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Did you know…?
The first references to wine in Malaga date back to the arrival of the Phoenicians to its coasts back in the s. VIII B.C. who not only introduced wines from the eastern Mediterranean but also cultivated the vine in association with indigenous groups making wines.
La mítica Mainake. Coincidiendo con la fundación de la mítica Mainake, hacia el año 600 a.n.e. ,»…los griegos se establecieron en Málaga y enseñaron a los indígenas a podar las viñas…«, según nos dice Guillén Robles en su «Historia de Málaga y su provincia»
Acinipo means land of wines. In the Roman ruins of Acinipo, in Ronda, numerous coins have been found with the representation of a bunch of grapes, which suggests the importance of wine production in that territory.
Vinum Malacita. In Malaga there are numerous vestiges that suggest the economic and social importance of wine in Roman times. An interesting testimony dates from the Lower Roman Empire and consists of a prismatic fermentation tank discovered in Cártama, about thirty kilometers away from the capital.
In the Malaga lands of Al Andalus, the vineyard continued to be cultivated to produce wine and raisins. The wine called “xarab al malaquí” continued to be consumed, it was very famous and mentioned by the most prominent poets. The cultivation of the raisin continues to be carried out in our days following the most genuine tradition, protected under the DO Pasas de Málaga.
The Cardinal of wines. In 1224, the King of France, Philip Augustus organized the "Battle of the Wines", the most prestigious wines attended this event, and it could be considered the first tasting contest in history. During that meeting, the Wine of Malaga was named CARDINAL DE LOS VINOS.
The Lords of the Vineyards. Already in Christian times, on January 12, 1502, at the request of the “Viñeros” or Lords of the Vineyards of Malaga, the Catholic Monarchs issued a royal certificate "... about the closure and the bringing of wine to the city of Malaga ..." by wich enforced the prerogatives of those, constituting the first Malaga wine ordinances. On November 30 of the same year, they issue another Royal Certificate that ratifies the previous one and gives a license to give the residents of Malaga land and mountains to plant vineyards. Doña Juana de Castilla ratifies the rights of the Viñeros in 1513, as well as Felipe III in 1608.
The Brotherhood of Viñeros. It was at the time of King Felipe III when the Viñeros Guild Brotherhood was formally constituted, a brotherhood that subsists in its union aspect in what is now the Regulatory Council and in its religious aspect in the Very Illustration Old And Venerable Sacramental Brotherhood of Our. Father Jesús Nazareno de Viñeros, Our Lady of the Traspaso y Soledad de Viñeros and Saint Lorenzo Mártir.
The Wine of the Tzar. In 1791, Mr. Gálvez, ambassador of Spain in Moscow, presented the Tsarina and Empress of Russia, Catherine II, with boxes of Malaga wine, and the pleasure they caused her was such that she exempted all wines from Malaga who arrived to his Empire controlled by the Brotherhood of Viñeros . En 1791 el señor Gálvez, embajador de España en Moscú, obsequió a la Zarina y Emperatriz de Rusia, Catalina II, con unas cajas de vino de Málaga, y fue tal el placer que le causaron, que eximió de impuestos a todos los vinos de Málaga que llegaran a su Imperio controlados por la Hermandad de Viñeros».
The House and Company of Commerce of Viñeros de Málaga. In 1806, by Royal Decree the Casa y Compañía de Comercio de Viñeros de Málaga was created, ”to prevent as much as possible the adulteration of the fruits issued by the company”,…” they will be placed on the vessels, boxes or bundles that they contain, brands difficult to counterfeit ... "
The Regulations of the Trade Union Association of Malaga Wine Exporters. On July 1, 1900, the Regulation of the Malaga Wine Exporters Guild Association appears, to ensure the general interests of the wine trade by issuing certificates, appointing arbitrators and experts and above all, guaranteeing through its seal of origin , the legitimacy of the wines they exported.
The brand "Malaga". On February 5, 1924, the Trade Union Association of Wine Exporters of Malaga requests the registration of the Malaga brand, which is published in the Official Industrial Property Gazette dated March 16, 1924.
Denominación de Origen «Málaga». El 13 de Septiembre de 1932 se publicó la creación de la Denominación de Origen Málaga (Gaceta de Madrid número 257).
El Consejo Regulador de la D.O. Málaga. El 8 de Septiembre de 1933 se creó el Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen “Málaga”, cuyo primer Reglamento fue publicado en la Gaceta de Madrid del 3 de Mayo de 1935.
Las Denominaciones de Origen “Málaga y “Sierras de Málaga”. El 9 de enero de 2001 aparece publicado en el Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía el cuarto reglamento, en el que además se reconoce la D.O. Sierras de Málaga, viniéndose a llamar Consejo Regulador de las Denominaciones de Origen «Málaga» y «Sierras de Málaga».
La Denominación de Origen “Pasas de Málaga” En 2004 se produce la fusión entre el Consejo Regulador de las Denominaciones de Origen «Málaga» y «Sierras de Málaga» y el Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen “Pasas de Málaga”, actualmente Consejo Regulador de las Denominaciones de Origen «Málaga», «Sierras de Málaga» y “Pasas de Málaga”.