weiter. Kehlmann versucht in seiner Literatur die „Wahrheit durch Erfindung herauszuarbeiten“, wie er es selbst bezeichnet.
Barbara Tóth von der Wochenzeitung @FalterVerlag spricht beim Wiener #Stadtgespräch mit Daniel #Kehlmann über seinen neuen Roman, der nicht nur Schlaglichter auf die Diktatur des Dritten Reichs wirft, sondern im weiteren Sinne auch auf die Gesellschaft von heute.
0:00:00 Einleitung
0:06:10 Lesung Lichtspiel
0:21:10 Stadtgespräch Daniel Kehlmann
1:25:55 Publikumsfragen
☛ Alle Wiener Stadtgespräche: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktLirIUW9qzhrQU6fUzP4LGd3RZ1Be3u
Über Daniel Kehlmann:
Er wurde 1975 in München geboren und für sein Werk unter anderem mit dem Candide-Preis, dem Per-Olov-Enquist-Preis, dem Kleist-Preis, dem Thomas-Mann-Preis und dem Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis ausgezeichnet. Sein Roman „Die Vermessung der Welt“ war eines der erfolgreichsten deutschen Bücher der Nachkriegszeit, und auch sein Roman „Tyll“ stand monatelang auf den Bestsellerlisten und gelangte auf die Shortlist des International Booker Prize. Im Oktober 2023 erschien sein jüngster Roman „Lichtspiel“. Daniel Kehlmann lebt in Berlin.
╼ Wer wir sind ╼╼╼╼
Die #Arbeiterkammer setzt sich seit 100 Jahren für die Rechte der Arbeitnehmer:innen ein. Unsere Errungenschaften sind die Grundlage der sozialen Gerechtigkeit in Österreich. Dafür kämpfen wir. Damals. Heute. Für immer.
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☛ Du hast Fragen? Wir helfen Dir gerne:
☎ +43 1 501 65-0
✉ akmailbox(at)akwien.at
- published: 13 Dec 2023
- views: 4203
Daniel Kehlmann's "Tyll": Pranks during wartime. A conversation with Christiane Amanpour.
In exploring the life of an iconic jester, German literary star Daniel Kehlmann finds echoes of our world in the absurdity of Europe's brutal 30 Years' War.
In exploring the life of an iconic jester, German literary star Daniel Kehlmann finds echoes of our world in the absurdity of Europe's brutal 30 Years' War.
In exploring the life of an iconic jester, German literary star Daniel Kehlmann finds echoes of our world in the absurdity of Europe's brutal 30 Years' War.
- published: 09 Mar 2020
- views: 1010
Daniel Kehlmann: "Ich arbeite daran, ein zerstörter Autor zu werden!" | Willkommen Österreich
Daniel Kehlmann wurde 1975 in München geboren und ist ein deutsch-österreichischer Schriftsteller. Sein Vater ist der österreichische Regisseur Michael Kehlmann...
Daniel Kehlmann wurde 1975 in München geboren und ist ein deutsch-österreichischer Schriftsteller. Sein Vater ist der österreichische Regisseur Michael Kehlmann und seine Mutter die deutsche Schauspielerin Dagmar Mettler. Sein fünfter Roman "Ich und Kaminski" wurde 2003 ein internationaler Erfolg und sein 2005 erschienenes Buch "Die Vermessung der Welt" gilt als einer der größten Erfolge der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Privat beschäftigt sich Kehlmann gerne mit der Zauberkunst und beherrscht mehrere Zauberkunststücke. Sein Wissen und seine Leidenschaft für die Zauberkunst hat er in dem Roman "Beerholms Vorstellung" verarbeitet.
Stermann und Grissemann reden mit Kehlmann über seinen dramatischen Abgang bei der Aufführung seines Theaterstücks "Der Mentor" in Frankfurt, seinen neuen Roman "F" und die Zukunft seines Kindes. Außerdem diskutieren die drei den Erfolgsdruck, welcher bei der Veröffentlichung eines neuen Buches unweigerlich auftreten muss.
Hier das Buch "F" kaufen: https://amzn.to/3xWDayT **
Hier den Besteller "Die Vermessung der Welt" kaufen: http://amzn.to/2xon1SF **
Weitere lustige Interviews findest du hier: https://goo.gl/6rQw1B
Ausschnitt aus der Sendung vom 17.09.2013
** Dies ist ein Affiliate Link
Affiliate Links sind Links, für die - je nach messbarem Erfolg - eine Provision gezahlt wird. Die Produkte, die wir hier bewerben können natürlich auch gerne woanders gekauft werden. Der Link ist lediglich ein Vorschlag, damit ihr sehen könnt, wie das Produkt aussieht und wo es gekauft werden kann.
