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Raisins from Malaga protect the raisins obtained by drying in the sun ripe fruits of the variety Moscatel de Málaga or Moscatel de Alejandría.
Natural drying in the sun (“asoleo”) is traditional in the area and the only one allowed by the Regulations, so that our product maintains organoleptic characteristics that make it unmatched in taste, texture and color.
Drying is carried out on the “paseros”, which are surfaces where the grape is spread for its pasification, oriented at noon, with a minimum inclination of 8%, provided with an awning and support to prevent rain and dew. Its size is a function of the availability of the land, with dimensions of around 10-12 m x 4- 5.5 m., With an approximate capacity between 300 and 400 kg. by “pasero”.
The bunches of grapes are carefully arranged on the surface of the pasero: The smallest berries are left in the outermost areas, since they are the first to dry, remaining on the paseros for approximately 10 days, varying according to weather conditions.
Once dried, the bunches can be shelled manually, through the work known as "picado", or mechanically in industries. All the members of the family participate in the chop, although it is carried out mainly by women, with scissors of size and shape adapted to the dried bunches so as not to deteriorate the quality of the shelled fruit. Therefore, the raisins with Designation of Origin have two basic forms of presentation, cluster or grain.
Product description
Chemical characteristics:
The degree of humidity of the raisins in grain will be less than 35%. In the case of bunches, it is limited to 30%, since the dry matter provided by the grape bunch rachis must be considered.
The sugar content will be greater than 50% w / w.
Acidity, between 1.2 and 1.7% in tartaric acid.
pH, between 3.5-4.5
Solids soluble in water, greater than 65ºBrix.
Organoleptic characteristics:
Large size, clearly distinguishable from other products in its class such as sultanas or Corinth. To preserve this uniqueness, a maximum of 80 fruits per 100 grams of product are allowed in the grain presentation.
Color, uniform purplish black, characteristic of natural drying in the sun, against reddish or light colorations typical of early harvests or artificial drying.
The shape, rounded.
The fruit may have a peduncle when the shelling is manual.
In the raisins the muscat flavor of the grape from which it originates persists, which is reinforced by an intense retronasal smell.
Acidity, to the degree described above, contributes to a particular acid-sweet balance.
Skin consistency: since the raisin comes from a berry that has not received any treatment that degrades the skin, the raisins have a skin of medium consistency.
Linked to its medium size, to the characteristic degree of humidity and Brix, the raisin has an elastic and flexible touch, and its pulp results in a fleshy and juicy mouth, tactile sensations that are opposed to dry and inelastic expected in dried fruits.
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