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Danish Air Transport

Danish Air Transport A/S, abbreviated DAT, is an airline in Vamdrup, Kolding Municipality, Denmark, operating scheduled and chartered passenger and cargo flights.


Danish Air Transport was founded and started operations in 1989, initially as a cargo airline. Soon special operations like the transport of live horses or supplies for the Paris Dakar Rally in Africa were offered, too. Passenger charter flights were added in 1994, with the subsequent launch scheduled services on 18 November 1996. DAT flies regular services from Denmark to Norway as well as domestic flights within Denmark and Norway.


Danish Air Transport operates scheduled passenger flights to the following destinations as of November 2015:


  • Billund - Billund Airport
  • Bornholm/Rønne - Bornholm Airport
  • Copenhagen - Kastrup Airport
  • Esbjerg - Esbjerg Airport
  • Karup - Karup Airport
  • Norway

  • Oslo - Oslo Airport, Gardermoen
  • Stavanger - Stavanger Airport, Sola
  • Stord - Stord Airport, Sørstokken
  • Several more destinations are served as passenger or cargo charters as well as on behalf of other airlines.


    Aviation is the practical aspect or art of aeronautics, being the design, development, production, operation and use of aircraft, especially heavier than air aircraft. The word "aviation" was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1873, from the verb "avier" (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word "avis" ("bird") and the suffix "-ation".


    Early beginnings

    There are early legends of human flight such as the story of Icarus in Greek myth and Jamshid in Persian myth, and later, somewhat more credible claims of short-distance human flights appear, such as the flying automaton of Archytas of Tarentum (428–347 BC), the winged flights of Abbas Ibn Firnas (810–887), Eilmer of Malmesbury (11th century), and the hot-air Passarola of Bartholomeu Lourenço de Gusmão (1685–1724).

    Lighter than air

    The modern age of aviation began with the first untethered human lighter-than-air flight on November 21, 1783 of a hot air balloon designed by the Montgolfier brothers. The practicality of balloons was limited because they could only travel downwind. It was immediately recognized that a steerable, or dirigible, balloon was required. Jean-Pierre Blanchard flew the first human-powered dirigible in 1784 and crossed the English Channel in one in 1785.


    • Plane "cuts off" multiple aircraft at BC's Pitt Meadows airport

      A string of frightening close calls at Pitt Meadows Regional Airport in B.C. have triggered an investigation, after a plane "cut off" several other aircraft in mid-air. An incident report shows that on July 4, a privately owned Cessna flying from Langley to Pitt Meadows flew into the flight path of a Canadian Aviation College aircraft heading into a different runway. When instructed to turn back the Cessna ended up cutting off a Vancouver Aviation College and Montair Aviation aircraft. As Global’s Jennifer Palma reports, the plane's unpredictable behaviour ignited major safety concerns. For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10677972/pitt-meadows-near-miss/ Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/20fcXDc Like Global News on Facebook HERE: http://bit.ly/255...

      published: 03 Aug 2024
    • I Paid For EVERY Addon on SPIRIT AIRLINES

      Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code NOELPHILIPS for 4 months EXTRA at https://surfshark.deals/noelphilips I paid for every addon that Spirit Airlines offer. Here's what it cost, and what I got. OFFICIAL NOEL MERCH: https://www.noelphilips.com

      published: 04 Aug 2024
    • ✈️ 100 CLOSE UP AIRCRAFT TAKEOFFS & LANDINGS 🇧🇷 SAO PAULO Airport BRAZIL | A380 A350 727 747 777 787

      1 HORA de ÓTIMA observação de avião no aeroporto de SÃO PAULO 🇧🇷 no BRASIL Featured Aircraft: A319s, A320s, A321s, A330s, A350s, A380s, B727s, B737s, B747s, B767s, B777s & B787s! Sao Paulo Airport is one of the largest airports in Latin America and the largest Airport serving the country of Brazil. The Airport has 2 parallel runways which it uses to divide operations into landings and takeoffs. Featured here is another 1 hour of plane spotting at Latin America's busiest airport from a varierty of different filming locations! This trip was shared with fellow aviation content creator ​⁠ @StrayaAviation as it was advised to spot in pairs/groups in Brazil for safety. Check out his perspective on his channel! All video and audio material used in this video was recorded by me, HD Melbourne...