Daniel Kehlmann wurde 1975 in München geboren und ist ein deutsch-österreichischer Schriftsteller. Sein Vater ist der österreichische Regisseur Michael Kehlmann und seine Mutter die deutsche Schauspielerin Dagmar Mettler. Sein fünfter Roman "Ich und Kaminski" wurde 2003 ein internationaler Erfolg und sein 2005 erschienenes Buch "Die Vermessung der Welt" gilt als einer der größten Erfolge der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Privat beschäftigt sich Kehlmann gerne mit der Zauberkunst und beherrscht mehrere Zauberkunststücke. Sein Wissen und seine Leidenschaft für die Zauberkunst hat er in dem Roman "Beerholms Vorstellung" verarbeitet.
Stermann und Grissemann reden mit Kehlmann über seinen dramatischen Abgang bei der Aufführung seines Theaterstücks "Der Mentor" in Frankfurt, seinen neuen Roman "F" und die Zukunft seines Kindes. Außerdem diskutieren die drei den Erfolgsdruck, welcher bei der Veröffentlichung eines neuen Buches unweigerlich auftreten muss.
Hier das Buch "F" kaufen: https://amzn.to/3xWDayT **
Hier den Besteller "Die Vermessung der Welt" kaufen: http://amzn.to/2xon1SF **
Weitere lustige Interviews findest du hier: https://goo.gl/6rQw1B
Ausschnitt aus der Sendung vom 17.09.2013
** Dies ist ein Affiliate Link
Affiliate Links sind Links, für die - je nach messbarem Erfolg - eine Provision gezahlt wird. Die Produkte, die wir hier bewerben können natürlich auch gerne woanders gekauft werden. Der Link ist lediglich ein Vorschlag, damit ihr sehen könnt, wie das Produkt aussieht und wo es gekauft werden kann.
- published: 28 Dec 2021
- views: 6558
Daniel Kehlmann Interview: On Germany
“It’s really not a political decision, it’s a decision of empathy.” Watch German author Daniel Kehlmann – one of the most significant contemporary writers – spe...
“It’s really not a political decision, it’s a decision of empathy.” Watch German author Daniel Kehlmann – one of the most significant contemporary writers – speak candidly about the world’s treatment of refugees, and how the common perception of Germany has radically changed.
“Somehow, by a weird ironical twist of history, Germany is seen by many people as a bastion of liberal democracy in the world.” Kehlmann, who resides in New York, is experiencing how people suddenly get excited when you tell them that you’re German: “On purely personal terms, I have to say, it’s a very good moment to be a German writer.” This change in attitude, he finds, is due to how Germany did not close their eyes to what happened during the war, but faced the past: “Of all countries that went through dictatorships, no other country has done as much as Germany to confront the question of what happened, and who was guilty.” This, Kehlmann adds, was also the case following the fall of GDR: “The archives weren’t closed, they were opened and accessible to everyone.” This was a painful but important thing to do, and the writer argues that it is a big part of the reason why Germany is now one of the most open and liberal societies in the world. This being said, he is acutely aware that more things should and could have been done: “So it’s not a reason to congratulate Germany and be happy. But it was still more than any other country ever did in a situation like that.” Finally, commenting on the current refugee situation worldwide, he stresses that there is a great importance in raising empathy as a writer. Something that is lacking in in situations when ships full of refugees are turned away, and where it’s about compassion rather than politics: “That’s what it all comes down to in a moment like that.”
Daniel Kehlmann (b. 1975) is a German author. He has written international bestsellers such as ’Me and Kaminski’ from 2003 (’Ich und Kaminski’) and ‘Measuring the World’ from 2006 (‘Die Vermessung der Welt’) for which he was awarded numerous prizes. The latter book furthermore sold around 3 million copies in Germany alone and roughly twice that worldwide, having been translated into more than 40 languages and made into a film in 2012. In 2017, he published the critically acclaimed novel ‘Tyll’, which the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine proclaimed his best novel so far. In 2018 Kehlmann was awarded the prestigious Frank-Schirrmacher-Preis in connection to which German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier described him as one of the most important contemporary German voices. Moreover, his novels are on the school syllabus in Germany.
Daniel Kehlmann was interviewed by Marc-Christoph Wagner in connection with the Louisiana Literature festival at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark in August 2018.
