Joyous Orb(喜びのオーブ) [添付]
Joyが小さくなった見た目のアイテム。 岩石・レンガと同様リコール無効で、近づかないと持てない。 ラウンド中に使用するとしばらくの間マップを自由気ままに飛び回り、接触したテラーをスタンさせ、最終的に爆発する。
スキン なし
関連アイテム なし
ゲーム進行の流れ Q&A パトロンでの支援方法 ラウンドについて
実績一覧 状態異常 小技&小ネタ バグ・不具合事象
アイテム速度早見表 テラー速度早見表 テラースタン早見表 実績持ちテラー早見表
Aku Ball Akumii-Kari★ All-Around-Helpers An Arbiter ★ Ao Oni Apocrean Harvester Arkus ★ Arrival★ Astrum Aureus Bacteria Bad Batter Bed Mecha★ Beyond BFF Big Bird Bigger Boot Black Sun Cartoon Cat CENSORED Charlotte Christian Brutal Sniper Clockey Comedy Corrupted Toys Cubor's Revenge Deleted Demented Spongebob Dev Bytes Dog Mimic Don't Touch Me ★ DoomBox Dr. Tox Express Train To Hell ★ Fox Squad Garten Goers ★ Ghost Girl Haket Harvest Hell Bell ★ HER Herobrine HoovyDundy Horseless Headless Horsemann Huggy Hush Immortal Snail Imposter Ink Demon Judgement Bird★ Karol_Corpse Killer Fish Killer Rabbit Legs Living Shadow Luigi - Luigi Dolls Lunatic Cultist Malicious Twins Manti Maul-A-Child Miros Birds Mirror MissingNo Mona & The Mountain ★ MopeMope ★ MX Nextbots Nosk Pale Association Parhelion's Victims Peepy Poly Prisoner Punishing Bird Purple Guy ★ Random Flying Knife Red Bus ★ Red Fanatic Retep Rush ★ S.O.S ★ Sakuya Izayoi ★ Sawrunner Scavenger★ Security Seek Shinto Shiteyanyo Signus Slender ★ Smileghost Snarbolax Something ★ Something Wicked Sonic Spamton Specimen 2 Specimen 5 Specimen 8 Specimen 10 Spongefly Swarm Starved ★ Sturm Tails Doll TBH★ Terror of Nowhere The Boys ★ The Guidance ★ The Jester The LifeBringer The Origin The Painter The Plague Doctor The Pursuer The Rat The Swarm Those Olden Days★ Tiffany Time Ripper Tinky Winky Toren's Shadow ★ Toy Enforcer Tricky V2 Waldo Warden★ Wario Apparition Waterwraith★ Wild Yet Curious Creature With Many Voices Withered Bonnie WhiteNight ★ Yolm
lain This Killer does not exist
_(名無し) ,D@;Q7Y★ Ambush ★ Angry Munci ★ Apathy ★ Army in Black Bliss (Lone Agent) ★ Convict Squad ★ Decayed Sponge Dev Maulers Eggman's Announcement Feddys Fusion Pilot ★ Glaggle Gang ★ Judas ★ Joy★ Lord's Signal MR.MEGA ★ Paradise Bird★ Parhelion ★ Restless Creator ★ Roblander ★ Sakuya The Ripper ★ Sanic sm64.z64 ★ S.T.G.M TBH SPY Teuthida ★ The Knight of Toren The Observation ★ The Red Mist ★ Tragedy Try Not To Touch Me Voidwalker Walpurgisnacht ★ WHITEFACE
Mystic Moon Psychosis ★
Blood Moon Virus ★
Twilight Apocalypse Bird ★
Solstice Pandora ★
Classic Hungry Home Invader ★ Atrached Wild Yet Bloodthirsty Creature RUN (走れ!) The MeatBallMan ★ Cold Night (寒い夜) Rift Monsters ★ Unbound Transportation Trio&The Drifter★ 8pages Red Mist Apparition Baldi★ Shadow Freddy★ Searchlights★ Alternates ★ その他 Specimen 9 ★ Interloper ★
(名称不明) OH NO
狂気 Epic Bonnie TBH SANS ★ ミッドナイト Blue Haket Eyes Inverted Roblander Kimera ★ Monarch ★ Nameless ★ Rabid Snarbolax Rewrite Ruinborn Afton Scrapyard Machine Search and Destroy Slendy The Batter
Bekka Corrupted Spongebob Furnace Mario Has Logged In Shadows Of Yharnam Solar Cultist Squidward Red Mist ★ The Navigator ★ The Old Man Ancient Monarch(旧Monarch)★
Alter Ancient Astral Baseplate Backrooms Black Forest Blackspace★ Carpark Challenge Cube ★ Cheese Maze ★ Chess Colony★ Construct Desktop ★ Development Dots Dring King's Citadel Dust Elevator Engine Escape Route Experimentation ★ Fishbowl ★ Forest Gaol Gardens Garten Harvest Have ★ Heaven Hell Hightower Hole Hotel Inner Tower Innyume Isolation Iteration_0 Lounge Luna Hills Mall Mineshaft Museum ★ Nightlife Neon Towers (紫) Neon Towers (緑) Nexus Old hub Orange Park Pizzeria Playplace Pools Robland ★ Sanctum Schoolhouse Scrapyard Sea Base ★ Sercret Sewers Skyscraper Slashco HQ Snowfield Supply Route Subway TBH★ Throne Tunnels Vents Wall ★ Wafflehouse ★ Warehouse
Spaceless ステージ - This Map Does Not Exist
Garry`s Mod Its Maze
20 Eph Radar Medkit Have's Mysterious Brew
75 Eph Glow Coil
125 Eph Teleporter Speed Coil Regen Coil
200Eph Metal Bat Silver Kat Charm Chaos Coil
250 Eph Glass Coil Corkscrew Coil Antique Revolver
Burger 1 SP Beyond Plush 10 SP Magic Conch 25 SP Radar Coil 50 SP Rubber Mallet 100 SP Banana 250 SP TBH 500 SP Taser 700 SP DarkGrey Plush 750.5 SP Delicate Coil 1000SP Emerald Coil 2500SP Pot of Greed 5000 SP Brick 10000SP
Luxury Coil Blue Medkit Sealed Sword Gran Faust Divine Avenger Maxwell Rock Illumina RedBull Omori Plush Paradise Lost Have Plush Joyous Orb Jailbird Thorn Glognut Silver Coil
Snowy Speed Coil Torch of Obsession
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