      published: 04 Aug 2024
    • Plane Retracts Gear Too Early

      Enjoy this episode of 3 Minutes of Aviation! ✈ SOURCES / FURTHER INFORMATION Qantas Boeing 787 Dreamliner early gear retraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gko_hBYkwGQ China Eastern Boeing 787 pilot missing go around call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8OXi5jO284 Emirates Airbus A380 go around in extreme crosswind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcNfQ-Cmd0w SWISS Airbus A220 cockpit view steep approach into London City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELzjWvrN5FU Bhutan Airlines Airbus A319 go around in Paro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-9Jp8dBGXQ ✈ BECOME PART OF THE CHANNEL Merch Store - https://teespring.com/stores/3-minutes-of-aviation ✈ CONTACT ME Submit videos, give feedback, ask questions – [email protected] If you liked the video, please subscribe and t...

      published: 31 Jul 2024
    • Physics can save lives 🤯 #physics #meme #viral #shortsfeed #aviation #aviationlads #planecrash

      published: 03 Nov 2023
    • Airbus News, Spirit Airlines Big Changes & New Route

      Airbus has announced several updates to its aircraft production, including the A220, A320, A330, and A350, over the coming years. Next, Porter Airlines has announced new flights to Las Vegas from Ottawa and Montreal as part of more growth from Canada using its fleet of E2s. Lastly, Spirit Airlines has announced changes to its future flying, including implementing more choices, including premium seats across the fleet. 🔔 Become a member: https://bit.ly/DjsMembership 🖥️ Visit the website: https://djsaviation.net Connect with Dj's Aviation 🐦 X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/DjsAviation 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djsaviation/ 💬 Discord: https://www.discord.gg/aviation 💻 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/djsaviation 🌐 GlobeTrotting: https://bit.ly/SubscribeGlobeTrotting BUSINESS EN...

      published: 04 Aug 2024
    • Animation vs Real footage | Air France 296Q | #shorts #aviation #planecrash

      published: 14 Nov 2023
    • The Island Adventure Of A LIFETIME!🏝️ | Baby C17 And Friends Ep.5 | 2K 60fps

      The Entire Plane Gang Arrive At An Unforgettable Island Vacation Resort In The Caribbean, They have the time of their LIVES! Adventures are embarked, Fun in had all around and BIG SECRETS are REVEALED! You're not gonna wanna skip this SPECTACULAR EPISODE!!!🏝️ Editing: CapCut Thumbnail: Hypic Edited On: HP 15s fq2570sa Credits For Covers: Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls Acoustic Cover: https://youtu.be/w2khATkdTP8?si=UafYUA2xAy18llCE Cottage Roads - The Walters Cover: https://youtu.be/Qz4az1Sr44E?si=2CR1MdmifeskWnWV Thanks For Watching! If you enjoy this video a like and or sub would mean a lot! And ring that notification bell so you don’t miss out on the best videos! See you all in the next video! JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/788P2Xzx7K BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER!👨‍✈️ https://www.yout...

      published: 04 Aug 2024
    • History almost repeating💀💀💀

      published: 04 Jul 2023
    • 747 then vs now… 🫡 - #aviation #planes #avgeeks #flight #747 #queenoftheskies

      published: 18 Sep 2023
    developed with YouTube
    Plane "cuts off" multiple aircraft at BC's Pitt Meadows airport