Camera: Klaus Elmer
Edited by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Produced by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018
Supported by Nordea-fonden
Website: http://channel.louisiana.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaChannel
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louisianachannel
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LouisianaChann
“It’s really not a political decision, it’s a decision of empathy.” Watch German author Daniel Kehlmann – one of the most significant contemporary writers – speak candidly about the world’s treatment of refugees, and how the common perception of Germany has radically changed.
“Somehow, by a weird ironical twist of history, Germany is seen by many people as a bastion of liberal democracy in the world.” Kehlmann, who resides in New York, is experiencing how people suddenly get excited when you tell them that you’re German: “On purely personal terms, I have to say, it’s a very good moment to be a German writer.” This change in attitude, he finds, is due to how Germany did not close their eyes to what happened during the war, but faced the past: “Of all countries that went through dictatorships, no other country has done as much as Germany to confront the question of what happened, and who was guilty.” This, Kehlmann adds, was also the case following the fall of GDR: “The archives weren’t closed, they were opened and accessible to everyone.” This was a painful but important thing to do, and the writer argues that it is a big part of the reason why Germany is now one of the most open and liberal societies in the world. This being said, he is acutely aware that more things should and could have been done: “So it’s not a reason to congratulate Germany and be happy. But it was still more than any other country ever did in a situation like that.” Finally, commenting on the current refugee situation worldwide, he stresses that there is a great importance in raising empathy as a writer. Something that is lacking in in situations when ships full of refugees are turned away, and where it’s about compassion rather than politics: “That’s what it all comes down to in a moment like that.”
Daniel Kehlmann (b. 1975) is a German author. He has written international bestsellers such as ’Me and Kaminski’ from 2003 (’Ich und Kaminski’) and ‘Measuring the World’ from 2006 (‘Die Vermessung der Welt’) for which he was awarded numerous prizes. The latter book furthermore sold around 3 million copies in Germany alone and roughly twice that worldwide, having been translated into more than 40 languages and made into a film in 2012. In 2017, he published the critically acclaimed novel ‘Tyll’, which the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine proclaimed his best novel so far. In 2018 Kehlmann was awarded the prestigious Frank-Schirrmacher-Preis in connection to which German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier described him as one of the most important contemporary German voices. Moreover, his novels are on the school syllabus in Germany.
Daniel Kehlmann was interviewed by Marc-Christoph Wagner in connection with the Louisiana Literature festival at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark in August 2018.
Camera: Klaus Elmer
Edited by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Produced by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018
Supported by Nordea-fonden
Website: http://channel.louisiana.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaChannel
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louisianachannel
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LouisianaChann
- published: 18 Dec 2018
- views: 5779
Daniel Kehlmann Interview: Enlightenment Took Away Fear
“Enlightenment told us: Yes, you are mortal, God might not save you. But still, it took away so much fear from us.” In this extensive video, Daniel Kehlmann, on...
“Enlightenment told us: Yes, you are mortal, God might not save you. But still, it took away so much fear from us.” In this extensive video, Daniel Kehlmann, one of Germany’s most praised writers, talks about the impact of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48), and the differences and similarities between people then and now in connection with his critically acclaimed novel ‘Tyll’.
“I think, what it means to be human is very fluid and really changes over time.” ‘Tyll’ is set in the dark and violent times of the Early Modernity period – between the end of the Middle Ages and the onset of the age of Enlightenment – and more specifically during the Thirty Years’ War. Kehlmann explains that many of the things that we attribute to the Middle Ages – such as the witch hunts – did, in fact, take place in Early Modernity. Everyone believed in things like witchcraft and curses, and people had lost their prior firm belief in God and that your soul would be saved, which made it not only a confusing world but also a world full of fear: “Fear was everywhere. People were afraid of hell, and they were so afraid of each other because they believed in curses. So, believing in curses is the same thing as living in a dictatorship where anyone can get anyone in prison…’” Being a human back then, Kehlmann finds, was extremely different, and – through the court jester Tyll Ulenspiegel – he wanted to describe their everyday life without “turning it into some kind of horror movie.”
The Thirty Years’ War, Kehlmann argues, differs from many other wars in that diplomacy had yet to be invented in order to end the war. Looking at it from a contemporary perspective, we can recognize the effect of the flood of propaganda and confusion created by the new printing press everywhere in Europe: “When there’s a new medium, there is always a period of confusion, anger and aggression fuelled by that new medium before we learn how to deal with it, before structures of authority establish themselves…” Kehlmann finds that human beings still have a tendency to think in groups and to limit their empathy to the group to which they feel they belong: “When thinking in groups turns into catastrophe, then you have something like the Thirty Years’ War, or any religious war, or you have people today reacting towards refugees coming into their country with incredible coldness of the heart.”
Daniel Kehlmann (b. 1975) is a German author. He has written international bestsellers such as ’Me and Kaminski’ from 2003 (’Ich und Kaminski’) and ‘Measuring the World’ from 2006 (‘Die Vermessung der Welt’) for which he was awarded numerous prizes. The latter book furthermore sold around 3 million copies in Germany alone and roughly twice that worldwide, having been translated into more than 40 languages and made into a film in 2012. In 2017, he published the critically acclaimed novel ‘Tyll’, which the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine proclaimed his best novel so far. In 2018 Kehlmann was awarded the prestigious Frank-Schirrmacher-Preis in connection to which German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier described him as one of the most important contemporary German voices. Moreover, his novels are on the school syllabus in Germany.
Daniel Kehlmann was interviewed by Marc-Christoph Wagner in connection with the Louisiana Literature festival at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark in August 2018.
Camera: Klaus Elmer
Edited by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Produced by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018
Supported by Nordea-fonden
Website: http://channel.louisiana.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaChannel
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louisianachannel
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LouisianaChann
“Enlightenment told us: Yes, you are mortal, God might not save you. But still, it took away so much fear from us.” In this extensive video, Daniel Kehlmann, one of Germany’s most praised writers, talks about the impact of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48), and the differences and similarities between people then and now in connection with his critically acclaimed novel ‘Tyll’.
“I think, what it means to be human is very fluid and really changes over time.” ‘Tyll’ is set in the dark and violent times of the Early Modernity period – between the end of the Middle Ages and the onset of the age of Enlightenment – and more specifically during the Thirty Years’ War. Kehlmann explains that many of the things that we attribute to the Middle Ages – such as the witch hunts – did, in fact, take place in Early Modernity. Everyone believed in things like witchcraft and curses, and people had lost their prior firm belief in God and that your soul would be saved, which made it not only a confusing world but also a world full of fear: “Fear was everywhere. People were afraid of hell, and they were so afraid of each other because they believed in curses. So, believing in curses is the same thing as living in a dictatorship where anyone can get anyone in prison…’” Being a human back then, Kehlmann finds, was extremely different, and – through the court jester Tyll Ulenspiegel – he wanted to describe their everyday life without “turning it into some kind of horror movie.”
The Thirty Years’ War, Kehlmann argues, differs from many other wars in that diplomacy had yet to be invented in order to end the war. Looking at it from a contemporary perspective, we can recognize the effect of the flood of propaganda and confusion created by the new printing press everywhere in Europe: “When there’s a new medium, there is always a period of confusion, anger and aggression fuelled by that new medium before we learn how to deal with it, before structures of authority establish themselves…” Kehlmann finds that human beings still have a tendency to think in groups and to limit their empathy to the group to which they feel they belong: “When thinking in groups turns into catastrophe, then you have something like the Thirty Years’ War, or any religious war, or you have people today reacting towards refugees coming into their country with incredible coldness of the heart.”
Daniel Kehlmann (b. 1975) is a German author. He has written international bestsellers such as ’Me and Kaminski’ from 2003 (’Ich und Kaminski’) and ‘Measuring the World’ from 2006 (‘Die Vermessung der Welt’) for which he was awarded numerous prizes. The latter book furthermore sold around 3 million copies in Germany alone and roughly twice that worldwide, having been translated into more than 40 languages and made into a film in 2012. In 2017, he published the critically acclaimed novel ‘Tyll’, which the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine proclaimed his best novel so far. In 2018 Kehlmann was awarded the prestigious Frank-Schirrmacher-Preis in connection to which German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier described him as one of the most important contemporary German voices. Moreover, his novels are on the school syllabus in Germany.
Daniel Kehlmann was interviewed by Marc-Christoph Wagner in connection with the Louisiana Literature festival at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark in August 2018.
Camera: Klaus Elmer
Edited by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Produced by: Marc-Christoph Wagner
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018
Supported by Nordea-fonden
Website: http://channel.louisiana.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaChannel
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louisianachannel
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LouisianaChann
- published: 11 Oct 2018
- views: 6370
Daniel Khalife: Former British soldier who escaped prison found guilty of spying for Iran
A former soldier who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, while awaiting trial, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
But he was cleared of carrying out a bomb hoax.