    Plane "cuts off" multiple aircraft at BC's Pitt Meadows airport

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:59
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Aug 2024
    • views: 54861
    A string of frightening close calls at Pitt Meadows Regional Airport in B.C. have triggered an investigation, after a plane "cut off" several other aircraft in mid-air. An incident report shows that on July 4, a privately owned Cessna flying from Langley to Pitt Meadows flew into the flight path of a Canadian Aviation College aircraft heading into a different runway. When instructed to turn back the Cessna ended up cutting off a Vancouver Aviation College and Montair Aviation aircraft. As Global’s Jennifer Palma reports, the plane's unpredictable behaviour ignited major safety concerns. For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10677972/pitt-meadows-near-miss/ Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/20fcXDc Like Global News on Facebook HERE: http://bit.ly/255GMJQ Follow Global News on X HERE: http://bit.ly/1Toz8mt Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: https://bit.ly/2QZaZIB #GlobalNews #BC #PittMeadows


    • Order:
    • Duration: 14:58
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Aug 2024
    • views: 126706
    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code NOELPHILIPS for 4 months EXTRA at https://surfshark.deals/noelphilips I paid for every addon that Spirit Airlines offer. Here's what it cost, and what I got. OFFICIAL NOEL MERCH: https://www.noelphilips.com
    ✈️ 100 CLOSE UP AIRCRAFT TAKEOFFS & LANDINGS 🇧🇷 SAO PAULO Airport BRAZIL | A380 A350 727 747 777 787