23-year-old Daniel Khalife was serving in the army when he was paid in cash for secret information.
He then told police he had wanted to offer himself to British security agencies as a double agent.
They described him as "the ultimate Walter Mitty character".
published: 28 Nov 2024
MY MOM IS THE STALKER!! (Emotional Reveal)
My mom has been missing and lost for 6 years since I made Spy Ninja videos... All of my friends came over to celebrate the reunion with Melvin's mom - but to also help me find my mama!
✪ INSTA: @danieltoads https://www.instagram.com/danieltoads
♬ MUSIC CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/danielferri
✉ BUISNESS CONTACT: [email protected]
Melvin & Dane: https://www.youtube.com/@MelvinDane
Regina & Daniela: https://www.youtube.com/@reginandaniela
Andrew Vasquez: https://www.youtube.com/@andrewvasquezz
published: 23 Nov 2024
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through Artlist.io
►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther
All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)
Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.
Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.
🎬Clips Channel🎬
Decoding Daniels Vision: The Men That Will Introduce The Antichrist To The World http://youtu.be/_cp6BpEOvsQ
published: 23 Sep 2024
Daniel Khalife: The story of a prison escapee who was found guilty of spying for Iran
Sky's Shamaan Freeman-Powell looks at the story of Daniel Khalife, a former British soldier who escaped Wandsworth Prison and was eventually found guilty of spying for Iran.
Khalife, who first contacted an Iranian spy soon after he joined the Army aged 16, claimed he wanted to be a "double agent" and "thought he could be James Bond" but had only passed on fake or useless information.
Read more: https://news.sky.com/story/daniel-khalife-former-soldier-who-escaped-from-wandsworth-prison-guilty-of-spying-for-iran-13254680
#iran #spy #wandsworth
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published: 28 Nov 2024
Adults VS. Toddlers
published: 24 Jun 2024
Escaped former soldier Daniel Khalife found guilty of spying for Iran | LBC
Appearing at Woolwich Crown Court, Khalife was convicted of breaching the Official Secrets Act and Terrorism Act following 23 hours of deliberation from the jury.
The 23-year-old former soldier was cleared of a second charge of carrying out a bomb hoax.
The former British soldier was accused of passing secret information to Iran after fleeing his barracks, alongside leaving a “dodgy” device on his desk which fellow soldiers thought was "a makeshift bomb", the court previously heard.
Khalife sparked a manhunt in September last year after escaping from HMP Wandsworth in south London while on remand, strapping himself to the underside of a food delivery lorry in a bid to escape.
The former soldier had pleaded guilty to escaping from HMP Wandsworth in September 2023 part way through his t...
published: 28 Nov 2024
Former soldier Daniel Khalife has been found guilty of spying for Iran
Former British soldier Daniel Khalife, who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
However Khalife was found not guilty of perpetrating a bomb hoax at his barracks in January 2023.
Read more:https://news.sky.com/story/daniel-khalife-former-soldier-who-escaped-from-wandsworth-prison-guilty-of-spying-for-iran-13254680
SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews
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For more content go to http://news.sky.com and download our apps: Apple https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sky-news/id316391924?mt=8 Android http...
published: 28 Nov 2024
Daniel Caesar - Always (Official Audio)
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Always (Audio). © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
published: 07 Apr 2023
Come Back Daniel Song - Spy Ninjas (Official Music Video)
After Chad Wild Clay made "WILL DANIEL JOIN THE SPY NINJAS?", Vy Qwaint created "HE'S HYPNOTIZING YouTubers & EX HACKERS", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "OUR BEST FRIEND LOST HIS MIND in Hypnosis", and Melvin PZ9 filmed "DEFEATING HACKERS IN ROBLOX ARSENAL" the Spy Ninjas decide to save Daniel. Ever since he met his girlfriend, Alie, he has been acting weird. He got hypnotized by the stalker group and the leader Horse Radish. He is acting evil and bad! We tried a bunch of challenges to make him nice and funny, the friendly Daniel he used to be. We even pushed him into the pool. And he really wants to expose Chad's secret that is hidden in the Project Zorgo leaders mask. We decided to make an official music video with lyrics to transform Daniel into the guy we all know and ...
published: 08 May 2021
Former British soldier Daniel Khalife found guilty of spying for Iran | BBC News
Former British army soldier Daniel Khalife has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
Khalife, who escaped prison while awaiting trial, collected information useful to an enemy and had a list of special forces soldiers.
He was cleared of perpetrating a bomb house at his army barracks.
The 23-year-old admitted breaking out of Wandsworth prison in London in September 2023 by strapping himself to the underside of a food delivery lorry during his Woolwich Crown Court trial.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
For more news, analysis and features visit: www.bbc.com/news
#UK #BBCNews
published: 28 Nov 2024
Daniel Khalife: Former British soldier who escaped prison found guilty of spying for Iran
A former soldier who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, while awaiting trial, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
But he was cleared of carrying out a bomb ...
A former soldier who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, while awaiting trial, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
But he was cleared of carrying out a bomb hoax.
23-year-old Daniel Khalife was serving in the army when he was paid in cash for secret information.
He then told police he had wanted to offer himself to British security agencies as a double agent.
They described him as "the ultimate Walter Mitty character".
A former soldier who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, while awaiting trial, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
But he was cleared of carrying out a bomb hoax.
23-year-old Daniel Khalife was serving in the army when he was paid in cash for secret information.
He then told police he had wanted to offer himself to British security agencies as a double agent.
They described him as "the ultimate Walter Mitty character".
- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 34918
MY MOM IS THE STALKER!! (Emotional Reveal)
My mom has been missing and lost for 6 years since I made Spy Ninja videos... All of my friends came over to celebrate the reunion with Melvin's mom - but to al...
My mom has been missing and lost for 6 years since I made Spy Ninja videos... All of my friends came over to celebrate the reunion with Melvin's mom - but to also help me find my mama!
✪ INSTA: @danieltoads https://www.instagram.com/danieltoads
♬ MUSIC CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/danielferri
[email protected]
Melvin & Dane: https://www.youtube.com/@MelvinDane
Regina & Daniela: https://www.youtube.com/@reginandaniela
Andrew Vasquez: https://www.youtube.com/@andrewvasquezz
My mom has been missing and lost for 6 years since I made Spy Ninja videos... All of my friends came over to celebrate the reunion with Melvin's mom - but to also help me find my mama!
✪ INSTA: @danieltoads https://www.instagram.com/danieltoads
♬ MUSIC CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/danielferri
[email protected]
Melvin & Dane: https://www.youtube.com/@MelvinDane
Regina & Daniela: https://www.youtube.com/@reginandaniela
Andrew Vasquez: https://www.youtube.com/@andrewvasquezz
- published: 23 Nov 2024
- views: 1777944
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through Artlist.io
►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and St...
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through Artlist.io
►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther
All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)
Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.
Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.
🎬Clips Channel🎬
Decoding Daniels Vision: The Men That Will Introduce The Antichrist To The World http://youtu.be/_cp6BpEOvsQ
The prayers are located at the end of the video.
Grace Digital Network email:
[email protected]
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Software We Use.
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This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you purchase from one of the product links, we'll receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you), and this helps and allows us to continue to make videos like this.
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through Artlist.io
►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther
All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)
Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.
Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.
🎬Clips Channel🎬
Decoding Daniels Vision: The Men That Will Introduce The Antichrist To The World http://youtu.be/_cp6BpEOvsQ
The prayers are located at the end of the video.
Grace Digital Network email:
[email protected]
Grace Digital Network Website:
Software We Use.
Try Taja Free for 7-days
This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you purchase from one of the product links, we'll receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you), and this helps and allows us to continue to make videos like this.
- published: 23 Sep 2024
- views: 2057394
Daniel Khalife: The story of a prison escapee who was found guilty of spying for Iran
Sky's Shamaan Freeman-Powell looks at the story of Daniel Khalife, a former British soldier who escaped Wandsworth Prison and was eventually found guilty of spy...
Sky's Shamaan Freeman-Powell looks at the story of Daniel Khalife, a former British soldier who escaped Wandsworth Prison and was eventually found guilty of spying for Iran.
Khalife, who first contacted an Iranian spy soon after he joined the Army aged 16, claimed he wanted to be a "double agent" and "thought he could be James Bond" but had only passed on fake or useless information.
Read more: https://news.sky.com/story/daniel-khalife-former-soldier-who-escaped-from-wandsworth-prison-guilty-of-spying-for-iran-13254680
#iran #spy #wandsworth
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To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here: https://news.sky.com/info/library-sales
Sky's Shamaan Freeman-Powell looks at the story of Daniel Khalife, a former British soldier who escaped Wandsworth Prison and was eventually found guilty of spying for Iran.
Khalife, who first contacted an Iranian spy soon after he joined the Army aged 16, claimed he wanted to be a "double agent" and "thought he could be James Bond" but had only passed on fake or useless information.