    ✈️ 100 CLOSE UP AIRCRAFT TAKEOFFS & LANDINGS 🇧🇷 SAO PAULO Airport BRAZIL | A380 A350 727 747 777 787

    • Order:
    • Duration: 58:28
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Aug 2024
    • views: 9602
    1 HORA de ÓTIMA observação de avião no aeroporto de SÃO PAULO 🇧🇷 no BRASIL Featured Aircraft: A319s, A320s, A321s, A330s, A350s, A380s, B727s, B737s, B747s, B767s, B777s & B787s! Sao Paulo Airport is one of the largest airports in Latin America and the largest Airport serving the country of Brazil. The Airport has 2 parallel runways which it uses to divide operations into landings and takeoffs. Featured here is another 1 hour of plane spotting at Latin America's busiest airport from a varierty of different filming locations! This trip was shared with fellow aviation content creator ​⁠ @StrayaAviation as it was advised to spot in pairs/groups in Brazil for safety. Check out his perspective on his channel! All video and audio material used in this video was recorded by me, HD Melbourne Aviation, to which I legally own all the rights and ownership of the audio and video content seen in this video. Uploading this footage in whole or in part without permission granted by HD Melbourne Aviation is prohibited. Help support me! https://www.youtube.com/c/HDMelbourneAviation/membership _____________________________________________________________ FEATURED AIRCRAFT: 00:00 | Emirates A380 Landing from Dubai 00:30 | KLM 777 from Amsterdam 01:09 | ITA A350 Takeoff to Rome 01:41 | Ethiopian A350 to Buenos Aires 02:05 | British Airways A350 to London 02:49 | United 787 from Houston 03:25 | Turkish Airlines A350 from Buenos Aires 03:50 | ITA A330N to Rome 04:20 | Iberia A350 from Madrid 05:11 | Air Canada 787 from Toronto 05:49 | TAAG Angola 777 to Luanda 06:20 | Air France 777 from Paris 06:45 | American Airlines 777 from Miami 07:23 | British Airways A350 to London 07:50 | ITA A330N from Rome 08:30 | GOL 737 to Curitiba 09:06 | Latam 787 to Paris 09:42 | Latam Cargo 767F from Manaus 10:11 | Emirates SkyCargo 777F from Accra 11:02 | Air France A350 to Paris 11:55 | Boliviana de Aviacion 737 from Cochabamba 12:27 | Azul A321N from Recife 13:00 | GOL 737 to Curitiba 13:30 | ITA A350 from Rome 14:05 | South African A330 from Cape Town 14:33 | Atlas Air 747F from Miami 15:04 | GOL 737 from Teresina 16:10 | Atlas Air 747F to Quito 17:05 | Azul A320N from Cuiaba 17:48 | Latam 777 to Milan 18:20 | United 777 from Newark 18:58 | JetSmart A320N Takeoff to Santiago 19:22 | Modern Logistics 737F from Manaus 19:45 | Iberia A330 to Madrid 20:15 | Turkish Airlines A350 from Buenos Aires 20:45 | GOL 737 from Belem 21:30 | Air Europa 787 to Madrid 22:43 | American Airlines 777 to Miami 23:29 | Delta Airlines 767 from New York 23:59 | Total Cargo 727F from Porto Alegrie 24:37 | GOL 737 from Joao Pessoa 25:10 | Air France A350 to Paris 25:48 | Air France 777 from Paris 26:22 | Qatar 777 from Doha 27:01 | Latam 787 from Madrid 27:42 | Jetsmart A321N from Santiago 28:15 | Aeromexico 787 to Mexico City 28:48 | Aerolineas Argentinas 737 from Buenos Aires 29:12 | Air France A350 from Paris 29:52 | Latam Cargo 767 to Campinas 31:03 | Delta Airlines 767 to Atlanta 32:10 | Ethiopian Airlines A350 to Buenos Aires 33:25 | Air Europa 787 from Madrid 34:00 | TAP Portugal A330N from Porto 34:40 | Gol 737 from Montevideo 35:03 | Ethiopian Cargo 777 from Miami 35:43 | Latam A321 from Aracaju 36:22 | Iberia A330 from Madrid 37:00 | Ethiopian A350 from Addis Ababa 37:48 | TAP Portugal A330N to Lisbon 38:30 | Total Cargo 737F from Vitoria 39:02 | VoePass Linhas Aereas ATR-76 from Ribeirao Preto 39:33 | Ethiopian A350 from Addis Ababa 39:48 | Gol 737 to Navegantes 40:22 | Delta Airlines A330 from Atlanta 41:40 | Aeromexico 787 to Mexico City 42:23 | Gol 737 from Cuiaba 43:00 | Gol 737 from Belem 43:35 | Turkish Airlines A350 from Buenos Aires 45:00 | Mercado Libre 737F to Fortaleza 45:37 | Latam A319 to Rio de Janerio 46:22 | Aerolineas Argentinas 737 to Buenos Aires 47:10 | Boliviana de Aviacion 737 to Santa Cruz 48:15 | Iberia A330 to Madrid 48:52 | Swiss 777 from Buenos Aires 49:15 | Delta Airlines A330 to Atlanta 49:43 | Lufthansa 747 from Frankfurt 50:25 | Emirates A380 from Dubai 51:55 | Air Canada 787 to Buenos Aires 52:20 | British Airways A350 to London 52:50 | TAAG Angola 777 from Launda 54:00 | Latam 777 to Milan 55:00 | Avianca A320N to Bogota 55:30 | South African A330 from Johannesburg 56:06 | Correios 737F from Golania 56:45 | Ethiopian A350 from Addis Ababa _____________________________________________________________ LOCATIONS Airport: São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport [GRU/SBGR] Country: Brazil _____________________________________________________________ EQUIPMENT Camera: Sony RX10 Camera 2: Sony A7s MKII External Mic: Rode VideoMic Pro + Deadbeat Editing Software: Adobe Premier Pro CC Tripod: Sachtler ACE 1000 M _____________________________________________________________ SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HDMelbourneAviation/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hd_melbourne_aviation/
    Plane Retracts Gear Too Early

    Plane Retracts Gear Too Early

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:02
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Jul 2024
    • views: 456952
    Enjoy this episode of 3 Minutes of Aviation! ✈ SOURCES / FURTHER INFORMATION Qantas Boeing 787 Dreamliner early gear retraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gko_hBYkwGQ China Eastern Boeing 787 pilot missing go around call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8OXi5jO284 Emirates Airbus A380 go around in extreme crosswind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcNfQ-Cmd0w SWISS Airbus A220 cockpit view steep approach into London City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELzjWvrN5FU Bhutan Airlines Airbus A319 go around in Paro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-9Jp8dBGXQ ✈ BECOME PART OF THE CHANNEL Merch Store - https://teespring.com/stores/3-minutes-of-aviation ✈ CONTACT ME Submit videos, give feedback, ask questions – [email protected] If you liked the video, please subscribe and turn on notifications – I appreciate it!
    Physics can save lives 🤯 #physics #meme #viral #shortsfeed #aviation #aviationlads #planecrash