Read more: https://news.sky.com/story/daniel-khalife-former-soldier-who-escaped-from-wandsworth-prison-guilty-of-spying-for-iran-13254680
#iran #spy #wandsworth
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Sky News Daily podcast is available for free here: https://podfollow.com/skynewsdaily/
Sky News videos are now available in Spanish here/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzG5BnqHO8oNlrPDW9CYJog
To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here: https://news.sky.com/info/library-sales
- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 9864
Escaped former soldier Daniel Khalife found guilty of spying for Iran | LBC
Appearing at Woolwich Crown Court, Khalife was convicted of breaching the Official Secrets Act and Terrorism Act following 23 hours of deliberation from the ju...
Appearing at Woolwich Crown Court, Khalife was convicted of breaching the Official Secrets Act and Terrorism Act following 23 hours of deliberation from the jury.
The 23-year-old former soldier was cleared of a second charge of carrying out a bomb hoax.
The former British soldier was accused of passing secret information to Iran after fleeing his barracks, alongside leaving a “dodgy” device on his desk which fellow soldiers thought was "a makeshift bomb", the court previously heard.
Khalife sparked a manhunt in September last year after escaping from HMP Wandsworth in south London while on remand, strapping himself to the underside of a food delivery lorry in a bid to escape.
The former soldier had pleaded guilty to escaping from HMP Wandsworth in September 2023 part way through his trial.
Listen to the full show on Global Player: https://app.af.globalplayer.com/Br0x/LBCYouTubeListenLive
#jamesobrien #charlottelynch #danielkhalife #iran #prison #guilty #crime #police #LBC
LBC is the home of live debate around news and current affairs in the UK.
Join in the conversation and listen at https://www.lbc.co.uk/
Sign up to LBC’s weekly newsletter here: https://l-bc.co/signup
Appearing at Woolwich Crown Court, Khalife was convicted of breaching the Official Secrets Act and Terrorism Act following 23 hours of deliberation from the jury.
The 23-year-old former soldier was cleared of a second charge of carrying out a bomb hoax.
The former British soldier was accused of passing secret information to Iran after fleeing his barracks, alongside leaving a “dodgy” device on his desk which fellow soldiers thought was "a makeshift bomb", the court previously heard.
Khalife sparked a manhunt in September last year after escaping from HMP Wandsworth in south London while on remand, strapping himself to the underside of a food delivery lorry in a bid to escape.
The former soldier had pleaded guilty to escaping from HMP Wandsworth in September 2023 part way through his trial.
Listen to the full show on Global Player: https://app.af.globalplayer.com/Br0x/LBCYouTubeListenLive
#jamesobrien #charlottelynch #danielkhalife #iran #prison #guilty #crime #police #LBC
LBC is the home of live debate around news and current affairs in the UK.
Join in the conversation and listen at https://www.lbc.co.uk/
Sign up to LBC’s weekly newsletter here: https://l-bc.co/signup
- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 7372
Former soldier Daniel Khalife has been found guilty of spying for Iran
Former British soldier Daniel Khalife, who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
However Khalife was found not guilty of pe...
Former British soldier Daniel Khalife, who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
However Khalife was found not guilty of perpetrating a bomb hoax at his barracks in January 2023.
Read more:https://news.sky.com/story/daniel-khalife-former-soldier-who-escaped-from-wandsworth-prison-guilty-of-spying-for-iran-13254680
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Former British soldier Daniel Khalife, who escaped from Wandsworth Prison, has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
However Khalife was found not guilty of perpetrating a bomb hoax at his barracks in January 2023.
Read more:https://news.sky.com/story/daniel-khalife-former-soldier-who-escaped-from-wandsworth-prison-guilty-of-spying-for-iran-13254680
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- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 4077
Daniel Caesar - Always (Official Audio)
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Always (Audio). © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Always (Audio). © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Music video by Daniel Caesar performing Always (Audio). © 2023 Hollace Inc., under exclusive license to Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
- published: 07 Apr 2023
- views: 57086074
Come Back Daniel Song - Spy Ninjas (Official Music Video)
After Chad Wild Clay made "WILL DANIEL JOIN THE SPY NINJAS?", Vy Qwaint created "HE'S HYPNOTIZING YouTubers & EX HACKERS", Daniel Gizmo...