    Physics can save lives 🤯 #physics #meme #viral #shortsfeed #aviation #aviationlads #planecrash

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    • Duration: 0:39
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Nov 2023
    • views: 2747259
    Airbus News, Spirit Airlines Big Changes & New Route

    Airbus News, Spirit Airlines Big Changes & New Route

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    • Duration: 9:35
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Aug 2024
    • views: 18606
    Airbus has announced several updates to its aircraft production, including the A220, A320, A330, and A350, over the coming years. Next, Porter Airlines has announced new flights to Las Vegas from Ottawa and Montreal as part of more growth from Canada using its fleet of E2s. Lastly, Spirit Airlines has announced changes to its future flying, including implementing more choices, including premium seats across the fleet. 🔔 Become a member: https://bit.ly/DjsMembership 🖥️ Visit the website: https://djsaviation.net Connect with Dj's Aviation 🐦 X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/DjsAviation 👥 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djsaviation/ 💬 Discord: https://www.discord.gg/aviation 💻 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/djsaviation 🌐 GlobeTrotting: https://bit.ly/SubscribeGlobeTrotting BUSINESS ENQUIRIES 📧 Email: [email protected] CHECK OUT THE PODCAST 🎙️ Spotify: https://bit.ly/DjsAviationPodcast 🎙️ Apple: https://bit.ly/DjsPodcastApple ℹ️ MORE INFORMATION ℹ️ https://creativecommons.org/ Licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0 - - - - - 🎵 OUTRO TRACK 🎵 Krys Talk - Fly Away [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfDfb-87F_s&ab_channel=NoCopyrightSounds Free Download / Stream http://ncs.io/flyaway A sincere thank you to all the patrons, channel members and the wider community for your support. #aviation #news #flight #aircraft #avgeek #airplane #airlines #airport #planespotting #airbus #boeing
    Animation vs Real footage | Air France 296Q | #shorts #aviation #planecrash

    Animation vs Real footage | Air France 296Q | #shorts #aviation #planecrash

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    • Duration: 0:22
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Nov 2023
    • views: 554462
    The Island Adventure Of A LIFETIME!🏝️ | Baby C17 And Friends Ep.5 | 2K 60fps

    The Island Adventure Of A LIFETIME!🏝️ | Baby C17 And Friends Ep.5 | 2K 60fps

    • Order:
    • Duration: 15:16
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Aug 2024
    • views: 9370
    The Entire Plane Gang Arrive At An Unforgettable Island Vacation Resort In The Caribbean, They have the time of their LIVES! Adventures are embarked, Fun in had all around and BIG SECRETS are REVEALED! You're not gonna wanna skip this SPECTACULAR EPISODE!!!🏝️ Editing: CapCut Thumbnail: Hypic Edited On: HP 15s fq2570sa Credits For Covers: Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls Acoustic Cover: https://youtu.be/w2khATkdTP8?si=UafYUA2xAy18llCE Cottage Roads - The Walters Cover: https://youtu.be/Qz4az1Sr44E?si=2CR1MdmifeskWnWV Thanks For Watching! If you enjoy this video a like and or sub would mean a lot! And ring that notification bell so you don’t miss out on the best videos! See you all in the next video! JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/788P2Xzx7K BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER!👨‍✈️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--FMtKhja-6WfxLHE7b6eQ/join Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/billysaviation/?hl=en-gb (Follow For Bonus Photos And Content!) TikTok Page: https://www.tiktok.com/@billys_aviation Roblox Username: NogoodID (I am registered on please donate) BECOME A YOUTUBE MODERATOR👨‍⚖️ https://forms.gle/J8sswLV7JHkDaaDC7 SHOUTOUT TO THE WINNER OF THE AVIATION YOUTUBER TOURNAMENT 2024🏆 Go Subscribe: https://youtube.com/@BoeingAviation3?si=8SsBWDodX1gfPlHe My other channels: Dead Ah Vlogs Channel: https://m.youtube.com/@billyedenvlogs hashtags: #aviation #story #animation #island #carribean #cute #planes Tags: (ignore) aviation viral planes billys aviation avgeek Bill Reach Brent Viper Story Animation Episode Island East Caicos Caribbean Summer Feel good Sad Happy Romantic Trending Viral Series Baby Planes Meme USA Palm Tree Drama Sand Beach Ocean Sea Cute
    History almost repeating💀💀💀

    History almost repeating💀💀💀

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:22
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Jul 2023
    • views: 13187994
    747 then vs now… 🫡 - #aviation #planes #avgeeks #flight #747 #queenoftheskies

    747 then vs now… 🫡 - #aviation #planes #avgeeks #flight #747 #queenoftheskies

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:27
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Sep 2023
    • views: 5206577
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    Plane "cuts off" multiple aircraft at BC's Pitt Meadows airport

    A string of frightening close calls at Pitt Meadows Regional Airport in B.C. have triggered an investigation, after a plane "cut off" several other aircraft in mid-air. An incident report shows that on July 4, a privately owned Cessna flying from Langley to Pitt Meadows flew into the flight path of a Canadian Aviation College aircraft heading into a different runway. When instructed to turn back the Cessna ended up cutting off a Vancouver Aviation College and Montair Aviation aircraft. As Global’s Jennifer Palma reports, the plane's unpredictable behaviour ignited major safety concerns. For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10677972/pitt-meadows-near-miss/ Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/20fcXDc Like Global News on Facebook HERE: http://bit.ly/255GMJQ Follow Global News on X HERE: http://bit.ly/1Toz8mt Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: https://bit.ly/2QZaZIB #GlobalNews #BC #PittMeadows
    Plane "cuts off" multiple aircraft at BC's Pitt Meadows airport
    A string of frightening close calls at Pitt Meadows Regional Airport in B.C. have triggere...
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    ✈️ 100 CLOSE UP AIRCRAFT TAKEOFFS & LANDINGS 🇧🇷 SAO PAULO Airport BRAZIL | A380 A350 727 747 777 787
    1 HORA de ÓTIMA observação de avião no aeroporto de SÃO PAULO 🇧🇷 no BRASIL Featured Aircr...
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    Enjoy this episode of 3 Minutes of Aviation! ✈ SOURCES / FURTHER INFORMATION Qantas Boei...
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    The Island Adventure Of A LIFETIME!🏝️ | Baby C17 And Friends Ep.5 | 2K 60fps
    The Entire Plane Gang Arrive At An Unforgettable Island Vacation Resort In The Caribbean, ...
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    Danish Air Transport

    Danish Air Transport A/S, abbreviated DAT, is an airline in Vamdrup, Kolding Municipality, Denmark, operating scheduled and chartered passenger and cargo flights.


    Danish Air Transport was founded and started operations in 1989, initially as a cargo airline. Soon special operations like the transport of live horses or supplies for the Paris Dakar Rally in Africa were offered, too. Passenger charter flights were added in 1994, with the subsequent launch scheduled services on 18 November 1996. DAT flies regular services from Denmark to Norway as well as domestic flights within Denmark and Norway.


    Danish Air Transport operates scheduled passenger flights to the following destinations as of November 2015:


  • Billund - Billund Airport
  • Bornholm/Rønne - Bornholm Airport
  • Copenhagen - Kastrup Airport
  • Esbjerg - Esbjerg Airport
  • Karup - Karup Airport
  • Norway

  • Oslo - Oslo Airport, Gardermoen
  • Stavanger - Stavanger Airport, Sola
  • Stord - Stord Airport, Sørstokken
  • Several more destinations are served as passenger or cargo charters as well as on behalf of other airlines.

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