After Chad Wild Clay made "WILL DANIEL JOIN THE SPY NINJAS?", Vy Qwaint created "HE'S HYPNOTIZING YouTubers & EX HACKERS", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "OUR BEST FRIEND LOST HIS MIND in Hypnosis", and Melvin PZ9 filmed "DEFEATING HACKERS IN ROBLOX ARSENAL" the Spy Ninjas decide to save Daniel. Ever since he met his girlfriend, Alie, he has been acting weird. He got hypnotized by the stalker group and the leader Horse Radish. He is acting evil and bad! We tried a bunch of challenges to make him nice and funny, the friendly Daniel he used to be. We even pushed him into the pool. And he really wants to expose Chad's secret that is hidden in the Project Zorgo leaders mask. We decided to make an official music video with lyrics to transform Daniel into the guy we all know and love! We did this with Chad when he was Chad Mild Clay and it worked. We took out our cat piano keyboard, guitars, and drums to make some awesome beats. We even had a rap battle. Please come back, Daniel! Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog videos in 2021!
▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - https://spyninjasgadgets.com/
▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merchandise - https://www.spyninjasstore.com/
▶ SPY NINJA NETWORK - https://spyninja.page.link/cwcyoutube
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - https://www.spyninjas.net/
Watch Spy Ninjas here:
▶ Chad - https://www.youtube.com/user/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.youtube.com/user/VyQwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFzvquJYoSDFhd9W0JhZKw
▶ Regina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNJel5I2JYglFEn0TOXh_Q
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Ewbj-MFWA7dXgQA9y5EEw
Spy Ninjas' Instagram:
▶ Chad - https://www.instagram.com/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.instagram.com/vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/cwcdaniel
▶ Regina - https://www.instagram.com/cwcregina
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjamelvin/
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mDVsZ
After Chad Wild Clay made "WILL DANIEL JOIN THE SPY NINJAS?", Vy Qwaint created "HE'S HYPNOTIZING YouTubers & EX HACKERS", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "OUR BEST FRIEND LOST HIS MIND in Hypnosis", and Melvin PZ9 filmed "DEFEATING HACKERS IN ROBLOX ARSENAL" the Spy Ninjas decide to save Daniel. Ever since he met his girlfriend, Alie, he has been acting weird. He got hypnotized by the stalker group and the leader Horse Radish. He is acting evil and bad! We tried a bunch of challenges to make him nice and funny, the friendly Daniel he used to be. We even pushed him into the pool. And he really wants to expose Chad's secret that is hidden in the Project Zorgo leaders mask. We decided to make an official music video with lyrics to transform Daniel into the guy we all know and love! We did this with Chad when he was Chad Mild Clay and it worked. We took out our cat piano keyboard, guitars, and drums to make some awesome beats. We even had a rap battle. Please come back, Daniel! Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog videos in 2021!
▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - https://spyninjasgadgets.com/
▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merchandise - https://www.spyninjasstore.com/
▶ SPY NINJA NETWORK - https://spyninja.page.link/cwcyoutube
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - https://www.spyninjas.net/
Watch Spy Ninjas here:
▶ Chad - https://www.youtube.com/user/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.youtube.com/user/VyQwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFzvquJYoSDFhd9W0JhZKw
▶ Regina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNJel5I2JYglFEn0TOXh_Q
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Ewbj-MFWA7dXgQA9y5EEw
Spy Ninjas' Instagram:
▶ Chad - https://www.instagram.com/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.instagram.com/vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/cwcdaniel
▶ Regina - https://www.instagram.com/cwcregina
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjamelvin/
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mDVsZ
- published: 08 May 2021
- views: 82748696
Former British soldier Daniel Khalife found guilty of spying for Iran | BBC News
Former British army soldier Daniel Khalife has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
Khalife, who escaped prison while awaiting trial, collected information u...
Former British army soldier Daniel Khalife has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
Khalife, who escaped prison while awaiting trial, collected information useful to an enemy and had a list of special forces soldiers.
He was cleared of perpetrating a bomb house at his army barracks.
The 23-year-old admitted breaking out of Wandsworth prison in London in September 2023 by strapping himself to the underside of a food delivery lorry during his Woolwich Crown Court trial.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
For more news, analysis and features visit: www.bbc.com/news
#UK #BBCNews
Former British army soldier Daniel Khalife has been found guilty of spying for Iran.
Khalife, who escaped prison while awaiting trial, collected information useful to an enemy and had a list of special forces soldiers.
He was cleared of perpetrating a bomb house at his army barracks.
The 23-year-old admitted breaking out of Wandsworth prison in London in September 2023 by strapping himself to the underside of a food delivery lorry during his Woolwich Crown Court trial.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
For more news, analysis and features visit: www.bbc.com/news
#UK #BBCNews
- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 157010